Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 263: Ying Meng Fan (3/3)

Of course, Zhou Heng didn't have "an instantaneous sign of 10,000 miles." In fact, he just made a gesture and actually entered the Jiuxuan Trial Tower.

After the crowd had basically dispersed, he quietly emerged from the pagoda.

Although everyone was numb and shocked that he was able to "combat" Ying Chengen, Zhou Heng himself was not the least proud.

He is not so powerful!

Before I could get away under Ying Chengen's attack, it was because it was so coincidental that Ying Chengen used blood power.

Although it is the condensed gold spiritual power between heaven and earth, it is after all a golden word! It is the metal that can be swallowed by him, but the metal spiritual power cannot enhance his physique, and can only be directly repelled after swallowing.

If Ying Chengen used another attack, he could only hide in the Jiuxuan Trial Tower, but who made Ying Chengen use the blood that he could restrain?

On the contrary, Zhou Heng made a powerful explosion and shocked the world!

However, although in the eyes of everyone, Zhou Heng is enough to pull the wind to allow Ying Chengen to return without face, but for Zhou Heng, his heart is holding his stomach!

Obviously his number one, but was crushed by Ying Chengen stiffly.


Ying Chengen can ignore the rules because his power is too strong, he can override the rules and can make his own rules!

Zhou Heng hates this most!

The game must be fair, or else what else to play!

Since you don't follow the rules, then I can play overcast too!

Zhou Heng sneered, instead of returning to the Zhao family, he leaned towards Hushan. Came in front of Ying's house.

Previously, due to the scruples of the Zhao family, he only aimed at Ying Chengen. I intend to try my best to climb to the confinement within three years and defeat this impeccable genius myself.

But Ying Chengen didn't talk about the rules of the game. Why is he polite?

He is indeed not Ying Chengen's opponent now, but he can do it with disgust!

——He is about to rob the old man of Ying Chengen!

That guy is just a blessing boy. When he goes out, he will have treasures to deliver to him. Presumably he has treasured countless good things. If he can plunder them, he can naturally make a fortune!

It's a pity that the donkey is not present, otherwise he can call this big expert who steals chickens and dogs, and Ying Chengen can find out even a hidden needle!

It doesn't matter now, anyway, he can hide in Jiuxuan Trial Tower. There is a lot of time to search Cheng Yingen's house!

He is not a gentleman who avenges three years later, but you punched me, and I will give you a slap right away!


His body was sculpted, and he flew towards Ying Family. With the speed of Xunyun's stream and the speed of his steps, no one could find his whereabouts-even if he was found to have traces, he still had Jiuxuan. Trial Tower too!

The rare thing is not to hide the trace, but to know where Ying Chengen lives.

He knocked a man into the Jiuxuan Trial Tower and asked about the approximate distribution of Ying's family. The man was stunned and left in the tower. He left Ying's house for treatment.

After half a day, he came to a large lake.

There is an island in the center of the lake, where Ying Chengen lives. No one is allowed to approach him without his permission, otherwise whoever you are. Kill without pardon!

No one dared to take the words of this Lord as earwinds, so it is almost desolate here. Looking up, I can't see a trace of people.

Zhou Heng walked on waves, a little tension enough to hold him up. After just a few ups and downs, he got on the island.

The island is small, but the buildings on the island are strangely large, occupying almost the entire island, but it is extremely irritating that there is no trace of human voice here.

Ying Chengen seemed to have a quirk, and his requirements for quietness were abnormal.

Zhou Heng walked in with a big swing. When he came all the way, he occasionally heard the servant chew his tongue and knew that Ying Chengen had something to leave. It was impossible to return for at least ten days.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if he makes a copy here!

The rockery pavilion and the Langxie Water Pavilion are so quiet that people can feel embarrassed. It seems that there is a monster hiding here, and it may be a sneak attack and a fatal blow at any time.

Zhou Heng searched carefully, but after walking down a circle, he found nothing.

No, there must be some secret room!

Although warriors at this level must have space weapons, space weapons cannot be filled indefinitely, and it is impossible to take all the net worth in the space weapons and take them with them.

Otherwise, there will not be so many ancient ancestors' caves passed down, is it necessary?

Ying Chengen is not a "poor light egg" like Zhou Heng. He inherited the luck of the world, and the treasure sent himself to the door. Ying Chengen's collection must be extremely rich.

Zhou Heng looked around again, looking for darkrooms and institutions that might exist. He had no scruples at all, and all of them came out in secret, the brick wall floor was silently and silently disintegrating, there was nothing unusual from the outside, but as soon as he walked in, he could find that the mansion had only one shelf left.

Under such a carpet-like search, nine days later, he finally found an entrance to the underpass.

