Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 152: 3 villains (Tue / Wed)

Zhou Heng shouted, Xunyun's streamer started to step forward, he temporarily avoided the front of Ying Bingfeng, and required a strong man who had a preliminary separation and splitting the ground to carry the front hard.

There is no need to use the speed to the extreme. Zhou Heng's body is like a streamer, so fast, Ying Bingfeng has no time to even turn his head to stare at him. He can only spread his sense to capture his movement.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The Baise lotus constantly hit Ying Bingfeng and made a loud noise, but the repair of Ying Bingfeng's slicing situation was not given in vain. Such an offensive could not hurt him at all, at most it would drive him back A few steps.

But Ying Bingfeng was going crazy!

But he is a genius, and Dantian Space is far beyond ordinary people's genius. This should have been absolutely crushed, but he was beaten by Zhou Heng. What made him feel embarrassed?

The movement between the two men naturally attracted many people to watch, and over time, this person has become more and more. Many of them have come from the giants of the Long Yue Kingdom, and many of them have recognized the ice wind. Suddenly a sound of surprise.

Can't you be surprised? Ying Bingfeng, but a child of the Ying family, claims to be invincible on the ground, and the blood power can even defeat the strong on the ground.

But this master is now challenged by people, and not just a small realm, but a whole big realm!

What is even more outrageous is that even so, the ice wind did not prevail, and it was still being beaten by people!

These people naturally have weak eyesight. It can be clearly seen that Zhou Heng's strength is far inferior to Ying Bingfeng-this is also normal, which is a big difference. If the strength of the two is really the same, then hell!

But Zhou Heng dragged Ying Bingfeng by his terrible speed!

Strength, body style, skills. This is all part of the strength of the warrior. Zhou Heng is able to fight against the ice wind with the repair of the initial separation. Even if it is mainly based on the rapidity of the body, this is enough to make people respect.

Moreover, his combat power cannot be underestimated. How many splits of the eight-color lotus can be patted on the chest and said that it can be firmly connected?

And Zhou Heng now has only the first division. If he has entered the cleavage realm, which one in the realm can fight with one of them? Even the triple sky split has to be stunned!

evildoer! There is a peerless monster!

Prior to this, most of the goodies of Long Yueguo had only heard of Zhou Heng's reputation, such as two battles in the sky and one battle in the water moon. Kill a way out of the encirclement of the "more than 400" Qianling City.

But that ’s all hearsay, Jing Tian and Nangong Yue Rong have already gone to Feng Xiaozong. No one has seen their combat power, and more than 400 have been separated? What a joke, this is plainly bragging!

Now witnessing the battle between Zhou Heng and Ying Bingfeng, everyone knows that Zhou Heng definitely has such combat power! Let ’s not only say that there are four hundred initial divisions, but four thousand can be killed. Zhou Heng has a combat power comparable to the division, plus such a powerful stature. Naturally it can be done easily.

"Asshole!" Ying Bingfeng roared like thunder, and he actually became a stepping stone for Zhou Heng to improve his reputation, and it was he who took the initiative to come to his door. What made him feel bad? This **** guy. Why can't he be captured by him honestly!

In fact, the two are in a situation where no one can help them, but the mighty powerhouse is actually forced to this by an early ant colony, which has been lost.

"Ghostly. You really shameless!" Mei Yixiang did not know when she came, and only she was qualified and brave enough to satiate Ying Bingfeng in the audience. Others have to weigh Ying's place in the country of Long Yue first.

Ying Bingfeng roared angrily, her hands shaking. An incomparable force emerged from his body, like the same wave, forcing Zhou Hengsheng back. He glanced at Zhou Heng with a grudge, and hurried away.

In the eyes of everyone, he hadn't killed Zhou Heng for so long, so he was extremely embarrassed. Of course, he still has no tricks to play, but if no one is around, he will definitely make it out, but if he uses it now, it will only make him more shameful!

Divide the realm to kill the beginning of the realm to use the trick, this is not to laugh at people's teeth!

Ying Bingfeng now only secretly regrets that he did not use the trick from the beginning, but who can think that Zhou Heng is really as powerful as the rumor, so he has to swallow this bitter fruit.

Watching his wolf howling away, the crowd suddenly laughed slightly, as if it would be contagious, and suddenly turned into a laugh. The so-called law does not blame the public. Ying Bingfeng is one of the three strongest giants in the country, yes, but it cannot kill everyone present.

People are born unequal. Ying Bingfeng has the best resources when he was born. He practices the best martial arts methods. A famous teacher points out various doubts and difficulties in the practice. When he breaks through the realm, there are precious medicine This is what others can only think about in dreams.

Born in such a large family, Ying Bingfeng naturally has a lot of beauties for her, and recommends pillows. Can she be jealous?

Practice hard, take risks and fight in all kinds of dangerous relics. Isn't the plan to strengthen the strength, so that it has a respectable status, the most drunk wine, and the most beautiful woman?

