Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 225: War Spirit Sea (Mon./Wed.)

Five masked mountain and river strongmen left the cave and killed the black donkey and Han Yiyao.

Zhou Heng didn't stop. His spirit and spirit had already mentioned the extreme. The person hiding in the dark place of the cave has not shown his real body, but the existence of the spirit sea exists! This is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far, and he dare not have any intention!

The more martial arts go up, the greater the gap between each of these great realms. For example, there is only a ten-fold difference in power between the split horizon and the initial split, but there is a disparity of up to a hundred times the power gap between the open heaven and split horizon.

How many times can the mountains and rivers crush the sky?

At least two hundred times!

Although Zhou Heng's Dantian space is huge, the gap between them can be greatly reduced, but how much is worse between Linghai Realm and Kaitian Realm?

Even the most powerful Linghai realm is at least a thousand times higher than Zhou Heng at the spiritual level! Even if Zhou Heng's brute force reaches the mountain and river, it is impossible to make up for this huge gap!

The only thing Zhou Heng can rely on is his physique, otherwise he would have left with a quick cloud streamer, and collected Han Yiyao and the black donkey into the Jiuxuan Trial Tower, how far to run!

The account with the Mao family must be calculated, but you must not give up your life with blood and courage!

Although Han Yiyao and the black donkey were two-to-five, the five who were strong in the mountains and rivers of the Mao family were not too strong. Even if one man and one donkey were not defeated, they would not be defeated and captured in a short time.

He will have to do tricks with the Linghai Realm to see how terrible this realm is!

"Junior, which family or son of Zongmen are you?" With a bland voice, an old man in Zhu Yi walked out of the cave. It is not as masked as everyone else, and the face is quite clear. The figure is not very tall, but he has the momentum to shock the world and conquer all things. Can not help but a short head in front of him.

This is the coercion of the Linghai Realm!

His voice was filled with majestic majesty that was undeniable, as if the unconscious person would wake up immediately after hearing it.

Zhou Heng smiled, his spirit was extremely tenacious, but it had been tempered through countless torments, and the old man Zhu Yi wanted to rely on the momentum and defeat the soldiers, obviously he had the wrong idea!

"Old man, although I have always respected the old and respected, but some people are old and disrespectful, they can only be ignored as old hooligans and old rogues!" He put a smile back. Yun Qingfeng said softly.

The implication is to classify the elder Zhu Yi as an old hooligan and an old rogue.

In Zhou Heng's opinion, those in the Mao family almost killed Zhou Dinghai. This is an irresolvable hatred! Since the other party doesn't take the life of a weak warrior seriously, why should he treat the Mao family as a human?

"What a child!" Old man Zhu Yi looked angry and raised his eyebrows, and then shot.

"Slow!" Zhou Heng cried suddenly.

"Junior, do you want to beg for mercy?" The old man Zhu Yi sneered, this kid of Diaokou was really abominable. If he asks for mercy, then give him a little hope first, and then relentlessly smash it!

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "What exactly do you want to do with so many people in Mao's family?"

"Huh. I can't guarantee it, so why do so many things!" The old man Zhu Yi hummed.

"Anyway, I can't escape to death, so let me be a ghost!" Zhou Heng laughed. There was no fear in his expression.

The old man Zhu Yi was weird, this boy obviously only had a heaven. Although brute force is powerful, it has only the mountains and rivers. Why is it so calm? What exactly does this kid rely on?

But no matter what. A kid who opens the heavens is even stranger and limited. Unless this kid can have a peerless weapon, otherwise it is useless to have a mastery and a baby infant master to give him a restraint!

Because the limit of the imprisonment is the spiritual sea, and stepping up to the fetus is the peerless weapon!

Even if Zhou Heng had an immobilizer in Linghai, he had a limit on the number of times he could use it.

Take this kid!

The vitality of the body is so vigorous that it can even be compared to the martial arts of Linghai when used as medicine!

The old man Zhu Yi was firm in his heart, and immediately stopped thinking about whether Zhou Heng had any backstage. With a right-handed shot, the spiritual power evolved into a **** hand with a big foot, and he grabbed at Zhou Heng.

He is two levels of spiritual power higher than Zhou Heng. Even the long-formed spiritual masters far exceed Zhou Heng's power limit.

This catch is extremely fast!

Zhou Heng's figure turned, Xunyun's streamer struck to the extreme, and he struck back at the old man Zhu Yi. His spiritual power was far inferior to that of the other. Neither the eight-colored lotus flower nor the nine icy ice tactics could do anything to the opponent effect.

If you want to cause damage or blow to the old Zhu Yi, you can only approach yourself and bombard it directly with his violent purple fire blood!

"Good courage!" The old man in Zhu Yi snorted coldly, his right hand shrank, and the great power hand immediately turned back, and chased away toward Zhou Heng. The left hand also took the opportunity to form a second great power hand, one before the other Back to Zhou Heng together hit.

