Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 295: Large earthquake (2/3)

Feng Qingqing is a troublemaker, and she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't make trouble one day. Within a few days in this small town, she had made a hundred or eighty accidents. It ’s just that I have n’t demolished the place before no matter how noisy.

This time it's too much, you have to smash this wild girl's ass!

"Not others!" Feng Qingqing's grievance passed immediately.

Zhou Heng curled his hands and shook open all the fallen walls and broken columns. With his hands different, the inn owner's family of three was sent out by him safely, and everyone came outside the inn.

The rumbling, the great earthquake shivered, like a shaking carpet, undulating constantly.


The crowd shouted, and it was so obvious now.

"They said, I didn't do it, Xiao Zhouzi hurry up and apologize to others!" Feng Qingqing took the reason, and immediately became overwhelmed, holding Zhou Heng's back with his fists.

"This is not a safe place, leave first!" Zhou Heng said in a deep voice.

Even if he is a strong man in the mountains and rivers, he will not be able to cross the volley until he is born. If he falls into the gap cracked by the earthquake, he may never think of it forever, and he will be buried alive.

Card, Kakaka!

The ground cracked, and a huge gully appeared, approaching them quickly. The gully started to be only li xu wide, but immediately expanded to ten or hundred li.

"Come on!"

Zhou Heng rolled up a family of three family members, leaping in shape and away from the earthquake center.

Although the speed of the earthquake spread is fast, everyone is traveling faster, as they travel farther and farther. Finally, the extended seismic fissure was left far behind, but it was a distance. They ran far away!

"Strange, although the earthquake has been constant before. But this time is not as fierce as this!"

"It seems like the whole world is going to collapse!"

"This power is really terrifying. Who in the world can fight?"

When it came to the safe area, everyone was talking about it. These days, there are indeed earthquakes everywhere, but the amplitude is very small, and you will not find it when you sleep. But this time it was a big burst, and the energy was astounding.

"Look!" Han Yuli pointed to Dongling Mountain Road, her cultivation is the highest, and her eyesight is the farthest.

Everyone looked down her hand. I saw the Five Peaks of Dongling Mountain stand proudly and stand still in the earthquake. There is a pin of the sea god, suppressing the everlasting thousand mulberries.

"In the legend, Dongling Mountain was transformed by a hand that transformed the **** state Tianzun. It seems that this is true, otherwise there is no such great power!" Mei Yixiang said with awe.

"How could a person's palm be so large?" Ying Mengfan asked inexplicably, while he stretched out his hands to make a comparison, how could he not feel that he could be compared with Wufeng, thousands of miles away.

"It is said that the four major dead places such as the Death Forest were transformed by the death of the peerless powerhouse. Then it seems that this hand is so large that it is not impossible!" Zhou Heng nodded.

"How powerful is the Divine Power?"

Everyone had a look of longing. Since the age of the Emperor, the state of transformation has disappeared from the world.

Zhou Heng was thinking of Nalan demon moon and old liar. And Kong Aokun in the underground world, these existences ... should be all immortals!

The old liar is said to have acted on orders, and the puppet might have been given to him by his back office. It may not be a fairy in itself. Nalan Demon Moon was sealed into a puppet, and now returns to fairyland.

But what about Kong Aokun?

Why was he imprisoned on earth?

Yes. That guy is enchanted! Will go crazy at any time, slaughter everything. Didn't that evil spirit dare to enter the ancestors? The people in the fairyland sealed him here, fearing that his evil spirits would leak and spread in the fairyland!

Thinking of this, Zhou Heng couldn't help getting furious-could the mortal world be arbitrarily raged by evil spirits?

In the eyes of the conceived state, the Linghai Realm is just a ant, but in the eyes of the fairy ... Everything in the world is an ant!

If Kong Aokun gets out of trouble and a mad fairy goes into trouble, who in the world can stop it? Don't even talk to him, he will be invaded by evil spirits and become a red hair monster before he approaches.

Only by becoming stronger can we control our own destiny!

Zhou Heng squeezed his fist fiercely, his eyes firm.

boom! boom! boom!

The ground continued to fall, and the fissure became wider and wider. When the second and third fissures appeared and merged together, the entire land completely subsided, forming an unfathomable sky. pit!


The black sword suddenly trembled in Dantian, pointed directly at the ground, and the amplitude was not large, as if across an infinite distance.


When Zhou Heng thought of looking for the spiritual core in the past, the Black Sword had also responded in this way, pointing to the earth!

He suddenly snapped, shouldn't it point to the same treasure.

At the time of refining, Zhou Heng thought that the entire world was a flat continent, but with the improvement of cultivation, the wider the contact, he also knew that the so-called Xuangan continent should be regarded as the Xuangan star.

They live on a giant ball!

Then, from any place, you can meet at the center of the earth.

