Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 827: Cut the dragon (two / three)

Whether it is Zhou Heng or Dragon Emperor, they all yearn for victory!

They both have the temperament to become kings, and are more inclined to attack than to defend in battle! Their belief is to destroy the opponent with an unstoppable attack like a tide, instead of using a defensive posture to watch the opponent's flaws before launching a counterattack.

In this way, the battle becomes extremely dangerous!

It's not that they all gave up defense, but that they put more power on the offensive end.

This has been effective, and their offense has scarred each other!

Zhou Heng had a piece of ice on his body, the flesh and blood under the ice had been completely necrotic, and the Dragon Emperor was not much better, and he was cut into blood by the black sword! With the horrible destructive power of the Black Sword, unless the wound is wiped away, it is impossible for the wound to heal, and it will bleed to dryness!

The fairy level is that only a drop of blood can be recovered in one thought, but a drop of blood is still required. If it dries, it really hangs!

——The wounds destroyed by the black sword, the blood flowing out has also been wiped out of all vitality, which is equivalent to waste blood!

After fighting more than a hundred strokes, one person and one dragon each stepped back by more than a hundred feet. They all simply dealt with the wounds on their bodies, cut off the necrotic flesh and resurrected them, or completely cut off the bleeding wounds.

They turned into a draw again!

Dragon Emperor is very anxious. Burning a drop of essence blood will not support him for such a long time. Once he loses his ability to run the law, how can he fight Zhou Heng? Either retreat or burn another drop of blood!

He didn't even consider the former. He had paid too much for the lower bound-see if there is no treasure in him. Take it all out in exchange for this time!

Going back is easy, getting down is too difficult. He would never return to the Ming Realm unless he had to die.

But he has hundreds of drops of essence blood, and one drop of burning will make his bloodliness drop! The heaviest of the descendants of the beast is the purity of the blood vessels. If he loses two drops of true dragon blood, or more, he will be despised in the bones when he returns to the dragon family!

——The noble Dragon race actually depends on burning essence to save their lives or achieve their goals. Isn't this losing their ancestor's face?

Moreover, the loss of one drop of essence blood will make him drop in the ranks of the Dragon Clan, and the loss of two drops is even more unimaginable!

It was a shame and shame that the Emperor Long had the urge to kill when he thought that those who were stomped by him could overtake him in the future.

But a drop of essence blood has been burned. If he just gives up and gains nothing, wouldn't he be more reconciled?

He shouted. Long Yin kept on attacking Zhou Heng frantically.

Zhou Heng was also very anxious.

His nine-yuan Huilingdan had been exhausted, and the spiritual power in his body was not enough to support him for how long he fought. Fortunately, Chaos Heavenly Classic does not require him to consume spiritual power to operate, as long as he uses the spirit to communicate with the spirit.

This at least allows him to have full self-protection!

So why not be crazy?

In the eyes of Zhou Heng, the light of God moved, and if he dragged on like this, he would remain undefeated, and he would not be able to defeat the Emperor. And he still has a trick to kill ... Ling Tian Nine!

Solve the battle in one hit!


Even if he couldn't kill the Dragon Emperor in one shot, his energy was exhausted and he was in the weakest state. However, Chaos Tianjing can run to protect him on his own, there is no need to worry about being killed by the Dragon Emperor!

He will surely be exhausted. This will happen sooner or later. Why not take advantage of it while the strength is still complete?

but. Have to find the best time to attack.

Dragon Emperor's anxiety just gave Zhou Heng the opportunity. The other side pays more attention to the offense, which means that the defense is weakened!

Zhou Heng's eyes sharpened. His idea was to force the Dragon Emperor back into the Ming Realm, but now he wants to kill the opponent with one sword. Never suffer later!

Any success comes at a price!

He took a deep breath. Vigorously urged Chaos Tianjing, completely removed the defense, and went to Longdi Town with all his strength.

Is this a decisive battle?

Emperor Long sneered, and the other side was impatient? Are you exhausted? Then fight it!

Giving up defense means more aggressive and more dangerous!

If he chooses to defend, Zhou Heng will have the upper hand on the scene, and it will bring the battle to a standstill. But if he also chooses to attack, then although the danger is dangerous, it will let the battle win the victory as soon as possible.

Could he be fearful of a little figure from the underworld?

The pride of the Dragons did not allow him to flinch, not to mention he didn't want to consume the essence of blood anymore, this kind of offensive defense just fit his mind!

Then come to war!

The Dragon Emperor roared, and the Long Yin shuddered. He shot with both claws, each condensing a huge ice ball, and blasted towards Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng's figure suddenly turned into two people. One was chaotic sky scripture above his head, full of colorful radiance, and the other was a bare-handed fist from the oblique side to kill the dragon emperor.

