Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 784: 7 Star Fruit (Tue / Wed)

Xinghai Haomiao is unknown, and because all the immortal stars have been blown up, it is hard to identify and there is no transit station to supply. Therefore, a detailed star map can be said to be extremely precious. M

The entire immortal world is extremely lacking in resources. Whether it is high-end metal or high-end fairy grass, it is an extremely precious existence!

The destruction of the fairyland was a million years ago. Although it is difficult to contain life in the stars, once it is inoculated, the possibility of the emergence of holy medicine is very, very high!

Forty-nine immortal cities are at most comparable to forty-nine immortal stars. Can its resources be compared with the entire Xinghai?

Of course, the nine-headed robber group cannot go through the entire Xinghai, they just set foot on a small part of the vast Xinghai, but in such a part, there are three holy medicines!

Two of them are still far from mature, but one is about to mature.

"Zhou, hurry up! Let's go!" The black donkey came out as soon as he heard the word holy medicine.

Zhou Heng carefully checked that the large piece was not named by the Xinghai Bandit, but was directly labeled as "one seven four, four". In addition, the most important news was that the natural environment above was marked, and there were two sides waiting. Holy medicine monster.

——Kiss kiss.

"Kiss kiss?" When he heard these two words, both the blue dragon queen and the red dragon queen were slightly stunned. "This is a distant relative of the dragon clan. If it is a pure blood kiss, it would be great!"

Zhou Heng couldn't help wondering, "How are your breeds divided?"

"Pin, variety?" This sentence annoyed both the two dragon emperors. What did this guy say?

Zhou Heng smiled. He did use some inappropriate words. He said, "Who made your dragons a blue dragon and a red dragon, and now it ’s your family's kisses? It seems that there are too many relatives. Is that right? "

"Of course, there is only one of our ancestors, that is, the blue dragon among the Supreme Ancestors and the Four God Beasts!"

"We are all descendants of the Divine Dragon, but the bloodline has faded. There has been a mutation, so there is a difference in attributes, but it is undeniable that we all have the blood of the true dragon!"

"Like the kiss, it was born of a pure-bred true dragon and other powerful gods and beasts. There are similar prison cattle, tadpoles, mocking wind, and Pu'ao! Everyone says that dragons have nine sons. They all differ, but in fact Not the pure blood of our dragons! "

The blue dragon empress Yan Zheng said that this involved the dignity of the dragon. She must let Zhou Heng fully understand and even develop awe.

"Oh, for example, the Dragon family is the Dragon family. It has been passed down for generations. In your generation, it is already an unimportant sideline. It is still a dragon, but the so-called kiss kiss. That is the married dragon. The daughter-in-law belongs to a foreign relative? "Zhou Heng made a parable.

"... If you have to understand it this way, that's probably it!"

"Speaking again, I don't think you are very authentic, only three drops of true dragon essence blood!" Zhou Heng sighed, but this was confusing. Stronger than the Blue Dragon Queen, but only three drops of true dragon blood.

"Nonsense, of course, we are much better than kissing them! They have completely reduced to monsters and have long been cleared by our great dragons!" The blue dragon queen said rightly.

"It's not their fault to look ugly, are you too cruel?" Zhou Heng said deliberately, "It's an eye for power!"

"You, you, you make trouble for no reason!"

"I was hit. No words, right?" Zhou Heng laughed.

"Anyway, we represent the most noble dragon family!" The blue dragon queen raised her face proudly, and I only recognized this deadly look.

"Hey, hey, your husband and wife can do whatever they want, but you have to close the door, don't be open to the public. Isn't there so many outsiders? You have to worry about our feelings. Cried the black donkey.

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Are you thinking about that holy medicine?"

"Hey, you don't have to say it when you know it, it looks so greedy!" The black donkey pretended to be embarrassed.

"You were the greedy donkey in the world!"

Zhou Heng looked at the remaining Xinghai robbers and said, "What do you know about the Fengzidu?"

Under the deterrence of the two dragon empresses, even if Zhou Heng just sublimated the emperor, these founding emperors could only honestly answer, and did not dare to hide anything.

However, Fengzi has not been here for a long time. Although it came with the intention of soliciting, it is just because the negotiation has just begun. No details have been disclosed. In fact, they know nothing more than Zhou Heng.

And the only informed person, one ran away, and the other was swallowed, in short, there is no more for the time being.

However, the Xinghai Bandit still has a pretty imprint of the broken continent numbered "One Seven Four Four" because there is a holy medicine "Seven Star Fruit" there!

Qixingguo is the real holy medicine, it can grow a piece every 100,000 years, and it grows seven pieces in a period of 700,000 years, and then each piece of vine branch will bloom a flower, produce the only fruit, and then calendar 30,000 years can truly mature.

This slow growth, but the effect is absolutely terrible, but it is a precious medicine that can benefit Mingxian.

