Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 206: Ying Chengen and Han Yiyao (Tue / Fri)

Huang Xuanfeng fled in a panic. In the face of powerful strength, they were afraid to even grumble, which would bring them the disaster!

It's good luck to have not lost your life. Who offends a strong man who can open the sky and retreat? Er, it's not a whole body, it's a little less, but it's already the best result.

"Meet my lord!" Chang Shishi has put on his clothes and worshipped at Zhou Hengyingying, raising his cheeky face, admiring his face without concealment.

When Zhou Heng didn't see it, he passed a September Fengguo to Zhao Hanyu and said, "Hold it!"

Elderly gift, dare not quit!

Although Zhou Heng is not very old, can the mighty open-minded powerhouse be rejected? Moreover, this is the wind fruit of September. Who can refuse to be a warrior in the sky?

Zhao Hanyu was sincere and horrified. He quickly took over the September Fengguo, and for a moment did not know what to say.

"Pingshui meets, it can be considered a fate!" Zhou Heng smiled slightly, before the other party spoke, the body rose, Xunyun streamer stepped on, and disappeared instantly.

Chang Shishi looked enviously at the spiritual fruit in Zhao Hanyu's hands, but gave her a hundred guts and didn't dare to rob him. If Zhou Heng knew it, she shouldn't be overwhelmed! Between thoughts, her chest began to hurt again.

This is why Zhou Heng did not punish her any more.


Somewhere in the wildfire marsh, a pair of young men and women are walking, although this is an absolute danger, but they are walking in a leisurely way, seeming very relaxed.

It's not just the ease of mind, but they do have the strength. Especially the young man, though he looked terribly young. But the momentum is extremely horrible, even the monsters in the spirit sea are retreating!

It seems that this young man is a deity. Even proximity is a blasphemy.

What makes people jealous is that the man is still handsome, with a gentle smile on his face, which makes people feel like spring. Tall, handsome, and unpredictable, with everything you need to make a beautiful woman.

And beside him, the woman was equally outstanding, with a pretty face and a bright moon, and a slender, erect figure. The blue silk was dazzling like black clouds, shiny black!

In terms of appearance, she is better than Xiao Xiushui and An Yumei. It is just like the fairy of the nine heavens. The beautiful temperament is like the sun.

The strength of both of them is extremely powerful, and the distance between a step is hundreds of feet. Even such a speed can only stay behind.

If Zhou Heng knew the identity of the two. Especially when the name of a man who is as dazzling as the sun **** is sure to be very surprised.

This is because this man is the anti-celestial demon who should accept the grace, the lucky one who inherits the grace of heaven. When you go out, you can pick up peerless exercises and magical instruments.

The peak of Linghai Triple Sky is only one step away from the end of the fetus. As long as it forms a deity in the body, it can reach the sky in one step. Become a half-step fairy above all beings!

The beautiful woman is her fiancee, named Han Yiyao. Although origin can not be compared with Ying Chengen, it is not simple. And its own qualifications are also very outstanding, Shanhe Yitian repair is enough to look down on the younger generation!

It's normal to be more than Ying Chengen. That's a genius that will only come out for thousands of years. Real genius!

"Yiyao, my brother has an intuition that the peerless weapon is within a hundred miles of this!" Ying Chengen said, his voice was clear, but he had an imposing manner.

If these words are heard by others, they will definitely vomit blood!

Who is the treasure that can be sensed by intuition, and how can others live?

"Yeah!" Han Yiyao nodded gently, elegantly dressed in white, clean and noble.

Ying Chengen was trying to continue to speak, but with a look of expression, he took a piece of jade from his arms and made him listen.

This is a stone of transmission, with matrix formations in it, which can communicate with the mother array and transmit words hundreds of millions of miles away. This kind of thing is extremely precious, at least it must have the power of the ancestors to conceive.

He stopped to stand, Han Yiyao stopped, without a word, the breeze was rippling, and her clothes were rolled up, making her look holy and beautiful.

After a while, Ying Chengen put away the tone stone, and apologized to Han Yiyao. He said, "There was an accident in the family. The younger brother must go back to deal with it! Yiyao, you can go back with me!"

"The peerless magical instrument is in front of her. Yiyao wants to try her luck. Yingyao can go anyway. Yiyao has the ability to protect herself!" Said Han Yiyao Qinglang, with her own persistence.

If a warrior wants to climb to the top, he must have his own insistence. If he decides, he cannot give up. Otherwise, how can a shaken heart move forward bravely, and when it breaks through the realm, it is so devastated that it has long collapsed!

"Okay!" Ying Chengen nodded, and said softly, "Be careful with Na Yiyao!"

"Yiyao will!"

Ying Chengen smiled again apologetically, then kicked at the foot, suddenly made a force, the figure just appeared a few miles away, the speed is very fast!

