The power of Great Dao of World is unstoppable. Black’s “big eyes” are one and the other. Huotian and Hóng Yue have already disappeared from Shuangshuang. The two pressures that make people feel heartbroken are also disappearing at the same time. .

– Even if you reach the level of Huotian or Hóng Yue, you still can’t fight Great Dao of World!

Or maybe, their strength has not recovered, if it is really restored to the best state, maybe it can really fight against Great Dao of World!

Zhou Heng is worried and reluctant.

Huotian is too strong, but Hóng Yue is not weak. The confrontation between the two women shows this! Of course, they are all in a weak stage now, and it may be more likely that Huotian will be better when it returns to a full state!

But it is also possible that Huotian is not as good as Hóng Yue!

Zhou Heng wants to be more and more anxious, and wants to rush to Bright Realm to see what happens. But now he is just 17 Dharma Bright Immortal, just vaguely felt a bit of rejection, and it should take some time from the breakthrough.

According to his estimation, he must form at least 50 Divine Idol to qualify for Breaking Star Boundary. If he is willing, he can suppress himself completely. He has to go to 80 Divine Idol and even more to attack Star Boundary!

But I said it before, it is absolutely ** to be the best in Immortal Realm to suppress itself without impacting Star Boundary!

As soon as he can hit Star Boundary, he immediately breaks through.

This is actually a decision he has made long ago, but it has become more urgent now.

“Brother Zhou, I didn’t expect you to be a successor to the Grand Void lineage!” Wang Youyue finally came back to his senses and went to the side of Zhou Heng and said that he would take a tribute without knowing it.

Grand Void lineage, that’s one of Bright Realm’s most powerful inheritance!

Although Wang Family is a powerful family in Bright Realm, it can be dwarfed by Dragon Clan, and the Grand Void lineage is no less than the existence of Dragon Clan. It is said that in ancient times, it was the strongest force of the entire Bright Realm. one!

Although it is now dying, A starved camel is still bigger than a horse, Grand Void lineage is still the real thing of Bright Realm!

Before the two women had any fighting power, she could see Qingqing, and the horror was gone! The two women are now returning to Bright Realm, which naturally makes the Grand Void lineage a huge upgrade!

In the eyes of Wang Youyue, Zhou Heng has also turned into a Prince with great investment value from a foolish idiot!

If you can make a good relationship with Zhou Heng, you can get the friendship of Grand Void lineage. When you are afraid that the family will not value her?

Wang Youyue smiles Yanran and tries to show her the most beautiful side in front of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng glanced at her coldly, without any guilty feelings.

Huotian is gone, he is losing and worried!

Wang Youyue touched a cold nail, and if she changed, she would definitely go and not see who she is! But now she is not tempered at all, who is it?

The grandeur of the Grand Void lineage, and the Junior Brother, who is so beautiful and unspeakable, is proud enough!

She had a sneak peek with Zhou Heng, but Zhou Heng was fundamentally disciplined to pay attention to her, and began to ask three sentences, and then she was too lazy to care for her, and went straight back to the girls.

– If you have to talk nonsense with her, it is better to accompany your wife! He left this time for two years!

“Reassure, you will meet Elder Sister Huotian again!” The girls are comforting Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng nodded, as long as the strength is sufficient, it is very simple to go to Bright Realm from Immortal Realm. As long as you let go of the power, Great Dao of World will automatically exclude Warrior. It is difficult to return to Immortal Realm from Bright Realm.

Huotian is indeed strong enough, but Hóng Yue is not weak. When she solves the trouble of Hóng Yue, she will open the door and don’t know what year and month.

Instead of waiting for Huotian to look for him, it is better for him to work hard and fly Bright Realm by his own strength!

However, what exactly does this Grand Void lineage exist?

Zhou Heng thought about it, but went to see Wang Youyue. At least this woman came down from Bright Realm and always knew something about Bright Realm.

Seeing that Zhou Heng was going to inquire about the Grand Void lineage, Wang Youyue couldn’t help but wonder if this guy didn’t have a strong Senior Sister. How could he not know about the Grand Void lineage?

Zhou Heng said bluntly: “I am Mortal Realm all the way up, and Senior Sister didn’t tell me about the teacher!”

Wang Youyue was relieved, although she still had some doubts: “Before the ancient times, the Grand Void lineage was the strongest force of Immortal Realm, and there were only four forces that could compete with it!”

“Antiquity? How long ago was that?” Zhou Heng asked at the socket.

“Probably a hundred ten thousand years ago!”

Is it a hundred thousand years ago?

Zhou Heng knows that the battle that caused Immortal Realm to break down must have Black Sword’s original Master, which is the powerhouse of the Grand Void lineage, which is powerful enough to ignore the suppression of Great Dao of World and directly to the Bright Realm level. The power of the bombing of Immortal Realm.

