I have seen Yu Xuxuan, but Zhuang Wudao has not returned to Leaving Dust, but turned back to the Ziwu Xuanyang ship, with Nie Xianling, hurried westward.

With his current “Heavy Ming Tai Yu Cheng Feng”, the top three rankings of the law, in less than three days, has arrived near Scarlet Yang City.

About 20,000 miles to the north, that is, the site of the Cold Heaven Palace.

After entering the sphere of influence of Scarlet Yang City, Zhuang Wudao still has not received the air-belt, and it is still a big thorn in the air.

Collecting the things from the cold heaven palace, Zhuang Wudao is a peace of mind.

Anyway, there is the god of extinction sword, and with Avici Equality King’s magic country, Scarlet Yang City has broken the hope of leaving the cold.

And his purpose is not to search the entire cold palace, but for the follow-up Cultivation Technique of Nie Xianling and the corpse that he wants.

These things, he is bound to win. If you don’t sue it, it’s not kind, not a gentleman. At this time, the red yin is an indispensable ally of Leaving Dust.

However, he will not waste any effort for Scarlet Yang City. With the dangers in the heavens, it is dangerous for him to bring one more person now. Too imaginary, only two. If you want to get a piece of the pie from this day, you have to prepare yourself.

After arriving, Zhuang Wudao did not visit Scarlet Yang City. Instead, he searched for a secret place near the site of the Cold Heaven Palace and began healing. The main ones are Yu Yi and Mu Yuanxuan, who scored the sword with the body. There is also damage within the Primordial Spirit due to the ‘Amitabha’s universal curse.

On the one hand, it is healing, on the other hand, it is convenient for the sword spirit to look around, and it is the most suitable and safest entrance to the fourth floor of the Cold Heaven Palace.

If you don’t touch the ban on the inside, you don’t have to alarm the sword. You need to be cautious.

But even Zhuang Wudao has paid enough attention to his injuries. But when I really started, I didn’t realize myself when I was dealing with the body. I still had a little bit of these two cultivators.

It’s just because of the existence of ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan’, the performance is not so serious,

It was not until Zhuang Wudao that after a full three days and three nights of the nursed back to health, the inferior power of the body was completely expelled.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Nie Xianling, who was looking at herself with a blind eye.

Zhuang Wudao subconsciously touched his face, and then strangely asked: “What strange place on my face?”

The cultivator is in the air, and it is spotless, but he asks the current facial features, it is normal.

Could it be that it has become more handsome? Can a girl stare at the eyes of reluctance?


Nie Xianling chuckled and daggered and shook: “I just remembered some things from the past. I remember that Senior Brother said that if Xianling became your drag, I will give up. But that day, in Shiling. In the cave, the Senior Brother is still in front of the fairy bell.”

In the battle with the magic sandalwood, without her involvement, Zhuang Wudao can use the law without any concern. Even without the mysterious Heavenly Dao species of the real people, there is still no chance of winning.

However, for her sake, Zhuang Wudao had to fight with the magic sandalwood to make himself fall into the trap.

“It turns out so”

Zhuang Wudao looked relieved and then disagreed: “The one that was wrong was me, not Junior Sister. I was too careless and negligent, so that I was in immortal realm. What’s more, you are far from talking. It’s cumbersome.”

With only one heavy sword wing, the value of Nie Xianling can be compared to a Primordial Spirit cultivator. Where can he give up?

“Is it?”

Nie Xianling, with an unclear smile, still has a faint blush on his face, looking up at the head, and looking at the sky in the same way.

Zhuang Wudao wants to say something, but I still can’t say it after all. At this time, the sword spirit has also returned from the outside.

After the fourth recovery, sword spirit can take off in a short time. This battle of Shiling Buddha Cave, continuous experience of Accumulating Sword Art and the innate Origin Spirit twice, Luo Qingyun’s idea, to leave the Light Cloud Sword body 10,000 miles away.

Light Cloud Sword The fifty-fourth Forbidden Law, according to the level is the magic weapon of the middle. You can see the fifth-order monster and the Void Refining cultivator. But now some of the skills of sword spirit, even those who are in the fifth-order demon and Void Refining, can’t compare.

“The mouth is right, the face is hard, I see this world, Sword Master.”

A cold laughter, sword spirit is not waiting for Zhuang Wudao’s rebuttal, just straight into the title: “The entrance has been found, it is 101,000 miles away. There is 32,000 feet underground. Just be careful You can get through the ban in the cold palace.”

Zhuang Wudao’s brows were picked up, and when they were ready, they began to set them up. After a while, I still have no choice but to give up. Knowing yourself, there is nothing to do.

The injury is better than the majority, but there is the chaos of the body.

Several Divine Abilty Dafa, innate Origin Spirit, Kun Yuan Chaemed, Xuan Tiangui, and so on, each become a share, in his within the body.

This is the result of his desire to forcibly achieve the fourth stage of the golden body before the fierce battle. If there is a kind of mysterious Heavenly Dao kind of suppression, he is now flesh and blood, and will burst away immediately.

In the Battle of Shiling Buddha Cave, many forces were combined, and there was a curse and a change in holdings. He was one of the strengths, which could have exceeded seven times.

Because of the instability of the body, more than half of the strength is spent on internal friction.

With the Primordial Spirit cultivator, especially with the one-of-a-kind cultivator with some Dao Fusion, the simple accumulation of strength is not very useful.

But at that time, if there is absolute power to suppress, it will not be forced to the extent of such awkwardness.

