Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 218: Wind and Fire Dead Lake (Wed./Wed.)

With the departure of Zhang Hupo's hatred, the siege of the ghost-eye toad finally came to an end.

Everyone left one by one, without any discussion, but still incredible in Zhou Heng's strength. There are actually such terrible figures in the world, which has created a great miracle.

They all wanted to know where Zhou Heng came from, but except the black donkey called "Zhou Xiaozi" to know the surname of Zhou, there was no clue.

Speaking of black donkeys, I do n’t know if telling other people that a donkey not only speaks, but also talks very cheaply. Will others stare at you with an idiot-like look, after all, this is too incredible, if no one can see Believe?

Han Yiyao came to Zhou Heng and stood quietly without saying a word.

In fact, she is the most shocking person, because she clearly knows that Zhou Heng did not have such great ability less than a month ago!

What happened during this period?

I just went into the secret chamber of Blood Sword Tianjun, but I didn't get anything. Why did Zhou Heng's physique show such a big leap? Wait, physique! Blood Sword Fragment!

Han Yiyao seemed to have any clues, but didn't keep thinking.

After all, she thinks it's ridiculous to think about refining and improving the physique.

"Wow, Zhou, have you changed your lover again?" The black donkey whistled with a long mouth and whistleed at Han Yiyao. If it weren't for its head, it would be like a rogue.


Han Yiyao cut it with a sword, which is a naked slander to her.

This cheap donkey!

"Wow, Zhou Zizi, the women you are looking for are so cruel. I advise you to spend your whole life alone!" The black donkey stood up and ran. Two legs ran no slower than four legs.

Han Yiyao gathered his sword and stood, although the speed of this cheap donkey cannot be compared with Zhou Heng. But she was not under her at all and could not catch up! She was also shocked that the black donkey would spit out words. But now I don't want to know the origin of this cheap donkey.

"Did you not go to Dongling Xianchi?" Zhou Heng asked.

"Don't mention, what are the crooked dates in Dongling Xianchi now, this one almost spit out!" The black donkey fought a cold war.

Zhou Hengke didn't believe what a donkey can have in his aesthetic vision. He moved in his heart and said, "Bass donkey, ask you something!"

"It's Lord God Donkey!" The black donkey raised his head.

This low-ass donkey was very good at checking his face, knowing that Zhou Heng was asking for himself, and immediately grasped it.

Zhou Heng smiled and said, "Do you know the knot?"

"Haha. You stupid boy actually fell in the same heart? With this fierce woman?" The black donkey pointed at Han Yiyao, and the thief turned suddenly.

"Bass donkey, first warn you not to mess with your head, or I will pick you up as a donkey skin to make a coat!" Zhou Heng immediately said rightly, this black donkey has a lot of means, but why can't he start with Han Yiyao? Not defense.

The black donkey laughed twice, but immediately said: "Concentric knot is not a martial art, but a mystery. When it comes to higher levels of heaven and earth mystery, it is impossible to dissolve the deity and resurrection of the emperor. You can rely on yourself! "

"When you surpass the caster, this concentric knot disappears automatically!"

"Other than that. You can only ask for blessing!"

Zhou Heng and Han Yiyao frowned.

Their goals are the same at this time, and there will be no disagreement for the time being. But after leaving Wildfire Marsh? Both have their own goals in life. Who will listen to whom then? Regardless of Han Yiyao or Zhou Heng, there is a long way to go from Linghai!

and. Hitting the concentric knot, the two are equivalent to life and death. Whichever one is in danger will affect the other.

"Bass donkey, your news is also well informed!" Zhou Heng quickly put the trouble to the side and said to the black donkey with a smile.

"That's it!" The black donkey raised his head. "As long as this seat doesn't speak, who will watch out for this seat?"

Zhou Heng and Han Yiyao are both speechless. This black donkey also has a strong ability to hide his breath. As long as he doesn't open his mouth, it is no different from ordinary donkeys, and he can approach secrets anywhere.

It ’s impossible for anyone to know how to leak!

"Mr. Zhou, let's grab the peerless weapon together!" Shouted the black donkey. "The two of us will work together to make the world invincible!"

Zhou Heng shook his head and smiled, and said, "A donkey can let the peerless instrument recognize you as the master?"

"Of course! This seat is the donkey from heaven, and the gift from heaven is the auspiciousness from heaven and earth!" Said the black donkey loudly.

"... you have a thicker skin than my defense!"

The two men and one donkey set off on the road, continuing to search for the whereabouts of the peerless weapon.

Zhou Heng refined the last piece of blood sword and the crutch obtained from Zhang Hupo, but his constitution did not break through the Linghai realm, and there was still a long way to go. But compared to the improvement of spiritual power, this is much faster, making him have to marvel at the horror of the Jin Dynasty again.

If this race is still on the Xuangan continent, it is definitely an invincible overlord!