Ying Bingfeng was born with these things, which naturally made people feel unfair. I usually met with fear and fear of the strength and background of the other party, and had to respectfully call him Lord, but I don't know how acidic it is!

Now there is an opportunity, everyone is laughing, lest Ying Bingfeng can't hear it, especially loud.

This sneer seemed like a sharp knife, stabbed on Ying Bingfeng's body, making him almost ashamed of spiritual power, and fell from the air. His face was gloomy, his body suddenly accelerated, and he disappeared instantly.


The rising moon is another night of paper drunkenness.

Although there is a mysterious force who is slaughtering the warriors who gather in the spiritual realm everywhere, it is very disturbing, but the enjoyment in the imperial capital is still the main theme. The light embellishes the imperial capital as bright as the day.

This is the world of warriors, who only recognize strength and do not look at beauty, ugliness, or even gender.

Women are in an absolutely weak position in this world, but powerful women can also ride on men's heads. Like the Imperial City, there are flower shops dedicated to women's business. The hospitality is all handsome men and strong men.

This is a cruel world, where swords and swords face each other and life and death are judged, but this is also a paradise for the strong. As long as the strength is strong, you can have everything.

Take Shufang Pavilion, for example, this is a very high-end restaurant in Emperor's capital. The maids in it are all beautiful and beautiful. They always laugh and not sell themselves. I don't know how many men make their eyes tickle. Crude.

But now, the door of Shufang Pavilion is closed, and only three guests are entertained, while the beautiful maids in the building are not in the same thread, some enter and exit the side dishes to deliver food, while others sing a small song and dance. , Baihuahua is all meat.

These three guests are naturally distinguished, so that Shufang Pavilion can only entertain only three of them, and it has also changed from a restaurant to a blue building.

Ying Bingfeng, Yue Hu, and Liu Yue, the three family members actually stepped aside, and their common point is that they all have hatred with Zhou Heng.

"Ben Shao wants Zhou Heng to die, what good idea do you have?" Ying Bingfeng didn't let any beauties serve him, he didn't even look at these crude fat powder.

"Zhou Heng is not difficult to kill, but this person is very good at seducing women, and there are many backstages, otherwise he has already died many times!" Yue Hu resentfully said that the three would sit together, naturally it was him Matchmaking.

"Nonsense!" Ying Bingfeng relentlessly reprimanded, his status is far higher than Yue Hu and Liu Yue, and his own strength should be higher than a great realm, there is no need to worry about speaking at all.

Zhou Heng is really a woman who can use An Yumei on Tianhang to get the Olympic aid to open the heavens. After arriving in the imperial capital, she joined Xiao Xiaoshui and let the Xiao family ancestors do it for him. Carry Liu Qingxuan hard!

Now even Yixiang Mei is standing behind him!

The Mei family, but the super forces that can sit on the same level as the Ying family, and Mei Yixiang's identity is extremely high, although the repair is low, but in the Mei family is definitely a heavenly girl, by no means should be Bingfeng analogy.

He pursued Mei Yixiang, more about Mei Yixiang's identity. Otherwise, this kind of beauty is not the only one. Can she always be hit with a nail and be treated coldly? He is not a masochist!

Knowing it is one thing, but how to crack it is another thing. Mei Yixiang now makes it clear to cover Zhou Heng, who dares to openly embarrass Zhou Heng? Women are going crazy ... absolutely more terrible than men!

"I do have an idea!" Liu Yue's eyes glanced across the glaring beauty, but there was a flash of pain in his eyes. He was abolished, and unless there is a great miracle, it is impossible to touch a woman again.

This is the biggest punishment for a hungry ghost in color.

"Tell me about it!" Ying Bingfeng said calmly ~ www.readwn.com ~ In his eyes, Liu Yue is far worse than Zhou Hengyuan. The villain is full of such villains. It is absolutely impossible for him to charge him Of course, it is necessary to say conspiracy and deception!

"Zhou Heng's success is all based on women, but it's also easy to fight him, and she's also a woman!" Liu Yue's voice became a bit sharp, and neither man nor woman naturally perverted. "He now has two women, Mei Yi. Fragrant and Xiao woe! "

"Mei Yixiang can't move, but Xiao Yushui can!"

"Ying Shao can propose to the Xiao family and let the Xiao family marry Xiao Woshui, and Zhou Heng will surely come to stop him with his arrogant personality!"

"In this way, Mei Yixiang will definitely hate him and never care about him again! As long as there should be less sitting, whether it is Xiao Yuchen or Tian Junzi, he will not dare to take a shot, then my dad can easily Kill that kid! "

Liu Yue sneered again and again. After being deposed by Zhou Heng, he has been thinking about how to get revenge.

It's a pity that Xiao Heshui didn't even eat it, and he will never eat it, but Zhou Heng also dreamed of it! (To be continued ...)

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