“Fairy!” Zhong Yuetian and the others are all urgency. Is Fairy Qinghe surrounded by three laps, and even the brain is confused?

“Fairy, this person is obviously playing around with us, why should you believe him?”

“Yeah, he made us think of us as fools. If we continue to follow him, then it will be a fool!”

Fairy Qinghe faintly smiled, said: “How do you want, I can’t be stubborn, but I want to be such a fool!”

Zhong Yuetian and the others look at each other in dismay, they are all speechless. .

They don’t believe Zhou Heng, but they don’t want to disobey Fairy Qinghe. Forget it, anyway, you can accompany Fairy, let her see the true face of Zhou Heng.

“Brother Zhou, please!” Fairy Qinghe smiled at Zhou Heng Yanran.

Zhou Heng knows that the other party is so strong, because now that the export is coming, her knowledge can already be sensed. The goal of the other party is to find the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, and naturally will not be willing to waste time here.

Therefore, since the right path has been found, she certainly has to help! Moreover, she does not want to expose her own strength, naturally, with the help of Zhou Heng’s hand to lead the people out of this maze.

Zhou Heng hides strength because he promised Sang Qingshan, and Fairy Qinghe didn’t want to influence her to find Sky Profound Spirit Crystal.

Are you looking for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal in Mortal Realm?

Zhou Heng continued to move forward while thinking in his heart.

Bright Realm does not have a spirit stone or a sacred stone. To accelerate cultivation, you can only rely on Sky Profound Spirit Crystal. Because every Sky Profound Spirit Crystal is the essence of a planet that has been condensed for countless years, not only has the horror of spiritual power, but also the realm comprehension that Bright Realm Warrior needs.

Naturally, Bright Realm Four Great Realms: Star Boundary, Skyriver Boundary, Comet Boundary, Black Hole Boundary, and the planet of Heaven, the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal is a condensed planet that naturally provides the corresponding insights.

He can be called invincible in both Xian and Fan, and if he goes to Bright Realm, it is equivalent to starting from scratch. This means that if Sky Profound Spirit Crystal is born, he has no qualification for competition – too many powerhouses. Alright.

Moreover, the cost from Bright Realm is too great!

So since he is now in Mortal Realm, and still absolutely invincible in this world, why not look for it?

He does not really use the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal right now, but as long as he goes further, he can refining the treasure of this Bright Realm, of course, from now on.

After another half an hour, a small bright spot appeared suddenly in front!


“It must be an exit!”

Everyone was a glimpse first, and then they exclaimed, and the look of looking at towards Zhou Heng was a bit embarrassing and a bit unbelievable.

Such a complicated maze has also come out of Zhou Heng!

The bright spots in front of it were getting bigger and bigger, and eventually an exit was formed. When everyone went out, I saw that the front was really open and there was a Qingshan green water.

In front of them, there is a waterfall drops from the sky, like a silver dragon, at least a few hundred zhang long, under the powerful impact, the splashes of water have a few ten zhang high, the water vapor formed a piece Mist, like Immortal Boundary.

“Where are we going?”

Everyone whispered, and some people wanted to fly around, but they suddenly found that the gravity here was outrageous. They couldn’t get rid of this force flying in the air, only limited gliding.

Of course, this does not include Zhou Heng and Fairy Qinghe, but neither of them means anything.

“It’s really human Immortal Boundary!” The four beautiful women are all fascinating.

Aside from the strangeness here, the light is really beautiful from the scenery, and it is difficult to see such extreme beauty in the outside world.

Puchi 哧, in the distance, a group of cranes danced in the air, flying in groups in the sky, like wearing a fairy Fairy, performing a dance of human beings.

“Why can these cranes fly?” Someone is puzzled.

“They grow in S, there must be a way to get rid of gravity here!” Zhong Yuetian anxiously expressed.

This explanation is quite reasonable. Since it adapts to the environment here, it is inevitable to evolve the ability to adapt to it.

A black shadow passed, and an eagle screamed in the sky. I saw a black giant eagle appearing at the lightning speed, chasing the cranes at the speed of lightning, but only after the moment, the two iron claws immediately Grabbed the past toward a crane.

