Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 185: Take the treasure out of the box (Mon./Fri.)

As soon as they arrived at the square, the metal statues automatically moved immediately, one by one, as if they were alive, punching their hands, the wind roared, as if it had become a training ground for millions of people, and it was extremely lively.

Sure enough, as the four said, the gravity here is extremely powerful, which greatly limits the body style. It can only fight with these metal figures and cannot jump straight from above.

Five people rushed in. The metal statue in front of them had been knocked down, but soon they were attacked by a metal portrait at the level of the cleavage level. Then they opened the sky, the pressure rose sharply, and the last one-half was the mountain and river. Far beyond the limits of the five people, they were instantly beaten, and only returned.

"What to do, this has no hope of passing!" The four ancestral ancestors frowned.

Is this inheritance only available in the mountains and rivers?

Bang Rong, after a long period of time, all metal talents stopped running and changed back to the original appearance, motionless like a stone statue.

Zhou Heng suddenly stepped forward and entered the square. Suddenly, all the metal men immediately moved again.

"Boy, what are you doing!"

The four ancestral ancestors scolded in anger.

Zhou Heng glanced at them and said coldly, "Stupid!"

"What!" The four ancestors were almost furious. The boy dared to insult them as stupid, really thinking that he could ride on them with barely resistance.

Zhou Heng didn't bother to care about them, just waited quietly.

"My husband wants to tear you up!" The ancestor of the Lu family had the most angry temper, and immediately shot out to Zhou Heng.

"Stop dreaming! And, I advise you to wait quietly. Otherwise, you must regret it!" Zhou Heng said calmly.

"Brother Lu, wait a minute!" Zhao's ancestors shot and stopped Lu's ancestors. He shook his head, although he hated Zhou Heng very much. But I know this boy has a very amazing ability.

The ancestor of the Lu family reluctantly suppressed the anger and snorted resentfully.

After a tumultuous rumble, all the metal men stopped again.

Zhou Heng raised his footsteps, fell, and took a step.

Nothing happened!

It seemed that the organs had failed, the formation was destroyed, and no metal man had ever moved around.

In the second, third and fourth steps, Zhou Heng strode forward. Such as flat ground.

The eyes of the four ancestors of the Zhao family all stared out. They followed the scene quickly, but all the metal men were running again, punching, punching, and splitting, with great momentum.

That's it!

After all, the four ancestral ancestors were not stupid people, otherwise they would not be able to come to this point, stop and move, standing on the edge of the square, but did not leave the square. Just like Zhou Heng before, wait quietly.

This level is hard to say, but simple and scary.

Every time someone goes off, the metal man turns. But as long as there is no battle for a period of time, it will automatically stop running, and then passing through will not trigger the formation.

of course. If someone returns, the formation will be activated and the battle will resume.

So it just suffices. That is, don't leave.

Ask Zhou Heng that this is not a level at all!

Start here. There are no tests or levels. The black snake on the second floor is purely accidental, so there will be no tests on the third floor. I am afraid that this metal formation was designed for his apprentices before Ma Bu. Enemies of all levels can practice their hands.

Because there was no apprentice before Ma Bu, they may be the first to taste it.

The four ancestors of the Zhao family were predominant. The first layer was Zhou Heng, and the second layer was a black snake. Therefore, they also thought that the third layer had to break through.

But Zhou Heng is different. He has an open mind and careful observation, which quickly made him make a correct judgment.

After a while, all the metal figures stopped moving again and fell to death.

The five hurried forward, quickly passed this level, and entered a spiral upward passage.

Everyone walks silently, and no one knows who is thinking about anything. Not to mention that Zhou Heng and the four ancestors are temporarily indifferent, and the ancestors of the Zhao family are also full of intrigue.

As long as the inheritance appears, it must be accompanied by cruel competition, and each of them will work hard for the inheritance of the spiritual sea.

Zhou Heng is also cautious, and can start the Xunyun streamer at any time, or simply enter the Jiuxuan Trial Tower, let them go to the dog and bite the dog, and finally come out to clean up the mess.

After a while, they came to the fourth floor of Dongfu.


All eyes are full of boxes, on the ground, on the table, on the shelves, boxes everywhere, one foot long, half a foot wide, and about half a foot high, all of the same size and same color.

Each box is locked, but the box has a key on it. As long as the box does not match, it is unknown.

Alas, the light and shadow flickered at the entrance, and an old man's shadow appeared.

