Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 940 is stronger?

"Yun Emperor, you have to stand on the side of Xiaoxiao?" The cold emperor looked over with a trace of anger.

"Four teachers, you and Xiao Shi, all the same brothers with me, if it is usually, I will be a brother, I will not biarid anyone, but this time, you are too much! If you are a teacher, you will know you What is going on now, I am afraid that I will dispose of you. "Yun Di cold channel.

The four great emperors of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, which is the Tong Dynasty brothers, they are all disciples of Tang.

In the four people, the Yun Emperor is the biggest age, so it is a master, followed by the Qing Di, Xiao Emperor, as for the emperor is the four division.

However, if it is the strength, the four people are the first, Xiao Emperor is in the second, and the Yun Di and the cold emperor are not divided.

"Master? Oh, the masters have disappeared for so many years, and there is no news, who knows that he is still alive now, and even the Master is still alive, what is it? I don't have to do it, not for the east Tang Dynasty? "Cold emperor low.

"Mix, now, you still don't know how to repent!"

Yun Di's eyes became cold, "Today, I am a brother, so I want to respect the door."

"Clean the portal? If you are with you? That look at who is the last thing to laugh!" The cold emperor smiled, and immediately saw the old man, "the teacher, see you."

" ~~" The old man whisped, but the figure was slow.

On the void, Xiao Emily came on and Yun Emperor, and saw that the old man came slowly, and the two men had a dignified.

"Xiao Shi, this is the national teacher that makes you incompatience?" Yun Emperor whispered.

"Well." Xiao Emi nodded, solemnly said: "Last I am with the war, I have always occupied the wind, the result is that the national teacher suddenly shot, and it will fall, even though he is working with , can I It is still seen that his strength is much stronger than me, and the means is extremely high. "

"This time, I am prepared is quite full, and even if you have come over, you can join hands even if you are two people, and it is estimated to be more than 30%."

"30%?" Yun Emperor was surprised, but the heart was more downs.

"Then I have to look at it, this national teacher can have more!"

The Yun Di's scorpion quickly, in the moment of the voice, his body shape is like a cloud, floating directly.

Call ~~~ The windy wind above the empty, blown up an invisible waves.


Cold and loudly sounded a sharp low voice, I saw the most important Yun Emperor that was in the wind, and took a palm before.

This palm shot, the space in front of him did immediately split it, a huge space black hole appeared in the air, this space black hole exceeded Baise, huge, and after the appearance, it was also spreading around with amazing speed. The huge phagocytics from the space black hole are also madly swallowing everything around.

Tightly followed, this unlimited space black hole, the old man is covered, and wants to completely swallow the fortunes.

" ~~~ It is a bit mean."

The old man made a cold smile, it was unparalleled to stand there, let the black hole swallowed by him, when the space black hole truly appeared in front of him, the diameter of the space black hole has risen to the foot.

It can be at this time, this old man lifted his palm slightly, and he was arbitrarily referred to in the center of the space black hole.

This point, it seems that Pututong, but there is a power of Xuan'ao to burst.

That diameter rose to the huge space of the long space, have not come and completely broke out the power, he heard the most central explosion of the black hole, spinning the whole space black hole, directly collapsed.

The black hole is broken, a large amount of space is crazy in the amazing speed. The emperor is swept in all directions, so that the emperor's void, with a space of hundreds of feet or even thousands of space cracks, countless buildings, These spatial cracks are swept, and instantified for powder.

The horrible power, the many roads on the battlefield, including the countless power of the imperial city war, can not help but creepy.

"It's so simple to resolve my trick?" Yun Emperor has sinks.

Suddenly, the big world is completely dark.

A dark, almost no shining.

And in this no darkness, a horrible killing breath broke out, this killing breath, it is like hurting Huangquan Hell.

Everyone in the field can't help but the source of this killing, Xiao Emperor has seen the past.

Xiao Emily is a cold, and the next moment, his hand has already achieved an ultimate knife, which suddenly begins.

This knife is shocked.

The knife is bruised, and the world is directly opened for two halves. In this no darkness, this knife is even more eye-catching, making many people immediately closed their eyes.

The horrible knife, crossing the void, speed is more imagination.

It can face such a knife, but the old man is still a weird, and he will not see any action in his body. It is calm and standing there, and it is served.

call out!

This glare knife is directly brushing from the body of the old man, and then continues the huge royal deeds.

East Tang Tang's palace, the area is so large, can be under this knife ... rumble ~~~ The palace building in the palace is densely labeled, all of them are stranded for the powder, even the earth is also completely set off. .

Under a knife, the Royal Palace of the Royal Tang Datang, has disappeared.

The goal of this knife, the mission old man who is bruised by the knife, his body is still intact in the void, and the mouth is still a strange smile, obviously just the horror knife There is no hit angle at all.

"How?" Xiao Emily shocked.

He knows that this old man is extremely strong, but he didn't expect the other party to easily escaper him.

This is a lot more than the last battle, which seems to be strong than the last battle.

"Dong Emperor Tang, Si Dali, Yun Emperor!"

Mortgage, the old man jumped in the eyes, "Dao Zun was able to reach the two levels of you, and it is really good. If it is the last battle, you can join hands, maybe for the old man Can produce some threats, but now ... it is different! "

"After all, so many years, the strength of the old man, but it has a lot of restoration."


PS: The eleventh chapter, there are four chapters, it is to come out, so it will be updated in the afternoon one chapter, before eight o'clock, it will definitely finish 15 chapters.

Everyone's ticket is very powerful, thank you!

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