Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 998 Long Wings

When the sword is unparalleled to the No. 3 VIP room, only one brown-haired man is waiting for him.

"I have seen Long Wings." The sword was unparalleled and shouted.

"Sure enough." Long Wing City owner did not surrequite, "I know, you are rushing on me."

Long Wings, the main flower fee, the cost of finding the news of Jiuqu Longgen, I have long spread. At this time, someone went to Longyi City to sell Longxin Dan, and the purpose would like to know.

"What is your name? Which ethnic group?" Dragon Wings asked.

"The sword is unparalleled, alone, there is no group." The sword said unparalleled.

"Oh? Southerner?" Longyi City is a smile, "When Dragon Hexin is really in your hand?"

The sword is unparalleled, but a waving, directly giving the dragon heart Dan.

Seeing Long Xin Dan's instant, Longyi City is always recognized, and its eyes have become a bit hot.

"Sure enough, it is Long Xin Dan." Longyi City is strong to press the excitement, once again, the sword is unparalleled. "Sword is unparalleled, I don't know what is wrong, I need me to help, but I don't know."

Long Wing City is a smart person, knowing that the sword is unparalleled with Longxin Dan to see him, definitely seek.

"In this case, then I don't go around."

The sword is unparalleled: "I don't think about it. I have something to go back to the temple. One golden clothes, I can reincarn back to the golden clothes of the Temple. I don't know how much it is, I don't know where to find it. And I heard that Long Wings, you are very wide, even a lot of high-rise columns and some strong people in the reincarnation of the mainland, all of which have the dragon wings, so I will come to you. "

"Do you want me to take you to the golden clothes of the Temple of the Temple?" Longyi City main eyebrows.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

Dragon Wings are silent.

Silenced, Long Wings were once again opened. "Although the Temple of Returning is this round of continentally recognized overlord, it can be reincarnated to go back to the chart of the ethnic groups from all walks of life. No a few. "

"And those golden clothes, the Temple of the Temple is also a real high-level strong, not only strong strength, but also the power is also very big, even if it is some high-ethnic groups, they don't dare to easily sin to return to the temple. Golden clothes, weekdays In the case, these golden clothes are also arrogant, and they are very prosperous. They are not in the eyes, they want to see them, and it is very difficult. "

"It's because of this, I specially find the Lord of Longyi City." The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that it is difficult to see the golden clothes of the Temple of Temple.

The first gold coat is not much, but it is extremely difficult to find them because there is no existence of the temple.

Furthermore, even if you know a golden clothes, the other party may not be willing to see you, so it is more difficult to help you, so the sword is unparalleled to find Long Wings.

Some people are recommended, I have a lot of people who are blindly visiting.

I heard the sword unparalleled, Dragon Wings were smiled and said: "I have no mistakes in my people, but the reincarnation of the golden clothes of the Temple, but no one has a feelings."

The sword is unparalleled.

"Although there is nothing to make, I know a place where a gold coat deacon lives. I can go to see him together, but after seeing him, you want to find him to help, you can only tell him "Long Wing City" said.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

Although Longyi City is nothing to have, but as long as he can take him to see the golden clothes, it is enough.

As for what price to pay, please ask the golden clothes to help, when he is again, it is to say that it is a gold coat.

"The sword is unparalleled, can you tell me, do you want to find the golden clothes to help?" Long Wings came asked.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled for a while, but the thunder is a laugh: "I have a very important loved ones, it has become a reincarnation of the Temple of the Temple, so I want this now. The Golden Garbed Director helped and found his existence. "

"Is this?" Longyi City is always dark, "the message of the reincarnation of the Temple is the top secret of the Temple, it is easy to leak, and the Golden Garbed Deacon is really willing to help you, I am afraid you have to Paying a small price, that is even more expensive than a dragon heart. "

Dragon Wings are deeply interested in this, in fact, it is to have a sword.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

In the treasure family, he gets the Daozi Qiankun Ring, and the many treasures owned are far beyond the imagination of the regular road.

There are so many treasures, and the sword is unparalleled.

No matter what the Golden Grouper is, even if the lion is open, the sword is unparalleled.

"Long Wings, I don't know when will we start?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't worry." Long Wing City owner smiled, "As far as I know, the golden clothes have left the place he lived two years ago, and it seems to have some things to deal with the Temple of the Temple, and have not been returned. Even if you come to visit now, you can't see him. "

"How long does it take?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I asked." Long Wing City is immediately inquiry, just a moment.

"One of the strong people of the Golden Grouper said that three years later, his family would come back, so we have to wait for three years." Long Wings.

"Three years, no problem." The sword did not have a double Zheng.

For three years, he is here for now, and his father has become a reincarnation, and it is not bad for these three years.

"For three years, if you go, if you go, you can go directly to my city owner to live, three years later, I will take you to see the Golden Grouper." Dragon Wings said.

"Then there is a master of labor." The sword is unparalleled, then it is to take the dragon heart Dan, hand it to Longyi City, "Long Wings seem to be very urgent to this Long Xin Dan, if so, then I Now, this Long Xin Dan will give you the owner of Dragon Wings in advance. "

"Oh?" Dragon Wings The main spirit of the city.

Although he promised to take the sword with swords, he went to see the golden clothes, but after all, there was no longer done it, but the sword was not paid to him in advance.

This kind of power ... is a tribute to the people, or say that the sword is unparalleled to his own strength, it is absolutely confident, not worried that he does not pay after he takes Long Xin Dan?

"Long Wings, the main scene of this territory has such a big name and reputation, I naturally believe in you." The sword is unparalleled.


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