Zhuang Wudao listened to the ear, but it was a burst of hair. It’s not that this secret technique is not good. Just from what he sees now, I know that this “Departure from the World” is not so much praised by the sword spirit. It is indeed subtle and powerful, and unexpectedly strong.

However, the seven spirits recorded in these pictures, each in the treasure house of Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, are worth more than 50,000 merits.

And three kinds of ambiguity, he only recognized two of them. Although one has seen it in the book, it has disappeared in this world.

“Tiger tail bud, Wanlizhi, Xuan eagle blood, silver frost Baochao, Feihongzhu, Nandouqi Xuanzang, A-bearing god

Zhuang Wudao only felt that the scalp was numb: “I knew this, I should really exchange the pros and cons.”

That 200,000 good deeds have not been spent, but now it is possible to exchange materials for most of them. There are places to find in Nandouqi Xuanzang and A-Hui Shen.

There is only one kind of ‘Red Yin Xuan Ming, Zhuang Wudao, for a time, can not find the whereabouts of this thing.

“Red Yin Xuan Ming, said that it is difficult, said easy and easy, just look at what Sword Master is willing to pay respect. This is rarely born naturally, but the Red Yinzong, there must be storage.”

Zhuang Wudao is a looseheart in his heart. Scarlet Yang City is an ally of Leaving Dust Palace. It is not difficult for him to exchange for this.

“This is precious, Sword Master is still not too optimistic. Even if it is an ally, Scarlet Yang City may not be willing to exchange.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said frowned, I want to continue to ask. Yun’er has refused to say more, just saying that he is mentally prepared.

In desperation, Zhuang Wudao had to temporarily put this worry down and continue to remember the follow-up content.

Then, when all the verses that can remember the spectator, there is no more omission, and when I walk out of this Zijin Stone Gate. Zhuang Wudao can’t help himself, faintly sighed.

This secret technique, he wants to build, is not really difficult. It takes a few years to get the good deeds of the spirits or the Origin Storing Stone and Zhuang Wudao. After the materials are assembled, it will take several years to refine the pair of wings that mimic the ‘Heavy Birds’.

It is no wonder that Yun’er will say that he has cultivated the Leaving Dust Palace’s ‘death, the dust, and after two secret techniques, he can no longer distract other, and it is impossible to spare.

Fortunately, the cultivation is not like the Culture Technique of Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body. It does not involve the track base and has no effect on the cultivator itself. It is not required to complete the completion of the Qi Condensation, and dragging it into the Foundation Establishment will not hinder the formation of this pair of wings.

Otherwise, he wants Foundation Establishment, at least for ten years and eight years.

After stepping out of the door, Zhuang Wudao looked at the other Zijinmen next to it. On the threshold, there were also two characters – the dust.

Zhuang Wudao, but helpless, shook his head, and he also looked forward to the demise of the mountain, and the power of the “Ox Demon Hegemon Body.”

However, to exchange the content of the first realm, you need at least 200,000 good deeds. And to get together the materials, I am afraid that I am not afraid to leave the world.

This secret technique can only be said later.

However, Zhuang Wudao did not leave. But in this innocent star sky, nearly a thousand stone gates, one by one.

Encountered the Interesting Technique of interest. Will also go in a view. Usually the kind of good work required is not too high, and some strange skills are sword spirit Yun’er, and there is no memory. It is a pity that they are all incomplete and can only be slightly replenished.

Just a moment later, Zhuang Wudao stopped in front of a gray stone door. Gray is twilight, this is within the stone door of the Cultural Technique, and it is also the lowest grade.

However, the words on the door attracted the attention of Zhuang Wudao.

“Xuan Ming extremely sinister, level 3rd Grade? This is what the Cultural Technique? Since it is the work of 3rd Grade, why is it gray? Yun’er you have heard?”

“No, my memory is only before Seventh Tribulation. And most of them are forgotten. Where do you remember this?”

Zhuang Wudao was quite strange, and he didn’t hesitate, so he went in. It is also a stone table, a roll of books.

With only a hundred good deeds, Zhuang Wudao took the scrapbook on the table in his hand. Then a moment, the eyes startled.

“–This is the method of soul repair? Cultivator Ghost, can it really be cultivated into a Tao?”

“What’s so rare? Even if you are in Heaven, you don’t have the masochism of tyranny. It is also a kind of sorrowful soul to swallow the bloody battle of the sun. But this door is very sinister, recorded in it, but It’s the way to cure the soul in the underworld, and it’s not good for Sword Master.”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head slightly, no wonder undoubtedly is 3rd Grade, but it is only a gray stone gate, and the exchange is so cheap.

This door is a sacred sacred record, which is used for ordinary cultivation. And the cultivator like them only needs to go to the Primordial Spirit Realm, even if the body is damaged, it can last for a long time. Reincarnation can also be used, and it can be won, or continue to practice with the Primordial Spirit.

However, there is a sentence in the book that makes Zhuang Wudao quite concerned.

