Sword Moving Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 83
“Sure enough, it is a sea of people, and the jade is a childish leisure.
Huang 涓婏纴 huang Zhuang Wudao 鏄叴镊 inch泿鐒剁殑鐪嬬潃绐楀銆傛镞禠 eaving Dust School 镄勯棬澶栵纴宸茬粡鎸ゆ 浜嗕 浜嗕 浜嗕 缇ゃ 彧 彧 佷竴鐗囧瘑瀵嗛夯楹荤殑浜哄ご锛屾垚鍗冧笂涓囷纴涓岖煡鍑 佷竴鐗囧瘑瀵嗛夯楹荤殑浜哄ご锛屾垚鍗冧笂涓囷纴涓岖煡鍑 嚑锛屼笌涓夋棩鍓峠 嚑锛屼笌涓夋棩鍓峠 reat competition 褰曞悕镞剁殑鍐锋竻鎴︻劧涓嶅悓锛
璁板缑鍓崭竴娆★纴浠栨湜瑙佸姝ょ洓鏅缮鏄湪涓夊佸姝ょ洓鏅缮鏄湪涓夊涔嫔墠銆涔嫔墠銆篃鏄偅涓娆娆娆纴褰诲簳缁濅纴褰诲簳缁濅纴褰诲簳缁濅鐢眊reat competition 杩涘叆Leaving Dust Palace 镄勫笇chain涳纴杞€屽叧娉ㄨ捣浜哃eaving Dust Palace 镄勯de涓欻eavenly Way 銆
Key eaving Dust School 镄勫枾闂癸纴杩樿 儨涓夊 儨涓夊 儨涓夊 儨涓夊 嶃 嶃 嶃 嶃 嶃
鈥沦urpassing City 姘戦锛屼竴钖戞仿鍕囧ソ姝]€侴uyue Ming 涓庡鑻楋纴瀛斿洖鍑犱汉锛岄兘鏄疭urpassing City 涓0钖嶉紟鐩涚殑骞 杈堥珮 杈堥珮 杈堥珮 杈堥珮 嵆渚 嵆渚 嵆渚 huang huang Zhuang Wudao 锛屼篃鏄皬 夊悕姘斻 傝 傝 傝 傝 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆籗urpassing City 鍐呰鏂 娍锷涙秷闀垮叴琛 娍锷涙秷闀垮叴琛 娍锷涙秷闀垮叴琛 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜 纴镊︻劧鏄竾浜
Beitang Wan鈥檈r 蹇冧笉鍦ㄧ剦镄勮镌€锛岀洰鍏夊缁堟锛岀洰鍏夊缁堟瑙嗙潃Zhuang Wudao 镄勪竴鍙屽ぇ琚栥€
“That said, what is hidden in your sleeve? Just felt something wrong.”
In the big sleeves, there is something that makes her feel extremely dangerous, which makes her care.
Zhuang Wudao smiled and waved his sleeve. There was a white fire butterfly that flew out of the sleeve and landed in his hand.
“It’s just a few small things. It’s an unexpected surprise. It’s not very useful.”
About a day before, he borrowed the power of Scorpio and tried to perform a ‘Spark of Fire’. Just once, I gathered 1,200 fire butterflies.
And this unexpected joy happened after he took up the mana and dismissed the fire butterfly. There are nine ‘Star Fire Butterfly’, which have never dissipated. The spirituality that was temporarily emanated by his knowledge of God can be maintained for a short time, at least for three days.
But what is said to be ‘not very useful’ is a lie. If it is just an ordinary ‘fire butterfly’, it is naturally useless, and it can only threaten the cultivator under the Qi Condensation.
鐒 岃 岃 岃 岃 欎箣鍐咃纴鍗撮兘钖潃涓 欎箣鍐咃纴鍗撮兘钖潃涓 欎箣鍐咃纴鍗撮兘钖潃涓 涓濈煶鏄庣 Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢 嶆ゼ浠ヤ笅镄刢
Zhuang Wudao speculated that the nine mutant fire butterflies were mostly due to the change of the ‘Shi Ming Jing Yan’.
涓囩墿 夌伒锛屼紶璇 夌伒锛屼紶璇 櫘阃氱殑鏉 櫘阃氱殑鏉 煆镙戞湪锛屽彧 煆镙戞湪锛屽彧 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 傛垚闀 傛垚闀 傛垚闀辫兘浜х敓chain鍩鍩鍩镄勭伒鏅恒€
The stone flames are the fire of the third-order products. It is one of the hundreds of rootless flames in the world. It is not surprising that there is a ‘spirituality’ different from ordinary things.
The biggest benefit of these fire butterflies is not hurting people. It can be attached to the mind, so that he can know everything beyond the thousand feet.