The treasure pointed by the black sword ... is in the core of the earth?


Zhou Heng only thought that the fairy was deep in the ground, but if the black sword pointed to the same treasure twice, then it is obvious that this fairy can only be at the center of the earth.

How to take it?

The formation of shrines can indeed fight against the ground fire, but the ground fire is also hierarchical. The deeper the heart is, the stronger this power is naturally, that is, the ancestor of the **** infant realm dare not pat his chest and say that he can enter the heart!

I am afraid that only the ancestors of the deities can fulfil this qualification!

After two full days, the super earthquake finally stopped completely, groundwater gushed out, and began to fill the tiankeng formed after the earth subsided. Only a short time later, a huge lake with a radius of almost two thousand miles was formed.

Dongling Mountain still stands in its original position, as if a pin of the sea god, firmly suppresses this world.

After settling down the family of three shopkeepers and leaving a sum of money, Zhou Heng took the girls away and began to think about the next action.

"Fu Jun, don't worry about Yao Xiang's marriage now, but Gu Lingfei will certainly not hand them over!" Han Yuli sat in Zhou Heng's arms, and she liked the feeling of being tightly embraced by the beloved man. Drive away her century of loneliness.

Zhou Heng raised her eyebrows and said, "I cut off a hidden danger for her in advance, and she should burn my incense buns!"

If he hadn't chopped off the Wu family brothers and waited for Wu Tianying to enter Linghai, then Gu Lingfei would have no intention of escaping the fate of her sister or sister, and would also become the **** slave of that brother.

"Now, she should know the true colors of the pair of brothers, but husband Jun, I don't think she would appreciate you!" Han Yuqing smiled, shoved Zhou Heng's big hand into her clothes, and pressed the two tall Quite Rufeng.

Zhou Heng rubbed it unconsciously, with amazing elasticity in the softness, not tired from playing! Han Yuqing was right. Although he killed two beasts, he also revealed an ugly incident. Gu Lingfei estimated that he was more likely to kill him and destroy his mouth. He would never be grateful to him.

"To rescue Yaoxiang them, they must reach the Linghai Realm ..." Zhou Heng murmured as he rubbed.

Han Yuli was softened by his whole body, his jade face was stained, and he said greasily, "Actually, there is an elixir in front of you. It depends on whether you are willing to eat it!"

Zhou Heng knew that she was talking about Ying Mengfan. If the two were in a relationship, he could get great benefits and even reach the peak of the mountain and river triple sky in one fell swoop! For others, this is just the beginning of the triple sky of mountains and rivers, but for Zhou Heng, the breakthrough of the big realm is completely out of the question, as simple as eating.

But going to bed with a beauty with only four or five years of age, Zhou Heng realized that he couldn't get out.

"Fu Jun, Meng Fan will be yours sooner or later, and there will be one day in the end, so why do you care how many days?" Han Yuqing released Zhou Heng's little brother while he held his hand lightly and waited for the fire. At about the same time, she gently lifted the jade stock and sat down to become one with Zhou Heng.

The two hummed at the same time, entangled fiercely.

"Fu Jun, have you ever thought about it, if Meng Fan can't recover in a lifetime? Would you let her live such a horrible life?" Han Yuqing looked up at Zhou Heng, her forehead was full of fragrant sweat, exuding fascinating temptations .

Zhou Heng was silent, and it is undeniable that he was agitated, but it was not clear whether it was for the sake of dreaming Brahma or whether he was at work.

"Fu Jun, when did you become such an indecisive person?" Han Yuqing smiled charmingly, and the watery eyes were charming. She opened her mouth and took a bite on Zhou Heng's shoulder. When it ’s used against me, it ’s overbearing and brutal! ”

Zhou Hengxi smiled and said, "Isn't you dying at that time, how can I have time to think of something else!"

"Fu Jun, consider it for yourself!" Han Yuli turned her eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a hint of slyness, but Zhou Heng did not see it, because he was drowned in the general passion of Han Yuli.


"Zhou, Heng! Zhou, Heng!"

The only girl who can call herself in this tone is Ying Mengfan. Zhou Heng sat by the lake and looked at Dongling Mountain in the distance. For two days, he had been thinking about how to **** out Lin Zhixiang's three daughters.

Brother Wu's family is dead. There is no need to be too urgent, but her own woman actually has to look at the other person's face and get permission from others. This is what Zhou Heng cannot tolerate.

Must be resolved as soon as possible!

But Ying Mengfan ... Zhou Heng is really difficult to start.

Zhou Heng turned his head, but saw Ying Mengfan sitting by his side, charming body fragrance. He was thinking about it, and saw this beautiful and unparalleled stunner sitting beside him, thinking of the fragrant and beautiful picture that had just floated in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed, but there was a strange impulse.

"Zhou, Heng, I will marry you!" (To be continued ...)

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