Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 764: Who Ambush Who (Three / Three)

What a great battle!

The level of martial arts in this world is far below that of the Four Nine Immortals, and the King of Creation is capped. Therefore, the Emperor of Sublimation can be compared to the first Emperor of the Immortal City. Once he is out of six, I am afraid that the Li family has already dispatched all the masters. .

-Except for the Creator King!

Zhou Heng couldn't help wondering, and said, "What is so good on my body that makes you Li Jiaken launch such a big battle?" He was deliberately deceived so far away, apparently he was not allowed to escape. Back to the abacus of the Holy Fairy Temple.

But the other party would have to find out that they set up the ambush site so far, in fact, they pitted themselves!

"It's not something you have, but where you come from!" Said the elder of the Li family, Shen Sheng.

Zhou Heng was more curious, and said, "You are doubting my origin? Hahaha, I don't think anyone in this world would know that they are just a frog at the bottom of the well. Didn't expect you to have such an awakening?"

Are you praising them?

All seven of Li Yuanxing have an awkward feeling. These words sound like praising them, but it's like a person praising his dog: Demo, you finally know that you are a dog!

Unhappy, very unhappy!

"Since this son has seen through our plan, he must not have taken the medicine. He does not have to wait for his medicinal attack, and immediately take him down!" Said the elder of the Li family.

"Hmm!" The other five elders nodded at the same time, and they also felt that Zhou Heng's innocent appearance was too arrogant!

Knowing that this was a trap, I dared to step in. Obviously, they did not show cowardlyness when they saw the six sublimation emperors! This is too much!

Seeing their angry look, Zhou Heng could not help shaking his head. He is the victim, okay. After a long while, he seems to be a wicked man of violence. Is the Li family an insulted girl?

You cannot be so open-minded!

Zhou Heng opened his mind and instantly flipped through countless thoughts. "Since you know you are the frog at the bottom of the well, then you arrested me ... in order to get a way out of here?" This should be the closest guess to the truth.

Sure enough, he said in a word, the six elders of the Li family were all in shape.

"Yes, it really is!" Zhou Heng nodded. Some things don't need to be acknowledged. Just look at the reaction to be sure. He couldn't help but smile, and said, "There is bad news to tell you, although I want to leave here too. But I don't know what to do. The answer should be on that holy mountain, so I don't know if you dare Throw down that supreme god! "

"Bold!" The seven Li family yelled at the same time when he heard Zhou Heng's lightness at the Supreme God. Even if they were thinking of leaving, deep down they didn't dare to blaspheme that god, let alone others to be frivolous.

This has penetrated their bone marrow.

"Take down this boy and search for his consciousness!" The six elders of the Li family said one after the other, and each of them fought over the front and back, each of them expressing a strong breath.

Zhou Heng's eyes were clear. Said: "You lied to me all the way and let me run for nothing, and I had to take your life as compensation!" He flicked his right hand, and the black sword offered.

Buzz. The six elders of the Li family also lightened their swords at the same time, all wearing gray-black weapons, flashing a heartbreaking cold light.

This is ... before entering here. The battle blade held by the Xinghai robber flashed the same cold light, and it contained a little destructive power of the black sword! See you again!

Facing such weapons. Zhou Heng didn't want to take a note either.

Although that destructiveness cannot be compared with the original Lord of the Black Sword, it still cannot be taken lightly. It was cut with an absolute blood flow that was difficult to heal.

Zhou Heng curiously said, "Where did you get the raw materials for these blades?"

The six elders of the Li family were so angry that they fell into the siege and dared to ask questions like nothing, are you selling? The elder Li's three had a hot temper, and immediately raised the weapon in his hand and beheaded at Zhou Heng.

He was the Emperor of the Five Phases, and when the figure was thrown out, the wind and clouds surged, and a sword cut through the same black lightning.

Cut off!

Zhou Heng moved, let the sword pass, and at the same time, his fist condensed in return to the other side.


Elder Li Jiasan as the Sixth Ascension Emperor was naturally not so vulnerable. As long as Zhou Heng did not let out his momentum, his power was absolutely crushing Zhou Heng, and a smirk appeared on his face, and the same left fist greeted Zhou Zhou .

Strike by force, this is a battle between the fusion of power and fairy magic, looking at absolute hard power.

Zhou Heng is just the emperor of sublimation. Even if he masters the immortal arts, how can he bridge the gap with the Five Emperors? Therefore, hard fight is simply trying to die!


There was a shock in the valley, and a cloud of black mist swirled, like countless Molongs dancing in the clouds.

Zhou Heng shook his hand, revealing a touch of disdain: "But that's it!"

The three elders of Li's family retreated ten-odd feet, and the entire left hand was turned into a mist of blood, leaving no bones!

