
A sword out of thin air appears in front of the finger. With the conflict of swords and anger, the burst of anger and the figure of two people were all shaken by the force of the earthquake.

Zhuang Wudao 鍙d腑,鍙堟槸spit a mouthful of blood 銆 叓鏅潳 a mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth For For For For For For For For For For Law, chain 楂 楂 彲鎻愬崌鍒 彲鎻愬崌鍒 洓鍗佷 岖鍒 岖鍒 岖鍒 岖鍒 岖鍒 瀬闄愮殑鍓戝櫒 瀬闄愮殑鍓戝櫒 瀬闄愮殑鍓戝櫒 瀬闄愮殑鍓戝櫒

At this moment, the hard-pointed magical sandalwood is a finger, and the two add up to more than a million-like power conflict, but make this sword that is expected to be a magic weapon in the middle of the product.

Zhuang Wudao 婕犳棤琛ㄦ儏,灏忚櫄绌虹晫涓繛缁笁阆揿疂绂佺晫涓繛缁笁阆揿疂绂佺揿嚭, 鎷嶅叆鍒板叓鏅潳板墤,鍐 浣胯 Umbrella e墤鍣ㄥ唴镄勯渿钻 椤 亸闂 亸闂 village hook 澶崭 涓嬫潵銆侳 orbidden Law 灞傛,涔熸€ラ€熸彁鍗 涓€鐩村埌锲涘崄涓夐绂佸埗,鎴愪负涓€浠浠浠揣鐪熶瀹炵殑Initial Rank 娉曞疂镓嶅仠涓嬨

Eight Jingkun Leijian is a sword that Scarlet Yang City has tailored for him. However, with the promotion of Zhuang Wudao cultivation base, the three-in-one combination, the “Heavy Mingyang Shenlu” and “The Great Move”, more and more feel that this sword is no longer self-use.

In the past few years, he has collected a lot of high-order banned characters, and even his own level of refining, can raise this sword to the level of magic.

But because of the Cultural Technique, it doesn’t apply to his polarization. Zhuang Wudao has not improved the grade of this sword.

Pir pirit Tool 杩欑涓滆タ,骞多笉鏄疐orbidden Law 灞傛瓒婇珮瓒婂ソ,绂佸埗瓒婂,暗瑕佹秷瑕佹秷Key楃殑 True Origin 涔熷氨瓒婂銆

Zhuang Wudao 鐜板湪,涔熶笉杩囨槸Golden Core 澧僆nitial Stage Key 屽凡, 浣 浣 敤姝ゅ墤, 宸茬粡鏄秺阒 鐢 鐢 鎴 鎴 姏涔熻 姏涔熻 姏涔熻 姏涔熻 姏涔熻€銆

However, today, if you do not upgrade the eight-view Kun Lei sword, I am afraid that this sword will be completely destroyed and cracked.

Just as the ban on the ban was in effect, the figure of the singer was retired, and it seems that there is no need to adjust the interest. This time it is a pair of bloody palms.

Hey, hey.

“Blood, poisonous, violent, bloody, killing”

鍒洪ⅷ镄刱illing intent,钖屾椂鐩存敾鍏ュ绩绁炰箣鍐呫€俍huang Wudao 涓崭负镓€锷 纰庡北娌充笌琛屾棤蹇屾妩镒忎氦铻崭鎶や綇浜嗗 绁炪 绁炪

Key 宐 涔嫔 鍒欐槸, 鍒欐槸 Sword Intent 鍐 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼 渼

Great sorrow and seven decisions, life and death

鐢熸涔嫔墤 瑁 瑁 瑁 镞犲敖镄勫 镞犲敖镄勫 镞犲敖镄勫 涓庨偅 涓庨偅 涓庨偅 夋帉浜ゅ銆 夋帉浜ゅ銆 竴鐬棿灏 竴鐬棿灏 竴鐬棿灏 竴鐬棿灏 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞 殑杞ゅ向,镞犳暟镄勭厼锷 屾潵銆€屾潵銆effect嵈琚玓huang Wudao 镄凮x Demon Hegemon Body ,镊彂镄勬帓鏂ヤ簬澶栥€

The third-order unbreakable golden body, the sword can not enter, the law can not be added, but also includes the poison palm. Even if there are occasional remnants, it will be eliminated by his ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan, and ‘Kun Primordial Spirit Flame’, rapid purification.

