Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 173: Fight for the Spirit Core

Zhou Heng dug happily underneath, and the people above were not good enough to stop him.

The distance of Bailaizhang is that the ground can not be cut so far in the volley, and the hole is not a straight line. It is impossible to throw a hidden weapon and sneak attack. If you want to stop Zhou Heng, you must go down in person. .

But the depth of the enemy is unknown, who dares to rush?

This hole is so narrow and there is no room for movement. If you encounter an opponent stronger than yourself, there is no escape route at all, it is a dead letter!

Anyway, they don't think that Zhou Heng can find the spiritual core so accurately, and they have been asked to invite those powers to open the heavens, which can let the masters deal with Zhou Heng, and there is no need to take his own life. .

Zhou Heng knew that time was running out, and he went all out to push the power to the extreme, moving the rock layer.

He soon discovered an awkward thing, that is, the bottom of Jiuxuan Trial Tower was full!

It used to be nothing, it just ran up and threw it out, but now how can he waste time? He immediately sent a message to the two women and asked them to help move the rubble on the first floor to the second floor as much as possible.

The two poor girls are both delicate and expensive, and are usually used to being served, but now they have to do such a rough job and they are aggrieved.

Because Zhou Heng was in a hurry, the two women were desperately carrying mud and stones. Fortunately, Zhou Heng excavated a hard and hard rock formation. The speed was not very fast, otherwise they would not be able to keep up.

It's close! It's close!

Zhou Heng could clearly feel that the aura around him became very thick, as if it were as solid as water, and wrapped him tightly. It made him feel difficult to move.

He was more vigorous and started quickly. The right hand has completely turned into a red gold skeleton, but its strength is extremely terrible. Even the Lingshi rock formations were scratched and broken, and the violence was amazing.

"People below, come out!"

At this time, a domineering voice came from above, and the tone was filled with the supremacy. Obviously, people who have been in high positions for a long time will have such a tone in a casual sentence.


The man froze and murmured, "How is this person's breath a little familiar? Yes, a mysterious person broke in a few days ago. But the person who never saw him, never thought he was here!"

"Haha, you also came for the spirit core? But, what can you do alone?"

"Not yet hurry up and say your origin, this seat can spare you your life!"

That man is really interested in the means by which Zhou Heng can disappear suddenly. If it is a secret technique, how can he be forced to ask out? This value is too great.

Zhou Heng turned a deaf ear. Just keep digging.

"Bold!" The man above snarled and flew down suddenly. It's hard to go up from below, but it's very convenient to go down and take a look. He was already more than 50 feet straight, and he reached out to Zhou Heng and grabbed it.

"Go!" Zhou Heng didn't turn his head back, probed with his left hand. Hit an eight-color lotus.

"Huh!" The man was a very weird-looking man, with a white flower that looked like an old man with a garland. But one face was smooth and white and tender, no need for lips. "Water spirit" than many older girls.

His eyes tightened, and he immediately felt the powerful power in this lotus flower. Usually he could not care, but in this almost confined space, the reverberating power had devastating destructive power!

But he had to welcome, push out with his right hand, and wrapped in the lotus flower.


The eight-color lotus burst immediately, all the strength echoed in the palm of the man's palm, but there was no trace of overflowing!

This man, so powerful, so precise control!

Although Zhou Heng did not see it, the consciousness swept this scene clearly.

Open heaven!

Moreover, it is not the general situation of opening the sky. At least it must be the opening of the double sky, or even the opening of the triple sky. This power can be overpowered to the extent that the eight-color lotus is annihilated.

Zhou Heng originally wanted to blow up this burrow. Anyway, he had a Jiuxuan trial tower and just hid in, but the other side certainly didn't have this ability, there was no support under the ground, and the excavated mud was nowhere to be lost It ’s extremely difficult to open up a path to heaven.

Unfortunately, this time-delaying strategy was actually resolved by the opponent.

Absolute power can really ignore everything!

Zhou Heng's right-hand grip was faster, and it was impossible to expand his figure here. In the face of the terrible existence of Kaitian Double Sky, or even Triple Sky, he had no choice but to escape, except to hide in Jiuxuan Trial Tower.

Dig and dig, be sure to get the Spirit Core first!

Zhou Heng said that even destroying the spirit core would not allow this thing to fall into the hands of those who shot at his father.

"Well, Zhongpin Lingshi!" The white-haired man glanced around, his eyes tightened immediately, and then he immediately showed ecstasy. There really are veins of Zhongpin Lingshi, which means that there will be a spiritual core in the chance!

