Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 964: Tim blocking (Mon / Wed)

Liu Yuner seemed to understand, and Zhou Heng was not interested in other people's gossip, so the topic naturally ended abruptly.

Liu Shishi quickly restored her hot character, and warned Zhou Heng Zheng Zheng, and returned to her circle. In fact, Liu Yuner also had such a qualification, but she didn't want to see Lin Xianyang at all, so she held the small fire to stand far away.

However, Ding Quan stayed. Because of his wonderful looks, he was not seen everywhere. Instead, Liu Yun'er's youthful spirit did not fade away. He didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but it was interesting.

Zhou Heng is not a person who looks at people by appearances, let Ding Quan talk about it, pull Zhou Heng to say a chase.

This young master from a large family is naturally not simple. Ding Quan only looks a little bit embarrassed, but as a descendant of a businessman, his eyesight is actually harsher and more accurate than most people!

Others are just in awe of Zhou Heng, who stands behind a black hole-level strong man, but he downplays Zhou Heng's star emperor's practice, and can't pull his face to associate with him. But Ding Quan did not have the pressure in this respect. His bones were more of a businessman's savvy than a martial artist's pride.

He feels that Zhou Heng's strange goods are habitable, and even better, now he is the only one who handed out an olive branch to Zhou Heng!

This guy not only looks like a gangster, but also speaks very funny. From time to time, Liu Yuner is laughed at by him, even Zhou Heng can't help smiling. However, Lin Xianyang's eyes were like thorns in his back, always staring at Zhou Heng, making him extremely uncomfortable!

When the black donkey saw this, the man stood up and made two forefoot gestures.

It was originally intended to stretch out the middle finger, but how did a donkey raise the middle finger? I had to make a random gesture. That's it.

Lin Xianyang's gaze was even colder, his lips twitched. There was a sneer.

"Brother Zhou, I support you. Chase the seven princesses and let that Lin Xianyang cry!" Ding Quan arched Zhou Heng, already familiar as a brother.

Zhou Heng looked at Liu Yuner, who was heartless and laughter, and could not help fighting a cold war. Forget it, can't afford it!

The time for the start of the competition was gradually approaching, and everyone slowly quieted down. They returned to their own camps, basically making up a lineup of ten people. Unlike Zhou Heng, they are rare.

"Brother Zhou, my father told me that I must get the top ten, otherwise I will be strangled to death, and I will not chat with you!" Ding Quan also arched his hand to Zhou Heng and greeted Liu Yuner, and returned. In your own camp.

A few minutes later, the sound of a cloud board sounded, which kicked off the hunting contest.

The contest lasted a total of ten days. To score points by killing monsters, a monster in the star realm counts as one point, and a monster in the Tianhe realm counts as one hundred points. The monsters have no small realm. After all, monsters don't have stars and Tianhe, so they are not well divided.

Under the oppression of the glass mirror of the day, everyone lost the ability to fly. And the speed of running is also greatly reduced, making the game more suspicious.

Contest. Participants are allowed to fight each other, even to kill people-but many children or super geniuses are on the protection list. Once these people are in danger, the Dayi Glass Mirror will issue a mighty force and end the battle.

For example, Lin Xianyang, Ding Quan, and Liu Yuner, all of them are on the protection list and are being taken care of. It is impossible to have an accident, but their subordinates have absolutely no such preferential treatment.

The hunting contest not only fights with monsters, but also with people.

However, no internal fighting is allowed for the first half hour of the game. Give everyone plenty of time to separate, so that no monster can die but has died for most of the time. Because this hunting competition is quite dangerous, students with no background are not very willing to participate, lest they die in vain, like Ding Quan who brought them all from their families.

Like Liu Yuner, he wanted to borrow the Palace Guard, but leaked the news because his mouth was not strict, so he had to step back and find Zhou Heng next.

"Zhou, someone is following us!" Said Black Donkey after walking all the way.

Zhou Heng nodded, he felt it, but didn't say it.

"Who, who?" Liu Yuner rode on Xiao Huo, very curiously.

"Bacheng is related to your fiance!" Zhou Heng smiled.

"Well, this palace doesn't want that gorilla to be a husband. People are still young!" Liu Yuner said unhappyly.

Half an hour passed quietly, Zhou Heng and they also went deep into the mountains. From here, the power of the Da Ri glass mirror began to be exerted, making everyone's speed slower. This naturally also includes the monsters .

The hunting competition officially started.

The distribution of monsters is very regular. Weak on the outside and strong on the inside. Each team can decide which level to go to according to their strength. At the deepest part of the mountains, there is a monster in the comet realm, but it was severely damaged, only slightly stronger than the peak Tianhe Emperor, and it is not impossible to be killed.

Kill this monster and get five thousand points!

Zhou Heng had good luck, and just one minute later they met the first monster. This is a blood crocodile with hexapods underneath it, but it's just a star realm, and it's the point.

