Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 749: First Advent (Wed / Wed)

No matter what Zhou Heng thinks, he has no retreat now, and can only find a way to leave in this strange world.

The Xinghai robber said that the mysterious door occasionally ejects powerful monsters, which means that there must be a place to connect to the portal. As long as he finds that place, he can retreat from his body.

He thought about it, and decided to take safety as his top priority. If the black sword shards were in the hands of that being, he would definitely not be able to seize it!

Immediately after you leave here, please come here!

Facing the strong in the Ming Realm, it is even harder. This is not to spur his cultivation, but to smash his life!

Zhou Heng made up his mind and wanted to greet everyone on the road, but saw that the three women had different performances.

Mu Tongtong is still a child, naturally playing crazy, while the Red Dragon Queen lay lazily on the ground, preferring to sleep, while the Blue Dragon Queen paced with both hands, as if a general .

Their memories are lost, but their personality is preserved.

What about the black donkey?

Zhou Heng came to the black donkey that was constantly weeding, took out a lot of treasures from the immortal house, and piled up a pile of land.

"Ang — Ang-" The black donkey immediately paused to eat grass, his eyes staring at the pile of hill-like treasures, his mouth drooling wildly, and he jumped up in a large font. With this pile of treasures, I kept holding my treasures with my head, and made an action to collect them.

But its repair is lost, it is impossible to open the space weapon, it just dances its hoofs.

Sure enough, the greedy disposition of this cheap donkey has not changed at all!

Zhou Heng sighed. The so-called rivers and mountains are easy to change, and their nature is difficult to change. This donkey is completely saved.

He suddenly froze. Turning his head to the lake, he saw a little girl coming from afar. Holding a bamboo basket in his left arm, he was humming in his little mouth and kicked at his feet.

Here ... there are actually humans!

The little girl is only twelve or thirteen years old. She wears plain clothes, repaired as ... nothing, just like ordinary people.

How could there be humans here?

This is a broken land of immortals. Since it was swept and crushed by supreme power, how could there be living creatures on it? Zhou Heng "saw" the mighty power of the sword, this is the power that even the super-creator can cut off instantly!

In this case. People on this continent should have died a long time ago!

Did the power that lived here lived here a million years ago, and it is his power to keep it here?

But if there is such a powerful existence, why does he live in seclusion in the fairy realm? That is exactly the strongest existence in the Ming realm. Is it necessary to live in seclusion? But if not, where did the creatures come from?

When Zhou Heng was in the immortal realm, he did see some tyrannical monsters in the starry sky. This should not have been brought from the realm by the Ming Realm, then it should be the descendants of the monsters who had escaped the former calamity.

But after all, it's just one or two sporadic!

But humans are social creatures. And look at the dress on the little girl, how can it be like coming out of a certain village! The question is how did so many people avoid the disaster?

Not to mention any treasures, the black sword was broken at that time. What treasures can be protected?

With a wave of his right hand, Zhou Heng collected all the treasures into Xianju, and then picked up Mu Tongtong. Walking towards the little girl carrying the basket, the black donkey was suddenly snatched. Opening his mouth and biting Zhou Heng's clothes, the four hoofs made four deep marks on the ground.

"Little girl—" He beckoned and smiled.

"Big brother. Where did you come from, Xiao Yin hasn't seen you in the village!" The little girl was not afraid of being born, and asked Zhou Heng leaning her head.

"I came from a long distance!" Zhou Heng sat down and said, "Xiao Yin, what's your village name?"

"Hujiacun!" Xiaoyin was looking for something by the lake, and she kept watching Mu Tongtong. This little girl was carved with pink jade and she was absolutely loved. "Brother, are you from Baiming City?" My mother said, Baiming City is a thousand times bigger than our village, no, ten thousand times, there are so many delicious! "

Zhou Heng smiled and said, "In the future, Big Brother will take you to Baiming City and let Xiao Yin eat a lot of delicious food!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yin cheered again and again.

The little girl has limited knowledge. She was only a dozen years old and never left Hujia Village. In her eyes, the whole world is so small compared to Hujia Village. She doesn't even know where Baiming City is.

It's not easy to abduct a little girl. Zhou Heng took out some food from Xianju, exclaimed the little girl, and pulled him back to the village immediately—she was originally to subsidize some households by picking mushrooms. Naturally no more hard work.

"You two, let's go!" Zhou Heng called to the two dragon queens.

"Let people sleep again!" The Queen of the Red Dragon lazily said, while the Queen of the Blue Dragon walked over and pulled her up, dragging her towards Zhou Heng. The red dragon queen used to mirror the blue dragon queen, but now she is upside down.

