Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 351: Misunderstanding (Mon./Wed.)

A seductive stunner with white wings on the back floats beyond a hundred feet, holding a crystal blue sword in her hand, beautiful blue silk, and wearing a cream-yellow long skirt, completely delineating her slim fit When it came out, it was very hot with thin **** and hips.

Tian Yao Clan!

Zhou Heng said in his heart, in fact, the difference between the Tian Yao tribe and human beings lies only in those two wings, the other is nothing different, not as tall as the Night Demon tribe, and with purple eyes and sharp ears, it can be scared when it appears in the middle of the night. child!

It also has wings, but the wings are different.

Nalan demon moon's wings are bat wings, without a feather on it, extremely thin, and black, which gives a vague feeling. The Tian Yao clan has white feathers, which are full of feathers like ordinary birds.

"Sexy thief, let go of that woman!" The beauty of the demon tribe yelled at Zhou Hengjiao, her eyes glowing.

Zhou Heng smiled uncontrollably, and said, "You are a Tian Yao clan, but you also care about human affairs?"

"Huh, the gangster is a street mouse, everyone sees it!" The beauty of the Tian Yao tribe is very aggressive, and she also shows disdain. "You human beings are most prone to intimidation and bully your own tribe!"

She brushed again with a sword, but Jian Guang flashed immediately behind Zhou Heng and slashed towards him.

Field, read it!

There is no deity on top of her head, and I am afraid that there is only a metamorphosis of Zhou Heng if she does not form a deity. Therefore, her cultivation must be a fetal environment, and a divine fetus has been formed. On head.

This time Zhou Heng was ready. As soon as Jian Qi was born, he began to perform. Alas, he jumped beyond ten feet. Safe and sound.

"Nosy nosy, get away more. Otherwise, I made you together!" Zhou Heng shouted deliberately, and he occasionally had innocence, since the other party misunderstood that he was a lascivious gangster He simply forgot to be a gangster.

"Dare you!" The Tian Yao beauty is extremely angry, but a look of surprise still flashes in her eyes, because Zhou Heng's cultivation is so obvious that the oracle is not fully formed yet, naturally it is the Linghai triple sky.

Of course, this Linghai Triple Sky is completely different from the ordinary Linghai Triple Sky in terms of combat power. Compared with the end result, it's almost gone to heaven!

She attacked twice in a row, but only once hit the other side, and because of the sneak attack, the other side was focusing on the "indecent" woman, which made her succeed!

Hiss, this Linghai is too terrible!

But what about that, as long as she is seen by a gangster, there is no amnesty to kill!

With a long howl, she flew towards Zhou Heng. The head flickered brightly, and in the turquoise egg shape, a big blue bird kept chanting, and the sky was full of blue arrow feathers. Facing Zhou Heng first swept away.

Overwhelming, water leaks!

This alien beauty is really moving, because there is only time to go all out. The oracle will rise from the body.

Zhou Heng turned quickly and quickly, and his body made an incredible leap. Flowing freely in the arrows and feathers, Ren thousands of arrows and feathers are dense as rain. But no one touched him.

"Nosy nosy, do you dare to look at me!" Zhou Hengyi bowed his head and kissed Xiaotian's mouth, sweet and gentle, just like the sweetest honey in the world, it tasted extremely good.

"Fuck the prostitute!" The Tian Yao beauty was so angry that this prostitute dared to be evil in front of her, it was unforgivable! She wielded her sword and chopped it. Among the arrows and feathers, there was a mixture of Tao and Jianguang, and her power increased.

In the face of such an attack, even Zhou Heng was afraid to carelessly. He could only connect his feet and distance him from each other, otherwise he was really not sure that he would rely on Xunyun's streamer to not hurt his clothes.

After all, the opponent is a fetus, and Zhou Heng only reached the fetus with brute force, but the Xunyun streamer step was inspired by spiritual power, and the speed did not increase because of the increase of his physical strength.

"Funky, you did it on purpose!" Gutian suffered an indiscriminate plague and was kissed secretly. Until now, he had just soberly looked up at Zhou Heng with resentment, and his silver teeth opened, as if to rush up Take a bite.

Zhou Heng smiled, he was deliberate, teasing the alien beauty just hitting the west, he really wanted to find a reason to kiss the peerless heavenly daughter in his arms.

The weather was extremely confusing, but she had nothing to do with Zhou Heng, so she had to turn her beautiful face to one side and not look at the villainous face of Zhou Heng, otherwise she would explode even with her chest.

Zhou Heng's body continued to retreat, and the monster beauty of the same day was in hot pursuit. She was so angry that Zhou Heng was so excited that she wanted to kill this bold "sexy thief".

Just traveling more than a hundred miles, Gutian suddenly moved his eyes and quickly patted Zhou Heng, saying, "Stop, stop, stop!"


"There!" Gu Tian raised his hand.

Zhou Heng looked over and saw a pond in front of him, but the water quality was as white as milk, and his eyesight couldn't penetrate the bottom. His body was folded, and he flew towards the puddle.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I don't know, but there was a voice telling me that this is a wonderful spring!"