The palm of the magic sandalwood, up to 600,000 elephant power, far exceeds Zhuang Wudao. However, this person is under the impact of death, but can not completely suppress Zhuang Wudao. A pair of flesh palms, all of them are dead, and even flesh and blood are withered. The power of more than half of the magic sandalwood needs to suppress the power of death.

鈥滃 姝讳箣锷 杩欐槸浠 涔埚墤 涔埚墤 涔埚墤 纻鍢垮樋 纻鍢垮樋 笉杩囧彧鏄疓 笉杩囧彧鏄疓 笉杩囧彧鏄疓 笉杩囧彧鏄疓 笉杩囧彧鏄疓 olden Core 澧冭€屽凡,灏卞凡鏄韩鍏蜂笁闂╔NUMXst Grade Prfound Technique ,褰撶湡浜嗗缑銆傗€

Speaking in the mouth, the movement of the magic sandalwood, but there is no pause. Suddenly, ten black round pills fell in the sleeves, and then countless blood flames mixed with blood poison, bursting out

濂 湪 Zhuang Wudao 阆佹硶涓嶉敊, 涓 変笉瀵 変笉瀵 韬 韬 灏卞悗阃 锏 锏 锏 锏 笀銆俿 笀銆俿 light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light琛 鐒 鐒 鐒 锷涘啿鍑 锷涘啿鍑 岃呖镞 岃呖镞 岃呖镞 宸茬粡鍐嶅▉鑳佷笉鍒 宸茬粡鍐嶅▉鑳佷笉鍒 粬镄勪笁阒 粬镄勪笁阒 笉鐏噾韬 笉鐏噾韬 笉杩囦緷镞 笉杩囦緷镞 笉杩囦緷镞 huang huang huang huang huang Wudao 涓嶆暍鐩 鍏堕攱 鍏堕攱 鍏堕攱 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 鐗╁湪绗竴涓︻灛闂村(琚寲涓) 琚寲涓 琚寲涓 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲 楲

That is the pros and cons of the two instruments, the impact of this thunderbolt flame, but also the damage is not light. The forbidden lines of several key nodes were damaged.

Zhuang Wudao 涓嶆暍澶ф剰, 璁╄ 搴 搴 牭鎴湴 牭鎴湴 牭鎴湴 牭鎴湴 牭鎴湴 狞阃氶 狞阃氶 狞阃氶 牭鎴湴 镄勫ぇ阒靛嚭鐜 镄勫ぇ阒靛嚭鐜 镄勫ぇ阒靛嚭鐜 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌 曚竴涓濅竴姣殑绌涔熶笉鍏佽銆傛 璐 潃 潃 stone wall , Zhuang Wudao 涓 涓剰蹇 涓剰蹇 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔ 鏄竴闂╔

Scorpio life, Thunderfire

A whole hundred and eight Thunderfires came out of the ground, and Zhuang Wudao did not dare to keep his hands.

杩欎簺板伀锷涘伀锷涘+,镊﹄粠浠栨檵阒禛olden Core 涔嫔悗,瀹炲姏灏辨湁浜嗗法鍓彁鍗囥€傛鍓崭粬涓€鐩撮兘鍦ㄥ皾璇旷潃,鏀归犵潃杩欎簺锷涘+within the body 镄勬硶阒

The third-order ‘pros and cons of the two instruments are infinitely large, and are upgraded to the fourth-order ‘heavy-minded gods who can condense the true shape of the heavy bird.

After five years, it has not been completed, and there are huge flaws in the array. However, at this moment, he has already refused, and all power can be used.

A clear cicada, a flame red bird in the flame of thunder, violently pulled out. And just above, the magic sandalwood is also ready at the same time.

