“many thanks reminder, I remember!” Zhou Heng nodded. .

“You still don’t plan to leave, are you?” Wang Youyue said weakly.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, no answer, but it is the default.

He wants to go to Mortal Realm to pick up the parent mother to Immortal Realm, and then fly directly to Bright Realm, ascending to the skies with a single leap, no one can stop him! Otherwise, he won’t take long to fly Bright Realm, which is going to come from Bright Realm?

It’s too hard and too difficult!

Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave 49 Immortal Cities for a while. As for Dragon Clan, I’m here, he’s coming all out!

“Zhou Heng, how do you refuse to listen to others?” Wang Youyue persuaded, if she could, she really wanted to slap Zhou Heng to death, saving trouble!

But if she can really do it, why should she worry about the damage caused by Dragon Clan’s powerful lower bounds?

Zhou Heng just looked at each other with a smile, really no interest in accompanying her nonsense.

“Zhou Heng -” At this moment, only listening to the sound of the bell, familiar.

A large group of beautiful women’s army rushed in from the door, 莺莺燕燕, fragrant and moving, isn’t Lin Fuxiang, Moonshadow Saintess, who are staying in Northern 6th Snake City?

“How come you, how come?” Zhou Heng was a happy first, then he was shocked!

“Elder Sister Huotian said that you are back, but you guys have never returned home, we came to you!” Lin Fuxiang rushed to say, five years later, she is still delicate.

“She is coming too?” Zhou Heng suddenly felt a sense of trepidation.

“Of course! Come on, Husband, what did you do wrongly, don’t you dare to see Elder Sister Huotian?” The girls are said with a smile, they naturally know their own Husband’s thoughts about Huotian, this is obviously in the words Tune him.

I didn’t do anything wrong, but I’m afraid of fighting. If the two great Goddess fight, it will catch the fish!

But since people have come, it’s going to rain, and the mother is going to marry, and he is in charge!

Zhou Heng didn’t think about it. Anyway, he worried that it would be useless. He took Ying Mengfan, who was going into his arms, and hugged them. After a few circles in the air, said with a smile: “Hey, You seem to be a little heavy!”

“You are heavy!” Ying Mengfan gave him a charming white eye, and no woman would admit that she was fat.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, holding Ying Mengfan out of the house, only to see Huotian sitting on the edge of the pool, two show feet are boringly slap the water, black hair like ink, pouring like a waterfall, beautiful can not describe .

He couldn’t help but put Yong Mengfan down and raised an indescribable peace and joy in his heart.

This woman is his lover, the only person who likes it from the heart, no one can replace it!

“Zhou Heng -” Wang Youyue chased out angrily, this bastard guy dared to throw her away? To know that she is Star King, if it is not the road of Immortal Realm, she wants to suppress and kill Zhou Heng is just the same as stepping on an ant!

However, when she chased the house and saw Huotian, she could not help but stunned and could not say a word.

Under the sun, there are such beautiful women!

She has a heart!

The beauty of Huotian is killing men, women and children!

Huotian turned his head slowly and glanced at Zhou Heng, then he took his eyes back. But just after a moment, she put her eyes back on Zhou Heng and said, “You have something that I hate!”

Zhou Heng was shocked and took the fairy house out. “Is it here?”

Huotian showed obvious disgusting color, nodded, saying: “Yes, I can sense that there is something or a person here, which makes me very annoying, even… angry!”

Sure enough, Peerless Goddess is awesome, and there is a reaction through the fairy house! This is also normal, did she sense Zhou Heng in Northern 6th Snake City? For this kind of thorough grasp of the existence of Great Dao of World, where can I use her?

Zhou Heng quickly said: “Can you remember, a man named Hóng Yue?”

“Hóng, Yue?” Huotian murmured, the expression was first stunned, then revealed the color of anger, calling, calling, calling, all around the air began to reverberate, forming a hurricane, oh, heaven and earth eclipse, lightning and thunder!


Wang Youyue finally woke up in the thunder of hong long long. She looked at Huotian stunnedly. This time is no longer amazing, but an indescribable fear!

Emotional fluctuations can actually eclipse the world, what a terrible strength?

Is the Old Family of Wang Family able to do this again? Absolutely not!

Heavens, what happened to Immortal Realm? First, there was such a enchanting Zhou Heng, and now there is another power that is more terrifying than the family Old Ancestor 100 times! No wonder Zhou Heng’s courage is so full, with this powerful support, it is the power of Dragon Clan to come to give a face!

Maybe you can get Dragon Ancestor to suppress this woman?

Limited to the level, Wang Youyue does not know that the strength of Huotian can match the level of Bright Realm, but Dragon Ancestor is the most powerful existence of Dragon Clan. It is the top powerhouse of the most Peak in Bright Realm. I believe this is beautiful. A woman who is not like words should not be able to match such a powerhouse!

Sure enough, the opposite is true, dead to the head!