If Zhou Heng saw this scene, he would be astounded, because Ying Chengen's speed at this time has reached the level where he is fully exerting the Xunyun streamers, and he can only run for only ten minutes!

It is true that Ying Chengen is higher than him by two great realms, but the ordinary Linghai realm can never reach such a speed. It must be that he has practiced a superb body, this can only be so!

To be favored by the sky, Ying Chengen will never lack any brilliant skills, martial arts, or physical skills!

After looking at Ying Chengen's departure, Han Yiyao sighed softly.

She is not satisfied with Ying Chengen's marriage. It is not that Ying Chengen is not worthy of her, but that she has a secret that is unspeakable. She is never willing to become a partner with anyone, not for Ying Chengen.

But she can't resist the will of the family, so this time she must get the peerless instrument. If she can get the master of this instrument, she will have the right to say "no" to the family!

She would never marry any man, that would be dead!

"It's within a hundred miles!" Han Yiyao said in his heart. She absolutely believes Ying Chengen's intuition. This person has the heavenly favor, that is, the treasure will be brought to the door when he sits still. Since he must have the treasure within a hundred miles, he must have it!

However, although the distance of hundreds of miles can be made back and forth for the strong in the mountains and rivers, if you search for an inch of land, it is still an extremely large area, and it can never be completed in a short time.

take it easy!


After Zhou Heng left Zhao Hanyu, he advanced to the Jiuxuan Trial Tower and gave a September Fengguo to Xiao Xiushui. As for the other, he would leave it to his father, Lan Fei? Looks annoying, who cares about her!

Where is Lan Fei daring to be angry, she can only look at Xiao Xiushui with envious eyes, and then scolds the bandits for their favoritism.

Xiao Qiushui has already reached the peak of the triple points of the early points, but only owed the understanding of the heavens and earth to the breakthrough. If it is by her own efforts, she may need a hundred or two hundred years to make a breakthrough, or she may stay in the early stage until she is old.

Now with the September Fengguo, the possibility of her breakthrough has increased a lot!

Dividing the ground and the first points, that's completely different!

Not to mention the gap in combat power, just three hundred years of life can be enough for anyone to pursue at any cost!

This wildfire swamp is so ridiculously large that there is no future if you look for it blindly!

Zhou Heng thought about it and started to motivate Dan Tanzhong's black sword to find treasure. Of course, it depends on professional "people"!

The black sword ignored it, and the excalibur was so temperamentally unaware that it was a human weapon. Zhou Heng persevered. He and Heijian spent ten years before. What is the time now?

He kept exerting his own will, and finally, the black sword trembled, and after turning, he pointed to a position.

set off!

Zhou Heng immediately opened his figure, and he was as fast as a stream of fire. Only half an hour later, he came to a lake. The lake is not big, there is a small island in the center of the lake, and a small hill on the island.

He walked on the waves, came to the island, and wrapped around the hill, but did not find a cave or the like, just an unusual island.

However, Black Sword refers to this position.

Zhou Heng looked at the dark and filthy water, with a movement in his heart, was there a mystery underwater?

He took a breath, Qinglong's blood flowed, and he was surrounded by a stream of clear water. The whole man was immaculate. He stepped into the lake, and the sewage was pushed away all around, as if there was an invisible barrier on his body.

Wildfire Marsh is a very poisonous place. The lake water is naturally poisonous. Not only does it smell bad, but it also has strong corrosiveness, which constantly erodes the barrier laid by Zhou Heng. However, Zhou Heng's spirit is endless, and he can easily replenish such consumption.

The eyesight is not clear here, and even the consciousness is greatly restricted. Zhou Heng walked on the waves, and after walking around the island for another week, he finally found something and entered an underwater cave.

The dark environment does not affect him at all ~ www.readwn.com ~ his sense is enough to "see" everything clearly. The cave was obliquely upward. After not swimming far, Zhou Heng surfaced and walked in the crypt.

This crypt first extended upward for a while, but soon turned diagonally downward. Fortunately, there was no sewage this time, and the environment was much better.

A few minutes later, Zhou Heng stopped in front of a stone gate.

His brow frowned immediately, thinking that there was a treasure in it, but it could never be the peerless magic weapon that flew in the air, because he didn't think the weapon would open the stone door!

But since it's here, go in and check it out. It's not easy to make Black Sword react anyway.

He began to study how to break through the stone door, but turned around suddenly before he started. I saw a woman in white coming forward. When she saw Zhou Heng, she didn't show any surprise. It seemed that she knew Zhou Heng was grabbing. In front of her.

The woman in white stared at Zhou Heng for a while, then calmly said, "Hold your hands, I won't hurt you, I will let you go after I get the treasure!"

It's Han Yiyao! (To be continued ...)

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