The bloody flames of the explosion of the thunder pill exploded, and at the moment they reversed back and rolled back, and in the hands of the magic sandalwood, a huge bloody gunshot was formed.

“The magical day borrows the law, the blood and the yang melt the gold to break the world”

When the sound fell, the bloody gun shadow also fell at the same time, carrying the momentum of destroying the earth and destroying the land, and locked the body of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao pupils shrank, then the heart has a sense, thoughtfully looked at the sky, gave a cold drink.

“Zhuang Xiaohu, no matter what method you use, help me cut off his connection with the subject.”

澶╀笅涔嫔ぇ,鐪熸槸镞犲涓嶆湁銆傛浜 柦灞 绔熶篃鏄 绔熶篃鏄 绔熶篃鏄 浼 姘斿寲涓夋竻镄勭蹇 姘斿寲涓夋竻镄勭蹇 姘斿寲涓夋竻镄勭蹇 姘斿寲涓夋竻镄勭蹇 椠镦 箣 箣链€傛墍浠ユ湰韬槠鍙湰浣揿洓鍒嗕箣涓€镄勫疄锷 Prfound Technique Divine Abilty ,鍗存湁杩戜箮涓讳綋杩慩NUMX% 涔嫔▉Prfound Technique Divine Abilty 涔熷彲涓庢湰灏婂 涔熷彲涓庢湰灏婂 鐢 鐢

涓嶈 涓嶈 € € 杩 杩 笉鏄 笉鏄 笉鏄 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 鍎 枟鎴樻椂镄勫弽搴旀櫤鎱 枟鎴樻椂镄勫弽搴旀櫤鎱 枟鎴樻椂镄勫弽搴旀櫤鎱 枟鎴樻椂镄勫弽搴旀櫤鎱 枟鎴樻椂镄勫弽搴旀櫤鎱鏄湡姝rimordial Spirit Late Stage 镄勫眰绾

And if he has to, he wants to borrow sword spirit or the power of bloody warfare, he does not want others to know, high judgment of his strength.

闾e箪灏忔箹姝h姳瀹规儴娣 鍕夊姏缁存寔镌€杩椤骇姝e弽涓や华镞犻噺阒点俬ear what what said said 涔嫔悗,涓嶆暍 chain変笣姣殑镐犳参,鐣ョ暐镐濆繓銆效氨钃>湴杩愯浆阒阒,硶灏嗗湴旗狞涓嬫捣狞涓嬫捣忕殑骞忕殑骞浘寮浘寮鎶,寰€涓婄亴娉ㄣ€

She is so eager to follow the Primordial Spirit, but she is not qualified to disturb the mind of the Primordial Spirit cultivator. However, the mist in the magic cave, the god of the cultivator, is born with restraint and oppression.

Chain wedding, 搴斿綋鑳绦o with difficulty 锷炲埌銆

Zhuang Wudao did not pay attention to the following after he had ordered it. His eyes were cold and he looked at the bloody gun above. Then he rushed against the trend and a sword came out again.

Secret style

绗洓闂╔NUMXst Grade 绾х殑Prfound Technique Divine Abilty , 涓嶈 鍙嚟杩欎竴鍓 杩樻 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 涓崭綇 旀獉瀛愮殑杩 旀獉瀛愮殑杩鍗婇€ 闾b€橀吨鏄庨笩,鐪熷船,涔熷悓镞堕涓涔熷悓镞堕涓岃呖,涓庝粬浜哄墤钖堜竴銆涓庝粬浜哄墤钖堜竴銆竴浜竴浜, 椤 亸闂 亸闂 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰 鍙堟毚澧炰

Within the body True Origin ,镐ラ 熺殑寰︻幆娴佽 熺殑寰︻幆娴佽 Wu Wu Wu 涓 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu鍦ㄩ 鍦ㄩ 鏄庨笩鐪熷 鏄庨笩鐪熷 鏆 鏆 浜嗗崄    镊 镊 镊 镊          4th Heavenly Layer 镄勫穮宄

The sword gun was hedged, and at this time, regardless of Zhuang Wudao, or the magic sandalwood, they were all shocked. Almost no positive intentions, constantly trying to change the path of the sword, the two sides of the air machine also continually rushed to test. Trying to find the other side’s flaws and flaws, to avoid this fight.

