Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 190: Irrational requirements (Mon / Fri)

Lu Jia's family business was worked out by her hands and feet. She remembered the hardships at the beginning, and asked everyone to explore the bitterness of purchasing and shipping channels. Now, some people force her parents to inherit the industry. How can she Not angry.

"Well, your father is a member of my Lu family. Since he is a member of the family, everything belongs to the family!" The middle-aged man stared at Chen Fu with luscious eyes. "My name is Lu Kunming, for the family Take charge and have the right to handle all the property of the branch! "

"Nonsense!" Lu Chenfu sneered, "You drove my dad out of the family in the past, but now you are cheeky and say that we are from the Lu family. In other words, not just because of this family business, Jealous! "

"One day is the Lu family, and the dead is also the ghost of the Lu family!" Lu Kunming stood proudly, "take the property right contract quickly, I don't have so much time to waste with you!"

Alas, this **** forced someone to ask for property at home, and you look like you owe me! The servants and maids in the hall all showed angry expressions. The three members of Lu Chenfu's family were very kind and kind. They were very comfortable and even respected under their hands. Naturally, they all went to Lu Chenfu's side.

"Hum!" Lu Kunming snorted coldly, his hair light, and huh, everyone backed up again and again and hit the wall to stabilize his figure.

Divide the situation!

The strongest existence of the Lu family is not just the beginning of separation. Where can we fight against Lu Kunming, everyone is pale. Even the footsteps are unstable.

There is no way, who can let the Lu family only have money and no masters. The highest number of followers who can be recruited will be the first to leave the country, and they are still invited for a price several times higher than the normal price.

I can't get this face with a master of hacking. Do you want to make a difference?

Otherwise, there will be no robbers!

"Okay! Alright! Everyone is a family, don't talk so rushing!" An old man in a garland stood up and intervened as a peacemaker, "Kunwu, there is always the blood of the landing family in your body, This is undeniable! The fact that Kunming accepted your property on behalf of the family is also for the consideration of your husband and daughter. With your family behind you, your safety can be guaranteed! "

"This time your daughter was taken away by a mountain thief proved the disadvantage of no family background. The old man believes that since there is a first time, there will definitely be a second and a third time!"

晨 Lu Chenfu was anxious, her body trembled, and her face was cold: "I have never seen you shameless! Representing the family to receive the industry? Will we work hard to make money for you in the future?"

"Adult speaks, how can a child be qualified to intervene!" Lu Kunming snorted coldly, and swiped at the landing Chen Fu.


A figure flashed, blocking the blow with a stiff body, and suddenly wow. Spitting blood, it was Lu Kunfu's father, Lu Kunwu. He is just the practice of the first division, where could it be possible to take the blow without incident?

If it were not for Lu Kunming, he would only use one or two percent of his strength, and Lu Kunwu would definitely be hit hard.

After a while, "Daddy" Lu Chenfu. Immediately supported the shaky father, his face tense.

Zhou Heng retracted his half hand, and he wanted to take a shot. However, I did not expect that Lu Kunwu would be desperate to love his daughter. For children parents can work hard.

He was also shamed by Lu Kunming's shameless anger, but never shot. Look at the realm that this person can play shamelessly.

"Don't ask for hardships, speed will inherit the industry!" Lu Kunming always stared at this one, which is his purpose here.

"How can you do this!" Lu Kunwu's wife retorted, the husband and wife were concentric, and the husband was beaten, how could she feel better, not to mention that the man was aggressive from the moment he entered the house, and unreasonably asked them to hand over the property.

"On my surname Lu, because I am Lu Kunming!" Lu Kunming was extremely arrogant, completely blind.

Speaking of them, he still had some personal complaints with Lu Kunwu.

He is a descendant of the Lu family. He is rooted in Miao Hong, and has good talents. He is highly appreciated by the family and can be cultivated with emphasis. He has a good status in the family. Lu Kunwu was the product of a mainstay gangster who raped a maid after he was drunk. He saw an illegitimate illegitimate child. The status of the two was inferior.

Originally, the two had no intersection, but they liked a girl at the same time as a teenager, and that girl was more interested in the bright and kind Lu Kunwu. As a result, Lu Kunming treated the woman as a landlady before killing and using it. Power drove Lu Kunwu out of the Lu family.

It's too easy to drive an illegitimate child out of the family.

He had long forgotten this "love rival", but Lu Chenfu's business was so big that he actually expanded the industry to the imperial capital. He unexpectedly learned that the owner of this industry was actually Lu Kunwu's daughter, and he was overjoyed!

So, there was a scene where he came to seize the family business.