Zhou Heng stared and came again!

It used to be the ten refining map, but now it is this weird puddle! Forget it, care about him, as long as he can get the benefits, regardless of his origin.

"Put down the palace!" Huo Tian cried, and she could see that she was urgent to the water pond.

According to words, Zhou Heng stopped and put down the confusing sky. The peerless heavenly girl said that she had to fold in this direction. It seems to be sensing the water pond.

"Sexy thief, why don't you run away?" At this moment, the beauty of the demon tribe also followed, just a few steps behind. She looked at Zhou Heng fiercely, and Hong Yanyan's mouth sneered with a sneer.

Zhou Heng shook his right hand and offered a black broken sword. He laughed and said, "Play with you!"

He meant to do two tricks with the other side, but he forgot his identity as a thief in the eyes of the other side, how to understand this sentence? Playing with you, how wicked it is!

The beauty of the Tian Yao tribe suddenly burst into flames. This gangster wants to "play" himself?

Damn it!

She whistled, and the bird above her head made the same wrath, a sword moving, Wan Yusheng, flying away towards Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng's expression was stunned, the black sword pulled a sword flower, and Feiyu Seven Swords' three-style swordsmanship twitched in his mind.

In the first form, Ye Luoyuan disappears!

The atmosphere of sadness immediately swept the audience, all sentient beings were affectionate, and all sentimental were heartbroken!

The beauty of the Tian Yao tribe was immediately affected. All the flying feathers lost their sight. Some of them flew diagonally, some soared into the sky, and some even reversed. The attacks launched were naturally resolved and exhausted.

There seemed to be dead leaves falling in the sky, amidst a colorful scene, the black sword came out, and it was cold and cold!

Ye Luo, then fate!

The beauty of the Tian Yao tribe was pretty, but she was not completely affected by the sword-like mood, and her lotus feet receded a little, and she jumped back more than a hundred feet in an instant, leaving the scope of the sword's influence.

She looked at Zhou Heng again, with a strong shock in her eyes.

How could this gangster make such a terrible swordmanship?

She did not recognize the origin of this sword, but as a master of conceiving, she has completely formed a deity into a divine fetus. Naturally, she has a deeper understanding of Tiandi Avenue. Zhou Heng ’s sword just made her feel. Arrived!

What a powerful technique?

But just turn around and leave? Let the gangster insult the woman? Although the woman is a human being, a deadly enemy of the coexistence of the Tian Yao tribe, she vowed not long ago that she would kill the prostitute in the world.

She snorted heavily, and she had made up her mind. She was surrounded by the moonlight, and she was crowned as a moon fairy, holy and noble.


She waved her sword and attacked Zhou Heng again.

Zhou Heng was calm in his heart, swinging his sword in his right hand, and unfolding the second style of Feiyu Seven Swords, opening up a world!

The sky is blooming and a world is formed, I am the Supreme!

The beauty of the Tian Yao tribe rebuffed, and the glorious flow of the treasure moon was more holy, forming a perfect protective barrier, repelling the sword, such as the lotus front of the Buddha, not stained.

Although she relied on a higher level of consciousness to achieve consciousness, she also limited the use of her own consciousness and could only fight Zhou Heng with her own spiritual power.

Zhou Heng had brutal force to conceive. Since the beauty of the demon tribe could not take advantage of the oracle, the strength of the two was almost the same.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Ding Ding Ding!

The two men fought fiercely, the two swords fought, the fists and palms fought against each other, and the sword qi fist was in full swing.

On that day, the monster beauty of the monster race became more and more shocked. By this time, she did not dare to have the slightest contempt. Zhou Heng ’s brute force even reached the end of her life. Not too inferior.

More importantly, she must seduce the oracle to resist Zhou Heng's sword intention, which weakened more than half of her strength invisibly, making it difficult for the two to separate.

She couldn't help but have a dilemma. I'm afraid it would still be difficult to compete again, but if she left, wouldn't she let the woman fall into the tiger's mouth?

Even if the woman was human, she couldn't turn a blind eye!

How to do?

Cang Ao Muyue has never been caught in such a dilemma!

"Smelly boy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Alert this palace, this palace is going to take a bath!" Just then, the voice of Gutian came from a distance.

The movement of Cang Ao Muyue suddenly suffocated!

What happened to the two?

Suddenly she felt a sense of shame and anger, and her face turned red, realizing that she might have made an oolong. But this also gave her a step down. In the end, she didn't need to do any tangling anymore. She turned around and flew away.

Zhou Heng did not pursue, he and the other party had no grudges, and it would be just a misunderstanding.

He looked in the direction of the puddle, but saw that Tian was undressing, the long skirt was falling, and a beautiful jade-like naked back appeared, but he hadn't waited for him to take a closer look. A huge peach had appeared on him. The petals enveloped her and stepped into the puddle. (To be continued ...)

ps: Recommend a book of sensuality, "Yanfuxianyi", author mp3, book number 3028913.

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