Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 59: Light curtain

Zhou Heng glanced across, and saw that this black shadow was a weird beast, a bit like a leopard, but only three legs, one tail was longer than the body, with a hook at the tip, cold light.

野 This beast is also covered with red hair, his body is pounced on Zhou Heng, a claw is scratching his neck, and his long tail is rushing away from Lin Xiangxiang, like a whip.

I have to say that this beast was quite fierce and launched an attack on Zhou Heng at the same time.

Zhou Heng hummed gently, and the black sword swung open, drawing a mysterious sword light.

Alas, this beast was immediately cut into two by Zhou Heng, no suspense.

This is nature. Would the monsters on the twelfth floor of the refining body be the opponents of the warriors of the spirit gathering, even if the monster's physique is even more arrogant? Besides, after entering the spirit gathering, the physical strength is far from the spiritual power. In contrast, the gap between the monsters and warriors of the same level is not as large as the refining environment.

"Aren't you hungry, you have barbecue!" Zhou Heng pointed at the carcass on the ground.

Zhe Lin Ao Xiang shook her neck quickly. What a joke, such a disgusting thing should not be eaten for half a year!

"That's no way, I can only go!" Zhou Heng is actually not interested in this stuff, anyway, if the warriors gathered in the spiritual realm do not eat for three or four days, it will not affect the combat effectiveness. Not to starve to death, Lin Xiangxiang lost her temper.

"How can there be living creatures?" He was more concerned about this weird place, no flowers and no grass, so what do the monsters here feed on?

I didn't move forward very far, I looked down, and another monster rushed out of the dirt. It was also a three-legged monster. There was no surprise. This was naturally cut off by Zhou Heng's sword.

I walked all the way, these monsters emerged endlessly. After another two or three hours, Lin Xixiang stopped and had to rest.

Zhou Heng looked very far away from the milky white mask, and nodded. Anyway, it could not be reached in a short time. It is better to take a good rest. Moreover, the black sword has absorbed a lot of power, and he just used it to "digest "a bit.

He put the black sword into Dantian, and immediately a lot of energy was released. He quickly ran the Moon Shadow tactics, and continuously absorbed and refined these energies, which became his own spiritual power accumulation.

Refining the physical environment is to transform the food you eat into true strength, while the spiritual world is to communicate with the real world through the Dantian world and absorb the aura in this world to gradually form its own small world.

These are two completely different processes, but one thing is the same. The process of drawing aura is also the most time consuming.

Black Sword skipped this step directly. For each kill of one person and one beast, it is equivalent to accumulating a Juyuandan. Of course, the effect depends on the person killed or the behavior of the beast itself.

If you are all in the spirit gathering power like Jin Tengyi, it can be said to be a super Juyuandan.

However, the monsters in the refining realm cannot naturally be compared with the psychic realm, let alone the triple celestial world. Zhou Heng has fully refined the power released by the black sword in less than half an hour, but the cultivation has only improved. A little bit.

Of course, if you want to practice Zhou Heng by yourself, this is not a month or two!

"Little stingy, Miss Ben is really hungry!" Lin Tongxiang said pitifully.

Zhou Heng stretched out his hand and said, "It seems that there is still some meat!"

"The ghost wants to eat your pig's trotters!" Lin Minxiang patted his hand back. In fact, she moaned without disease. Neither of them took anything to eat-even if they took it, they would definitely be immersed when they came over. .

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, and after chatting with Lin Xunxiang for a while, they both felt a little sleepy and went to sleep.

Zolin Linxiang fell asleep boldly, but Zhou Heng maintained a very high alert. In this strange environment, where did he dare to fall asleep, just to give the body a rest.

Anyway, he did n’t have to sleep for a few days anyway.

虽然 Although the sky here is not bright, there is no night. It has always been the blood-red sky, leaving people with no sense of time at all.

After Lin Huanxiang had rested enough, the two continued to move forward, and the more forward the air, the stronger the blood floating in the air, almost forming a mist.

After a long while, they finally came to the front of the milky mask, but couldn't penetrate the mask to see what was inside.

Zhe Lin Xiang Xiang wanted to reach out to push, but was pulled back by Zhou Heng, almost made her fall, and said, "Shit boy, do you want to kill me?"

"You are really daring. You do n’t know what this thing is and dare to reach out and touch it. You are not afraid of the poisonousness on it, so your hands are rotten?" Zhou Heng sighed, he really regrets taking this now Here comes a young lady.

Lin Qiaoxiang blushed and gave Zhou Heng a hard look. She turned her back and crouched down and circled. She was not Zhou Heng's opponent long ago, and she could only rely on this method of spiritual victory. In imagination蹂躏 Zhou Heng.

Fortunately, I didn't want to laugh out loud this time, otherwise Zhou Heng laughed again.

