Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 924: Physical fitness improvement (three / three)

Zhou Heng was fair. He gave the second drop of golden liquid to Xiaohuo, and the last drop was taken by himself.

Now, the black donkey and Xiaohuo can stand on their own. It is his powerful helper. Naturally, it is the best choice for the three to grow together.

A drop of golden liquid in the mouth suddenly filled the mouth with incense, came to the stomach along the esophagus, and after being urged by the spiritual force, it immediately turned into billions of starlight particles, filling his whole body.

This is the essence of the life of a Tianhe strong man, and after at least millions of years of accumulation, the effect is extremely powerful!

Golden bone marrow looks like a hundred drops when it first forms, and then doubles every one million years. There are only three drops left, which means at least five million years of accumulation!

Unfortunately, if it can be concentrated into a drop, the effect will be more powerful! Of course, after a while, it will completely evaporate after a drop and return to the world.

But even with three drops now, the effect is terrifying.

Although it does not increase spiritual power, it is obviously incomparable to the improvement of physical fitness. After all, it was passed down by a Tianhe strong man for millions of years. Moreover, it is not only the physical improvement, but also contains the realm understanding of a Tianhe Realm. The effect is even better than Tian Xuan Ling Jing!

It is also normal to think about it. The production of golden bone is too difficult and too difficult, and the time required can be comparable to the Holy Medicine.

Zhou Heng ’s physique ceased to increase after reaching the sublimation level. Although the Five Elements Rune has a strong defense ability, that is after all a drain of spiritual power. Strictly speaking, this is a false defense. Once his spiritual power is exhausted, , Then it is completely useless.

There is no such thing as a forged body in Ming Dynasty, at least Zhou Heng has not seen it. Now is an excellent opportunity.

Countless stars of light radiate dazzling light in Zhou Heng's body, then return to peace, merge into his flesh and blood, and quickly improve his physique. If he looks at the eyes now, there is a golden light in the skin layer Overflowing, forming a golden egg-shaped mask.

Starlight particles form a dense array of stars, and they are also arranged in Tianhe. This is the lifetime comprehension of the respected Tianhe strongman. Judging from the number of Tianhe. This person should have reached the level of the high-ranking Tianhe Emperor, with at least five thousand Tianhe!

If such stars are densely packed and arranged in the Tianhe array, if they are seen by other martial arts stars, they will be ecstatic! It is a pity that Zhou Heng never realized in the realm of consciousness. This kind of thing was completely wasteful for him.

Not only is he wasting. The same goes for black donkeys and small fires.

The black donkey ate the heaven and earth fruit, and the ascension of the realm was totally inexplicable. Realization and the like are not needed at all! And the small fire is the heaven and earth beast. The ascension of the realm is determined by the blood, and the cultivation is the flesh. What stars are densely packed and what are the heavens and rivers that matter?

I have to say that all three guys are freaks.

Their physiques are improving, and the effects of Zhou Heng and Black Donkey are most obvious. Xiao Huo had repaired the flesh. This golden bone marrow improved it, but it was far less than Zhou Heng and the black donkey.

Two days later, Zhou Heng, Black Donkey, and Xiaohuo stopped refining at the same time.嘭, 嘭, 嘭, they broke the mask that surrounds them, and broke through the "shell".

"Hahahaha, I feel that a punch can make a hole in the sky! Grandpa Donkey wants to punch ten, no, a hundred, a thousand!" The golden luster on the black donkey did not completely disappear, so It seemed a bit marvelous, but then listening to it, the feeling suddenly disappeared.

Zhou Heng also examined his body carefully. It is estimated that his defense and brute force almost reached the level of the Star Emperor, but this is only an estimate. Whether it has actually reached or not needs to be confirmed.

"Come, donkey, let's have a fight! Rest assured, I don't need spiritual power, let's just fight brute force!"

"Haha, hit and hit, see if this one doesn't bite off your butt!"

One man and one donkey started the war, alas, you punched me with one hoof, and you fought fiercely.

Brute power can be easily compared with spiritual power to obtain the strength level. The brute power of Zhou Heng and the Black Donkey is indeed at the level of Star Emperor, but it does say that it should be about 400 stars.

But they bombarded each other, they just felt pain!

The defense has also reached the level of Star Emperor!

This is not a joke, the defense of the Star Emperor means that the strike of the Star Emperor can be ignored, that is, they are in a coma, and the Star Emperor did not want to kill or even hurt them!

Although they can't be immune under the bombardment of Star Emperor, their bearing capacity will be greatly improved. Zhou Heng does not need to take the blow of a high-ranking Star Emperor as much as he wanted to vomit blood.

As a result, both Zhou Heng and Black Donkey were very satisfied. As for Xiao Huo, who already had a defense that could not be broken by the Emperor of the Stars, he must now be even more furious.

Compared with divine beasts, both humans and humans are much inferior. One is born with a weak constitution, and the other is a "hybrid" offspring. The blood is thin and cannot reproduce the power of divine beasts.

