Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 78: 4-star spirit

Is it going to pass if I go to the opposite side?

Zhou Heng looked at the stone bridge swaying in the mountain wind, and his right hand flicked, and a burst of energy burst out into the depths of the cliff. The fire was full of purple fire, and he launched the power of blood, a group of purple glory It was like a meteor passing by, and soon disappeared into the depths of the cliff.

it is true!

If he fell from the stone bridge, he would be really finished, so high, even if his physique is even more powerful, it is an instant mess!

He turned around and saw that the entrance door had been closed silently. He had no way out except for moving forward.

Go ahead then!

Zhou Heng took a deep breath, balanced his mind, and stepped out.

Although the Shishi Bridge is a bridge, its width is so scary that it walks on it immediately.

In fact, the balance of the warrior, if it is to be placed on the flat ground, that is, one hundred miles, one thousand miles will not take a step. When it can be placed on a cliff, it is like walking on thin ice, and it may be overturned at any time!

He is not so much a test of strength as a test of mind.

No fear, no wind!

The Laoshan wind is blowing, let alone say that the spiritual state is not in the eyes, that ordinary people will be happy. But this time is different from other times, every step wrong will be overwhelmed, the stone bridge swayed by the wind of the mountain, like a spirit snake twisting.

Zhou Heng's steps are firm, each step is steady and powerful, nailed to the stone bridge deadly.

Woohoo! call! call!

After I walked forward to Bailaizhang, the mountain wind suddenly whistled, like a tornado, and became extremely violent! Zhou Heng is like a fallen leaf in the wind, and may be rolled into the sky at any time.


Zhou Heng works spiritually, his body is as stable as Mount Tai, and he moves forward step by step with sharp eyes like lightning.

He walked unswervingly forward, and after Bailaizhang, the mountain wind suddenly became smaller, it seemed to have passed the eye of the violent hurricane and entered the safe area. However, just listening to the sound of "swish", the dark clouds in the sky were actually lightning and thunder.

Come on, it's a bit big!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A flash of lightning fell from the clouds and launched a crazy bombardment at the stone bridge!

Zhou Heng is not even in the mood of scolding his mother, and hurriedly ran away, because the lightning was split from behind! He doesn't think he can be faster than lightning. Maybe he can practice Xunyun Streamer to the highest level or try it, but he is by no means now!

Run and run, run and run!

Zhou Heng ran in the front, and there was a burst of lightning in the back. If this scene is to be seen by ordinary people, he must yell incredible, and then think that Zhou Heng is an unforgiving person, God opens his eyes to hack him!

Zhou Heng even launched the Xunyun streamer step, the frequency of lightning splitting is getting higher and higher, and the speed of chasing him is getting faster and faster. He has no time to pause for a while, otherwise he would be impossible if he was caught up. And lightning than speed.

Maybe he can't be killed by a lightning, but as long as he is split off the stone bridge, he is absolutely dead!

Zhou Heng has a dual purpose, not only to run the Xunyun streamer, but also to watch his footsteps cannot be deflected, because the mountain wind does not stop, the stone bridge is still swaying, so narrow the bridge deck, he only needs to step one point wrong Have to drink hate at the slightest!

This is a huge test for his mental strength. Fortunately, his consciousness is tempered by the black sword, tough, broad, and able to support such consumption.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes!

The speed of lightning chasing is getting faster and faster, Zhou Heng has to urge Xunyun Streamer to the extreme, in order to barely let lightning catch up! It only lasted for two or three minutes, and he felt like his body was falling apart, and his skin was about to bleed.

The metal avatar is operating, Zhou Heng is constantly recovering the wounded parts of the body, and by the way, Ming Yugong is also operating. This technique has been advanced to the seventh floor by him, and the defense force is quite scary.

Rao is so. By the eighth minute, Zhou Heng had become a blood man, because the recovery of the metal avatar could not keep up with the destruction of Xunyun's streamer, and the metal avatar, Mingyuong, and Xun The triple consumption of cloud streamers also made him feel exhausted.

adhere to! Must insist!

Nine minutes, ten minutes, eleven minutes!

Zhou Heng kept dripping with blood and even muscles fell down. It looked terrible, but his eyes became brighter, and his fighting spirit was soaring into the sky. It seemed to be transformed into a substance.

Twelve minutes, thirteen minutes!

平台 A platform appeared in front of me—it was the end!

After Zhou Heng was overjoyed, Dan Tian, ​​who had been exhausted, seemed to have injected a stream of clear springs, allowing him to take his speed to another level. After seven ups and downs, he had leapt to the platform.

Leiyun disappeared quickly and everything became calm.

Xi Zhouheng was wheezing in the air, but was forced to endure the strange pain in the past, and took out a spiritual stone to refine.

