“These demon repairs, why do you want to fight?”

Zhuang Wudao has no interest in the origin of these monsters. He will not be idiots to think that these demon repairs will be harmonious and stable, just like a family. The beasts and the birds, the scales and the worms, all have their own inheritance, and each has its own power.

However, there is always a reason for the battle. But if you enter the stage of the demon repair, as long as you have not yet reached the point of transformation. Usually the territorial consciousness is extremely strong, and it is easy to leave without living.

“Since it is a white-backed enchanting, these monsters fight, is it not a matter of course?”

Yun鈥檈r 镄勭瓟璇濓纴鍗村嚭浜 剰鏂欙 剰鏂欙 鈥 鈥 尶鐚 尶鐚 侣 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀 侣 e e e e eaven and Earth 闂湁鏄洓澶 湁鏄洓澶 伒鐚 伒鐚 纴锲涘ぇ 纴锲涘ぇ 尶锛岄兘鏄竴镞忥纴镄嗕箖涓囩墿涔嬬伒闀 尶锛岄兘鏄竴镞忥纴镄嗕箖涓囩墿涔嬬伒闀 尶锛岄兘鏄竴镞忥纴镄嗕箖涓囩墿涔嬬伒闀 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝鍏堬纴鎹鏄洓澶х伒鐚翠腑镄勪竴浣嶃€备箣钖庝汉镞忓礇璧凤纴镊垚涓€鏀€傛墠鐢卞疄锷涚◢娆$殑阃氲哕绁炵尶琛ヤ笂锛岃ˉ鍏ㄥ洓澶х伒鐚翠箣鏁like effect 湪浜 棌鐪嬫潵锛岀尶鐚 棌鐪嬫潵锛岀尶鐚 棌鐪嬫潵锛岀尶鐚 箣绫 箣绫 箣绫涓€绉嶃€傝€屽湪濡栦 鐪 鐪 鐪 噷锛屽瀹冧 噷锛屽瀹冧 噷锛屽瀹冧 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 涔熶笉镐庝箞寰呰锛岃涓 棌绫诲睘銆 ソ鍦ㄧ尶鐚 ソ鍦ㄧ尶鐚 ソ鍦ㄧ尶鐚 ソ鍦ㄧ尶鐚箣灞烇纴blood vessel 澶э纴 澶э纴 Divine Beast 绾х殑blood vessel 浼犳圹灏 identify frozen 浠ヨ嚜鎴恖age 銆傛棤璁age 銆傛棤璁 drying 棌 cultivator锛岃缮鏄淇纴閮戒笉鏁(四)交鏄撴嫑鎯广 Chu €

Zhuang Wudao was amazed, he really didn’t know, and there are such allusions. They are also a part of the ape family. Really incredible.

涔熶笉鐭un鈥檈r 瑷€瑷€锛屽埌搴曟槸鐪熸槸锅囥€效弽姝d粬鐪嬭粬鐪嬭镄勯偅浜涙潅鏂囨镄勯偅浜涙潅鏂囨璁璁湭鎻愯 銆

鈥滆 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 even even even even even even even even even even even even even even帺鍩嬩簬灏 帺鍩嬩簬灏 帺鍩嬩簬灏 焹涓庢晠绾 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备绫诲悓锛熷摢镐曟槸 chain 変竴涓濊仈绯 纴闾 篃鏄 篃鏄 篃鏄 篃鏄 篃鏄 傗 傗 傗 傗 傗

Yun鈥檈r 鍐 瑧浜嗕竴澹 瑧浜嗕竴澹 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 滀笉杩 浜涘鍏 浜涘鍏 浜涘鍏 浜涘鍏 浜涘鍏 浜涘鍏鍙跺鐏佃崏锛屾鐗╁彲澧瀊lood vessel 寮傝兘銆傛棤璁 綍绉嶅鍏 綍绉嶅鍏 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 彲浠ョ敤鍒 彲浠ョ敤鍒嫈澶 锛屼笉 锛屼笉 浉璁╋纴镊︻劧瑕佽锲 浉璁╋纴镊︻劧瑕佽锲 敾銆傜溂涓嬬殑鎯呭 敾銆傜溂涓嬬殑鎯呭 敾銆傜溂涓嬬殑鎯呭 鐪嬩 鐪嬩 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗Tree

Zhuang Wudao This is relieved, the battle between the three-order monsters, in addition to the vast momentum, there is nothing to look at. I also went to work on the deck and returned to my cabin. However, the corner of the eye, but see the giant wood in the hands of the white back enchanting, suddenly shattered. After several heavy blows, this giant tree, which was randomly pulled out by the white-backed enchanting, finally could not support it.

However, the white-backed enchanting still had no fear, and violently pulled out his arms, still a ‘bang’, and the three-tailed fox that was next to him was tied to the ground with his head.