Seven days later, a big news suddenly spread across the wildfire swamp-the peerless magic weapon appeared in Fenghuo Dead Lake!

The wildfire swamp is very large, and several of the more famous dangerous places are naturally named separately. The Fenghuo Dead Lake is one of them. It is said that there is a ground fire below this lake, so the lake boils all year round. And near this lake there are several natural wind caves formed by heaven and earth. Hurricanes are like knives, and even low-order instruments can be crushed. This is the name of the dead lake.

Who spread the news and how it spread so quickly and so widely that no one knows it, but everyone madly rushed to the lake of fire and fire, and if it can be recognized by the peerless instrument, it will make a lot of money. Already.

Zhou Heng, Han Yiyao, and Black Donkey also made a detour, although they didn't know the truth, but it was good to see it.

When they came to Fenghuo Lake, it was already crowded.

The lake is huge, with a radius of about 20 miles, but the depth is even more horrible. It can be connected to the ground fire. How can it be more than a hundred miles! The lake was steaming with hot air, the wind blade rolled over, and the lake was drawn out of thousands of scales. The stormy sea was like a tsunami.


Some people keep jumping into the lake. The water is non-toxic, but the water temperature rises as it goes down. It is said that the steam layer is a few miles down, and the temperature can steam the warriors in the Lingling Realm instantly!

Even more frightening is that the underground wind cave is far more violent than the shore! The two are added together to form a real dead lake!

"From the news that the Peerless Instrument was born, here again, it seems that someone is deliberately propaganda!" Zhou Heng said with a frown. No one knows where the source of the news came from. It is not a scam. may.

"Who would do such a boring thing?" Han Yiyao said. She actually had such suspicions, but she couldn't think of any benefit to the people behind the scenes.

"You humans know how to chase benefits, and just throwing your bones out can make you chase like a crazy dog!" The black donkey basked.

Zhou Heng glared at him and said, "You'd better wipe off the saliva before talking about others!"

The black donkey stretched out his hoof and wiped his mouth with saliva, saying, "Zhou, go down and inquire about the situation for this seat!"

"Okay, but you have no share in the Peerless Artifact!"

"Well, the artifact has a spirit, and it will choose the Lord by itself. It is useless for you to fight. It is not that you are not destined to be yours!"


Just when Zhou Heng and the black donkey were pulling their skins, Han Yiyao jumped into the lake with a leaping fish.

"It's really acute!" Zhou Heng shook his head.

"Zhou Zi, your eyesight has grown, this girl is a little better than the vulgar powder you were looking for!" The black donkey arched Zhou Heng's waist.

"I have some problems in my head!" Zhou Heng sighed, and suddenly his face changed!

Not good, united!

He made a splash, and he jumped into the lake. The woman was really messy, and she acted without telling him. You know that the two are now tied together!

After the black donkey snickered, it also jumped into the lake.

Zhou Heng entered the lake only to find that, in fact, there were far more people on the lake than on the shore, layer after layer, densely packed.

The lake is boiling, and naturally it is impossible to have ordinary fish snakes, some are just monsters. But now so many warriors flocked in, and any monster was instantly torn into shreds, and it was long gone.

Zhou Heng soon found Han Yiyao swimming in front, with a shield of spiritual power, and the white Luo skirt was not stained with water.

"If I can make one or two more, I can barely be an alternate maiden!" The black donkey crossed the waves, came to Zhou Heng, and spoke to Han Yiyao.

"Did donkey, when did you come from?" One man and one donkey followed Han Yiyao, and Zhou Heng began to talk.

"It's Lord God Donkey!" The black donkey correctly.

"Beast donkey, how could you be buried under the ground? Is it that you have done too much morality and have been suppressed?"

"Get off, Uncle Donkey is compassionate, and Buddhism from all families, who doesn't respect and respect Uncle Donkey!"

Between the peels, a misty patch appeared in front of the lake. It was the bottom of the lake ~ www.readwn.com ~ The next step was the steam layer.

Han Yiyao took the lead, Zhou Heng and the black donkey also followed closely. When the lake disappeared, they were immediately surrounded by damp water vapor. It was extremely hot and the temperature was at least twice that of the lake!

The temperature of the lake water has a limit. It will become water vapor beyond a certain level, but the temperature of water vapor has no upper limit and can be increased endlessly!

Nature's horrific work has created a miracle that humans cannot imagine!

The lake is above, and here is a fog hole. The rising heat has formed a huge buoyancy, holding up the entire lake, it is amazing.

This buoyancy can hold even a huge lake, not to mention the weight of a person. People who enter here use both hands to climb the cave wall, otherwise they will be sent back to the lake by the rising air.

Everyone climbed down like a spider and crawled down the cave wall. This cave has a radius of ten miles. Although the sun is not as long as it is here, there is a blazing fire in the depths of the cave, providing a faint light.

For the warrior, this light is enough. (To be continued ...)

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