Zhou Heng stretched out his hand and waved it out. As the flames of the flames burned into the sky, the sturdy Shimen, which was extremely solid, was suddenly burned, showing a cave that was enough for people to walk in.

This gate is indeed very strong. If you can't find an institution, you can only stare at another river and river. But in the face of the mutated Zihuo, this only created a little trouble.

He strode in.

Although it is a dark channel, it doesn't look gloomy at all. The two-person-high dark channel is dotted with numerous pearls, emitting soft light, not very bright, but enough to make people see clearly.

After walking through this corridor, a huge stone room suddenly appeared in front of him, and Zhou Heng's gaze was instantly fixed.

The arrangement of this stone room is very fat and pink, with a pink style exuding an ambiguous atmosphere, and a large bed is actually placed in the middle.

Is Ying Cheng's brain sick? Like to sleep in a dark room?


Zhou Heng's gaze was fixed on a woman lying on the bed with blue silk, wearing a long sleeveless white dress, thin cloth attached to her graceful body, and drawing a charming and charming curve.

Just one side gives people unlimited time to think.

Hidden in the room?


With Ying Chengen's status and strength, what kind of woman he wants cannot get? Even the housewife can be raped to death. What is there to dare not? How much effort is required to build a forbidden room!

What is this woman ...?

Zhou Heng's mind was thinking, he deliberately settled a little, and made a muffled sound.

Hearing the sound of his footsteps, the woman in the dress on the bed suddenly woke up, leaped up suddenly, and made a dingling sound. She did not dare to look at Zhou Heng, but lay on her back with her back and straightened The buttocks fluttered and said, "Don't hit me! I'm very good, really good!"

The voice is full of panic, but it is indescribably nice, slightly low-dumb, full of magnetism, and sexiness is even higher than Xiao Woshui!

The thin cloth tightly wrapped her plump hips, the peach-like buttocks were almost normal, round and plump, exuding a mature temptation, as charming as aphrodisiacs.

It was said not to hit, but she had already tilted her butt, and judging by her fearful voice, she was not trying to escape from the cause, but was frightened, and acted under the conditional reflex.

This looks like a four or five year old child.

Zhou Heng's heart suddenly burst into a fire, high-fidelity-this woman turned out to be Xuanyin's body!

It is exactly the same as Han Yiyao and Han Yuli gave him. The desire to physically attract him has nothing to do with appearance or body, even if the other person is ugly, they are strongly attracted to him.

There is a mysterious body imprisoned in Ying Chengen's secret room. It would be a coincidence to say that Ying Chengen had no idea.

But if he knew the woman was Xuanyin, why didn't he ...

Zhou Heng's brows frowned slightly. The woman didn't hide her cultivation behavior, the atmosphere of the mountains and rivers moved faintly, definitely not low! How can I practice like this, like a child?

Not childish in character, but really childlike.

"What's your name?" Zhou Hengrou whispered.

The woman in the white skirt froze, turned her head, and said, "What's the name?"

The green silk was separated, and a beautiful and beautiful face appeared. It was Qiuyue as the **** and Hibiscus as the face. The eyes, nose, and lips were all beautiful! This is a real beauty on earth. Even the three beautiful beauties of Mei Yixiang, Han Yiyao, and Bai Feifei must be overshadowed by her and become green leaves.

Ying Mengfan!

For no apparent reason, Zhou Heng's heart jumped out of a name, the first beauty of the crowning imperial capital before Mei Yixiang's three daughters, so that none of them could be compared with her, even if she had been missing for more than ten years.

If she really deserves to be a dream fan, she can really make a lot of things.

For example, why has she disappeared for more than ten years but no one can know her whereabouts-imprisoned here, how dare anyone from the family come to search? Not daring, it is impossible to think!

Why didn't Ying Chengen start? Because she is Ying Mengfan ~ www.readwn.com ~ his sister!

No, not only that, Ying Chengen dared to **** even the housewife. Obviously, he was not the person who always took Li Falun to his heart. The reason why he didn't start was because Ying Mengfan was the body of Xuan Yin. !!

Yes, this man who looks like a **** on the surface is actually an elder sister.

Certainly because of this, Ying Mengfan was greatly stimulated and locked in his heart, forming the second personality of this child who is now only four or five years old!

"You ... not a bad guy!" Ying Mengfan blinked his eyes, showing relief, but immediately became nervous again and asked, "Will you hit me?"

Watching her beautiful hips still rising high, Zhou Heng swallowed her mouth involuntarily. This woman was not only beautiful, but also the body of Xuanyin. She was extremely tempted by his body of King Jinyang Cao!

Possess her, it is Ying Chengen's sister anyway!

An evil voice echoed in Zhou Heng's heart. (To be continued ...)

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