Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 159: Night Strike (Wed / Wed)

() "Little man, I'm really touched to death by you!" Xiao Xiushui winks with eyes chūn, half-knelt in front of Zhou Heng, with a strong worship on his face, glowing, and brilliant.

She was a seductive demon jīng. This deliberate action made the temptation naturally increase, and Zhou Heng almost pushed her to achieve a good thing!

This woman does not seduce people to die!

Zhou Heng shook his head and said, "For your Xiao family, I'm afraid I'm greatly disappointed by doing this!"

Xiao Wooshui couldn't help but sighed, then revealed the sè, and issued a soft sigh.

For a large family, the biggest use of female xìng people is to be with their relatives. If they can get in touch with the bigger giants, it will naturally be extremely beneficial to the family.

The Long Yue Guo family is a huge thing. The ancestors of the family have a birthplace. They can be called first-class giants in the Tianlong Emperor Dynasty, and they can form a family with such giants. The Xiao family naturally wants it!

As for Xiao Xiushui's will, it is completely out of consideration. As a member of the Xiao family, shouldn't he dedicate himself to the family? Besides, Ying Bingfeng is personable and handsome. Where can I not match her?

To make it even more ridiculous, Xiao Suishui is famous far and wide, with countless faces, a man with such a high status Ming Ming is marrying. This is her blessing, and there is no opinion!

"The tribe thought that I could marry Ying Bingfeng. I climbed high, but how did they know what I thought? They took my parents' xìng fate, and I can only follow it!" Xiao Oushui's eyes were blurred and there were misty layers .

This stunner was full of charm between every move, and this slightly sad expression appeared on her face to be extra seductive and utterly attractive.

"I've sold it to the family once, so for the rest of my life I live only for myself!" Xiao Xiushui showed a hint of weakness, and put white jade-like cheeks on Zhou Heng's legs. "But they took my parents' xìng is furious, how can they do such a cruel thing? "

Zhou Heng was silent, the family family, saying that they are relatives, can involve power, how much less sword light sword!

"From now on, you are a zìyóu person!" He patted Xiao Woshui's head, his black hair was smooth and exuberant, exuding charming hair. He disagrees with Xiao Shuishui's life before, but as a friend, he supports Xiao Shuishui's idea.

"But the slave family has decided to be your woman!" Xiao Xiushui raised her beautiful face and looked at Zhou Heng with a smile of smile. The staring eyes were tender, making people feel heart-beating.

"You don't love me, it's free! Although I helped you once, it should be Bingfeng is too nasty, you don't need to take it to heart!" Zhou Heng shook his head. Although he possesses a strong, but not Willing to provoke a woman at will, and one more person will have to take on one more responsibility.

Even if it was annoying to Lan Fei, since he became his slave, he would maintain the safety of the other party, although he could never like Lan Fei.

"Hee hee, the little man is really interesting, love? What extravagant words, the slave family will not love any more!" Xiao Xiushui was so charming and charming that Zhou Heng turned into flames that day. She took the opportunity to look at her and grab To Zhou Heng's stall.

"A man just speaks by heart!" Xiao Xiushui's smile was even stronger on the face, and the thing in his hand was thick and hot. It seemed to be able to feel its murderousness with several layers of cloth, which also made her emotional.

"The slave family does not need you to love me, as long as you possess me severely! The Xiao family has disappointed the slave family too, and the slave family will follow you in the future to be your female slave, as long as you can 'feed your slaves'!"

A beautiful and unparalleled stunner whispered and begged to be his own slave. It would be false to say that Zhou Heng wasn't in a mood, but he was not the person who reported the matter, and immediately said: "Once you become my woman, then You can only follow me for life, don't you yearn for zìyóu, would you like that? "

"Without the protection of powerful forces, where is the real zìyóu!" Xiao Xiushui gently twitched with his jade hand, with his mouth half open, exposing a section of white teeth, which seemed to be a subconscious move, but it was Zhou Heng's body It's about to explode.

Your sister, do n’t mess around, OK?

"The slave family looked like Miss Xiao Jiaer. She was endlessly coveted, but when things really happened, the slave family couldn't resist at all! This time it should be Bingfeng, and next time it might be Ma Bingfeng, Yang Bingfeng, and whoops. Li Zhi, what do people love? "Xiao Jiushui's movements in his hands moved faster, and the hard objects were going crazy!

At the beginning, she still expressed her sorrow, but by the time of the last sentence, she had obviously restored her upside-down charm and was very beautiful.

Zhou Heng couldn't help but copied her up and hugged her in her arms.

The two were squeezed into a chair, their bodies were close to each other, and they could hear each other's heartbeat in the chest.

"You demon jīng!" Zhou Heng pressed her hand on her plump and tight hips, and squeezed the two masses of meat, her face was completely buried in Xiao Xiushui's chest, stuck in two towering Yufeng between.