——At the time, Zhou Heng punched Zhou Yuhe, who was the founding emperor, with a broken bone. What did the sublimation emperor face in the face of the destructive power of the Five Elements Rune? This is because Zhou Heng did not consolidate all the runes, otherwise the number of five-line runes that he has now taken to the next level is that the creator of the world may be killed in one punch!

The premise is that he has to fight!

How could it be so!

The seven members of the Li family were shocked and stunned. They did carefully estimate Zhou Heng's strength and did not underestimate him at all. This moved the battlefield so far. Zhou Heng could escape the siege by chance and could not rush back Shengxian Temple, they must be caught up and killed in the middle of it!

But how much destructive power can this kid actually do when his fist is broken with one punch?

How could there be such a pervert! How terrible is his magic?

Is this the outside world?

Want! Really want!

After the shock, the seven people of the Li family raised an extremely longing! This is the outside world's fairy art. It can make the sublimation emperor send out such terrible combat power. No wonder the ancestors always wanted to go out after learning that this was a prisoner!

The outside world is the real world!

"Shoot together!" The six elders Qi Qi saved, and the three elders with one hand broken were no exception. What was this little injury compared to the outside world? Just take Zhou Heng down and search for his knowledge, this is the peerless immortal method!

Zhou Heng sighed. He was really just an exception. There was only one Chaos Scripture, and it was only by chance that he pushed the number of broken runes to this level!

Do n’t say that he gave these six people to the ancestors behind them. It is useless to the ancestors behind them. It is impossible for them to cultivate the Scriptures by their own understanding. Zhou Heng is the exception after all!

However, he is not obliged to persuade the seven members of the Li family, and since they have to come to death, they will complete them!

Zhou Heng's eyes sharpened, the black sword raised, and the nebula swordsmanship swung open.

boom! boom! boom!

Although he is the sublimation emperor, his power is better than that of the two-phase or even three-phase sublimation emperors. How terrible is the destructive power of the seven sublimation emperors? It was Li Yuanxing who had to run his full power to defend.

This surprised Li Yuanxing, Zhou Heng was so strong! Strong enough to fight the six sublimation emperors on their own, and one of them is the peak of the seven sublimation emperors!

Are the people outside so scary?

Li Yuanxing couldn't help but be worried and full of expectations. If everyone outside is as terrible as Zhou Heng, wouldn't his sublimation emperor run outside to defeat the sublimation king?

But this also shows that the martial arts outside is prosperous, he has unlimited room for improvement!

Go out, be sure to go out!

Zhou Hengchang Xiao, he did not use the five elements of runes, but the Nebula swordsmanship with the Xunyun streamer step, he already has the ability to freely and freely, the black broken sword with a destructive sword.

As his strength increased, the power of the Black Sword was also demonstrated step by step. There was no need for any special role. The horrible destructiveness was enough.

If you use your own momentum or attach the five-element rune, Zhou Heng's sweep of these six people is a matter of minutes. But it is rare to meet opponents who are qualified to play against him, and he will naturally play slowly.

But even so, under the invincibility of the Black Sword, the Nebula swordsmanship still exerted a huge power, so that the elders of the Li family were only able to fight.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The weapons of the elders of the Li family were all cut off one by one. How could the counterfeit be fought with the real thing?

"Go! Go! Hurry!" Elder Li's family made an immediate decision, so that all seven of them would be lost here! Although the family still has an ancestor of the founding king, if they ridicule the family, they will also be greatly injured.

"Haha, what if you want to kill me and search my consciousness without paying a price?" Zhou Heng sneered, a sword crossed, the sword gasified into a roaring black dragon, blocking the way of the seven Li family members.

The elder Li's face flashed a decisive color, saying: "The second child and I stay to block, others go, waiting for the ancestor to go out!"


"Let's go!" Elder Li's house yelled angrily. "Do you want me and the second child to die?"

"Let's go!" Elder Li's second family also yelled ~ www.readwn.com ~ My boss and I can't stop it for a long time. "

Zhou Heng sighed. The two elders of the Li family reminded him of the elders of the Zhou family. Unfortunately, who made them want to kill themselves? It was impossible for him to let the Li family leave because of this slight touch.

Now that the enemy is chosen, the result is doomed.

"Let's go!" Elder Li and the second elder shouted at the same time. The words of the two of them should not take too long, but the time for the other members of the family to escape should be enough.

As long as you can return to the Li family or the Holy Fairy Temple, it is absolutely safe.

The other four elders of the Li family gritted their teeth, picked up Li Yuanxing, and left.

"Don't leave!" Zhou Heng said faintly, and the momentum was widened, and the audience was instantly swept up.

ps: three more completed, ask for a monthly pass ~~~ (to be continued ...)

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