One true body and one divine sign!

Which one is true?

Dragon Emperor cannot spread the attack, which will not achieve a lethal effect. He must make a choice!

There was only a short time. He could not figure out Zhou Heng's true intentions, but in his opinion, naturally, the threat of Chaos Sutra was greater. After a thought, he pointed his claws to the Zhou who had Chaos Sutra Heng took the past.


With a loud sound, Guanghua shuddered, the ice ball on Dragon Emperor's claws was biochemically transformed into numerous fragments, and the colorful light of Zhou Heng's body was completely broken.

After this confrontation, the destructive power of both sides was extremely weakened.


But with the claws of the dragon, Zhou Heng was shot into flesh without any suspense, and the debris was flying!

Dragon Emperor was a joy first, then a stun, and a shock!

Slap his opponent, he was naturally happy, but he immediately reacted, this must be a **** of Zhou Heng, can be so vulnerable! But why did Zhou Heng give such a treasure to Chaos Tianjing to operate, which is not putting the real body in an extremely dangerous situation?

There must be big plans!

But without the Chaos Heavenly Classic, what kind of combat power can the opponent run? He is not without playing against Zhou Heng. After so long, his attacking power on Zhou Heng has been well understood!

At the cost of a god. In exchange for a blow to him in exchange for injury. This looks absolutely decisive and courageous, but it's actually stupid. A godlike image is much more valuable than a sword.

Hum, this kid is anxious too!

The Dragon Emperor stretched out a dragon claw and grabbed the past. Constant combat power!

How can Zhou Heng alone fight against the superposition of his power and the power of laws?

This kid is seeking his own way!

Zhou Heng is sturdy. No other thoughts in his heart, hum, black sword offering, his mind is united, Ling Tian Jiu Jian sword flow.

The supreme supremacy is that the five runes are not comparable!

Sword out!

The black sword air is vertical and horizontal, and the whole world is suddenly dark, no light and no moon!


It was too late for the Emperor to exclaim, and the black sword came suddenly!

He didn't expect it. This sword came so fiercely, so domineering, so great!

The other side sacrifices a god, and even hesitates to temporarily give up the Chaos Heavenly Sutra, just in exchange for this sword!

If he is not greedy. If you don't have a claw to capture the Chaos Heavenly Sutra, there must be a defense force at this time, but now? Must eat hard!

Good boy. Really strong man broke his wrist, so decisive!

Dragon Emperor secretly. This decisive mentality is so terrible that he must not let Zhou Heng grow. If this kid goes to the Ming Realm, it will be a big trouble in the future! Even if he burns ten or even twenty drops of essence blood, he will kill this kid!

What about eating a sword, he is not uncut!

Brush, a sword moves for nine days, the black sword shadow across the sky!


There was a sudden burst of blood in Long Di's chest, and his dragon-shaped face was still with an unbelievable shock!

His defense and his powerful dragon body couldn't stop Zhou Heng's sword this time!

Previously, all he suffered was a flesh wound, because after burning essence blood, his body was extremely tough. Even the five-element runes and black sword could only cut his skin and let him bleed.

But now, that horrible sword pierced his body directly!

Pierced his heart!

His vitality is rapidly fading, his consciousness is becoming dim, and the sea is dark!

He is going to die!

Dragon Emperor realized this difficultly, but he was powerless to make any further moves, and it was extremely difficult to even turn a thought. Everything was blurred in front of him, and only an arrogant figure stood in the sky.

He was actually killed by a lower-level ant!

The direct blood of the mighty dragon tribe is destined to have great achievements in the future, and even has no chance to escape back to the Ming Realm, so he dies with humiliation in the Lower Realm!

Not staring!

But what about that, the breath belonging to the Dragon Emperor suddenly broke off, and his body turned into a ten-foot-long cyan dragon that suddenly fell from the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Heng also started to fall, and flying was needed Spiritually, even if he has the brute force for sublimation, it has no effect. With a move in his right hand, he had already collected Dragon Emperor's body into the space weapon. This is a real dragon, a great supplement!


He landed heavily and smashed the ground out of a deep pit. Alas, Chaos Heaven automatically flew back, and fell into Zhou Heng's chest.

The dragon and emperor are dead!

The nine days in the fierce battle will be savage, this is something they never thought of! They also dreamed that they would be taken to the Ming Realm by the Dragon Emperor, and the Star Realm would be effortlessly rushed to the Star Realm with the resources of the Ming Realm. !!

Incredible! Unthinkable! Unacceptable!

Nine days will be like funerals and tests, all fighting spirit will be lost, but why will the five dragon emperors stop because of this, instead they will attack harder!

This dragon emperor was all killed by Zhou Heng, how could they be successful? (To be continued ...)

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