Zhou Heng volleyed a punch and hit the light curtain. With his cultivation at this time, the force of the air can easily blast the warriors and monsters on the twelfth layer of the refining body into meatloaf.


There was a muffled sound and the light curtain remained, not even a ripple.

Zhou Heng does not believe in evil, 嘭 嘭 嘭, he even punched more than ten punches, but all went into the sea like mud cows, without any movement.

哎 "Hey, are n’t you stingy, you ’re out of strength!" Lin Yixiang teased while watching Zhou Heng eating, and she was naturally rejuvenated.

Zhou Heng ignored her and reached out to the light curtain.

喂 "Hello, didn't you say you can't touch it?" Lin Yixiang said aside.

"That's you, I'm better than you, of course I can touch!" Zhou Heng replied casually.

Zhe Lin's scent smelled like a jumper, but it was so. Zhou Heng was much better than her.

"Small boy, one day Miss Ben will surpass you and step on this wicked guy under your feet!" She vowed secretly.

不 I don't know what material this mask is made of, it is extremely strong!

Zhou Zhouheng said secretly, if this mask is only the size of a house, it is nothing, but now it is like a mountain. How big can this be?

I can only use the black sword!

Zhou Heng pinned his hope on the black sword. This magical soldier even frosted cold sword was easily cut into seven or eight sections. Under one sword, even Jin Tengyi, the peak of Juling triple heaven, was cut into two sections. I don't know if I can continue its magic.

"You step back!" He called out the black sword, but didn't cut it immediately, but turned around and said to Lin Huixiang.


"I don't know, there may be a rebound, etc. In short, it is safer to back up!" Zhou Hengzhengrong said.

But Lin Xiangxiang was sweet in her heart. She thought that this guy was not so bad. She also knew that she cared about her. In this case, after she surpasses this stinky boy in the future, she will kick him a few less.

Huh, Miss Ben is still very reasonable!

Zhou Heng didn't know what she thought, and in a moment's glance, the black sword cut out.

Youguang flashed, without the big impact in the imagination, the black sword was cut into the tofu, and it was nowhere near!


The light curtain vibrated, like a water wave, in front of Zhou Heng, separating a passage that could accommodate one person, but it was only one foot deep, and the milky white light mask in front blocked the way.

"Well, you were cut off!" Lin Yanxiang immediately came to the spirit, "This sword is really sharp! Little stingy, Miss Ben gave you the sword of Frost Han, why don't you give me this sword? Anyway, it's broken, Miss Ben doesn't dislike it! "

"No way!" Zhou Heng stared at the broken light curtain, and saw countless lights overflowing on both sides, slowly repairing the light curtain.

The speed was not fast. It took about ten minutes to completely close it, but the entire light curtain was seamless, and there was no sign that a large hole had been cut out.

"Can this thing be repaired by itself?" Lin Yixiang's eyes widened, her eyes flashing with excitement.

Ten minutes is enough!

"Would you stay here or go with me?" Zhou Hengzhengrong said, "I don't know what's inside, it could be extremely dangerous. Think for yourself!"

"Of course I went in!" Lin Xunxiang didn't give much thought to it, "how can we martial arts have no guts! It's so magical here, maybe there is a great opportunity in it!"

She didn't say anything at all ~ www.readwn.com ~ After getting this great opportunity and repairing it, she must repair Zhou Heng severely.

"Big chance!" Zhou Heng smiled, hoping that there would be a big chance, but don't dig up another cheap donkey.

He crossed with a sword, and the light curtain was cut again. Zhou Heng walked in. Lin Hengxiang followed quickly, brushing, Zhou Heng's black sword continued to cut, and the light curtain in front of it was cut open. Move forward quickly.

About five minutes after he walked away, Zhou Heng cut another sword, and the scenery ahead changed suddenly, and a new world appeared.

Alas-through the light curtain.

This is a mountain forest, all the mountains are covered with blood-red vines, like a giant beast lying on the same side, there is a state of trance.

"I think, our goal should be the middle place!" Zhou Hengjue pointed away.

"What are you waiting for, go away!" Lin Xunxiang urged, "Miss Ben is going to starve to death, quickly find the opportunity, and leave here for a beautiful meal!"

Does she think that baby can get it just by picking it down?

Zhou Heng really has a feeling of crying and laughing. This woman is really a young lady for too long, and she has no sense of crisis at all.

Alas, his goal is indeed ahead!

"Go!" He was so arrogant that the warrior lost his adventurous spirit, which was equivalent to losing his courage.

The two of them walked towards the scarlet vine. Two hours later, they had penetrated into this strange mountain forest. There were blood-red vines everywhere, and there was no trace of mottled.

他们 When they came under a boulder, Lin Xunxiang had to rest for a while, and the two stopped to trim it.

"Save ... Life ..." At this moment, the bottom of the big rock actually issued a low cry for help!

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