Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 577: Prescription (two / three)

Seeing a wealth of ancestors rushing to please Zhou Heng, all the beautiful and charming beauties hovering around Zhou Heng, and even those pharmacists with high eyes respected Zhou Heng like their dads. Cai Jun's face is getting ugly.

Everyone would bring a few words between the lines, and Zhou Heng became a Samsung pharmacist.

Samsung Pharmacist!

That is the existence of a series with King Yiu and even King Yiu. In terms of actual status, Samsung Pharmacist must win. How many Kings are there in the world, and how many are Samsung Pharmacists?

Things are rare, and so are people!

Yang Tiehu also had to lament the goodness of his daughter's eyes, and found him such a terrific beauty! Knowing a part of the truth, he naturally understood why the ancestors of these families brought young and beautiful younger generation over.

His grandma's is not Zhou Hou's scourge of these girls, but they can't wait to be sent over to Zhou Hou's scourge.

Yang Tiehu is not stupid, of course, he knows the reason why strange goods can live. Zhou Heng is only his son-in-law this time, so all the benefits naturally belong to the Yang family, but if Zhou Heng becomes two son-in-law, the benefits must be shared by the two.

What if three, four, five?

Yang Tiehu fought a cold war, and rushed forward quickly, with a bite of sorrow, just not giving the ancestors the opportunity to force the family daughters over.

Zhou Heng laughed secretly in his heart. In fact, he would not accept this beautiful gift with or without the presence of Yang Tiehu.

He didn't resist beauty, but he was not a lascivious person, although the Yingying Yanyan around him all showed affection for him. Maybe some of them are sincere, but it's not enough to impress him with beauty alone.

He has passed the stage of Moses and Ai.

Yang Lanxin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Adhered to Zhou Heng to defend her sovereignty, this is her man. Previously, this guy had no way to be romantic, but now that it has fallen into her hands, she can never let Zhou Heng spend her time.

If a tiger keeps the door, there is no way to open it, let alone a tigress!

The whole atmosphere is still very pleasant. It is night. Yang Tiehu puts down a feast to entertain these Mustang City guests. He has made a decision that the family will complete the relocation to Mustang City within a month.

The wealthy ancestors lived on the mountain for two more days. After giving Yang Tiehu's face enough to say goodbye, the young people they brought were left behind.

The man wants to make friends with Zhou Heng, the woman ... also wants to make friends with Zhou Heng, and he also hopes that kind of in-depth communication. But how can Zhou Heng accompany these people even if he has time? He stays in his courtyard all day, where there are confusing heavens, Ying Mengfan, Han Yiyao, and An Yumei, the women who love him, but he also loves them.

Of course, the black donkey is not among them!

However, there have been discordant things in the past few days, and several wealthy women found that they had been stolen! What was stolen was not anything of value. It's a skirt!

Even if a person is stolen, the key such things are endless. Almost all women have been "poisoned" in a few days, but the identity of a viable thief has never been identified.

For a while. The metamorphosis is changing in the Yang family!

Because the incident started when the major families stayed on the mountain, everyone naturally locked the eyes of the suspects on the giant men, and every time they walked out, they were paid attention by everyone.

But stealing skirts came suddenly. Calm quickly, because the skirts were stolen. There is naturally no follow-up.

Others don't know, but Zhou Heng is very clear. This must have been done by a black donkey!

This cheap donkey used to steal treasure, but later became hooked on floral skirts, so there was also a hobby! After coming to the fairyland, this cheap donkey has never been used. It must be very itchy. Whoever made a lot of women suddenly come to the mountain, this strange donkey can't bear it!


Lin Caijun looked at the flickering lights, his face was like the lights, cloudy and uncertain.

Although he formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Liu Hanzhang, the alliance had no effect on careful consideration. Did the two of them become a Ming Emperor even if they joined forces? Even if it is comparable to last month's Emperor Ming, if you don't see a lot of peak Yue Ming, you must bow your head in front of Zhou Heng?

Liu Hanzhang is unreliable, and even if he can squeeze Zhou Heng away, he still has to fight with Liu Hanzhang.

This cannot be done once and for all!

He took a dan bottle out of his arms, and there was hesitation in his eyes.

Inside is "Mei Xiang Dan", which he got by accident when he went to the green house in Mustang City.

There are always girls who are disobedient at first, but as soon as Mei Xiangdan feeds, the fierce woman will also become a slut. The love of male and female is human nature. This instinct.

If Mei Xiang Dan is used on Yang Lanxin ... it can be a good thing!

Lin Caijun hesitated that the cousin looked charming, but he was a persistent character. If he had used this despicable method to harm Yang Lanxin, the cousin might not have passed away because he had cooked cooked rice with raw rice, and it was more likely that he would be ridiculed by a sword!