But at this moment, a figure flew out to kill the blood crocodile with a thunderbolt!

Zhou Heng and Liu Yun'er looked at the man one after the other.

This is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a thin body and a gloomy face. When he saw Liu Yuner coming over, he bowed slightly and said, "Subordinate Ma Mingyuan has seen His Royal Highness!"

"Why are you robbing our prey?" Liu Yuner angered.

"Subordinates were ordered by the young master to protect the princess all the way!" Ma Mingyuan said with a fist. Although his tone of respect was reverent, his eyes provoked to Zhou Heng.

"This palace doesn't need your protection, you can get away from this palace!" Liu Yuner said arrogantly, that Lin Xianyang is so bad that she is on the protection list, how could she be in danger?

Lin Xianyang clearly wanted her to finish at the bottom and make a big joke.

"The subordinates got the orders of the young master, and could only obey His Royal Highness' orders!" Ma Mingyuan said apologetically, but his attitude was extremely tough.

Zhou Heng frowned, and Lin Xianyang was too overcast. He is Tianhe Emperor himself, and he also brought a lot of Tianhe Emperor's men, but also worried that Liu Yuner would be over the score?

This is obviously coming from disgusting people!

He had already taken Liu Yuner's scribble, and naturally had to work for his employer, so he stepped forward and said, "Leave now, I won't kill you!"

Ma Mingyuan's face changed slightly, Zhou Heng had a "forbidden device" in the comet realm. This is something everyone knows. But at the beginning, Tianhe Emperor was beheaded with a sword! The immobilizer is not disabled here! Just killing the monsters is not counted!

There is a black hole-level background behind them, and Ma Mingyuan's daring courage did not dare to attack Zhou Heng, and Liu Yuner was even more expensive as a princess.

He was only disgusted by Lin Xianyang's order, leaving Liu Yuner's team with no points and finally turning into a joke.

The purpose is twofold, to let Liu Yuner know that even if she is a princess, she will one day marry the Lin family, just Lin's daughter-in-law. The other is to deter Zhou Heng, let this boy understand the reason why the strong dragon does not suppress the snake!

What if you have a black hole background? The Qin Empire has as many as five black hole-level powerhouses, and the powerhouses behind you must obey the rules of the empire!

"Hey, hey!" After a few sneer, Ma Mingyuan receded and disappeared quickly.

"He's gone?" The black donkey said unsurely.

"Should not!" Zhou Heng shook his head. This time Ma Mingyuan converged and deliberately concealed his tracks. Both he and the black donkey were weak and could not sense each other's existence, but Zhou Heng always had a stare Feeling, so he concluded that Ma Mingyuan was just hiding in the dark.

Obviously, the opponent will not be so easily dismissed.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

They continued to move forward, and not long before they met the second monster. In this area, they would only encounter the monsters in the realm of stars. The small fire immediately rushed up, and the power of the gods beasts, the monsters in the same realm would Only trembling remains, no effective resistance at all.

But when Xiao Huo was about to seal his throat, hey, a cold arrow came in and shot into the monster's brain! This arrow was so powerful that it suddenly penetrated directly from the monster's chin, and continued to shoot at the small fire.

"Wang—" Xiao Huo howled and was shot straight. Fortunately, it is a heaven and earth beast. It was originally thick and thick, and the strongest was defense. In addition, it was almost reaching the level of stardom. This arrow made it groan, but it did not cause too much weight. trauma.

Zhou Heng's eyes suddenly became cold, this is Ma Mingyuan's cold arrow!

If the other party knows that he is close, he has a "forbidden device" to kill Tianhe Emperor, so he only dares to hide in the distance and put a cold arrow!

I have to say, this works!

Ma Mingyuan is Tianhe Emperor. Although long-range attack can only play one tenth, or even one percent of his combat power ~ www.readwn.com ~, is it not easy to slay the monster in Xingchen Realm?

Obviously, Lin Xianyang had previously given the opportunity to face-to-face.

"Zhou, what should I do? Would you like to leave here with teleportation runes?" The black donkey said uneasily, but if an emperor Tianhe wanted to hide in the dark, they could not help it.

"No!" Zhou Heng shook his head immediately. "You and Xiaohuo continued to hunt with the Seven Princesses. I'll do something!"

"Zhou, you want to--" The black donkey's eyes lightened.

Zhou Heng nodded sneer, Lin Xianyang, you sent someone over to make trouble, now let you eat the evil results, let you taste the power of the sunset bow!

"Seven princesses, we will be separated temporarily and we will meet again in a few days!"

"Where are you going?" Liu Yuner said puzzledly.

"There is only one person following us. If we separate, he can only follow one direction! And, I also want to surprise Lin Xianyang!" Zhou Heng smiled. (To be continued ...)

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