Both Maoli and Fengzi discussed the requirements of the alliance, and one of them was to ask Fengzi to shoot and help him get this seven-star fruit!

There are more than nine gangsters in the Xinghai. Therefore, it's not just the two kisses that are definitely Mingxian that Maori should worry about, but other Xinghai robbers who found the seven-star fruit.

Among them, there is no shortage of powerful existence like a fairy!

To attract others, of course, it is necessary to pay a certain price, so that gross profit is eligible for bargaining with Fengzi.

After asking all the things, the blue dragon queen reached out and wiped out the lives of the eight creator emperors. Although it was not easy to practice, they had countless sins and regretful death. It was cheap to give them a quick death.

They soared away and quickly found the star ship in the sky.

Zhou Heng released the women in Xianju. Although this starship is not too big, it can accommodate more than a hundred people. It is no problem. He intends to let the starship take these women to return to the 49th Immortal Ship first, and He went looking for the "one seven four four".

He asked Mu Tongtong and Hu Yin to go with him. Although Mu Tongtong was young, her cultivation was extraordinary. Now she is the Emperor of the Sun, and the little girl is very strange and ancient. It should not be Will suffer.

Moreover, the title of his holy pharmacist is enough to deter 99% of the people, and the people on the boat are not afraid to deceive these women.

Mu Tongtong is his messenger, responsible for bringing the news of Hongyue back.

"Where are you going now?" Hongyue emerged from Xianju without warning, bare feet, crystal clear like jade, cold like a lotus, and beautiful like an immortal.

Zhou Heng had to admit that she was no better than confusing the sky in terms of appearance. He said, "Going to pick a seven-star fruit?"

"Seven Star Fruit?" Hongyue groaned slightly. "It's such a low-level spiritual fruit, no matter what, I'm going to heal anyway, it's the same everywhere. If anything happens, you can call me to help!"

Talk so well?

Judging from the front, this red moon seems to be very interesting, but how can it be such a big hatred against the confused world? Moreover, although very proud of the sky, but also absolutely interesting to the same door.

Since both of them are interested in the same door, why are they against their goals?

Are they too beautiful to hate each other?

Zhou Heng thought with some gossip, that he must try his best to avoid the meeting between Hongyue and Gutian, otherwise the needle tip may fall to Mai Mang.

But it's not a way to run around with Red Moon like this?

Can't he keep going back to see the girls? He also has parents, relatives, and friends!


Suddenly Zhou Heng's eyes brightened. In fact, there is no other way. As long as Hongyue's cultivation is to break through the realm of stars, then she will naturally rise to the Ming Dynasty, and it will be difficult for her to think again!

At that time, bring everyone to confuse the sky and quickly run away. After he also ascended to the Ming Realm, the world is so wide, how unlikely is he to encounter the red moon again?

In fact, since both Tian and Hongyue have "dead" once, no matter how big their grievances can be, right? They have hit each other badly, so no one has lost!

However, were both women's injuries hit by each other?

This point of confusing days has not been said, nor has Hongyue said.

Forget it, still follow the way you just thought, let Hongyue break through as soon as possible and rise to the bright realm!

Zhou Heng took Xianju, and returned to the broken continent with the Red Dragon Queen, Blue Dragon Queen, and Black Donkey. There are starships left by the nine-headed bandit group, which allows Zhou Heng to set sail.

With the constant urging of the black donkey, the star ship rose and sailed in the vast universe.

Because there are no crew members, Zhou Heng must take turns to control the starship. Otherwise, if they are hit by a meteorite, great trouble may occur, and the space relocation also requires manual control, and it will not be performed automatically.

Black donkeys are messing around in the cockpit, while Zhou Heng and the blue dragon queen are talking in the cabin, saying things they know about the Ming Dynasty.

Time passed quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Heng started to feel a little upset, and kept staring at the Red Dragon Empress, only to find out why this woman was so indifferent that she was so late that she could not return to her room.

The Queen of the Red Dragon is not stupid. How could she not understand after being stared at by Zhou Heng so many times, but she didn't know it. She kept pulling the Queen of the Blue Dragon to say something affectionate to her sisters, only when Zhou Heng's eyes got into the sand.

It seems that this woman is the set candle!

Zhou Heng rushed directly and said, "Hey, almost, you should go back to your room to sleep!"

Listening to his intuition, the blue dragon queen could not help but tighten her face, although she had a relationship with Zhou Heng, but that was to understand the Blood Moon Curse. Moreover, Zhou Heng was able to toss so much yesterday that she was now a little scared.

"Second sister, I'll sleep with you!" She said quickly, without giving Zhou Heng the opportunity to speak, pulling up the Red Dragon Queen and running away.


Zhou Heng touched his nose, and couldn't help laughing, which could scare a Mingxian away. How many people can do this?

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