Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 979: Fighting Lin Xianyang again (Mon./Wed.)

Jin Haochen's blood of the beast played a huge role.

In the war, his body swelled suddenly, and he turned into a ten-foot-tall black tyrannical bear. Not only his strength soared, but his physical defense also rose to a terrible level. He defeated Liu Shishi.

When returning to his seat, Liu Shishi's expression looked ugly.

"Don't you think about it again, I think the two of you are a good match!" Zhou Heng said.

"Where is the class?" Liu Shishi gritted her teeth and said that she was unhappy at first because she lost to Jin Haochen. Now it is even more uncomfortable to hear Zhou Heng's words again.

"Beauty and the beast, a perfect match!" Zhou Heng was not afraid of death. "One of you looks like a beauty, but your heart is like a beast, and one looks like a beast, but you have tenderness in your heart, just complement each other!"

Before the words were finished, Zhou Heng was stepped on heavily, and his pain was so straight that he grinned.

Liu Shishi hummed coldly and said, "I would rather marry you than marry that stupid bear!"

Is this a compliment? But how did Zhou Heng feel that he had been degraded? He shook his hands and said, "Exempt, let's go to harm others!"

"Why, isn't this county worthy of you?" Liu Shishi started gritting her teeth again.

Zhou Heng glanced at her with sympathetic eyes, took a sip of wine, everything was in silence.

"Abominable guy, I'm gonna kill you!" Liu Shishi was furious with his eyes.

"Cousin, calm down! Calm down!" Liu Yun'er quickly grabbed the hot-tempered cousin, so that she wouldn't overturn the table in anger.

"You girl, if you are sold, you still need to help the number of people. Be smart!" Liu Shishi sat down and looked at Liu Yun'er with an angry look.

Liu Yuner looked blank. Why did she suddenly become the object of fire by Liu Shishi's collection? This turning point seemed too big, and she couldn't react for a while!

But after at least ten seconds passed. She suddenly smiled and said, "No, no! I like to sleep in this palace except for eating. No one will be willing to buy this palace. This is a losing trade!"

Is this high consciousness and self-knowledge?

Zhou Heng and Liu Shishi glanced at each other, both couldn't help laughing, being able to have such a clear understanding and positioning of themselves, this girl is not completely without help. It still just makes people speechless.

"What's so happy to say?" Jin Haochen came back slowly, because he didn't go away like Liu Shishi patted his ass, but responded to everyone who congratulated him, like a gentleman, and His rough looks do not match.

"What matters to you?" Liu Shishi hummed politely.

Jin Haochen didn't get angry, just smiled a little, when Liu Shishi was an unreasonable little girl, he didn't have to take his heart at all.

Zhou Heng did not agree with his approach at all.

It's his words. His fiancee dared to be obedient and spanked directly on his leg!

After this meal, either the marriage blew up, or the fiancée glared at him ever since. How could you still treat yourself with this attitude?

The more proud a woman is, the more she must conquer with domineering means!

The semi-finals have been born, and then after the draw. The new matchup is: Zhou Heng vs. Lin Xianyang, Jin Haochen vs. Manu.

Two battles are going on simultaneously.

"Zhou Heng, come on. It's better to kill that ugly orangutan!" Liu Yuner cheered Zhou Heng.

"You really don't want the world to be chaotic!" Zhou Heng shook his head, even if he wanted to kill Lin Xianyang, he couldn't. There are so many black hole kings in the hall-unless Red Moon is willing to take action to suppress those people.

He boarded the ring, and on the other side, Lin Xianyang also stood opposite him.

Enemies meet, jealous!

"It's boring to always fight when we meet, so why don't we add some glory?" Zhou Hengke didn't forget his promise to Liu Yuner and began to trick Lin Xianyang. "How about it, dare you?"

"Dare, why not!" To Zhou Heng's surprise, Lin Xianyang agreed with great pleasure.

Is this guy crazy?

Hasn't he seen enough of Zhou Heng's power? Even knowing to lose, but promise to bet!

Lin Xianyang is definitely not a fool. He dared to promise it. There must be something to rely on!

However, in the Taiwan competition, it is not possible to use a forbidden device. Even if he suddenly took out and bombed Zhou Heng, wouldn't he be afraid that he and Lin would solve it in the rage of Red Moon?

To take a step back, Lin Xianyang's understanding of Red Moon only stayed at the "black hole level", but he didn't know that he was the world's strongest at the chaos level ... the second strongest is to use a restraint and be useful. Chance?

What would it be if it's not a ban?

Zhou Heng was very curious, but his mouth said, "Then, if you lose, you will take the initiative to remarry!"

"If you lose, you will never be involved with the Seven Princesses from now on!" Lin Xianyang said with a cold expression, if he did not care about the background of Zhou Heng's black hole, how he hoped that Zhou Heng could be stunned!