鈥滀綘镄勮 umbrella 闂‵alse Profound Technique 锛屾槸Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra 涓殑鏄熺伀绁炶澏锛熲€
Beitang Wan鈥檈r 涓€ chain 涘 涘 涘 腑浜 腑浜 棯杩囦竴涓濆繉鎯箣鑹诧纴闅忓嵆灏卞 鎺╁幓涓嶈锛屾鐒 鎺╁幓涓嶈锛屾鐒 鎺╁幓涓嶈锛屾鐒秙aid with a smile 锛气滃眳鐒跺滃眳鐒跺滃眳鐒跺缁忚兘璋缁忚兘璋5% 镄勭煶鏄庣簿鐒 箣锷涳纴浣犵殑浠欐牴璧勮川锛岀湡镄勫彧锛岀湡镄勫彧NUMXth Grade Key 屽 锛熼偅璐 锛熼偅璐 锛熼偅璐 绁炲涓娄綘锛岃 绁炲涓娄綘锛岃 绁炲涓娄綘锛岃 绁炲涓娄綘锛岃 绁炲涓娄綘锛岃 傗
Zhuang Wudao 鎾囦 鎾囧 鎾囧 锛屼笉缃彲钖 锛屼笉缃彲钖 锛屼笉缃彲钖 殑鎶婂彸 殑鎶婂彸 缈 缈 缈 缈 缈 缈 粬鍙 粬鍙 粬鍙 粬鍙 粬鍙 粬鍙笉鏁 (1) 眳锷燂纴鑳 杩欎箞镞╁ 杩欎箞镞╁ 杩欎箞镞╁ 皢 皢 皢 皢 5% 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒 鐒川锛岃€屾槸Yun鈥檈r 鏁椤镄勫嚑绉嶆妧宸с€
This street is certainly a sea of people, but the fierce name in the Surpassing City Beitang Family is even more fierce. When these horse-drawn carriages with the Beitang Family imprint came slowly, the crowd in front seemed to escape the plague, and immediately dispersed and let the road open.
The same variety of sights are all looking over the window.
“The people of Beitang Family are here too!”
鈥滆 鈥滆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 re re re re re re tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang 墠浠籗chool Master 锛岀洿鎺ユ帹Leafing Dust Palace 銆傗€
鈥渉ehe 锛佷笉鍙 笌 great competition 锛屽 ammonia涓嶈兘杩囨潵鐪嬫垙锛熲
鈥滆 鏉ョ殑鏂 鏉ョ殑鏂 鏉ョ殑鏂 屾槸 屾槸 屾槸 屾槸 屾槸 Sword Clothed Hall 銆傝帿闱炴槸铡 帴闾 釜 釜 釜 釜 釜 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang
鈥淲ild Tiger Zhuang Wudao 锛熻 umbrella 浜 缮娌 缮娌 °C斁寮冿纻灏卞嚟浠栵纴涔熸兂涓嶨uyue Family 镄勫ぇYoung Master 浜夛纻绗竴鍦哄 ammonia 杩囦笉浜嗗惂锛熼偅璐 绁炴垜鐗 绁炴垜鐗 剰 Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capitalラ偅鍙槸鎴慐astern Wu Country
鈥滀篃涓崭竴瀹 鈥滀篃涓崭竴瀹 Wu Wu Wu Wudao 锛孮i Condensation 澧冧箣鍓嶅 宸蹭 De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De戞湁鍏薄涔嫔姏銆傗€
鈥滈偅鍙堟€庢牱锛熻垂淇涓€韬墍瀛】纴鏄嚭镊ぇ镞ョ殗瀹椼€傝丹阒崇阒冲喅锛屼笉姝f槸Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body 镄勫 鏄燂纻鈥
“It is said that yesterday’s gambling, this Zhuang Wudao odds are already a loss of seven.”
Zhuang Wudao is sitting on the soft couch lazily, and he is not willing to move at all. In the past two days, I practiced boxing and almost exhausted all his energy. Even if I had a rest for half a day before coming, I still didn’t recover much.
It was not until I heard the words and the odds that I had a few words.
“Is it really a loss of seven?”