Zhou Heng said in his heart that he did not want Huotian to meet Hóng Yue, but Huotian unexpectedly arrived, he must first remind the other party, lest Hóng Yue suddenly ran out, it would be even worse.


Just then, an indescribable pressure was overwhelming, terrifying matchless!

Who is this again?

Zhou Heng Micro-induction, this Dao Aura is unfamiliar, but he has sensed a familiar taste – Long Wei!

Come, it must belong to Dragon Clan!

Think about the reminder of Wang Youyue before, this must be the power of Dragon Clan!

So fast!

Even if he had to leave Wang Youyue before, it would not be enough for him to leave 49 Immortal Cities!

A phantom of Azure Dragon suddenly danced from the center of Absolute Immortal City, doing a trap in the sky, with a body length of ten thousand thousand zhang, majestic, distinguished, Supreme!

“Where are the sinners who killed my Dragon Clan children?” said Azure Dragon phantom.

It is too powerful, and in one word, the world is trembled, as if it can not withstand the collapse of its power!

The entire 49 Immortal Cities are all inductive, and everyone is not alone. This supreme atmosphere transcends the limits of Immortal Realm, allowing everyone to raise the meaning of acknowledgment allegiance from the bottom of their hearts, only the idea of ​​sincere worship.

The five dragons Sovereign and Ying Mengfan are all pretty face whitish, and they bend their knees and want to stumble!

Zhou Heng snorted, right hand A volume, the female and the black scorpion are included in the Xianju, he has Black Sword support, can ignore all the pressure.

The only ones who can be present are Zhou Heng, Huotian and Wang Youyue.

However, the expressions of the three people are completely different.

Wang Youyue is barely supportive, the pretty face has been whitish, the sweat has rolled down, and Zhou Heng has an awesome expression. Although Black Sword dispels the pressure, it is still a little stressful.

Only Huotian didn’t care. She was like Fairy in the sky.

She is focused on thinking, just thinking about the name Hóng Yue, fundamentally discerned to pay attention to everything around.

“Well wait for three people, why don’t you welcome this Eminence?” The Azure Dragon in the sky looked at the direction of Zhou Heng’s three people. The voice was old, hong long long, as if the heavens and the earth were generally loud.


Wang Youyue couldn’t hold it anymore, and his knees were soft and he said, “End of the South Star Domain Wang Family Youyue, see Dragon Clan Supreme!”

“End of the South Star Domain Wang Family?” Old Azure Dragon lightly snorted, said, “Well, look at the Wang Family, forgive you for sin, get up!”

“Thanks Supreme!” Wang Youyue worshipped again, and then he stood up and his face returned to normal. Obviously she was not suppressed by the other party. Until then, she had the rest to see Zhou Heng and Huotian.

Then she was shocked!

What happened, how can these two people calm down calmly and seem to be unaffected at all?

why! why! why!

One is just Bright Immortal, the other is even worse. It’s just Moonbright King. Why can you win the power of Dragon Clan?

“Well, wait for the two, dare not respect this Eminence?” The Old Azure Dragon put his attention on Zhou Heng and Huotian, and the sound was so loud that he could shock the ears.

“How disrespectful?” Zhou Heng laughed heartily, pointing to the Azure Dragon, “Don’t dare, Young Master has eaten you!”

Eat and eat?

Wang Youyue suddenly messed up in the wind, this guy is crazy, dare to say this! Is this too fast to die?

Azure Dragon in the sky did not think that Zhou Heng would say such a thing. It was suddenly paused, and then the momentum rose sharply, forming a wave, whistling and coiling in the sky.

“Ignorance Junior!” That Old Azure Dragon lightly snorted, Alondra pat, but a thrill of horror breeze already hit over.


Zhou Heng opened the Five Elements rune, a golden light flashing, he was forcibly repulsed by more than a hundred feet, and the ground was a deep and long trace. But this blow was finally resolved by him.

“Mastering One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures?” The Old Azure Dragon was slightly startled. “No wonder you dare to speak out. However, I only know a little about the rules of the fur, and can I resist this Eminence?”

“Is it, killing my child of Dragon Clan?”

Zhou Heng smashed the shirt, this Old Dragon is not comparable to the Dragon Emperor. There is no difference in strength between the two. They are suppressed to the 99 Divine Idol level, but the other party can run the law, just a random blow. He was so vomiting blood!

He smote the Dragon Emperor, but the presence of the Absolute Immortal City of all, this is not what a good repudiation, he frankly authentic: “Yes, that is my slaughter!”

“Nar will die!” The Old Azure Dragon shook his claws again, and the azure’s brilliance flooded, forming a complicated rune, facing the town of Zhou Heng!


Zhou Heng looked awkward, and he finally fought the existence of the law for the first time, which he had never experienced before.

Azure rune town!


The runes hit Zhou Heng’s head three feet but couldn’t fall any more. Huotian stood in front of Zhou Heng and looked at the sky coldly, with endless powers flowing, Peerless Goddess’ posture! (To be continued.)

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