After all, he is not as good as Liu Hanzhang, and his status comes from Yang Tiehu. If Yang Lanxin stuns things out, Yang Tiehu will absolutely slap him!

Besides, can Zhou Heng swallow this breath? That ’s Samsung Pharmacist, Mingdi is willing to serve him for countless months!

But how many years did he contemplate and how long did he think about it, just watching Zhou Heng take Yang Lanxin?

He not only covets the power of the Yang family, but also likes Yang Lanxin!

I'm going crazy!

His breathing was quick, and he slammed **** the table, finally making up his mind.

To fight!

If Yang Lanxin does not follow up afterwards ... kill her, and then immediately flee the Yang family, and conceal her name since then!

What he can't get, others don't expect it!

What's more, he also got Yang Lanxin's body, better than Zhou Hengqiang, and better than Liu Hanzhang!


He suddenly got up and strode out.

Yang Lanxin was very busy these two days. For a big relocation of the family, all aspects must be involved. This Shanyang family is impossible to give up. In Mustang City, there was only one main house for them to pay, leaving them with only an increase in status and no increase in income.

This mountain is the foundation of the Yang family. After the family strength grows, they can build a second mountain and a third mountain and become a real giant.

"Cousin—" Lin Caijun strode into the study. "You've been busy for several days. Stop and rest, I'm so distressed!"

He looked at Yang Lanxin with affectionate eyes, without covering his emotions. He really likes Yang Lanxin, and this is beyond doubt, so he doesn't need to act artificially.

Yang Lanxin was secretly in trouble. Whether it is Lin Caijun or Liu Hanzhang, the feelings of these two people towards her are clear, but she doesn't look at either. She is proud and admires the strong. If she wants to impress her heart, she must first surpass her in all aspects and make her happy and convinced!

At this point, none of Toshihiko of Xihai City can do it!

Until Zhou Heng's appearance, they showed one miracle after another. This will completely conquer her.

She can't fall in love with others any more, but Lin Caijun is her cousin, and she always loves her, she can not accept this relationship. But this relationship can't be ruined.

"Cousin, sit!" Yang Lanxin decided to talk to Lin Caijun and let the matter go. Lest Lin Caijun always be right with Zhou Heng! Those who are right with Zhou Heng basically have no good end.

"Cousin. I understand what you think of me, but I already have someone I like!" She is a person who can hold it down. When it comes to belonging to one's own feelings, don't hesitate.

"Cousin—" Lin Caijun's heart dripped with blood, raising the anger and resentment that burned the world together!

Blame that bastard!

Half a year ago, the guy was still in a terrible mood. If Yang Lanxin had sent him away with kindness, the boy would still be in a certain corner of the universe! But this **** didn't know how to be grateful, but she even confused Yang Lanxin with rhetoric!

"No need to say!" Yang Lanxin said suddenly, "Cousin, I appreciate your care and care for me all the time, but the emotional affairs cannot be reluctant, I hope you can understand!"

Looking at Yang Lanxin's decisive expression, Lin Caijun realized that this courageous cousin had made up his mind, and his heart was cut like a knife!

But it also helped him make up his mind!

He stood up and took a teapot from the side, poured a cup for him and Yang Lanxin, and said in a heavy voice: "I see! Cousin, substitute tea for wine, I respect you for a cup and wish you happiness!"

After talking about this, Yang Lanxin naturally couldn't refuse. She picked up the tea cup and ran into Lin Caijun, and drank it.

"Cousin, I still have something to do!" She looked at Lin Caijun, and the meaning of catching people couldn't be more obvious.

"Let me see you again!" Lin Caijun murmured.

Yang Lanxin's eyebrows frowned. She thought that the other party would let go after talking to Lin Caijun, but how could she entangle her? She was trying to speak, but felt a heat flow rising from her belly, rushing to her limbs and pulses, which instantly made her a strong impulse.

She really wanted to devote herself to Zhou Heng's arms and enjoy his tender love!

But after all, she is a mentally determined woman ~ www.readwn.com ~, biting her tongue sharply, and she recovered her brief sobriety. She looked at Lin Caijun in anger. How could she not guess what was going on with her cleverness?

This cousin really disappoints her!

But now is not the time to consider these things!

She jumped up suddenly and bumped against the wall.

"Leave it to me!" Lin Caijun didn't expect Yang Lanxin's self-control ability to be so strong, a Meixiangdan could still be sober under the belly, but he has no way back now!

He reached out with one hand and grabbed at Yang Lanxin.


Yang Lanxin didn't return his palm, his two hands collided, Lin Caijun suddenly made seven steps back and forth, his face turned pale, and Yang Lanxin had broken the wall and lost his trace instantly.

Lin Caijun suddenly felt ashamed and sat on the ground with one butt. (To be continued ...)

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