Two big hands with spiritual power filled the entire cave, there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to avoid!

Then eat hard!

Zhou Heng screamed, and the momentum of advance was even more fierce, as if an awl rushed towards the spiritual hand.

"Since throwing the net!" The old man Zhu Yi clenched his fingers. He did not mean to kill Zhou Heng, at least not now. After he had dug out his lively heart, he would let him exhale for the last breath.

With a strong hand, Lingli grabbed Zhou Heng!

"But that's it!" The elder Zhu Yi showed a hint of arrogance. He had thought that Zhou Heng was so secretive and fearless, but he didn't want to be so vulnerable! "Huh?" He suddenly changed his face, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.


The big hand of the spiritual force trembled gently, and it was a purple flame flashing in the black, burning a large humanoid hole in the back of the hand!

Zhou Heng stepped out, the whole body exuded raging flames, purple flames coiled, like a ferocious beast roaring wildly.


The old man Zhu Yi almost fell over, this kid is too wicked!

Although it is purely spiritual to conduct long-range attacks, this can only exert one-tenth or even less power of the warrior. But he is two big realms higher than Zhou Heng, that is absolute crushing, that is, only one thousandth and one thousandth of the power is by no means Zhou Heng can fight!

Although this boy is far less powerful than him, the power of this flame is really terrible!

Scary to rival the fire on the ground!

What level of ground fire exists? Only the peerless strongman who has formed a shrine in his body can step in. Others, including his spiritual sea powerhouse, enter the dead end and will be burned immediately!

Of course, Zhou Heng's flame is far from being so powerful, but it is qualitatively the same! It's as if the little tiger is also the king of beasts, it just takes a while to grow.

Zhou Heng has such potential!

And he is not as simple as a tiger cub, at least already a bad wolf level, with fierce teeth and claws, must not be taken lightly!

The thought of the junior Kaitian junior actually has the ability to hurt the strong in the Linghai Realm, the elder Zhu Yi felt a sense of collapse in life.

Unheard of, never seen!

And ... this purple fire seems to have heard of any family that has such bloodline power!

Zhou Heng closed his eyes and took a breath, then opened his eyes, the light of the **** was pressing, like a flash of lightning!

"You can't stay here!" The old man Zhu Yi turned back and patted Zhou Heng again. No matter what, this kid will only have the level of spiritual power to open the heavens, and the brute force of the mountains and rivers. Although the purple fire is a bit weird, at most it just gives him a headache, not to be afraid.

call out!

Zhou Heng was striding step by step. Xunyun Liuguang step could not exert all its power in this small space. He also had to face up to difficulties and break everything with an unstoppable attitude.

If the old man Zhu Yi wants to repulse Zhou Heng, it is very simple. No matter how much his power has crushed Zhou Heng, he wants to capture Zhou Heng and dig out his beating heart. This is equivalent to Put a limit on him.

He still turned into a big hand with spiritual power, and although Zhou Heng showed a rather extraordinary posture, he was not qualified to make him look straight.

The juniors who have the dignified spirits to clean up the heavens still use their palms? Even if he thinks about it, his face will be dull!

The spiritual attack is enough, it takes energy to kill this kid!

"Come back!" Zhou Heng laughed, and "flame himself" with a full flame, welcoming each other's spiritual hands.


The spiritual palm grabbed Zhou Heng, but was soon burned out of a hole. Zhou Hengang stood tall, covered in flames, dancing above his head, and seemed to be forming a certain form.

"Boy, the old man is a spiritual sea. The sea of ​​spiritual power is formed in the body, and the power is endless. You fight with the old man. This is a self-death!" Taking the heart of the old man in Zhu Yi as a matter of fact, he should be angry and angry, But I just can't get used to Zhou Heng and don't crack down on psychological unhappiness.


That's right, it's jealous!

Zhou Heng is too young ~ www.readwn.com ~ Such vigorous blood will never exceed fifty years old!

Fifty years old! What did he cultivate when he was fifty? I have just broken through the realm of cleavage, for which I have received praise from Zongmen, and have been named a genius! But compared with the evil in front of him, the name of genius is really ironic!

But it doesn't matter, there are geniuses that have passed away in history, geniuses that have not grown up will soon be obliterated in the long river of history and forgotten by people!

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the old man Zhu Yi. If an unarmed warrior could be dug out of the heart, the effect would be the best. All right!

He squeezed a French seal with both hands and shoved it out to Zhou Heng, turning into a black giant wolf, roaring and moving.

Really moving!

This is the martial arts skill of the old Zhu Yi. The level of subordinate martial arts "Lone Wolf Howling" can enhance his combat power to a small realm!

The black wolf growled and ran away towards Zhou Heng. (To be continued ...)

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