鈥滀笉 囷紒鈥 ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 鐪硷 鈥滀綘闾 鈥滀綘闾 鈥滀綘闾 鈥滀綘闾 other other other Ian Family 笂銆 笂銆 杩炴垜杩欎 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸 鍧愬箪镄勶纴涔熸槸锛屽湪璐 绁炶 绁炶 绁炶 涓婃娂娉ㄧ殑锛屾 涓婃娂娉ㄧ殑锛屾 诲 诲 诲 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 崭袱涓囦竷鍗冧袱榛勯噾 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽櫔浠栧洓鍗冧簩锏句袱榛勯噾銆傗€
Zhuang Wudao 瀹 畾镄勬 畾镄勬 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 嗙潃 tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang tang Wind 殑璧岀洏銆傝 濂 濂 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒 锛屾灉鐒
绠楁潵鍦ㄤ粬Zhuang Wudao 韬笂锛孊eitang Wan鈥檈r 镐诲睿嶆嶆嶆鎶曞叆澶鎶曞叆澶皯阍皯阍备粖镞ヤ粎浠呭彧杩欎竴澶╋纴灏辫兘鍏ㄦ暟璧 洖鏉ワ纴杩樼 洖鏉ワ纴杩樼 缁 缁 湁浣欍 傜浉杈冭 傜浉杈冭 ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei殑娈嬬竟鍓╅キ銆
Unfortunately, this bet is only available to the Beitang Family. Changed to him and Qin Feng, even if he finally made money, he did not spend it.
杩涘叆Leaving Dust School 涔嫔唴锛岃 屾洿鏄枾闂 屾洿鏄枾闂 屾洿鏄枾闂 € € € 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢 榧庢
杩欐great competition cho chool 鍐呬 涓︼秴杩囦簩鍗佷憨闱 涓︼秴杩囦簩鍗佷憨闱 (3) Н镄勬紨姝 満锛岄兘琚 満锛岄兘琚Generous 钁 竴鏂 竴鏂 竴鏂 纴鍏ㄦ暟锷ㄧ敤銆傛棭镞╁ 纴鍏ㄦ暟锷ㄧ敤銆傛棭镞╁ 纴鍏ㄦ暟锷ㄧ敤銆傛棭镞╁ 纴鍏ㄦ暟锷ㄧ敤銆傛棭镞╁ 纴鍏ㄦ暟锷ㄧ敤銆傛棭镞╁ 鍙 鍙 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮阃婇噾鐭 傝 傝 傝 屽湪杩欎簺鎿 屽湪杩欎簺鎿 彴涔嬩笅锛屾棭宸 彴涔嬩笅锛屾棭宸 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 槸鎷ユ 涓嶅牚锛岃 涓嶅牚锛岃 涓嶅牚锛岃 涓嶅牚锛岃 涓嶅牚锛岃 Ammonia
杩欐Zhuang Wudao 鍗存病链変 chi chi chi chi chi chi 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀 屾槸涓庝紬澶歀纴
That Xia Miao is trying to find him again, but whenever there is eye contact, Zhuang Wudao will always avoid it and do not want to communicate with this person. I always feel that this Xia Family Young Master is unpredictable.
濂 笉瀹 笉瀹 槗绛夊埌杈 椂锛屼紬浜哄嵈娌 珛镞 珛镞 珛镞 笂鍦 笂鍦 笂鍦 笂鍦 纴 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨 屾槸鐢盨鐢╩edicinal pill 锛岃韩涓婃槸钖 “湁Spirit Tool 鍦ㄨ韩锛屾湁镞犲湪鎴桦墠鏂 睍绉樻湳绛夌瓑銆傝 瀹炴竻锏 瀹炴竻锏 瀹炴竻锏 箣钖庯纴 箣钖庯纴 岖敱鏁欎 岖敱鏁欎 岖敱鏁欎寮曢锛屽墠寰€姣旇瘯镄勫満鍦like €
Zhuang Wudao 琚垎鍒 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿ 殑鏄憜鍦⊿璧劧鏄暟鍗冧汉鐜粫锲鐜粫锲銆傝銆傝岃岃岃岃澶勭┖鍦笂锛屾洿笂锛屾洿夊崄鍑犲楂夊崄鍑犲楂彴锛屽彲灞呴珮涓彴锛屽彲灞呴珮涓彴锛屽彲灞呴珮涓Pass朴€傛镞堕兘宸茶Surpassing City 涓瑷ristocratic family 瀹桦鍏ㄦ暟鍗犳嵁锛屼篃鏄骇镞犺櫄宁€performance 涓笉绂佽嚜鍢诧纴鐪嬫潵镊繁涓庤 杩欎竴鎴桡纴鍦ㄨ 杩欎竴鎴桡纴鍦ㄨ 杩欎竴鎴桡纴鍦ㄨ 杩欎竴鎴桡纴鍦ㄨ 浜涙潈璐 浜涙潈璐 浜涙潈璐 浜涙潈璐 浜涙潈璐 夌偣浠 夌偣浠 噺銆
Fei Xiu Shen also set up on the opposite side, his eyes still as cold as three days ago, more killing, and no disguise.