“Sword spirit has followed several Sword Masters, and there has never been a mess like Sword Master. Congenital Origin Spirit and Kun Yuan Chalcedony, plus marry * clothes * mixed, if not Sword Master You are lucky. You can die without someone else.”

When Luo Qingyun returned to the sword, the tone was filled with helplessness. Zhuang Wudao within the body The chaos of the gas also directly affects the sword.

However, sword spirit, then meaningfully said: “But Sword Master can think of Yu Yunqin’s Supreme Yin Body, but it is a good strategy. So, on the day of Sword Master, it is already fearless?”

“Nothing to do with you”

Zhuang Wudao is too lazy to answer, knowing that the spirit of sword spirit has been committed. Temperament split, sometimes honest, awkward, only promise, no fear of his life; sometimes powerful, like aloof and remote female immortal, arrogant; sometimes it is ridiculous, bad language Again and again,

More and more, this sword spirit seems to be a mixture of several people’s temperament.

Without paying attention to it, Zhuang Wudao continued to think about with the body. He temporarily solved the insufficiency of the body, which is the fourth decision of Heaven and Earth Great Sorrow Endowment – tears full of tears

The teacher’s watch is truly famous, and whoever is worth a thousand is in the middle of it; the aspirations are not paid, and the old man is full of tears.

Every word can be washed, bone marrow, Qi and blood resonance, and Truness Origin, combing from top to bottom.

The strong physique and the ability of the internal organs and the six internal organs are more than a hundred times stronger than the second.

With this in mind, even without Yu Yunqin’s Supreme Yin Body, he cultivation this Great Sorrow Endowment’s fourth decision, only five or six years of effort. It will make a cultivation base completely stable.

At this moment, he only wants to temporarily suppress an Origin Qi, and he can move freely from the cold heaven palace.

When it comes to tears, this poem is like the feeling of sword spirit. It is made up of pieces.

Zhuang Wudao, when I read it, always felt a little uncomfortable. But there are indeed forged bones, Refining Marrow, and the ability to raise cockroaches.

He also asked sword spirit about this matter. The answer is that this poem is indeed taken from each of the two poems, and then to merge together.

Huang Jie of that year was the fourth decision made when he traveled to other worlds.

It is said that in order to commemorate a peerless wise man in a different world, this person’s experience and the experience of the festival can be described as the difference between the two, for the country to do their best, and to die. In a glimpse of the land, against the northern powers, hard to maintain, and finally lived to death.

However, whether the poetry is fluent or not, Zhuang Wudao does not care, just the Concept in this type of sword, there is no mistake.

Due to the death of the festival, this type of tears is full of doubts, and it is undoubtedly the most profound sword of Zhuang Wudao. At that time, Sword Intent arrived, and it was implemented in a logical way.

His third decision has not yet been completed, but it does not prevent him from exerting this fourth type of tears. The strength of the body of Kun Yuan Chalcedony, the fourth stage of the unbroken body, so that he has enough physical capacity to bear this kendo Divine Abilty.

However, this style is full of tears, and there are also some strange things. That is the set of swords, although it can also be counter-reverse, there are the swords and the swords. Strictly speaking, it is not a distinction between ‘yin and yang.’

After experiencing the battle with the squad, he has already understood that the focus of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment is ‘Yin and Yang, the second son. It is based on the Great Sorrow Sword Intent as a link program to integrate various yin and yang avenues.

Therefore, he had the type of ‘Yin and Yang robbery’ that he exhibited on the Shiling Buddha Cave that day.

There is opposition in the Tao, and the sword is divided into yin and yang. In Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, almost all swords have two methods of fighting swords.

The first death is death, the opposite is true; the second is to remember the past, the past is the future; the farewell sword is the opposite.

These three sets of swords are full of positive and negative yin and yang. Then the tears are full, what is it? Just drowning and drowning?

This set of swordsmanship, the name is Yin in the yin, Yang in the Yin, the division is not obvious. Is it that you have learned incorrectly?

In my heart, Zhuang Wudao revealed his own thoughts when he read the words and did not know it.

In the voice of luck, if you are unconscious, you will want to divide the yin and yang.

The sword spirit also sensed immediately, but this time it took up the taunting tone, but with a bit of gratification: “Sword Master is smart, it really is already aware.”

“Is it perceived? It means that there is yin and yang in this sword?”

Zhuang Wudao also temporarily stopped the Origin Qi cycle, curiously asked in his mind: “Why can I feel that this tear is full, and it is different from any sword I have learned.”

“Nature is different because this type of sword is not a complete sword.”

Luo Qingyun speaks amazingly and makes Zhuang Wudao directly stunned.

“The true and complete tears are full of sorrows. It is the combination of the five swords. After the rectification of the five elements, it is also the first Sword Master Huang Jie conception, the strongest one-style swordsmanship, pointing to Opening Heaven. Heaven and Earth Yin -Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, even if there is a fourth Sword Master, adding a style, it is still only seven decisions. So –“

“So Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, still broken?”

Zhuang Wudao has already understood that, when he laughs and laughs, he also puts down his doubts.

He didn’t feel any regrets. This kind of peerless swordsmanship, he can learn about cultivation, it is already fortunate.

What if it is broken? Huang Jie, like Luo Qingyun, is the best and strongest in that era.

Huang Jie was able to create this amazing sword. Luo Qingyun can create Accusulating Sword Art for this set of swords.

Isn’t he Zhuang Wudao able to end up with this set of swords?

All the distractions were arranged, and Zhuang Wudao continued to shed tears and adjust the breath. Until the meridian Qi and blood, completely calm down, in a short time can be innocent. Zhuang Wudao just got up, took Nie Xianling, and went to the direction of the sword spirit.

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