Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 50: Bloodline Power

Open up Dantian, gather the spirit of heaven and earth!

Zhou Heng sat cross-legged, and actively operated Moon Shadow's tactics to absorb the auras that had been gathered around him, and unceremoniously absorbed them one by one and transformed them into his own spiritual power.

Zhenyuan Yuanli had already been consumed cleanly when he bombarded Dantian. At this time, the heaven and earth aura did not transform into Zhenyuan Li, but filled his body with a higher level of spiritual force.

Unlike before, when you break through, you only break through the level, and the strength itself will not increase in the slightest. But when reaching the spiritual realm, as soon as Dantian opened, the heaven and earth aura washed his body, and his strength soared.

冲洗 Under the power of a hundred times stronger than the true strength, the body becomes stronger and stronger. At this time, the person on the twelfth floor of the refining body holding the frost cold sword against him may not break his defense.

The sharp weapon only reduces the difficulty of breaking the defense. The more powerful the weapon, the smaller the required power. On the contrary, the greater the required power.

But when it comes to the level of gathering spirits, no matter what weapon is used to cut the twelfth layer of the refining body, it is useless. This level is too far away, and the required power is far more than that of the refining body.

I can't imagine how terrible the power of Juling Realm will be if I don't enter it.

Finally ... into the spirit world!

This is a brand new world. Zhou Heng feels the changes of the body, the expansion of spiritual knowledge, the sound of ants moving like thunder, and a grain of dust as clear as a boulder. His vision and hearing have been raised to a terrible level. .

Zhou Heng took a deep breath, and the joy on his face gradually faded.

Gathering spirit realm is just the beginning, far from being satisfied.

However, the physical changes are indeed extremely obvious.

Lively and unlimited!

Entering the Juling Realm can increase the longevity of a hundred years. This is a benefit that is still invisible, but Zhou Heng can clearly feel the vitality in his body. It seems that a drop of blood can make a dead tree regenerate!

More than that!

He felt that there seemed to be two mysterious forces in his body suddenly awakened, and he was about to move, and the unclear and unclear comprehension exploded in his mind, as if this was his memory originally, but it had been sealed before.


He raised his right hand, and a purple fire rose in the palm of his hand.

This ... Is it the blood lineage that the zhis and what they call?

More than this!

Zhou Heng stretched out his left hand, a golden light flashed, and the entire hand immediately became golden. He walked to the mountain wall, grabbed his hand, and a rock immediately turned into powder in his hand.

What a terrible physical power!

Zhou Heng couldn't help but slap his tongue. Just now he didn't use any spiritual power at all. He just grabbed it with the power of the flesh, and even crushed a hard rock into powder! This is not only possible with great strength, but also with an overwhelming physical strength.

He can feel that his hand is no different from metal now, and even Frost Han Sword may not be able to be broken.

try it.

He pulled out Frost Sword and swiped in his hand, a creak, a sharp noise sounded, leaving no traces on his hand. If you try harder and harder, there is no trace of scars on his arm, but Frost Cold Sword has a curling edge!

Yes, his physical strength now exceeds that of Frost Cold Sword!

When Zhou Heng moved in his heart, he normalized his left hand and cut it with Frost Sword. When only 30% of his strength was reached, a blood mark appeared on his arm, but the blood was coagulated without falling, and he quickly formed a blood scar.

The power of two bloodlines!

No doubt, one from his father and one from his mother.

Zhu Zhizhi and the four said that the entire Han Cang country would not have more than 10,000 people with blood, and that all of their ancestors were powerful people in order to pass down the power through the blood.

Purple fire, metal avatar!

He is not only a spirit, but also a dual spirit!

What makes him unsatisfied is that whether it is purple fire or metal avatars, it can only cover the area of ​​two fists, but it is not limited to this position. For example, he can metalize his head and ignite purple fire. .

In other words, the power of his blood is not very strong, at least not comparable to Jing Tian, ​​otherwise he could be motivated by the Ling Jing column.

Zhou Heng put away the power of blood, which should actually be regarded as martial arts. Whether it is running purple fire or metal avatar, there will be spiritual power consumption. Especially when Frost Cold Sword cuts himself, the spiritual power is consumed very quickly.

"Can this blood power be superimposed with Ming Yugong?" Zhou Heng's heart moved, if not, then he really learned this defense martial art in vain.

He again metalized his fist, and then turned on Mingyu Gong. Immediately there was a jade-like luster on his fist.


But ... the consumption of spiritual power is even greater!

Zhou Heng once again gathered the power of blood, sitting cross-legged, running the Moon Shadow tactics to absorb the surrounding aura, supplementing just the consumption.

Buzzing, Dan Tianzhong's black broken sword lightly flickered and disappeared suddenly!


Zhou Heng was shocked that although this black sword hurt him for ten years, he was able to walk through the ascending path from the refining layer in just over half a year and enter the spirit realm. Credit!

When he hurriedly opened his eyes and was about to jump up, he saw a broken sword across his body.

Hmm ... it actually appeared!

Zhou Hengru reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword in his dream, and held the broken sword that he could only see with consciousness.

Suddenly, a **** strange sensation passed from the palm of the hand, spreading in every part of the body.

Lingtian first style!