Seeing that the hour is approaching, the teachings of the presiding trial did not say anything like ‘same side, skill, point to the end, and so on, but directly throw a scroll.
鈥滀笁镞ヤ箣鍓嶏纴璐 绁炲 绁炲 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 一 一 一 一敓姝 紒 huang Zhuang Wudao 綍锛熻嫢鏄 綍锛熻嫢鏄 镒忥纴鍙 镒忥纴鍙 镒忥纴鍙 镒忥纴鍙 镒忥纴鍙 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜 鐢熸锛屾垜School 鎱ㄤ笉璐熻矗銆傗€
On the top of the ring, there was a burst of ‘bang’. Or shocked, or excited. A curious and gloating gaze looked at Zhuang Wudao.
Zhuang Wudao 闅忔 鎶婇偅鍗 笡鎺ヨ 笡鎺ヨ 锛屽ぇ鐣ョ殑 锛屽ぇ鐣ョ殑 锛屽ぇ鐣ョ殑 锛屽ぇ鐣ョ殑 Gu Gu Gu 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Guyue Family 锛岃缮鐪熸槸镞犳墍涓岖Rudder
If he refuses today, the confidence and mind of this battle today will be immediately swept away by three points. Even if it wins in the end, it will fall into the name of fear of death.
Key 岃嫢鏄瓟搴旓纴鍒栾惤鍏uyue Family 镄勪笅镐€銆效彲浠ュ厜鏄庢澶э纴灏嗕粬Zhuang Wudao 鍦ㄦ拓鍙 笂笂 e喅锛岃€屾棤暗鎷呭鎷呭 Cafe Beitang Family 镄勬彃 嬬 嬬 嬬 嬬
Just, what if he signed today?
杩欐潕宕 礊涓嶨 礊涓嶨 uyue Family 锛岀湡浠ヤ 浠朲 Wu Wu Wu 杈揿畾浜嗭纻
Without hesitation, Zhuang Wudao forced a few blood points directly at the tip of the thumb. Under the scroll, he pressed a bloody fingerprint and then left it.
The fee was refreshed, but it was a slight smile, with a bit of ridiculous color.
Emerald chain 塛ild Tiger 涔嫔 锛熶粖镞ヤ竴 锛熶粖镞ヤ竴 侊纴鏋 侊纴鏋 劧涓嶆劎杩欎 劧涓嶆劎杩欎 劧涓嶆劎杩欎 鈥樼柉鈥椤瓧锛屾槑鐭ユ垜 鈥樼柉鈥椤瓧锛屾槑鐭ユ垜 涔犱箖璧ゆ棩阒 喅锛屼篃浠嶆暍涓 鎴桡纴涔熺畻鏄 鎴桡纴涔熺畻鏄 鎴桡纴涔熺畻鏄 鎴桡纴涔熺畻鏄 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 墿銆 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝 涓︻棝蹇€傗€
This person is carrying his hand, hey. Behind him, there is a group of raging sun rising, and the momentum has reached the peak. The noise under the ring was gradually quieted down.
Zhuang Wudao 鍒欑湳镌€鐪硷纴姣棤绛旇瘽涔嬫剰锛屽彧榛橀粯绛夊€欑潃锛岄偅鏁欎范涓(1) screening mbroidered hankerchief 钀 l湴镄勯偅涓€鍒汇€
Whoever is born and who will die will know after the battle! This speech can’t lick his heart at all.
Embroidered hankerchief 椋樿惤锛孼huang Wudao 镄勫 绁烇纴涔熺灛闂 彁鍒皃 彁鍒皃 ak ak ak ak ak 彁鍒皃 彁鍒皃 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 傜溂鍓崭竴鐗囧垭鐩噾鑺掋 傜溂鍓崭竴鐗囧垭鐩噾鑺掋 傜溂鍓崭竴鐗囧垭鐩噾鑺掋 傜溂鍓崭竴鐗囧垭鐩噾鑺掋
It’s dazzling, stabbing his eyes, subconsciously whispering. Then it was in this moment of disappointment. A pair of red gold palms have been printed on the chest.
This cost of repairing the gods, it is not only the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Lingwu and repair, a good fee to repair God –
Zhuang Wudao 镞犳硶鐩锛屾剰蹇靛嵈鑳芥劅鐭ャ€傜◢绋嶅悗鎾ゆ暟姝ワ纴鐒傜◢绋嶅悗鎾ゆ暟姝ワ纴鐒€屼篃鐩存帴涓€鎺孏reat Falling Monument 鎾煎嚭锛屼笉闂﹄笉阆 殑姝 殑姝 杩庡 杩庡 杩庡 杩庡 杩庡 杩庡
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