However, the Queen of the Red Dragon was just sowing down, and soon she walked on her own.

After all, what they lost was only memory, not IQ.

In this strange world, just remembering your name is not a reassuring thing! And this man ... Although a bit fierce, he may feel his concern and intuitively believe that he will not harm himself.

Then, I must follow him!

Zhou Heng held Mu Tongtong in one hand and dragged a black donkey biting his horn behind him, walking with Xiao Yin in front. The two dragon queens followed, the red dragon queen was tired without taking two steps, and was dragged by the blue dragon queen not to let her rest.

"Xiao Yin, how far is it from the village?" Zhou Heng asked after walking about half an hour.

"It's been half the way!" Xiao Yin thought and answered.

"They can't move anymore!" When the red dragon queen heard the answer, she was as pale as a piece of paper, and she pretended to be dizzy. She could not rest on the blue dragon queen.

Now both women are ordinary bodies, she did not force herself how the blue dragon queen could drag, both women sat down with their butts.

Is this still the Creator?

Zhou Heng sighed and said to Xiao Yin with a smile: "Big brother will change a trick for you, you look carefully!" He reached out a move, and the two dragon queens were immediately taken into the fairy house.

"Wow, it's amazing! It's amazing!" Xiao Yin stared at the stars, clapping her hands constantly.

Zhou Heng smiled. He didn't want to scare the little girl, so he first said it was a trick.

"Wow, it's fun, and it will change again!" Mu Tongtong, who was hanging on him, also clapped and screamed, it was difficult to hide the excitement on his face.

After hearing what she said, Xiao Yin also looked at Zhou Heng with anticipation.

Zhou Heng couldn't help sighing, but forgot that there was Mu Tiaotong's trick or treat, and he also lost his memory. This master is not a man of peace! He thought about it: "This trick can only be changed once a day, and they will be changed tomorrow!"

Mu Tongtong and Xiao Yin both showed disappointment.

"Xiao Yin, do you go to pick mushrooms for so long every time?" Zhou Heng quickly shifted his attention.

"Yes, there are cannibalistic beasts all around the village, and only this direction is safe!" Xiao Yin hooked.

That's at least twenty miles away!

There was a pity in Zhou Heng's heart, and he said, "Come, my brother is carrying you!"

"Xiao Yin is very heavy, no more!"

"It's okay, Big Brother has great strength!" Zhou Heng also lifted the black donkey to prove it.

Xiao Yin nodded. She walked for a long time before coming to the lake. She was too tired to start, and took Zhou Heng without any rest. Now the two little feet are really tired.

Zhou Heng held a little girl in each of her hands, and immediately strode away.

Poor black donkey, biting Zhou Heng's clothing corner so hard that he did not dare to let loose, let alone let loose. By instinct, it knows that this person has a lot of things that make him excited and like, so be sure to follow along!

You can't let go of it, jerk!

Under Xiao Yin's guidance, they had returned to Hujia Village within a few minutes.

"How could this be!" The little girl panicked, tears streaming up in despair.

In front of the three of them was a blaze of fire!

This is a small village with up to 20 households. At the moment, all of them were burned by fire, and they could see bodies lying horizontally and vertically, either beheaded or missing arms, and quite bloody.

Zhou Heng's eyes could not help glooming. This should be an unparalleled paradise. Who is so cruel?

"Daddy-Mother-" Xiao Yin burst into tears, struggling to get out of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng didn't let go. At this time, he didn't care if he would scare people. He turned his thoughts, a force rolled over, and the flames of the sky were immediately extinguished. He launched a divine sweep, and unexpectedly found that someone hadn't died yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ he leaped away quickly, only to see that person was pressed under a pillar, and there was a puddle of blood flowing under him.

As long as there is a breath, you can't die when you meet Zhou Heng!

With a finger, the pillar immediately turned into flying ash. Zhou Heng reached out and pressed on the man's body, and a spiritual force poured out to nourish the other's body, and the injury was healed.

"Grandpa Tiger!" Xiao Yin could finally come down from Zhou Heng and immediately fell on the man.

This is an old man who is almost seventy years old, but he is full of vitality, and he is still a small martial artist who builds nine layers. He straightened up, touched his chest, his face appeared incomprehensible, because there was supposed to be a fatal wound.

"Xiao Yin!" The old man didn't think about this problem. When he saw Xiao Yin, he quickly picked her up and hid behind him, showing Zhou Heng's alertness.

"Grandfather Tiger, the big brother is not a bad guy!" Xiao Yin said behind the old man. She knew that Grandfather Tiger was very powerful. He is the only hero in the village who can fight tigers and kill wolves, but he must not let him hurt his big brother. (To be continued ...)

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