When Zhou Heng moved, he broke the broken sword, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura suddenly gathered together, continually condensed on the sword, and quickly improved the power of the sword.

Lingtian second, third!

After entering Jinju, Zhou Heng's strength did not know how many times he had improved, so that he had enough spiritual power to unfold the three styles of swords in one breath.

Lingtian fourth style!

As soon as it came to pass, when Ling Tian's third form was completed, he took advantage of the situation and waved Ling Tian's fourth, fifth, and sixth forms!

In one go!

Lingtian seventh style!

Wu Jianqi was strung across the mountain wall, which was three or four feet away, and banged loudly, and actually cut off a rock layer the size of a room!

That's it! That's it!

Zhou Heng laughed. In fact, this Lingtian nine styles is actually strictly a complete move. Each style is a process of accumulating power. If the nine types are united, the accumulated power will be extremely terrible!

只有 And only the black sword can withstand and perfectly accumulate these forces. Swords and sword skills are indispensable.

No wonder he exhausted with a single move before. To promote such a terrible swordplay, it is naturally terrifying for his own consumption.

He can only deduct Ling Tianjiu to the seventh form till now. His strength will be unsustainable. It can be seen that Ling Tianjiu must be fully displayed, at least with his current power!

He is really a big family who has spiritual power!

Zhou Heng looked at the broken sword in his hand and thought, can this sword be returned?

As the mind turned, the black broken sword disappeared without a trace.


He quickly looked into Dan Tian, ​​and sure enough, the black broken sword was sinking in Dan Tian, ​​like nine days supreme, full of majestic atmosphere.

come out!

When Zhou Heng thought, a black broken sword appeared in front of him again, floating inexplicably.

This is the fetish!

Zhou Heng held the black sword, suddenly curious: "Which one of the black sword and the frost cold sword is sharper?"

Thought of this, he quickly took out Frost Hanjian and stunned the two.

Ding Ding, a spark flashed, the black sword was immobile, but Frost Han sword had a small gap in the blade.

"No, I haven't used much strength yet!" Zhou Heng couldn't help but hesitated, he really just touched the two swords gently.

He brushed and brushed, he cut several swords in a row, Frost Han Jian was made of mud, and was cut into black and white by the black sword!

——Poor Frost Han Jian, I don't know what Lin Yixiang knew when she knew it, this is her treasure!

Real magic, cut iron like mud!

Zhou Heng couldn't help rejoicing, with a black sword, who could stop the world?

"Try again, how deep can I dive this time!"

He was always reconciled to the cold lake, and flew into the lake again, snorkeling with anger, and continued to dive, thirty feet, forty feet, fifty feet!

When reaching the depth of seventy feet, Zhou Heng stopped, he was already powerless to move forward, and the severe cold was even more terrifying than he imagined, even if he reached the Spiritual Realm now is useless.

He emerged from the water and returned to the shore, where the spiritual power flowed, the chill all went away in an instant.

Wu Hantan is unfathomable. Even after diving for seventy feet, there is still no sign of the end, and Zhou Heng's current practice can only do this step.

It's time to go back!

Zhou Heng pays attention to the sky. Although he has just entered the spiritual realm, Dantian is eight times as big as the average person. His power in the same realm is almost invincible! Coupled with the strangeness of Feiyunbu, even if he can't beat the existence of the two-sky, three-sky, it is not difficult to get away.

It's just that Black Sword has stopped releasing energy a month ago, and now he must rely on his own efforts to improve himself!

After Zhou Heng stabilized his state for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ left the valley.

The flying cloud step started, and he passed like a blast, at least ten times faster than when he was on the twelfth floor of the refining body. Just five hours later, he was out of the Pingtian Mountains, and the peak of Jiulingzong was in front of him .

Go back there and take a look!

Wu Zhouheng returned to the foot of the mountain. He had no feelings for Jiulingzong. Although he had been in the clan for more than four months, he had not been in the clan for more than ten days. However, Zhou Dinghai was rescued by Jiulingzong after all. He couldn't forget this affair.

After He reached the spirit realm, he returned to the real world. From the point of view of breath, he is completely no different from ordinary people. If he is not a strong man in the same realm, he can never see his depth. As he walks along, he is just like an ordinary person and has not attracted one's attention.

Who would have thought that there would be such a freak, three months after leaving the gate of Zongmen, he broke through the ninth floor of the refining body and entered the spiritual world!

"Zhou Heng, you came back just right, come with me!" Chang Kang stepped out of the oblique side, and couldn't help showing a smile when he saw him.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Heng asked casually.

"Fang Jianyu in Baiyugu is challenging outside, and has defeated both Ma Yunlong and Guo Gang, shouting that we have no one in Jiulingzong!" Chang Kang was angry, "It's so abominable, you have left Lizong more than three In January, the first position will not give up, and Brother Jing will become a disciple, otherwise there is no chance for that **** to be arrogant! "

"Go and see!" Zhou Heng showed a trace of murderousness, even if he was not surnamed Jin, he also did not have a good opinion of Bai Yugu's people.

"Well, you must teach him fiercely, that **** doesn't know how arrogant, and his mouth is dry and dirty, we can't wait to beat him up together to kill him!" Chang Kang said resentfully.

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