Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 507: Inferred identity (Mon./Wed.)

The hot and hot girl stood up from her chair, her **** were clearly protruding, as if she was going to burst through her clothes and jump out, shaking the population tremblingly.

The eyes of the young man flickered suddenly, and he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and the knot in his throat shook very obviously.

What a stunner, when can you get her to bed!

"If it is said that the man was a spy sent by another family, it would be too unreasonable for him to bring two female dependents. They clearly have only the divine infant and the cultivation of the divine realm, which will become a burden in time!" The beauty said as she paced.

The eyes of the young and flamboyant followed the pair of big beautiful women who were constantly trembling and dangling. After a loss of mind, they suddenly returned to the soul and said, "Maybe it was done on purpose!"

"It's possible!" The beauty nodded, revealing a hint of groaning.

"Why didn't that cousin let me kill him just now? It's only about one month before the king!" The young Pinacious youthful look.

The beautiful lady glanced at the young and charming, with a look of contempt, saying, "Cousin, haven't you noticed that Zhou Heng's true age is not more than 50 years old!"

"Why, what!" The flamboyant youth jumped up immediately.

Fairy people have a longevity of more than 10,000 years, and age is basically meaningless to fairy people. But a person under the age of fifty has been promoted to Yueming Realm, which is simply a sensational miracle!

"Such a natural wizard, who would send him to be an undercover agent? It's too late to be a baby!" The contempt in the eyes of the big beauty is stronger, but it is because the other party is his cousin, this contempt. She hid without leaking.

"The breath on his body is extremely unstable. Obviously it hasn't been long before he broke through, and there is no doubt about that!"

"That Zhou Heng. If it wasn't for the true Wizards of the Sky, it would be after the giants of the three cities!"

"Either way. We can't kill him!"

"If he is really a genius who just flew into the realm, then he has not walked through the realm door, which means that he is helpless in the fairy realm, and while he has not yet risen, it is the best time to solicit!

"And if he is a third-tier giant, he will have to make him even more, because we have great profits but no harm! Maybe this is the best opportunity for my Yang family to rise!"

There was a flash of excitement on the face of this beautiful woman, and Hongxia's face made her look more beautiful.

Pinacious youth also followed with a smile. But when he lowered his head, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

The cousin is his, no matter who the other party is, as long as it may threaten it, he will try to remove it! Wasn't there no such person before, and haven't they all been unknowingly killed by him?

The cousin is his, and the future Yang family is also his!

Thinking of this, the young smile on the face of the fluttering youth was full of murderous spirit.

"Huh-huh-" On the side. The burly man had already snored, just like thunder.


"Brother Zhang, don't know if my younger brother can ask a few questions?" After leaving the room, Zhou Heng immediately started to set off to the Yueming King named Zhang Weidong.

"Hey. As long as it is not confidential, I naturally know everything!" Zhang Weidong said, and when he saw Zhou Heng came out of the main ship room, he had the idea of ​​having a good relationship with Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng is also welcome. Asked about the history of the Yang family, Zhang Weidong really knew everything. Because this is no secret at all.

The Yang family is not an old-fashioned family, but was worked out by three innocent brothers more than a thousand years ago. The boss's name is Yang Tiehu, the current owner of the Yang family. There is only one daughter under his knee, that is, the hot beautiful lady, whose name is Yang Lanxin.

The second brother of the three brothers was Liu Zishuang, and he gave birth to a son named Liu Hanzhang.

As for the third child, he is a burly man in the main ship room, called Wang Yuanlong. He is a powerful and brainless representative. His wife has married a lot, but so far there are no offspring.

The flirtatious son in the main ship room is called Lin Caijun. He is Yang Lanxin's cousin, and he knows the dim dim sum of that stunner cousin. However, he has one of his most powerful opponents, and that is Liu Hanzhang!

Yang Tiehu has only one daughter, and obviously it is also unlikely that the old tree will bloom and give birth to a son. Therefore, after his old death, the family forces must be handed in to Yang Lanxin.

If Lin Caijun married Yang Lanxin, would Liu Zishuang be convinced? At that time, maybe the big Yang family will fall apart.

And Liu Hanxi took Yang Lanxin's words, and that was all joy.

However, although the three brothers with different surnames all reached the cultivation of Emperor Yueming, they established their forces in Xihai City. It's not that they don't want to go to a better place, but that they can only stand here with their strength.

——Lonely widows and tugs are totally different.

As for the Yang family, they came out to explore and mine precious metals-

Zhang Weidong arranged a room for Zhou Heng-aren't the three of you family, then naturally they live together!

After saying a few words of politeness, he left, and there were only three people in this small cabin: Zhou Heng, Confused Sky, and Saint Moon Shadow.

There was only one bed in the room, not even a chair.

"Cough, it's not early, it's time to rest!" Zhou Heng glanced over the Moon Shadow Lady and Confused Sky, and there was a glow in her eyes.

Is it early?