The weakness of Zhuang Wudao is undoubtedly more. ‘Heavy gods and gods are boundless, and they are incomplete. The true shape of the recalled birds is not complete.

However, with the third-order immortal golden body, these flaws will not be flawed. Eight Jingkun Lei Jian, still no suspense, and the blood gun in one place.

鐒跺悗杩椤湴 狞鍐 狞鍐 灏 灏 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 锲 锲 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫 偅浜涢粦鑹瞫敖鏁 Dress up 鍖栨垚浜嗙啍宀┿€

Zhuang Wudao’s most worrying situation began to happen. The pros and cons of the two instruments were almost completely affected by the impact of the two people’s confrontation, and more spiritual bans began to collapse.

Fortunately, there are one hundred and eight Thunderfires, and the four ‘Thunderfire Scorpio, fill together. Although the firepower’s array method has been modified, it can be used to fill the gap between the pros and cons of the two arrays, but it is still possible, the entire array can still be preserved intact.

Key 屾镞剁殑Zhuang Wudao, 宸茬粡镞犵憰鍒嗗 铡荤悊浼 铡荤悊浼 铡荤悊浼 铡荤悊浼 铡荤悊浼 笅鏂 笅鏂 殑鎯呭 殑鎯呭 墤 墤 墤 墤 墤嬬垎寮€,鎻掑湪stone wall 涔嬩笂,杩炵画涓嶆柇镄勯渿棰 涔呬箙涓嶆伅銆

This time, it is more serious than the previous one. Within the blade, there is already a lot of damage.

Key 孼 Wu Wu 镄勪竴鍙岃倝鎺 涔熷啀娆 垎纰 垎纰 垎纰 垎纰 垎纰 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 垮 鍓戜竴鏋︻殑婊斿ぉ涔嫔姏銆 鍓戜竴鏋︻殑婊斿ぉ涔嫔姏銆 鍓戜竴鏋︻殑婊斿ぉ涔嫔姏銆夆€樼礌澹浣 ,浠嶅彧鏄崄涓懠钖告椂闂 Zhuang Wudao 镄勪竴鍙屾落,灏卞畲濂借鍒濄鍒濄傝傝绋嫔鍙秷鍙秷鍙秷皵涓巜 涓嶅皯姘 皵涓巜 ithin the body True Origin 屽 屽 銆

The situation of the magic sandalwood is not much better. The same flesh and blood cracked in one hand, leaving only the metal bones.

鈥滃 鏉ュ 鏄疓 鏄疓 olden Core 姒滀簩鍗佷簩浣 鏋 劧濡傛涓嶈 劧濡傛涓嶈 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wudao 瀹炲姏, 镐曚篃闱炴槸Golden Core 姒滀簩鍗佷簩浣嶆墍鑳 摢镐旼 摢镐旼 olden Core 涔熸湭蹇呰兘鑳滀綘銆侾 涔熸湭蹇呰兘鑳滀綘銆侾rimordial Spirit Initial Stage帇杩囦綘涓€绛绛绛,蹇呭畾涓嶈秴鍗佷綅銆傗€

The magic sandalwood is obviously unable to continue, and it is a black pouch in the hand. A large amount of blood is taken from the lining, covering the whole body, and the flesh of the hands is also regenerated, and the metal skeleton on the arm is re-covered.

And 曗 曗 曞姏 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴 畲鎴Layer 瀹屾垚,鎽旗嬬4th Heavenly Layer 瀹屾垚,嶆槑阒嶆槑阒崇嶆槑阒€曗€曞棷锛熲€

Coldly snorted, the magic sandalwood frowned and looked down to the position of Zhuang Xiaohu. Obviously, it was also sensed. This woman was disturbed by his god, and the communication between him and the body was almost cut off, and it could not be smooth.

And Zhuang Wudao at this time, the wings behind him suddenly slammed to the maximum, stunned shots

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