The Lin family is indeed the top giant of the Great Qin Kingdom. In addition to the royal family, they can be one of the best. However, facing the "black hole" behemoth, they only have the qualifications to knock down their teeth and swallow blood!

Lin Xianyang was very angry. His fiancée was about to be stolen. He was even beaten by an "adulter", but his father persuaded him to put up this breath for a while.

not the right time yet!

The Lin family does have great power, but it is far worse than a black hole-level powerhouse. This level of powerhouse can occupy a planet and establish a dynasty. Is it comparable to the generals and marshals?

However, Lin Wubing had discovered an ancient cave mansion during the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, and obtained a mysterious heritage, breaking through the black hole realm! By that time, the Lin family will have the right to face the black hole-level strong!

Even Lin Xianyang can quickly break through the black hole level. At that time, the Lin family produced two black hole kings, which not only stabilized Zhou Heng's first line, but even faintly challenged the Liu family!

At that time, he will make Zhou Heng really pay the price!

And he clearly saw that Zhou Heng had such a powerful combat power but still dared to gamble, precisely because he had a treasure from Gutungfu in his hand!

"It's a word!" The two looked after each other. At the same time.

The two young geniuses once again stood in opposition and started their second matchup.

Buzz. Lin Xianyang bloomed all the stars and Tianhe in her whole body, shining brightly and dazzlingly!

Nine thousand six hundred and thirty-eight stars, nine hundred and fifty-two Tianhe!

People who are familiar with Lin Xianyang are all discolored. Because a month ago, this guy had only 947 Tianhe!

In just one month, it suddenly became Wutianhe!

Moreover, the significance of this is not as simple as adding five Daohe! After the number of rivers reaches nine hundred on that day, for every ten additional Tianhe, it means that if you can set foot on the black hole in the future, an extra black hole may be formed!

Of course, this is by no means just a matter of meeting the standard of Tianhe, it must meet the requirements of the stars and comets too!

In fact, martial arts are intertwined.

If only 9,300 stars can be formed in the realm of stars, then it is impossible to form more than 930 Tianhe in Tianhe realm. And if there are only 920 Tianhe in Tianhe, then it is impossible to have ninety-three comets in comet!

The foundation determines the height!

Lin Xianyang has 9,600 stars, so his Tianhe boundary is 960 Tianhe, which is very close to this height! Moreover, the martial arts approach, the more difficult it is to go up, the Star Realm has 9,600 stars, and the Tianhe Realm has 950 Tianhe, which is already very rare!

Even if the comet is one step back. Ninety-four comets are formed, which also determines his limit in the future of the black hole is four!

He is the Black Hole Emperor!

Is this not enough?

It is indeed the most outstanding genius in Wuyang Academy for 100,000 years, but this is a person who has the opportunity to become a black hole emperor!

Everyone was shocked. Before Lin Xianyang was playing against others, he did not run out of the stars. But now it was suddenly revealed. Apparently, he has deep hatred with Zhou Heng!

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, he was not so naive to play this trick!

Besides, his number of 10,000 stars is too scary. What if the child is scared?

"Heartbreaker!" Lin Xianyang launched the attack, and he clearly knew that Zhou Heng could not be approached. Naturally, it is impossible to initiate an attack in close proximity, and the thumbs of both hands are buckled. A white light suddenly formed, and then stunned, firing a white light cannon to Zhou Hengfei.

Zhou Heng flickered, fluttering under his feet.

He did not waste this month, but instead exchanged a contribution method to the school with the contribution value, called "Green Fox Step", which made up for the flaw of Zhou Heng in the combination method.

Although this still can't compare with the top statures mastered by the giants, it is at least much stronger than the seven-star free steps.

He calmly dodged, and forced him to Lin Xianyang to win a close attack opportunity for himself!

If you use the black sword, then the black sword will form ten feet long as soon as it is excited, just like the real sword body, it is indestructible. If you hit it, you will die! However, the ordinary long sword in his hand does not have such a function, and he must be really close to hit that horrible blow ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Xianyang also unfolded his posture, while constantly bombarding Zhou Zhou The white light cannon, on one side, is fully pulling away from Zhou Heng, which does not give Zhou Heng the opportunity to perform a lore.

He wins with deeper spiritual power and stronger stature, while Zhou Heng has five elements of runes to make up for this limitation. The earth runes resonate with the earth, allowing him to at least double his speed, and he can barely interact with Lin Xianyang. ratio.

If the war is fought in the wild, then Lin Xianyang can freely stand up and down, but the problem is that this is a platform with limited space, and it is set up to quickly determine the winner.

He was soon forced into a dead end, forced to fight hard with Zhou Heng!

Alas, Zhou Heng is approaching!

Lin Xianyang's expression was not overshadowed, but a sneer appeared. In the shaking of his hands, a flower umbrella had emerged and spread out above his head!

Zhou Heng was stagnant, and could not move any more!

Lin Xianyang laughed aloud, and turned to Zhou Heng. (To be continued ...)

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