Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 802: Mingxian extinction between **** (two / three)

"Oh, right!" After Zhou Heng took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at a few people, "I almost forgot that the three of you had attacked us in the swamp before. Little boat! "

Those three were all Mingxian. When confronted with Zhou Heng's questioning, they were all close enemies, as if the other party was not a sublimated emperor, but a superpower coming down from the Ming Realm.

"At that time, we didn't know that Your Excellency was also on the boat, I'm really sorry!" After looking at each other, the three men decided to put up with this breath for the time being.

"This kind of apology that is painless and itchy is really more unpleasant than listening!" Zhou Heng put his arms around his chest and glanced at each of them. "It's too sincere, I don't accept it!"

Damn, we are dignified and we all bow down to you at your expense. What else do you want?

"Sir, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Killing is not the point, naturally a person like me will not beat and kill casually-"

Hearing that here, the ancestors of the Tai family, Fang Yirong, and others all rolled their eyes and said that they would not kill and kill casually. Who killed the oldest and the youngest in the Ma family? Isn't it that they don't want to commit suicide?

"Come out of sincerity, kneel and apologize!" Zhou Heng said with a cold expression.

He was really angry. If there weren't two dragon emperors sitting on the boat, or the strength of the two dragon emperors was a little worse, then they would be the fate of the boat overthrowing people!

——The poisonous swamp does not kill Mingxian in a short while, but will these people sit and watch them run out of trouble on the island? Obviously not, I definitely want to cut the grass!

do not forget. These people seem to be dressed well, but they are all Xinghai bandits. Ferocious blood is flowing in the bones!

Too domineering!

Actually want to let Mingxian kneel down and make a gift!

If Zhou Heng can really do that, then he will definitely be the first person in the world. Created the first feat ever! Of course, these three Mingxian kneeling down are about to be cast aside by Wanshi!

Fang Yirong and Yang Xinghua see beautiful eyes, this is a real man!

Why didn't they find out when they were trapped? Although Zhou Heng's attitude was not enthusiastic, he was not so cold as to ignore them at all! If you could have given up the young lady's face to please him, now maybe he and Zhou Heng have become lovers!


Compared with their idiots, Ju Huayi has a bitter face, Zhou Heng can even fight against Ming Xian, and even has the upper hand, but he actually wanted to step on Zhou Heng under his feet. How can this be beyond our control?

Fortunately, he has not had a chance to ask his elders to cheer him up after losing money. This matter stopped here, even if he gave him a hundred guts, he would not dare to be against Zhou Heng!

"Huh!" The three bright immortals involved in the incident turned black at the same time. This little sublimation emperor was too arrogant. Don't think that you can be invincible by mastering some weird secrets! After all, the sublimation emperor is only the sublimation emperor. Is the rank of the warrior empty?

This kid's body should have some secrets of the Ming Realm, so as to prevent the attack of Mingxian level!

Just like Fang Yirong before. She had a rune of Ming Dynasty in her hand. So why couldn't Zhou Heng get a more powerful rune or something?

Yes, it must be this consumable treasure! Because if it is a treasure, it requires the user to use his own power to motivate him. How can a sublimated emperor be qualified to urge the treasure of Ming Dynasty?

But the consumption type is different. As long as a thought is turned on, it can work until the power in it is exhausted.

The point is, how long can it last!

and. The second kiss was said to have died in Zhou Heng's hands, so Zhou Heng's hands not only had a defensive rune. There must be an offensive rune, which has to be frowning!

Since even the five-phase Mingxian's kisses can't be killed. It wouldn't matter to kill them!

The others were silent, and none of them could figure out why a sublimated emperor would have such an anti-sky ability, so they chose to stand by and watch carefully through the battle between these three men and Zhou Heng Constant bottom.

"It ’s better to start first!" One of the three men with a long chest and a long beard sang. The figure was the first to shoot, and his right hand made a move. There was a sky full of meteorites, as if the rain had blasted towards Zhou Heng .

The other two also launched attacks almost at the same time, one roared, the sound wave turned into countless weapons, swept towards Zhou Heng, and the other rolled out with two palms, rolling up a hurricane vortexing. Scroll toward Zhou Heng with the potential of tearing space.

Zhou Heng's thoughts have formed a golden shield of light around her body, forming a shield wall like a rock. This is the single attribute defense that he extracted from the Rune Flow in the Earthly Chaos.

Of the five elements, soil is the strongest defensive attribute-of course, the five elements are one, the other is in harmony with each other, and the defense is definitely stronger, but Zhou Heng's current practice is not enough to support his endless operation of the five-element runes. Therefore, it is necessary to self-cut the combat power appropriately.

