Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 932 I am willing

Booming ~~~ , ,, Time makes it up with noisy campus and gradually calm down.

Tens of thousands of spectators on the edge of the campus, they wandered the sword.

These audience expressions are also angry.

Today, there are so many people present, I am afraid that no one can bear, and the sword is unparalleled?

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have questions about the Decision of this emperor?" The cold emperor was cold.

She does not regret what she did.

Maybe after today, the ancient circles will flow on her joke, but she doesn't care.

She really cares, it is a defeater, as long as she is planning with the national teacher, the Eastern Tang Tang will reach a brand new height, when they arrive, who is the whole world, and who dare to talk about her?


After hearing the sword, he heard the words of the cold, but the corner of his mouth was a cold smile. But ... cold as frost! "

"Well?" Cold Emperor's eyelids.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to see the cold emperor, but the eyes look at the cold as the frost.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Cold as frost also looked at the sword and was unparalleled.

"Cold as frost." The sword is unparalleled, "" You can remember that in the elderly, in the natural home, I just saw you, you play the songs for me. "

Cold as frost.

"That song, I know, calling the heart of the ice."

The sword is unparalleled, "Ice Card" is the cold abnormality, but I heard this song at the time, my heart, but I melted, from that time, my heart, I already have your traces, And for so many years, I have never forgotten, but it is getting deeper! "

"Cold as frost, today, under the premise of considering all external factors, when there are so many people, the power of the ancient world, I want to ask you ..."

"You are willing to be unwilling ... Marry me?"

The sword has a tenderness in the bumper, with a hint of expectations.

He is waiting for the answer to the frost.

On the campus, there is still a silence, everyone is waiting for the answer to the frost.

Willing, don't you want?

"I ..." Cold as the frost micro.

"Frost." The cold emperor glanced at the frost, with the tone of orders.

It can be cold, but when she announced that Xia Mang became a horse, it was so desperate to her, so her words, cold as frost did not care at all.

Cold as frost stands on the stand, the beautiful eyes are solidified in the sword.

At this moment, in her eyes, only swords were unparalleled.

Cold as frost can't recall the scene of the sword where the sword is seen in the early days of the ages.

The first time I saw the sword where there was no double, the sword was unparalleled because of the snow, and the enemy was chasing. At that time, she came out, I wanted to make a strong enemy for the sword, but the sword was unparalleled but did not have a feeling, that kind of stubborn With stubborn, it was quite surprised when it was a frost.

Later, in the process of being commissioned by the strong enemy, the sword was unparalleled, and the firing was decided in the desperation, and it was even more shocking.

It is important that the sword is unparalleled in the elderly, and the strength is still very weak. It is just a frost.

But that is such an antique, but shocked her.

Since then, the frost has a curious in the sword.

And perhaps the arrangement of destiny, the sword is unparalleled, just a special practice method, can transform the ice of the ice spodes in her body!

After that, the two have a source.

And really let the frost remember the sword and unparalleled, and never forget it, but in the ancient world, the sword is unbreated for him to convert the ice heart spontaries.

That detox, it seems to be normal, but for the cold, it is the first time.

Since she was born, her identity has always been noble, and her indifference is almost no contact with almost no contact.

At that time, she was the first time to have encountered her hand, and even a good spirit of the other party also poured her body.

She is the first time to contact a man, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a breath of the body, and she is not deeply remembered in my mind.

Until now, she has made her soul dream.

Now the sword is unparalleled with so many people, I am willing to marry him?

Cold as cream is not smiled slightly.

She is born indifferent, smiles almost never seen it on her face.

Now she laughed, with the glamorous appearance, so that everyone on the campus appears.

Finally, cold as frost open.

Simplified three words, but with an unprecedented determination, spread it on this campus.

"I ... is willing!"

This out ...

The emperor's face was now cold.

Xia Yi's Xia Wei, there is also the color of the summer mango to become ugly.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is like a losing smile.

He is really worried, cold as a frost will refuse.

Once the frost refuses, he will not leave immediately.

But sure, cold as cream, promised.

She is willing, I am willing to marry myself!

"Tiandi witnessed!"

The sword is unparalleled to extend the palm, just like the sound of rolling and rolling, slamming in this day.

"From today, cold as frost, it is my sword unparalleled woman!"

"She can only marry me one person!"

"I am afraid that I am in the sky, even if I have a hundred million people, my sword is unparalleled, I have to marry her!"

"Dry to block myself ... God blocks the god, the Buddha is blocked!"

Contains pounds and deciduous sounds, in the world, there is no longer long, and once again echoating in everyone's heart.

On the campus, everyone can feel that the sword is unparalleled.

call out!

A sword is rushing up, the sword is unparalleled, the momentum has risen to the peak, and the blood peak sword is hit by the hand. The next moment, the next moment, in the eyes of all people, big hands, the sword Go straight to the emperor.

"Cold Emperor, you ... can you block me?" The sword did not speak, and his eyes did not avoid it.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has not been respected before.

Yes, just cold.

This scene, the surrounded people saw it, they were awkward.

"Good biliary, for so many years, you are still the first person who dare to talk to this emperor, you ... this death!" The cold emperor is also very angry, and the pounds are suddenly killing the chicken. The first time floats directly in the direction of the sword.

"Not good." Bloody God saw this, it was shocked.

There are also a few top podders on the table.

This cold emperor, actually ... personally shot!

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