Zhuang Wudao 镐斾 镐旓纴鐪 镐旓纴鐪 墠杩欐儏褰纴浠栦緷绋 墠杩欐儏褰纴浠栦緷绋 変簺镡熸倝銆 変簺镡熸倝銆 変簺镡熸倝銆 変簺镡熸倝銆 変簺镡熸倝銆 変簺镡熸倝銆 鐗囧埢锛屾墠镒忚瘑鍒 鐗囧埢锛屾墠镒忚瘑鍒 鐗囧埢锛屾墠镒忚瘑鍒 鐗囧埢锛屾墠镒忚瘑鍒 鐗囧埢锛屾墠镒忚瘑鍒By 儗濡栫尶镄勫姩浣滐纴灞呯劧涓庝粬镄凣reat Falling Monument Hand 锛岀浉浼 埌涓夊洓鍒嗐 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 岄偅 ′屽嵈杩滈潪浠栬兘姣旀嫙銆

鈥淕reat Falling Monument Hand 锛乊un鈥檈r 锛岃 Umbrella 澶 鐚 笌浣犳墍瑷 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

Great Falling Monument Hand 锛屾鏄綋骞碐reat Ape King 镄勭粷瀛]傛槸Yun鈥檈r 鍙d腑锛孏reat Ape King 妯︷妯︷涓夌晫锛屽彧涓夌晫锛屽彧嬮伄澶╃殑缁濆銆

鈥沧墍璋揋reat Sun Ape King 锛屼 鏄 箣鐜嬶纴浜斿姭涔嫔墠锛娈 箣鐜嬶纴浜斿姭涔嫔墠锛娈 ivine Beast 钖炴棩琛€鐚绦ineage 涔嬩富锛佺槠鑳屽鐚 箖钖炴棩琛 鐚绦 鐚绦 鐚绦 vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine

Zhuang Wudao’s heart was slightly shocked, and both hands slammed the wooden fence in front of him, looking at the other side.

Looking at the white-backed enchanting movement, I felt like I realized what I was, but I couldn’t tell it, I couldn’t say it. Forgotten, Si Konghong let them return to the words of the cabin.

Yun鈥檈r 涔熶 夊 夊 夛纴 夛纴 夛纴 i i i i i i i i i i i

At the top of the bow, Si Konghong was slightly strange. When he looked at Zhuang Wudao, he didn’t care much.

Xuan Lingshan’s discipline, its own future Junior Brother, is naturally different from others. If you want to see it, it’s no big deal.

Only Zhuang Wudao, he asked himself to have the ability to protect. Switched to other disciplines, life and death have nothing to do with him.

“Turn, go around from the side, pay attention to stay away from forty miles, don’t be alarmed!”

Commanded several Foundation Establishment cultivators who are manipulating this ship of the spiritual bones. Si Konghong is still standing at the top of the ship’s bow, looking solemn and looking far away.

The battle between the demon repairs has nothing to do with them. However, before leaving the battlefield, Si Konghong could not completely reassure.

闾d簺涓夐 濡栦 濡栦 濡栦 濡栦 濡栦 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 湪浜夋枟锛岀劧 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶浜汸rfound Technique Divine Abilty bil 涓 浜涚殑鑳 浜涚殑鑳 浜涚殑鑳 浜涚殑鑳 鐩栫栌 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 岋纴姣佸ぉ鐏湴銆 叧阌槸涓嶈兘澶︼锛屼娇杩欎簺濡栦杩欎簺濡栦

Zhuang Wudao was unaware of it, seeing the white-backed enchanting, struggling to kill, gradually exhausted, and was beaten by the five-headed beast.

The smoke was rolling, and the pieces of trees were flying up.

And the one-horned green scorpion, after a long peek at the periphery, finally launched. A few hundred feet of body slammed into a bang, and the figure was wrapped around the white-backed giant python. Then tightly wrapped around, the Shekou bites into the head of the white-backed giant clam.

The white-backed giant python supported the snake’s head with one hand and prevented the Shekou from swallowing its head. However, he couldn’t resist the whole body, and bound his other hand, and the throat was also tighter.

The other monsters also saw it cheap, or tore or bite, or directly hit. In a flash, the white-backed giant clam was hit hard. There is also a three-legged red crow, thrown from the air and spit out a flame. Immediately made the white-backed giant scorpion, burning flames.

鈥沧棤鐭ワ纴锏 儗濡栫尶镞 (3) 劧鏄 镞ヨ鐚 镞ヨ鐚 镞ヨ鐚 镞ヨ鐚 镞ヨ鐚 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖 鐣忔儳杩椤尯鍖伀銆傜槠锏 粰浜嗙槠鑳屽鐚挎柦灞曡鐚垮彉镄勬満浼 粰浜嗙槠鑳屽鐚挎柦灞曡鐚垮彉镄勬満浼 纴 纴 纴 纴 word word word word word word word

Yun鈥檈r 鎻愰啋镌€锛屽嵈娌“皢娌夋皢娌夋鍦ㄦ辉绉岖巹濡机oncept 涓殑Zhuang Wudao 鎯婇啋杩囨潵銆

Sikonghong on the top of the dome also changed his face. A flashing body, to the position of the rear rudder.

“Damn! Accelerate, turn, change here!”

A momentary, layered rune barrier appears outside the Lingbao. A full 12-story, the entire treasure ship is tightly wrapped.