As the exhausted spirit slowly recovered, he ran the metal avatar again to heal his body. Soon, no scars could be seen on the whole body, but his face looked quite pale. After all, the lost blood could not be repaired at once. .

It's nothing. The spiritual world depends on spiritual power to eat. As long as the spiritual power comes back, everything is easy to say.

Because of the healing, Zhou Heng took three hours to recover completely this time. He looked back at the long stone bridge and thought about it.

He is definitely not the first person to pass the two levels, and the difficulty will be adjusted here according to the strength of the warrior. So how did those people come in before? He was amazing enough, but still such a terrible law, what about those people before?

Don't be complacent. Some people in this world are geniuses, so many are evil spirits. In this area of ​​Tianhang City, he can be listed among the top geniuses, but what about the whole country?

How about putting it on the entire Xuangan continent?

Don't forget that Han Cang Kingdom is just a small dynasty, which can't be compared with the dynasty and emperor dynasty!

I believe that the original owner of this palace should be the top character in the dynasty and even the imperial dynasty, so it will set up such abnormal conditions.

Zhou Heng stood up and looked forward, and a door had been opened to him.

I don't know what is happening to Gu Zi now. Suddenly there was a thought in his heart. Such a terrible test, can Gu Zi really break through?

He strode into the third door.

The scenery changes again. This is an elegant room. It is not big, and it looks like a square. There is a stone table in the middle, and there is a crystal-like pillar on the stone table. I have seen it a few times this week. It is the psionic column used to test the spirit body.

Is this the third level to test the power of bloodline?

The genius is here, it's okay, just let it be! Because the power of blood is born, it is determined, it cannot be improved, and it cannot be destroyed.

But Zhou Heng laughed. This law was useless to him. The Black Sword has been improving his physique, from the consciousness to the power of blood, to the strength of the body.

It's just that this process is very long. During the first two months of testing, there were only Samsung Spirits. Now it is up to four stars, and it cannot be higher.

He walked to the table and put his right hand up. The Lingjing pillar stood up and changed, and once it emitted purple light, it emitted golden light. It kept changing, but the brightness still didn't catch up to the sky.

Sure enough, the four-star spirit body is one star higher than the previous test in the Black Water Palace!

Nothing moved around.

Obviously, such qualifications are not accepted at all, too rubbing!

My eyes are so high. There are 10,000 spirits in the whole country, and they will be cultivated wherever they are placed. However, even passing the level here is not enough! If you think about it, there are tens of thousands of people in this small country who are qualified to pass this level. Is this still difficult?

Zhou Heng is not discouraged, because he still has the tools to cheat against the sky!

He let go of the suppression of the black sword. Suddenly, the artifact seemed to be provoked, and immediately sent out a black light, and rushed towards the Lingjing pillar.

The entire Lingjing column is filled with black light in an instant, and the entire room is full of dim light, which is obviously black light, but it gives people a feeling of blinding eyes! But it was only for a moment, and suddenly, the pill column shattered into millions of pieces.

Kaka, Kakaka, a wall suddenly rose, and a magnificent hall behind it appeared.


Zhou Heng strode forward, a flash of white light flashed, and a figure appeared out of thin air. It is the young child transformed by the spirit of the magic circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Congratulations on you passing through the three barriers and becoming the temporary hall of Xinluo the host! Said the young child.

"Temporary master?" Zhou Heng stunned, "Why not a permanent master?"

"Because I have been destroyed and ca n’t recognize the Lord, everyone who passes the Sanguan can become the temporary master of Xinluodian until they leave!" Said the child calmly, as if he had forgotten to see him before. Zhou Heng.

It turned out so, but what power can destroy Xinluo Temple? A wasteland outside, was that destroyed in the battle? Who did it exactly? What was the former owner of Xinluodian?

It's a pity that the spirit of the magic circle has no memory at all.

"This is a reward for you. The Jiuxuan Trial Tower is the treasure of Xinluo Temple, and it is more precious than the Xinluo Temple!" The young child reached out a hand, and suddenly there was an exquisite little tower just tall. .

The pagoda has ten floors, each of which is exquisitely crafted and extremely delicate.

"Isn't it Jiu Xuan, why is it ten floors?" Zhou Heng picked up the tower and looked left and right and found nothing precious.

"After you recognize the Lord, you will understand!" Said the spirit of Fajin. "Drop a drop of your blood and enter it with the knowledge of God at the same time, you can complete the confession of the Lord. The master of this tower has already died, and you become the Lord No difficulty. "

Zhou Heng doesn't think that the spirit of the magic circle will harm himself, otherwise it is enough to make it difficult for the two levels before him to die. I don't know how many times. He bit his finger, dropped a drop of blood on the tower, and communicated the matter with consciousness.


When he knew the sea, countless pieces of information poured into his mind. After digesting them one by one, Zhou Heng suddenly showed a very surprised expression.

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