Big names are big names, and the momentum of this appearance is different!

Golden Dragon Sovereigness was not recognized by her sisters, but it was trembling with fear because of the appearance of Hóng Yue. Zhou Heng had to sigh that the characters were so dazzling. .

Hóng Yue Lianbu lifted up, walked to the front of Golden Dragon Sovereigness, extended his right hand and pressed onto the head of Golden Dragon Sovereigness. Hey, a Blood Moon floated behind her and overflowed with Supreme.

This is the limit of Immortal Realm, and the air suddenly fluctuates like boiling water.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Red Dragon Sovereigness are very nervous, and they can’t help but hold their hands together. They know that Hóng Yue’s strength can only cure their big sister, but the problem is that the blood of this Blood Moon is really terrifying. A little harder, killing their big sister?

Even Zhou Heng is only terrifying with the golden rune of Immortal Realm Heavenly Scripture. What’s more, Hóng Yue must have mastered the existence of Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture?

Concerns are chaotic, and they are sweating all over their hearts.

Hey, Blood Moon turned, Hóng Yue had retracted his hand, and drifted away, while the Golden Dragon Sovereigness was screaming ah, soft on the floor, and the lovable body trembled.

“big sister –” Both Dragon Sovereign are rushing out.

“Second sister…four sisters…” Golden Dragon Sovereigness is a response, although the pretty face is white, but with a bit of pain, but has a human should have feelings!

“big sister, you are back!”

“Great, big sister, you are scared to death!”

The two female Dragon Sovereign grabbed Golden Dragon Sovereigness with one arm and excited about what it was like.

“Thank you!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness is sincere. “I used to walk in the darkness, I can’t see a trace of light, and now I am finally in the light!”

“big sister, you are suffering!”

“Three sisters and five sisters, are they also caught by the damn False Dragon Emperor?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness clenching one’s teeth said, face murderous-looking.

“From my vague memory, I seem to have seen Third Sister and the Five Sisters!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness nodded, “The Dragon Emperor is not fake, it is really surnamed Ao, and the bloodline is above us! It is his use. Bloodline Resonance found me and Third Sister and Five Girls respectively!”

“Whether he really surnamed Ao, you control the big sister with **, this is not a thing that Royal Family should do!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness is arrogant.

“We want to save the Third Sister and the Five Girls immediately!” Red Dragon Sovereigness said.

Golden Dragon Sovereigness and Blue Dragon Sovereigness are nodded at the same time. Their sisters are deeply in love. When they think that there are two sisters who are still in the hands of the monks, they are all heart-wrenching and eager to do so.

After a while, Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Red Dragon Sovereigness turned their attention to Zhou Heng.

This guy’s strength can be overwhelmed. To fight the Dragon Emperor and save the two lost sisters, you must get his help! Moreover, as long as Zhou Heng goes, then Hóng Yue is also bound to accompany, there is this super powerhouse sitting in the town, what is Star King?

Golden Dragon Sovereigness’s eyes followed Zhou Heng, two Dragon Sovereign, and immediately looked up and quickly turned over and said: “I have seen Master!”

Master, Master?

Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Red Dragon Sovereigness are immediately dumbfounded. What is going on?

Zhou Heng is also awkward. When did he receive a dragon as a servant? Although he has been doing Dragon Knight for a few days, he swears that he has never touched a hair of this Golden Dragon Sovereigness!

“Zhou Heng, you are a trick, what did you do to big sister?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness immediately launched.

“It’s none of my business!” Zhou Heng raised his hand and shook his head. He was really innocent, so he stared at the Blue Dragon Sovereigness **, and he’s already planning to stop this woman’s stop. Actually dare to ask him in public, want to rebel!

“No matter what you do, why does the big sister call you Master!” asked Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“big sister, why are you calling him Master?” Red Dragon Sovereigness asked Golden Dragon Sovereigness.

“Yeah, I want to know too!” Zhou Heng did not answer Blue Dragon Sovereigness. She was ready to smack her and let her know that the most important virtue of being a daughter-in-law is obedience!

“It won’t be a sequel to the **. If you see a man, you should call Master!” he muttered, thinking that the blonde was dressed and exposed in front of a Dragon Emperor. It’s called Master Master, it must be very sensational!

“I don’t know, I only know that I should follow Master’s instructions. Master is everything to me. I want to use my life to guard the Master!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness murmured, but there was a fever in his eyes.

How, how can this be like this?

In the next moment, Zhou Heng, Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and Red Dragon Sovereigness turned to look at Hóng Yue at the same time. To say that the gods are unpredictable, there really is a terrifying figure!

“Yes, it’s my purpose!” Hóng Yue was aiming to keep her eyes closed, but when the eyes of the three looked at the past, she responded with such a sigh, and immediately opened her eyes.