That war completely destroyed Immortal Realm, and also caused Mortal Realm to suffer huge losses, affecting the spiritual level of the entire Mortal Realm, making 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal basically impossible to rely on its own breakthrough, must rely on holy medicine, etc. Resources.

“Hundred ten thousand years ago, what happened?” Zhou Heng asked.

Wang Youyue shook his head and said, “I don’t know very well!”

“But you must know something?”

“That is a taboo, it is not allowed to mention!” Wang Youyue said.

Zhou Heng thought for a moment and said, “I don’t know if my friendship can make Young Lady Wang take this risk?”

Wang Youyue suddenly smiled and said: “Since Brother Zhou has said this, Youyue knows everything and says nothing!”

Zhou Heng made a listening action, indicating that the other party should stop selling.

“It is said that a hundred million years ago, there is a powerful person, perhaps a powerful force, and all the souls are madly ruined, and finally the five powerhouses of Bright Realm – which have Grand Void lineage’s Master, Grand Void Saint !”

“This battle hit murky heavens dark earth, not only has Bright Realm itself been traumatized, but even the Immortal Realm has been broken!”

“However, the Great Demon, or the forces attached to him, have also been defeated, maybe dead, maybe just being slain, and the world has recovered from peace. The Five Saints, including the Grand Void Saint, are also ignorant. Track, Bright Realm has launched a battle to win power and divide the site!”

Wang Youyue said.

Zhou Heng, this Grand Void Saint must have been hung up, otherwise Black Sword will not fall into his hands, and it is even more impossible to recognize him as the main.

“Who is the so-called Great Demon?”

“do not know!”

“I don’t know? You can fight against the top powerhouse like Grand Void Saint. It’s always impossible to come out silently.” Zhou Heng feels very strange. The birth of a powerhouse is a waste of resources, not a In a place to work hard for tens of thousands of years, a few hundred thousand years on the line.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for someone to come out of the mountains, Sweeping Across the World!

——The birth of the top powerhouse, is it less than a planet to spend resources?

“It’s really weird, but that Great Demon is dead – I hope so, no one can know where he came from, why bother to kill the world!” Wang Youyue also revealed the color of thought.

Kill the world?

Zhou Heng suddenly felt a move and seemed to have caught something, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

“Today, the Grand Void lineage is run by Heaven’s Fate True Lord. Although it can’t be ordered, the power is not as good as before. Heaven’s Fate True Lord is also the top powerhouse of Black Hole Boundary. The Grand Void lineage is still the most powerful force in the world! “Wang Youyue continues.

“After Star Boundary, there are several realm?” Zhou Heng temporarily put aside the madness in his heart and asked Wang Youyue.

Wang Youyue is even more surprised. This kind of realm division is not the most basic common sense. How can this grand Void lineage passer even not know this? It’s a dumpling! She groaned, but her face did not show up at all, saying: “Star Boundary, Skyriver Boundary, then Comet Boundary, and finally Black Hole Boundary, Great Accomplishment!”

Are Huotian and Hóng Yue both black hole Boundary? Or there is a higher level than Black Hole Boundary. After all, Wang Youyue is just Star King and may not be eligible to touch the highest level of Secret Realm.

But in any case, even if there is a higher realm on top of Black Hole Boundary, it is definitely only 1st Layer!

Heaven’s Fate True Lord took over the Grand Void lineage and led the Grand Void lineage from the five strongest forces to the most powerful levels. It seems to have the “strongest” word, which is actually a step backwards!


The reason is that his strength is not strong enough!

So Zhou Heng guessed that there should be a higher realm after Black Hole Boundary, that is, only the level of talents such as Grand Void Saint, so that they can override the realities of Bright Realm.

No, it should be six talents, that is, the Great Demon that popped up!

And this Great Demon may have to be stronger, otherwise what qualifications does he have to take the Grand Void Saint to disappear?

Grand Void Saint is ironed, but four others, and the Great Demon is dead or alive?

If the Great Demon is not dead, and then toss one more time, who can stop him this time? It is definitely a charcoal, blood flowing into a river!

Wait, blood flowing into a river?

Zhou Heng suddenly realized that he knew what a flash of light had flashed before!

Blood sacrifice!

The Great Demon is killing the world, is it a blood sacrifice?

Hey, if this speculation is true, then what kind of ban does the Great Demon want to break?

The blood of the whole world is a blood sacrifice!

No wonder that Five Saints, such as Grand Void Saint, want to stop him at all costs, it’s so mad!

If Zhou Heng is changed, he will definitely give up his last name to stop, because behind him there are his loved ones, his beloved wife, and his friends, and more likely to have children.

He took a deep breath and hoped that the Great Demon would hang with the Grand Void Saint!

“Huotian, Hóng Yue, what is the existence of the Grand Void lineage?” Zhou Heng asked. (To be continued.)

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