"I am the demon jīng who lost his life and the fox jīng in my last life. This life is destined to mesmerize every man!" Xiao Xiushui panted and sprayed hotly on Zhou Heng's forehead, and she put her hands around Zhou Heng On the neck, the beautiful buttocks are constantly rubbing against Zhou Heng's thick, hard-eyed eyes.

"Little man, possess me! Possess me severely!" Xiao Xiushui screamed, the passion in his body seemed to explode.

"Yes!" Zhou Heng took a bite from her Yufeng and bit her mouth hard, and Rong regained her calmness. "But not now, I have to kill a few people first!"

"Who?" Xiao Yaoshui said with a slightly hoarse voice, and the low voice made her feel more xìng.

"Ying Bingfeng, Yue Hu, Liu Yue!" Zhou Heng was murderous, he was too kind before, and he should be more ruthless and poisonous than the wicked, otherwise they will inevitably have to do something!

"Are you serious?" Xiao Xiushui was taken aback. The worst of the three was also standing up to a heavenly powerhouse, and Yingjia was the ancestor of the birthplace, which is not to say that killing can Kill!

"Of course!" Zhou Heng nodded and squeezed Xiao Xiaoshui's chin, enjoying the woman's surprised expression, "Go to take a bath and lie on the bed and wait for me!"

Listening to his magnificent orders, Xiao Xiushui had no slight resistance to his hegemony, instead he was willing, his body was soft, and the honey water overflowed, as if he had just experienced a love.

"The slave family waits for you, you go early and return early--" she showed a charming and coquettish state, "the slave family never wears clothes to sleep!"

Zhou Heng almost didn't stand up, he just wanted to hug the big demon and go to bed, and finally calm down.

He left the inn and looked up at the starry sky. It was late at this time, and tonight was just overcast, the stars were dim. It was a good time to kill more people!

Xunyun streamer unfolded step by step, Zhou Heng galloping like wind, running through this huge one.

Ying Bingfeng lives in Xifeng Inn in the east of the city. This is one of the best inns in the city. Zhou Heng also accidentally listened to the other side when talking with Mei Yixiang. Ying Bingfeng lives here.

Xifeng Inn is very large, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. There are hundreds of dúlì's other courtyards, which are specially supplied to powerful guests. Each of the other courtyards has fixed maids and servants. There is no difference in home.

Zhou Heng opened his mind and shrouded the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of feet, but after only half a turn, he had locked his target.

He had a bullet shape and came to a huge courtyard. Youlan Bihe was very elegant. Under Xunyun's streamer steps, his movements are lighter than those of the tanuki, and even a warrior in the same realm cannot hear a trace of movement.

"... What's the idea of ​​the two of you idiots? Now let's see what my face looks like?" There was an angry reprimand from Bingfeng in the room.

"Should be less, this is already the case. It doesn't make sense to talk about these, it's better to think of a way!" Liu Yue's voice sounded immediately.

"Nonsense, what else can I do now? The **** of the Mei family actually maintains Zhou Heng so much. Now who else in Shengyuan City dares to deal with him? Fuck, my treasures are still in his hands, and they must be taken back. "Ying Bingfeng shouted, although he couldn't see his face, but I believe it must be extremely incomparable." I don't care what method you use, I must take back the purple bell! "

It was Ying Chengen who gave him temporary custody. If he couldn't get it back, he would definitely be chopped by Ying Chengsi!

That's right, he is useless even if his family is quite high. No one dares to anger Ying Chengen. This master is the star of hope for the family, spoiled by the ancestors of the family, even if he once lived and died, he was only locked up for a few days!

In Ying Ying, even the ancestors can't offend Ying Cheng!

Zhou Heng paid attention to the spiritual power, and the thin window paper could no longer block his sight, allowing him to see the situation inside clearly.

Ying Bingfeng, Yue Hu, and Liu Yue are sitting and drinking, and there are a few beautiful women on the side to serve wine ~ www.readwn.com ~ Very good, the three are actually together, so he can not run more Several places!

What surprised Zhou Heng a bit was Liu Yue. He originally thought that this guy would only be overbearing and arrogant. He had never expected to become a dog-headed military officer in a few days. If he hadn't seen it and heard it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

"I've explored it. Zhou Heng's mother died early. Now she has only one father. She is currently living in Tianhang City! She should be few, as long as we can catch Zhou Heng's old man, I'm not afraid that this boy will not submit!" Liu Yue Yue said sensibly.

"An Luochen has just broken through the sky, and it can never be my father's opponent!" Liu Yue's face flashed viciously. "In the past, my father always had scruples, and he was afraid that An Luochen would retaliate against me! In other words, An Luochen only has tolerance afterwards. How dare he be right with Ying Ying? "

"Okay!" Ying Bingfeng finally showed a smile. He lost because he didn't bring a master with him this time, otherwise he wouldn't have to fall into this field. Liu Yue's plan is good and feasible!

Hehe, not only will he force Zhou Heng to surrender the magic bell, but he will also die with his father! (To be continued.)

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