In his opinion, Lu Kunwu's family can't take the masters of the situation, he can suppress it alone, and he is a member of the main family, came to collect an illegitimate child industry, the name is right!

"Lu Kunming, my Lu Kunwu has never been on the genealogy, and was even expelled by the family! At that time, the elder of the family pointed to his nose and said to me, Lu Kunwu, you will no longer be a member of the Lu family and you must not act in the name of the Lu family! "

Lu Kunwu stood firm with the help of his daughter. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued: "I have never mentioned the relationship with my family for more than 20 years, because from the moment I was kicked out of the house, I It's just Lu Kunwu, not Lu Kunwu of the Lu family! "

"This industry was created by my daughter bit by bit, and has nothing to do with the family!"

"Lu Kunming, the heavens and the earth are nothing but a word!"

Saying this, he spoke loudly, with a stern air on his face.

"Fart!" Lu Kunming snorted coldly and lost his hands. "Do you want to forget the ancestors and forget the ancestors? The moment you are born, you are branded with the family mark, and never want to erase it!"

"Several Classics Forgotten Sect, Lu Kunwu, you are seeking your own way of death!" The old man also said sensibly.

With the clan and sect as its core, Xi Xuangan also regarded betrayal of the clan and sect as a major crime. However, Lu Kunwu's situation is different. He was expelled from his family. Isn't it embarrassing to stick to his landed family?

But how can shameless people have a limit?

陆 If Lu Kunwu was impoverished, then Lu Kunming wouldn't mind stepping on it. Now that Lu Kunwu actually gave birth to a daughter of business genius, and created a wealth that can quickly match his family's heritage, then Lu Kunming naturally tempted.

In short, it is two words: shameless!

"Dad, give them the property!" Lu Chen Fu Han's face flashed with firmness in his eyes.

The core of Lu's business kingdom is her! Without her, no matter how big the industry is, it's just going to eat nothing! As long as the family of three is safe, she can start elsewhere and create a bigger business kingdom!

One day, she will finally gather up the wealth that can make the strongest in the fetus, and give it all, just ask this strong one to wipe out the imperial capital Lu family!

Erase it all!

"Fuer, this is your hard work." How can Lu Kunwu reconcile.

"Everyone is fine!" Lu Chenfu whispered in his father's ear, how did they fight to get a split? Moreover, the imperial family is the ancestor of the mountains and rivers, and is one of the forces that control the community.

Fighting is impossible to fight!

"Lu Kunming, the industry can continue to give you, but you have to let our family of three leave New Zealand first!" Naturally Lu Kunwu could not be naive enough to believe Lu Kunming's promise, and immediately put forward his own conditions.

"Who says you can leave?" Lu Kunming sneered.

"What!" The three members of Lu Kunwu's family were all indignant.

"I have said just now that you are born of the Lu family, dead and also a ghost of the Lu family!" Lu Kunming sneered, thinking that he could not see what they had done, "The family will not treat you, this industry I still have to take care of you! In the future, you will not need to consider security issues! "

He learned that after Lu Chenfu was taken away by a mountain thief, he had no idea of ​​rescue. Anyway, if someone died, he would take away a huge property. If he was rescued without death, the property would still be taken away, but he could be born Eggs, eggs hatch chicken, snowball continues to expand!

All in all, he only makes money anyway!

Moreover, Lu Kunwu's daughter looks really good, especially the smartness that makes her full of temptation ~ www.readwn.com ~ A woman like this must be particularly excited!

何 There are so many beauties under the sky, but there are too few beauties with temperament, and they are more beautiful than the spiritual world!

Although the mother is not as beautiful as her daughter, the mother and daughter share the same style! Lu Kunming had already thought about it. After a while, he killed Lu Kunwu, and then turned the mother and daughter into his slaves, which could not only make him a huge source of wealth, but also let him vent!

Well, Lu Kunwu is still not good at killing him. Let him see how he plays with his wife and daughter, so that he will enjoy himself!

"Lu Kunming, how ruthless you are!" Lu Kun was so smitten that I wanted to bite each other's face!

But this is a real world, and force is the key to everything!

Lu Kunming is splitting the ground, and there is a behemoth like the Imperial Capital behind him. He just can be unreasonable and do whatever he wants!


Su solitary applause suddenly sounded. Zhou Heng couldn't help it. Although it had nothing to do with him, such a villain really made him look angry. He laughed: "I've seen many shameless people, but if you are named, you can take the first place without giving up!"

"What are you?" Lu Kunming looked at Zhou Heng proudly.

He can judge the practice of the opponent from the breath of Zhou Heng, but what about that, dare to split the ground and dare to do right with the Lu family?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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