Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 951: Yu culture (three / three)

The enlightened king of black holes was an ancestor more than 20 million years ago. It is rumored that he was killed by the opposite period of growth and weakness only after being reincarnated three times. It is very tragic.

His real Dongfu was naturally evacuated by the opponent, but the enlightened benefits of this sesame and mung bean could not have caused another black hole king to search hard, so he was born now.

The enlightenment is a little far away from the Wuyang Academy. It is almost a third of the planet apart, and it is still in a barren mountain, so it was only after so many years that it was discovered.

Fortunately, there are no powerful monsters out there, most of them are in the celestial realm, and occasionally there are several Tianhe realms, but none of the comet realms are gone.

Because Yu Dingzhen was basically useless to comet warriors, so the big men quickly reached a consensus. During this expedition, all comet warriors were not allowed in.

Not only the people of Wuyang Academy can go to enlightenment, but everyone in the Great Qin Empire can, including various magnates and gangs, but there is one thing that must be adhered to, that is, the strong man who can never come out of the comet!

Obviously, everyone thinks of this adventure as an experience, meeting with blood.

Don't go if you are afraid of death!

Benefits always coexist with risks. How can there be a reason to have benefits without paying a little price? Besides, the Empire never wants to cultivate the flower seedlings in the greenhouse, how can it not experience real life and death?

"Well said that the warriors who can't enter the comet realm, alas, some people just want to break the rules deliberately!" Walking in the desolate mountain forest, Zhou Heng sighed while watching the spotless Red Moon.

"I'm not a comet, it doesn't break the rules!" Hongyue said casually. Obviously I'm in a good mood, and I will fight with Zhou Hengdou.

They went to the Imperial Capital as a teleportation formation. After a full five days of teleportation, they traveled another ten days. This came to this barren mountain and ridge, surrounded by comets from the powerhouses secretly patrolling, preventing other comets from powerhouses from entering to break the balance.

However, how can these people see the strength of Red Moon and let this chaotic strong man come in with a big wave-then again, if anyone really wants to know her identity, who dares to stop it?

"Sister Hongyue, you can help the husband and help him to grab some pieces of jade tripod, first break through the Tianhe realm. Otherwise, there are masters of Tianhe realm here. How could the husband be able to grab it?" Ying Mengfan Said Sticky Red Moon.

Zhou Heng brought Xianju, and he was restless at Wuyang Academy. However, a large group of people went out together to enjoy the scenery, so the women appointed Ying Mengfan as a representative, and begged Hong Yue to make a plea.

Of course, if Ying Mengfan fails, all the girls will take turns to fight, of course, spare no effort for their own men.

Hongyue was cold and indifferent, completely ignoring Yingmeng Fan—even Tian Ming Zhen Jun was ruthlessly despised by her. It can be seen that her vision is so high, what should they dream of?

Zhou Heng prevented Ying Mengfan's soft words from begging. He didn't want his woman to be wronged. Besides, a strong man like Hongyue naturally talked. She said she wouldn't help herself here, she would definitely not help herself.

"Speaking again, where is Dongfu?" The black donkey looked around again and again. The school only told them that enlightenment was here, but it didn't say exactly where it was.

"Looks for it!" Zhou Heng said. This barren mountain stretches for thousands of miles, and there is an inexplicable force devouring the consciousness he released. No sensing at all.

This should be the black hole formed by the black hole king. Even after so many years have such power, it shows the terrible black hole situation!

Because the black hole devours everything, including consciousness and smell, even the small fire is powerless. It seems that you can only use your eyes to find an inch of land!

It depends on luck. The Emperor Tianhe may not have any gains, but the Star King may return with a full load.

Zhou Heng started the black sword and wanted to guide this treasure, but the black sword was motionless. As Zhou Heng's realm rose, his definition of "treasure" became higher and higher, and he wanted it to react. If so, I am afraid that it is at least a black hole-level Tian Xuan Ling Jing, or the Ming Jing Tian Jing.

Hongyue was completely unrelated and sitting on the back of Xiaohuo-the little guy was involuntarily enlarged by being pointed by Hongyue and forced to act as a mount.

"This place sensed it!" At this moment, the silent furnace of Vulcan suddenly called out in excitement. Since the advent of the red moon, it has been honest and confused. "There is a strange fire here, although the smell is weak, but This seat sensed it! Hahaha, only the energy of heaven and earth can not be completely absorbed by the black hole! "

This is really unexpected!

Hongyue glanced at Zhou Heng's Dantian, skeptical, "I didn't expect this stove's nose to be more spiritual than a dog!"

"Wang!" Xiao Huo shouted unconvinced.

"Hey hey, a little craftsmanship is not enough!" Vulcan furnace thief eyebrows and eyes, it can not conceal the red moon.