Just at this moment, a strong and powerful aura came to his face. Zhou Heng had grabbed a rock layer, and there was a milky jade ball in the middle of the rock layer, which was slightly smaller than the egg, round and smooth, and exuded. With a soft light.

"Spirit core!" The white-haired man was shocked and delighted, but it was more precious than top-grade spirit stones. Not only was it rich in aura and easily absorbed, but it also had the mystery of heaven and earth condensed during its formation.

For advanced martial arts, that heaven and earth comprehension is the most important, which can help them break through the big realm!

The accumulation of spiritual power in each small realm of Kaitianjing can take up to fifty years. However, if you want to break through the small realm, there is no dream for hundreds of years. From Kaitianjing to mountains and rivers, it is even more difficult.

Opening the sky and breaking the ground to form mountains, the perfection of the inner world cannot be separated from the perception of the external world.

The heaven and earth are formed in the spiritual core. The natural memory of the mountains and the sea when it appears, and refining the spiritual core can realize this process, which is of inestimable value for breaking through the great realm.

Seeing the spirit core in Zhou Heng's hands, the eyes of the white-haired man were straight.

"Boy, give me the spirit core!" With excitement, he never claimed to be his seat again, grabbing at the spirit stone in Zhou Heng's hands.

"Dream!" Zhou Heng laughed, chuckled, and entered the Jiuxuan Trial Tower.

What about people?

The white-haired man froze. Although he had had such an experience before, it wasn't witnessed after all, but it was a shock to see a living person disappear so abruptly.

He is not unaware that there are things like shadow symbols in the world, of course, the effect is not so strong, only ten or hundreds of miles can be extracted at a time, but even that thing is not something he can own!

As for the space implement that can hold living things, he never even thought about it, such a precious thing never appeared.

"No--" But he gave a roar, and the boy snatched the spirit core!

More than a hundred of them were struggling to find the spiritual core for many days and fell into Zhou Heng's hands, and he didn't even have a clue how to find it!

broken! Went out!

He didn't even know what the kid's name was and where he came from!


Be sure to find him!

A teleportation rune can never send that kid too far away, as long as he mobilizes his hands to form a circle, he can definitely be found!

The white-haired man uttered a squealing long howl, his body was raised, and he leaped out of the hole a few times. It was a shame and shame when he was fooled by a kid who broke the ground and snatched his mouth.

When this kid is found, he must be broken!

He beckoned, and quickly left with the people above him. He wanted to set up the Tianluodi net, and he must find Zhou Heng!


In the Jiuxuan Trial Tower, Zhou Heng was sitting on a pile of mud and stones. After scanning his mind, he found that the white-haired man had left. He also got out of the pagoda and climbed out of the hole.

The first thing is to pour out all the mud and stones in the pagoda. This is where people live.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. Although this statement may not be completely correct, now it will undoubtedly become a blind spot. At least in the short term, there will be no people from the Mao family.

Dumping out the mud and stones is very simple. The difficult part is how to clean up the dirt that remains, but it needs to be cleaned a little bit.

Xiao Shushui and Lan Fei are clean people. How can they tolerate the filth of this place of residence, they immediately start cleaning up and are very busy, while Zhou Heng is preparing to refine the spiritual core just obtained.


He suddenly hesitated, and the black sword in Dan Tian actually pointed straight down!

What's going on, is there still a spiritual core?

Zhou Heng thought for a while and stopped the two women from cleaning up. He continued to dig the rock formations, searching for a possible second spiritual core.

Zhongpin Lingshi has a stronger concentration of aura than Xipin Lingshi, so this solidity is far beyond. Zhou Heng's excavation speed is not fast. It took three days to dig through this Zhongpin Lingshi vein.

The black sword still pointed directly at the ground, and still had such a vague response.

Zhou Heng dug down more than two hundred feet ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, there is no hard spiritual stone layer, just ordinary rocks. He continued to dig. After five hundred feet, the temperature suddenly rose, like a steamer.


A hot magma burst out of the ground and spewed towards Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng hurriedly stood up and climbed up along the hole. He ate this magma all right last time, but after a long time, his physique would not be able to bear it. Naturally, he had to leave quickly.

All this dug out the ground fire, but the response of the Black Sword was still so vague, Zhou Heng was sure this time, the treasure that could motivate the Black Sword was far away from him, maybe it was deep in the heart!

He can't get over this small body now. It is said that the closer to the center of the earth, the higher the temperature, the even the refined iron can instantly melt.

Strange, it wasn't the spirit core that caused the black sword to react!

It was a coincidence that Spirit Core was also on this line, otherwise Zhou Heng would really have to do a blind job. (To be continued ...)

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