"Old man, before and after, when you saw this, the old man didn't know how many years he died! Don't be afraid, the old man is not a ghost, but a shadow and a voice left by the formation method. Immediately It will disappear! "

This old man is very thin, even if it is only a ghost, he can see his fainting blood, apparently there is not much time left, and he is close to death.

"The old man didn't pass on his life. Before he died, he suddenly thought, is it a pity to let the old man's life learn to enter the grave with the old man, so he didn't destroy the Dongfu where he lived, and left the old man's inheritance as a reward Posterity! "

"However, it is not so easy to get the old man's heritage!"

"I haven't encountered an apprentice who can see in my life. Now I can't choose by myself. Then leave it to Heaven to decide. Look at you, you're out of luck!"

"There are thirteen thousand and two boxes here, and the old man's heritage is in one of them! Don't worry, don't worry, don't move first, listen to the old man's words! You only have half an hour in these boxes Pick out the one with the old husband's heritage! "

"The boxes are locked, but there are keys on the side, you can open them, but you must also open them yourself. If you crush them with brute force, the contents will be finished with them!"

"In addition to the" Snowfall in the Snow "that the old man got from an ancient land in that box, there are some elixirs in this heavenly top grade, which are enough for you to easily cross all the difficulties from Juling to the mountains and rivers!"

"It all depends on your luck!"

"After half an hour, all the boxes will be destroyed automatically, so don't even think about packing slowly!"

"So, let's get started!"

The light and shadow trembled, the old man's virtual shadow instantly turned into countless particles, and disappeared.

After the ancestors of the Zhao family looked at each other, there was no time to shoot at each other, so they went to open the boxes.

This box must be opened with a key, so the speed cannot be faster. At least it takes ten seconds to open one. In theory, it can only open six in one minute, and 180 in half an hour.

Five people together add up to nine hundred!

And Ma Bu said before that there are more than 13,000 boxes here, so it is really up to you to find the box containing the inheritance and elixir.

This old man is really nasty!

Zhou Heng stood still. If he had any luck, it was basically a waste of effort. He must think of another way.

In fact, he didn't have much thoughts about the Falling Snow, and the elixir was his primary goal. It is also because of these elixir that Zhou Heng has tried beyond luck.

That is to induce the black sword to search.

The black sword is a dead thing, and it is naturally impossible to distinguish the grade of the exercises. From the perspective of the black sword, the exercises are estimated to be no different from waste paper. But the elixir is different, and it can definitely make the black sword react-if the sword master is not so picky.

"Since it is mine, use it for me, listen to my orders!"

Zhou Heng said in his heart, usually he does n’t know where there are treasures, but if he knows that there are really good things in the tens of thousands of boxes, then he has to force the black sword to move!

He was standing still, seemingly walking away, but his heart was moving the black sword, sending his will to it.

Black Sword was unmoved, hovering quietly in his dantian, as if not feeling Zhou Heng's thoughts.

Zhou Heng is not discouraged to increase pressure, his will is like a strong iron, constantly superimposed on the black sword.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes!

Twenty minutes later, Black Sword seemed unable to bear Zhou Heng's "wobble", finally trembling, and the broken sword point pointed obliquely to a place.

Zhou Heng was overjoyed, he flew out quickly, and the black sword continued to guide. He immediately locked his eyes on a box, quickly took the key to open it, stuck it, and the lock fell, and he opened the lid.

There is something!

On the left side of the box is a thin book with the words "Snowfall in the Snow" written on the cover. There seems to be another title under it, but I don't know what it is now, and there are several dan bottles on the right .

"The inheritance is in the hands of that kid!" The four ancestors of the Zhao family kept an eye on others. If anyone opened the treasure box, then the others would definitely not watch and send blessings, but would immediately start a scramble.

Alas, the four ancestors flew out at the same time, each hitting the strongest move and attacked Zhou Heng in the past.

They all know that Zhou Heng's body is very fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where can he give him a chance to escape, at the cost of spending a lot of energy to block the space, and even exerting a lot of energy to exert some taboo tricks.

Must kill Zhou Heng!

This kid is an uncertain factor, he is too fast to be blocked! And as long as this kid is killed, the competition between the four of them will be relatively fair, at least not who wants to run other people but there is no way.

Zhou Heng did not shy away, but just smiled slightly at the four.


The four attacks were all smashed and stunned. The boxes around them were suddenly blasted apart by a huge collision, the sawdust flying, and the fog was diffused.

When the sawdust was gone, Zhou Heng was gone.

What about this kid? (To be continued ...)

PS: Thanks to Zheng Lejie, Modao vs Cavaliers and Long Xiayu for their rewards yesterday.

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