In fact, only 20% of the force can be used to stop the opponent's attack, so why use 10% of the force?

He is not a prodigal!

Alas, in the fierce impact, all attacks hit the stone shield and were bombed.

Zhou Heng's strength is indeed limited, but as long as the power of runes is inspired, this is a matter of heaven and earth, even though Zhou Heng is not yet qualified to understand what this truth is, but as long as he can use it.


The eyes of all Mingxian are widened. What kind of characters are they? They naturally feel a subtle surge of power. The power flowing from Zhou Heng's body is extremely limited. Once it is in operation, the heavens and the earth will naturally meet, and this will The power is magnified endlessly!

They couldn't help horrifying!

In theory, all fairy arts are a truth, that is, to use their own strength to move the power of heaven and earth, thereby magnifying their own combat power!

This is one of the reasons why power is not equal to combat power.

But the power of fairy magic is not endless. Generally speaking, a hundred times is almost the limit. This is already a world-class fairy magic! But Zhou Heng could not be sublimated. How many times does his power increase if he can compete with Mingxian?

Tens of thousands? millions? Tens of millions?

How can there be such exercises in the world?

It must be Tianjing!

But this is back to the old road. Zhou Heng is just a sublimation emperor, not qualified to fully grasp the fairy tales!

A group of Mingxian is also the most well-known person in the whole fairyland. But now they are scratching their heads, their hearts are full of puzzles. For people in their realm, this kind of puzzle is the most fascinating to them. If you don't make it clear, your thoughts will not be accessible. How can you move on the martial arts road?

Can't torture like this!

Zhou Heng looked coldly at the three big immortals, and said, "Since you don't want to kneel and apologize, it's the only thing I can do!" Unclear.

"Hahaha. The old man has to see what you can do!" The old man with a long laugh laughed, he had seen Zhou Heng's weakness.

That is no matter what, Zhou Heng's realm is after all just a sublimation emperor, but it is a hundred thousand miles away from Mingxian! Therefore, no matter his moving speed or attack speed, he can only play the level of sublimation emperor.

No matter how terrible the lethality is, what's the use of not hitting people?

Zhou Heng smiled slightly and said, "Then you come and try!"

Under his feet, a golden light emerged. A golden rune formed under him, humming across it, this golden rune appeared at the foot of the old bearded man!


The golden rune immediately burst into a brilliant light, supreme. People can't help but feel awed.

"What—" the Elder Beard exclaimed, but he did not expect Zhou Heng's attack to come so suddenly! It was just such a disappointing color that the golden runes were already powerful. Swallowed him all in.

This time, Zhou Heng lost money. Run a complete five-element rune, this is what Mingxian does. Encounter or suffer!

"Ah!" The Elder Longbeard had no time to make a short scream. The whole man had been transformed into fly ash under the prestige of runes, as if the whole man had disappeared out of thin air.

When all the immortals saw this, they could not help but show their magnificent colors.

The idea of ​​attacking is that this is the ability that warriors of all circles have, but this ability cannot actually maximize the warrior's combat power.

The most powerful warrior is always the body!

The advantage of Mind Attack is that it is fast. As long as the opponent can directly launch an attack regardless of the distance within the area covered by his own knowledge, such an attack can only play at most one percent or even one thousandth of the military. Combat power!

This can also instantly kill a Mingxian, to what extent is Zhou Heng's combat power against the sky?

Can everyone be afraid?

This means that as long as Zhou Heng's consciousness envelopes him, he can wipe out any one's life!

There was a dead silence in the audience. Only the brain-washed Queen Dragon was still fighting with the other two dragon emperors. She was fearless ~ www.readwn.com. Go on.

Fang Yirong and Yang Xinghua both had bright eyes, and it was difficult to hide the strong worship. The strongest were the most shining at any time.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, this is the advantage of the five elements of runes!

Because the power of the Five Elements Rune lies in itself, it is the law that induces heaven and earth to suppress opponents. As for Zhou Heng? As long as you have enough power to play a complete rune.

This is like confusing the sky. The entire land of fire was sealed under the previous thought. This does not require much power of her own. It is simply the application of laws!

Of course, Zhou Hengbi must not be confused. He can only use the most basic rules. He can't even understand the rules at all. He is not even qualified to really understand the rules, so he needs to support it with his own strength.

It's as if he is an old man who can't read big characters, but it doesn't matter. His illiteracy does not affect his copying the word!

But now Zhou Hengteng copied not words, but runes and rules! (To be continued ...)

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