“Why?” Instead, Zhou Heng asked the first question.

“I have a vain shot? This female bloodline is too thin, not worthy of my servant girl, the cultivation base is still low, just let her follow Yuer, 曰 尔 cultivation base Great Accomplishment, naturally not her Follow!” Hóng Yue indifferently said.

“Women, I have no love, you still solve the secrets of her body!” Zhou Heng said.

Hóng Yue glanced at him coldly and said: “My Grand Void lineage is light and **? It is natural to charge the price. If you still insist, then I can only take this woman’s surname!”

“Don’t! Don’t!” Red Dragon Sovereigness and Blue Dragon Sovereigness screamed. Although their big sister wants to respect Zhou Heng as the Master, at least people really have to come back. If you are too big, you will manage Zhou Heng. Don’t let him have the chance to harm the big sister.

Hóng Yue slammed his sleeves and walked back on the lotus feet. A path of Blood Moon bloomed and drifted away.

Pretty unreasonable!

This temper and Huotian are a bit like!

Zhou Heng sighed, fortunately, he just has one more female slave, and not one more mother-in-law. It seems that there is nothing to worry about. Does Golden Dragon Sovereigness dare to reverse him?

“Four sisters, you will work hard in the future!” Red Dragon Sovereigness whispered in the ear of Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“What are you working hard for?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness is stunned.

“Don’t squeeze him out every night, don’t let him have a chance to smear big sister!” Red Dragon Sovereigness said without blushing.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness was startled first, but immediately the pretty face flew red, biting his teeth and said: “Second sister, you are a female hooligan!”

“Hey, you are not a husband and wife. Isn’t it normal to do that? Four sisters, do it once and do it a few times. Do it too much, you are so shy!”

“I want to squeeze you to squeeze!”

“Four sisters, you really have to bear the big sister was tarnished by him? tsk tsk tsk, you look at the big sister, this chest, this **, this waist, which man can not drool? And, men are very ** I don’t know how to cherish it. Only the one who can’t eat is the best. Big sister can eat and eat. You said that your lascivious man will endure?” Red Dragon Sovereigness persuaded.

“I can hear it!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness said on the side.

“I can hear it too!” Zhou Heng is also sighed.

“You come with me!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness walked over and pulled Zhou Heng aside, and glanced at Red Dragon Sovereigness, blocking the steps that the other party followed, and only slammed back.

Zhou Heng took her to her room, and he just had to give her a family class at Zhou Family.

“You don’t have any tribute to big sister?” Before leaving Zhou Heng, Blue Dragon Sovereigness asked.

“Cut!” Zhou Heng snorted. “Do you think I am **?”

Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked at his eyes full of affirmation, not **, every time she did not toss her hard to endure to take over? It’s just **, it’s just the devil in the color, the extravagant desire, the bulls!

Zhou Heng sighed, said: “I patted you and promised you, I have no idea about your big sister!”

“How do you tell me how to believe you?”

“Do you believe me?”

“…you patted me, and your face made me believe in you?”

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, slamming the blue dragon Sovereigness’s little waist and slamming the past, swearingly: “Little girls, today I will give you a family training of Zhou Family, and later remember to be a little daughter-in-law.” Identity, you must never talk back to your man!”

Pa! pa! pa!

He fought with great enthusiasm, and how the Blue Dragon Sovereigness of Hóng Yue Blood Moon Curse can resist, can only be pumped for breath, and will force the British to become a spring, charming.

After the rain, the Blue Dragon Sovereigness has long been a place, and there is still energy to argue with Zhou Heng about Golden Dragon Sovereigness.

Zhou Heng planted Seven Stars Fruit and specifically asked Hóng Yue’s opinion that the environment is not suitable for the continued growth of this holy drug, and how many days can it really mature.

Hóng Yue is not interested in this kind of “low-order” spirit medicine. But in Zhou Heng’s share, she still showed a little secret to Seven Stars Fruit to ensure that this holy medicine can definitely jump to maturity. .

This holy medicine, you can fully mature into medicine in three months!

Zhou Heng also lost Fire God’s Furnace and asked if Seven Stars Fruit could be made into medicine pill – if it can, the benefits can be doubled, not even more!

“It can be, but there are a few flavors in this Immortal Realm that are extremely precious, you don’t necessarily find it!” Fire God’s Furnace replied.

Zhou Heng thought about it, decided to find a prescription first, but the time can not exceed 10 years!

Because there are ten years, he may have already upgraded Bright Realm!

After arriving at Bright Realm, what did this Seven Stars Fruit count?

St. not holy medicine, but where to put it.

The time is short, Zhou Heng can wait, but if it is long, he will definitely eat Seven Stars Fruit directly!

As long as he can enter Bright Realm, then one person can get it, the dog and the dog, and the people around him can get benefits!

Next, where to go? (To be continued.)

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