“The so-called ghost, a mourning, a sensation, a wish, a willingness to gather souls -“

The general idea is that thinking is a thought, an idea, and it is conscious after having a mind. Aspirations are desires, obsessions, and strong desires to be able to gather consciousness and strengthen the Soul Body.

“Therefore, the soul is repaired, the first incense is willing, and the worship of the sun is dedicated. It can help the soul to strengthen the Soul Body and comfort the obsession. Especially the blood vessel descendants, the purest, often can reach the Nether. Even if it can not be cultivated, there is The incense to the devotional, can not be afraid of the soul for others, reincarnation is not the danger of Seventh Tribulation –

“The incense is offering?”

Zhuang Wudao stunned: “Is it really difficult to have such a thing? I always feel a little mysterious.”

“There is no fake fourth Sword Master. I have had the privilege of going to the Netherland. The situation there is really grotesque, strange, and chaotic. With Soul Body, Soul Body becomes a fairy. The incense of the sun is enshrined, the general sorrow, it is difficult to pass the Seventh Tribulation before the reincarnation. I remember that in the most chaotic time, there was a bit more chaotic than the Profound Demon world, until the Buddha’s possession of Boddhisatva made a wish. Divide the six hells, the Daomen site, the sinister, the ten temples, this is better -“

Yun’er said that when he was here, he also said with a smile: “The will of the person, there is indeed great power. The Primordial Spirit of the cultivator, and the so-called gods, are not here?”

“Is it?”

Zhuang Wudao wrinkled his brow and remembered his mother.

“After the death of this Heaven man, will the ghost go to the Netherworld?”

Does it also mean that he and mother, when is there a goodbye?

“You can’t go. For the Heavens, the Netherland is too far away. It’s not easy to cross the border.”

Yun’er indifferently said: “But Heaven, there is also a corresponding yin, I don’t know. It is this world, so attaching importance to the inheritance of the descendants, the inheritance of the descendant blood vessel, probably there is a vaginal existence. But Sword Master, Don’t hold too much hope. The ghosts are obsessed with obstinacy, often strange and strange, and their thoughts are different from ordinary people. Unless they are successful in cultivation, they can restore memories of past life, otherwise they can remember the things before they were born, even less. Sword Master has found it in the future -“

The voice was whispered, and Yun’er felt the deep sorrow in Zhuang Wudao’s mind, but still said in a word: “She is no longer her, and there is no difference with the mother in your memory!”

“I know–“

Zhuang Wudao Suddenly, in fact, there is no need for Yun’er’s point of mention. From the content of this ‘Xuan Ming’s extremely sinister record, he can already see one or two.

After putting down the book in his hand, Zhuang Wudao took a look at the door after he stepped out of the door. Leaving Dust, the peerless, and the last nameless purple door, are only identifiable by Origin Mountain. Originally, I wanted to see it inside. At this time, I was no longer interested. I continued to observe it in this ‘Leaving Dust Hall.

Directly spurred the ban on the secret pass, and passed to the door of the temple. Only when he came out, he saw an unexpected figure. With a group of women’s luxury lingerie, he slowly walked to the temple.


Who is Wan’er who is walking alongside the female disciples? Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but smile, and the heavy heart eased slightly.

“Okay, are you also redeeming the Cultural Technique?”

Beitang Wan’er is also very happy, but on her side, the other female disciples see Zhuang Wudao, but they are not all looking solemn and respectful. Sincerely fearful move towards Zhuang Wudao, a ceremony called Pei Shu, and Pei Shuzu

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but look at it. He estimates that these girls should be the same as the Emperor Peak lineage of Beitang Wan’er. Just look at the clothing to know, not all of the twelve Forbidden Law, the style of fancy, in addition to the royal family lineage of the royal family, the other peaks can not afford.

As for the Xuan Lingshan discipline, although it is also rich, all the gimmies Spirit Tool are more practical.

However, at this moment, these people, who are all noble and noble, need to lower their heads and respectfully respect him.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao felt deeply that his identity was completely different from the past. His current status, alongside many Golden Core elders in the door, is eligible to participate in the Golden Core conference and determine the sect major event.

Although it was also a distinguished place in the past, it is just an ordinary real-life discipline. Compared with the present, it is no different from the cloud.

Funny, Zhuang Wudao also felt boring. After the nod of the nod, he waved his hand and gestured to the women to retreat, so as not to disturb him to talk to Beitang Wan’er.

These female disciplines are afraid to follow. Just before leaving, I didn’t bother to look at Beitang Wan’er, who stayed in the same place. Or accidents, Beitang Wan’er and Zhuang Wudao, actually recognized between them; or in the envy, Beitang Wan’er, and sect, like the genius of the sky, there is such a relationship.

Beitang Wan’er only felt helpless, and looked at Zhuang Wudao eccentrically. He said: “Wan’er has seen the uncle of the teacher.”

She felt a lot in her heart. Three years ago, she was on the Spirit Domain Pavillion, overlooking Zhuang Wudao and regarded him as a chess piece. Now, both sides have changed their positions.

Zhuang Wudao has entered the cloud, aloof and remote. And her Beitang Wan’er still needs to struggle at the bottom, and she still can’t get a ‘real biography’.

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