This is a dark universe. There is no light at all. How can there be day and night? This guy is clearly thinking!

Confused without a word, he lay directly on the bed.

Zhou Heng couldn't help but throb in his heart. Although he had much more affection for Hutian than desire, he didn't mind having any substantial contact with Hutian. Such a stunning beauty can make people's hearts and minds melt!

Does she want to drive?

Moreover, the first time is Shuangfei, how sorry this is!

Sorry, but Zhou Heng was ready to rush to bed. He dreamed that it was no longer a day or two to confuse Tianyi to Tianming.

But he hadn't waited for him to put it into action, and saw the pink halo flash, and a huge peach blossom formed out of thin air. Five petals envelop the puzzled sky, sealed tightly. No hair leaked out!

It's ... a happy time!

Too much to play without this!

Zhou Heng sighed. Gaze looked at the Lady of the Moon Shadow.

"Huh!" Madame Moon Shadow turned her dissatisfaction, this big **** thought of her now, too lazy to ignore him!

"Hey, hey!" Zhou Heng had a thick cheek and walked unconsciously to the Lady of the Moon Shadow, saying, "Little girl, it's not early, let's rest early!" I almost ate her a few days ago, now two People get along "alone". The flame that had not extinguished began to burn again.

Yueying Shengnian gave Zhou Heng a strange white look, twisted her body and ignored him.

The woman chased the men's paper, and now she had torn it, but she held it. No, her mind has already been expressed, and Zhou Heng has accepted it, so naturally have to hold back a little, lest Zhou Heng belittle himself. I thought she was a slut.

How can Zhou Heng know that women have such delicate and complicated thoughts, and their hearts are full of strangeness. A few days ago, they almost burned the sky, why did they ignore them all at once?

All say men are ruthless. I don't recognize anyone when I put on my pants, but she is even harder. I haven't taken off my pants yet!

"Come here!" Zhou Hengshun copied it. The Lady of the Moon Shadow was put into bed by him. How could such a thing happen in his backyard?

"Rogue--" The Lady of the Moon Shadow was immediately shy. With his hands on his chest, he rolled his eyes hard.

"What a gangster. I want you to rest early is a gangster?" Zhou Heng excused, while he was lying on the bed himself, holding the maiden of the shadow of the moon tightly in his arms, assured in his mouth, "Relax, we just sleep! "

Sure enough, he clenched the maiden of the shadow, but there was no further action.

One minute, two minutes ... ten minutes.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The heart of the Lady of the Moon Shadow throbbed indisputably, as if she was about to jump out of her chest. There was no way. Whoever made Zhou Heng's two hands "fortunately" pressed on her two round and firm Yufeng, she Can you not panic?

The man's big hand seemed to have endless magic power, and even a little bit of heat overflowed from the palm of his hand, and entered her body through the clothes, making her whole body seem to burn.

Her **** rose uncontrollably by a few points, and two small cherries stood proudly, resting on Zhou Heng's palm.

"Well?" At this moment, the maiden of the shadow of the moon heard Zhou Heng's surprised cry, and whispered in her ear, "how did it get bigger?" After hearing this sentence, she was so ashamed to hit her head to death .

"Is it an illusion?" Zhou Heng muttered to himself, "I have to touch it carefully to know!"

His hands were tight, and the two Yufengs squeezed and deformed in his palms.

"Ah-" Saint Moon Shadow could not help but spit out a long, long moan. She had been able to bear it for a long time, and finally reached the critical point at this time, her two toes were stretched straight and her legs were tight. Ground together, hot liquid flowed out of her body.

Zhou Heng smirked and kissed the maiden of the Moon Shadow slightly.

"You bad guy!" Yueying Shengyun, with her eyes full of spring, is very pale and Zhou Heng is so charming that Shiren will be tempted.

Zhou Heng's desire, which had not been eliminated a few days ago, suddenly re-mastered again, and her lower body arrived firmly on the moon maiden's buttocks, anxious to break through the obstacles and pound Huanglong.

Although the maiden of the shadow of the moon has learned from An Yumei ~ www.readwn.com ~, after all, she is still a virgin. At first, I only felt strange, but I had a close contact with Zhou Heng before, and I reacted after a moment of nagging. .

How big!

She couldn't help but be a little bit shocked, listening to An Yumei saying that when the man and woman are happy, they should insert that thing ... oh, I'm ashamed! Just so thick and so long, how can it be tolerated?

It must be uncomfortable to die, how can An Yumei still say that she is comfortable, that look of idiots does not seem to be deceiving people!

It's strange!

She wondered about her, Zhou Heng was busy alive with him, and with her hands flexibly peeled off, the skirt of the Lady of the Moon Shadow had been taken off by him, exposing a beautiful white jade buttock.

Buckle buckle, just at this critical juncture, just listen to the door knocking, one person said: "Brother Zhou Shi, you can come out and talk!"

Zhou Heng was about to shoot his gun and was shocked by the knock on the door.

Tell your sister! (To be continued ...)

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