鍙 ┖瀹忎 ┖瀹忎 ┖瀹忎 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫 鐢╁嚭浜嗕竴鏂筫墭浣忋€

And just as the treasure ship is turning, it is violently accelerating six times and flying to the right.

Dozens of miles away, suddenly a loud explosion. The white-backed enchanting man turned into a blood-red color at this time, roaring and screaming, forcibly breaking the shackles of the whole body, and licking the tail of the one-horned green scorpion, like a whip, slammed on the ground. The giant python that was over six hundred feet was stunned and almost comatose on the spot.

In the hands of the white-backed enchanting, a red flame was also ignited at the same time, and a palm slammed into the sky. Just hit the crimson fire crow that hit the crash, the huge cloud burst immediately tumbling, accompanied by the flames of the explosion, swept the sky.

Although the Linggu Treasure Ship was above the height of 3,000, it was also affected. The five-layer protection outside is almost a time to collapse. Under the turbulence of the waves, more and more undulating, almost almost overturned. Fortunately, it was the one that was supported by Yunxia.

Zhuang Wudao, although clinging to the outer column, was almost shocked and flew out of the boat. The impact of the aftermath of the gas, even more let him spit out a blood.

鈥滆 鏄 鏄 镞ュ彉锛岄偅澶 镞ュ彉锛岄偅澶 镞ュ彉锛岄偅澶 镞ュ彉锛岄偅澶 word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word鎷虫剰鈥曗€曗€

Yun鈥檈r 鍐嶆璀〉憡锛孼huang Wudao 鍗 緷鐒 緷鐒 緷鐒 槸娴戠劧涓嶈锛屽 槸娴戠劧涓嶈锛屽 槸娴戠劧涓嶈锛屽 槸娴戠劧涓嶈锛屽闾eご锏 mustard acne 涓€涓姩浣溿€

The breath of the whole person is slowly changing.

Si Konghong is going to throw Zhuang Wudao back into the cabin, lest he be distracted. However, after looking at it, it is also a glimpse.

My own ‘Junior Brother’ is obviously in an abnormal state. That is not tall, even a slightly thin body, giving people the feeling, but it is steep and sturdy.

I don’t know what it is, but Zhuang Wudao’s body seems to be condensed, and the momentum gradually turns into violent and fierce, revealing a sense of arrogance and hegemony.

“Enlighten the door to the wonderful world? Actually at this time, interesting -“

After a little meditation for a moment, Si Konghong still did not bother. Only the colorful clouds surrounding the treasure ship were separated, and the shape of Zhuang Wudao was wrapped.

The smoke in the distance was exhausted, and the red crows had disappeared. Only a piece of blood-stained golden feathers remained in the sky.

Key 岄偅澶 槠鑳屽鐚匡纴鍒欎緷鐒 槠鑳屽鐚匡纴鍒欎緷鐒 槸鍙岀洰璧ょ 槸鍙岀洰璧ょ 槸鍙岀洰璧ょ 鐗囷纴澶勪簬鏆 鐗囷纴澶勪簬鏆 鐗囷纴澶勪簬鏆 掍箣涓 掍箣涓 侠 侠 侠 侠 鍐嶆鑶ㄨ俭锏 鍐嶆鑶ㄨ俭锏笀宸 彸锛屼竴鎺屾尌鍑 彸锛屼竴鎺屾尌鍑 纴灏嗛偅澶 纴灏嗛偅澶 纴灏嗛偅澶 纴灏嗛偅澶 纴灏嗛偅澶 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 镄刡 锛岄兘 锛岄兘 囨垚浜嗙 囨垚浜嗙 囨垚浜嗙 傛 傛 傛 涓姩 涓姩 涓姩浣滐纴閮 紩寰桯 eaven and Earth 囨檭锛岄兘 囨檭锛岄兘 娄簬涔嫔墠闾 娄簬涔嫔墠闾 娄簬涔嫔墠闾 鈥 鈥 鈥 鈥 鈥 屼竴鍑讳 屼竴鍑讳 屼竴鍑讳 屼竴鍑讳箣钖庯纴寰€寰€変竴鍙﹄笁阒跺鍏変竴鍙﹄笁阒跺鍏変竴鍙﹄笁阒跺鍏纴褰揿満纴褰揿満

The monsters knew that the situation was not good at this time, and they all fled like crazy. In particular, the one-horned green forest escaped the fastest, the skin was thick and thick, and it was not dropped when it was dropped. The body shuttles through the giant forest, and it is even faster than the rest of the third-order monsters.

The white back is enchanting, and it is also not chasing, and catching up.

It is a pity that the scene behind it will not be seen again as the Lingbao ship gradually moves away. That is the eight star gods, if they are too far apart, they will lose contact.

Zhuang Wudao still stood in the same place for a long time, and after half an hour, he woke up.

At this time, the Linggu treasure ship has already flown away to more than 200 miles, and has already left the battlefield.

鐒 孼 孼 Wu Wu Wu 鍗 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu镞ュ彉鈥欙纴锏 儗宸ㄧ尶鍏 儗宸ㄧ尶鍏 镄勫姩浣滐纴銮笉涓嶨 reat Falling Monument Hand 夌浉浼

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