"Go, let's keep looking!"

The six-month period has just begun, and you don't even have to follow it. However, according to the Dahe Academy, only the monsters here have the most security in this half year. After this period, a large number of monsters will run rampant, making this place completely fierce.

Therefore, it is best to stick to the six-month deadline.

Under the sniff of the small fire, one person, one donkey and one dog kept marching toward the depths of the battlefield. Although the distance they can travel every day cannot be compared with their normal speed, they can sweep away about a hundred miles.

This is not a hundred miles straight, but a sweep of a hundred miles!

Zhou Heng does not know how big this ancient battlefield is, nor can he know that six months is not enough time to sweep the area around him, but who can guarantee that there will be blood and fruit in which place?

What's more, there is such an unexpected gain as golden bone!

Therefore, he would rather not go through this area, but also search down every inch of the land. Who knows whether there is a blood spirit fruit under a certain stone or a certain corpse.

Unconsciously, one month has passed.

The aura here is really rich, and this is an ancient battlefield. There are countless strong people's bodies as nutrients, which has spawned a lot of elixir and even elixir!

However, it is strictly forbidden to pick the elixir before the year, otherwise no matter who is executed after discovery, no discussion is possible!

The relationship between immortals is too big, and it has a significant promotion effect on the Tianhe Jingqiang. It may even make Tianhe Emperor break through to Huixing Realm! Therefore, the academic side would rather take risks to fight with the monsters in the future, and would rather not harvest early.

Zhou Heng has harvested hundreds of spirit grasses, but they are basically one star, and two stars are few in number! But this also made the black donkey smile with an eyebrow. This cheap donkey doesn't care if the treasure is not suitable, as long as it is a treasure.

"Wangwangwang!" Xiao Huo shouted suddenly, full of excitement.

What did this **** beast find? Even before I found the fairy grass, I was not so excited!

Zhou Heng and the black donkey leaped over quickly, and saw that Xiao Huo arched a corpse that had long been left with white bones, and two claws were on the ground.

"Little guy, let me come!" Zhou Hengsheng was afraid that the small fire did not damage the elixir-this has happened several times before, so Zhou Heng naturally stopped it for the first time, so as not to lose his medicine in vain.

Xiao Huo flashed to the side obediently, but still twirled around Zhou Heng Tuan, extremely excited.

Looks like a good thing!

Although Zhou Heng also raised strong expectations, his movements became more and more cautious.

"Hurry! Hurry!" The black donkey hurriedly hurried.

"Patience, patience!"

Layers of soil were dug out, and when it was dug to a depth of two feet, a bright red color suddenly appeared, like the blood of Yin Hong.

"Blood, blood spirit fruit!"

Although Zhou Henglai's purpose was to find the blood spirit fruit, but after meeting him, he couldn't believe it for a moment.

"Zhou, please let this seat hit you, are you dreaming!"

"Want to know if you are dreaming? Simple, little fire, bite me!"

"Ah, you stupid dog, dare to bite your donkey ---" The black donkey screamed immediately.

Zhou Heng carefully separated the soil. After a few minutes, he finally dug out a fruit the size of a fist, slightly oval in shape, blood-colored throughout the body, and two lines of blood on the fruit.

This must be the blood fruit!

Holding on to his hands, he can sense the powerful spiritual power in it!

In the case of two rings, that is the second-level blood spirit fruit, which is the same as the first-level and third-level blood spirit fruit, which is suitable for the martial arts of the stars.

"Have it!" The black donkey came up, and he would bite up.

Zhou Heng shrank his hands and made the black donkey bit an empty space. He shook his head and said, "What are you anxious, after the blood spirit fruit is dug out, it will take three days to accumulate spiritual power, otherwise it will be a mass. The chaotic spiritual power is only good and bad! "

"Three days, you have to wait for three days!" The black donkey spit out his tongue, and suddenly said, "Zhou, you stun this seat, and wake up this seat after three days, otherwise this seat will definitely go crazy! "

But it immediately said: "No, no ~ www.readwn.com ~ What if your kid doesn't wake up after three days and swallows the blood spirit fruit alone?"

"... Don't save people by yourself, think everyone in the world is like you!" Zhou Heng sighed.

"Hey hey!"

Zhou Henggang wanted to speak, and suddenly he felt a sudden, put the blood spirit fruit into the space weapon, looked up to the sky.

Alas, the two figures fell off, both of them young people, but the breath that came out reached the Star Emperor. The two people clearly have a gap in status. The head is full of pride, while the other can't help bending over.

Zhou Heng, who bent over, recognized that it was Wang Yun who had been beaten hard by him more than a month ago.

"Give up the blood spirit fruit!" The headed man stood by his own hands, and rightfully said that it seemed that Zhou Heng would obediently follow suit.

"What are you again?" Zhou Heng said suddenly. (To be continued ...)

ps: Three more completed, please guarantee the monthly pass ~~~

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