With the Vulcan Furnace guiding the direction, Zhou Heng and his party no longer had to run around like a headless headed fly, all the way to the southwest. However, they only met another pedestrian after traveling more than a hundred miles.

"Red Moon Scholar!" Is headed by a young man with a seductive spirit. After discovering Red Moon, his eyes flashed with different light immediately, and he quickly greeted him.

However, Hongyue ignored and ignored her. Her vision is so high that there will never be more than thirty people who can see her in the world. She is either a saint or a chaotic person, obviously not including the person in front of her. .

Yan Yan was just talking about hatred for Zhou Heng. Now that hate has been pulled, she naturally doesn't bother to care about such a small person, but just sits on the small fire with her eyes closed, like sleeping.

The man had no regrets, but the indulgence in his eyes was deeper, but his eyes finally turned to Zhou Heng, and he smiled: "In Xiayu Culture, I believe Brother Zhou should have heard my name!"

Although his tone was bland, but there was a strong disdain in his bones, it was a kind of pride.

Yu culture?

Zhou Heng has indeed heard the name of this person. He is one of the four little kings of Wuyang Academy. It is said that he already has more than 9,100 stars. He has the qualification of King of the Emperor Wuzhong. King of Heaven challenged.

"Zhou, this guy is provoking you!" The black donkey arched Zhou Heng.

This is not nonsense. Who in the school does not consider him a public enemy now? This witch would really mess him up!

Zhou Heng sighed, and said, "Good dogs don't stand in the way, keep off!"

Listening to Zhou Heng's refutation of his party as a dog, the young people who walked with Yu Culture showed anger, but without the opening of Yu Culture, they just glared at Zhou Heng.

"Brother Zhou, in the face of classmates' brothers and sisters, you are humiliating at the exit, don't you think it's too much?" Yu Wenhua said faintly, but his tone was extremely aggressive and showed a murderous intention.

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "You came over and hooked up with my daughter-in-law. Am I still being kind to you? Are you mentally disabled or mentally disabled?"

daughter in law!

It ’s just fiancee!

Yu culture is not a person without a city mansion, but standing in front of Hongyue, he is as impulsive as a hot-blooded young man. This wife and fiancee are two completely different concepts!

The fiancée has never been through the door, it is likely that she is a big yellow girl, and the daughter-in-law is definitely a real woman!

Although Hong Yue is not a virgin, he will not change the ambition of Yu culture, but he is completely different in mood!

He looked at Zhou Heng fiercely and said, "You, what did you do to Red Moon Scholar?"

"none of your business!"

Yu Wenhua glanced at Hongyue, and found that the other side had been closing her eyes, and could not help but calm her mind.

This fiance is in dispute with others, but she just doesn't know, she shows that the relationship is not right! As long as this kid is killed, isn't this woman who is not so beautiful is her own? He thought so.

In fact, beauties are no different to decorations for Yu culture. There are just as many beauties as they want to play with. Because of his noble birth, he is a child of the family. The ancestor of the family is the peak comet emperor. His strength can be ranked in the top 20 in the Qin Empire!

But when he saw Hongyue, he found that he had been alive before! I also know why I have never been fond of a woman before, because he has been waiting for Hongyue!

This is his good match, the future mother of the Yuwen family!

"Zhou Heng, you have insulted a nobleman. I want to challenge you!" Yu Wenhua said to Zhou Henghan.

"Don't say so arrogantly, **** is lust!" Zhou Heng said dismissively, shaking his fists and saying, "I accept your challenge!"

"Then fight in heaven!" Yu culture rose in the sky.

Zhou Heng also followed Fei She, although he didn't like fighting for no reason, but Hongyue had attracted him a great deal of hatred, and it wasn't that he could pass it.

Fight then fight, who is he afraid of?


They both said nothing, and immediately launched a fierce confrontation ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sky suddenly flashed a bright brilliance.

In this matchup, Zhou Heng knew that the other party's name was well-deserved. It is worthy of being called the Four Little Kings, and its combat power is extremely powerful! If he can reach the height of nine thousand stars, then he can definitely have the upper hand, but at present he is only five thousand stars, and even with his brute force, he just fights against each other equally.

But this has made Yuwen ’s followers dazzled. Except for the other three little heavenly kings, have they ever seen that the Emperor of the Stars can play with Yuwen again and again?

Not to mention this person has only 5,000 stars!

In other words, when Zhou Heng became the emperor of nine thousand stars, Yu culture was not his opponent!


Yu Wenhua apparently realized this too, and he could not help but be angry and hate, and suddenly moved into a huge white tiger emerged from above him.

The oppression of Wuzhong King's overlord level!

Crush all the same realm! (To be continued ...)

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