Although the crane did its best to dodge, it was far less than the speed of the giant eagle, and the other side with no difficulty caught the head and suddenly fell.

Giant eagle seized the crane, and the wings fluttered, and instantly turned into a small black spot.

This slaughter, which happened suddenly and ended very quickly, lasted for a second or two.

Everyone was horrified. They didn’t have experienced the slaughter. But at first they felt that it was the human Immortal Boundary. In the twinkling of an eye, there was a bloody slaughter. This contrast formed a strong impact.

“Go, we should leave!”

Everyone continues to hurry. This world is not big. It is surrounded by mountains, with a plain in the middle. There is a Heavenspan grounded tower in the distance, so you can see its outline here.

Zhou Heng has the best eyesight, and even if he is so far away, he can see clearly. He can’t help but reveal a touch of surprise.

This tower is not simple.

This material is by no means owned by Mortal Realm!

Zhou Heng is sure that there is not much material in Immortal Realm, which is almost comparable to the one used to suppress the chains cast by the five Dragon Sovereign!

This is the Creation Emperor to break the treasures of the head, even if it can not be refined into a fairy, but the weapons produced have the advantage of no stronghold one can overcome, enough to make Creation Emperor cherish the name.

He really looked down on this place!

This is not the Cave Mansion left by Mortal Realm in the ancient powerhouse, but Immortal Realm! The power of Immortal Realm!

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but have some interest, even though the treasure of Bright Immortal Rank is not necessarily in his eyes, Mortal Realm actually appeared in a Cave Mansion of Immortal Realm, and at least the Creation Emperor level, let Zhou Heng is very curious about why.

The crowd rushed toward the tower, because they could not fly, they were affected by the terrain, and the speed of travel was not fast.

If Zhou Heng is willing, he can step directly into the front of the tower, but he is only interested in why, not the treasure in the tower, so he is not in a hurry, just as everyone walks slowly.

Forming Embryo Boundary Although you can’t completely break your diet, you can stay up all night for a few months, just add a little food occasionally.

Sang Qingshan and the others are all Proud Son of Heaven of the major families, but they have all been established by the family after a lot of trials. At this time, they will not be squeaky to rest.

They stayed up all night and rushed toward the tower.

But before, there was a bloody slaughter, and it was destined that their trip could not be smooth.

It took more than an hour, and they encountered the first trouble. It was the black eagle who had slaughter before. At this moment, it had already eaten the crane and combed the feathers.

After seeing Zhou Heng, the Monster Beast slammed into the wings. In the eyes of everyone, the wings that it unfolded just blocked the sun behind it and cast a long shadow. It seemed to be the world. Give a cover.

This is a Monster Beast of Forming Embryo Boundary, just a stone’s throw from Divine Infant Boundary.

Tossing, this giant eagle spreads its wings and screams toward Zhou Heng!


Everyone screamed, and each showed a cultivation technique, and went back to the eagle eagle.

But they all lost their ability to fly, and they were greatly constrained by the flexible surname. But this giant eagle is a natural agile killer. In the double-wing oscillation, it is flexible and dodge a path of attack, from time to time. The wings waved, and thousands of wings were blown, and they flew toward Zhou Heng.

As a result, Sang Qingshan, although they have many advantages, can’t help but this Monster Beast can only passively defend.

Of course, this is because neither Zhou Heng nor Fairy Qinghe have a relationship, otherwise they can freely release an imposing manner to bring the Monster Beast down from the sky.

“Don’t entangle with it, let’s go!”

Soon everyone realized that they couldn’t have gotten the Monster Beast, and it was the best thing not to entangle with it.

But they want to go, this Monster Beast does not want to let go of these delicious foods, has been spinning around the sky above everyone’s head, from time to time to play a path of feather attack, so that everyone is annoying.

Zhou Heng was impatient and looked up and glanced at the sky.

The giant eagle suddenly felt cold and violently turned around and ran.

Everyone is inexplicable, and no one knows why this giant eagle suddenly gave up. But in any case, this is always a good thing, after all, this is the same level of existence.

Zhou Heng’s action is so hidden, that is, Fairy Qinghe can’t see a little bit of clues, which makes her full of doubts.

They went on, and after a little while, they met another fierce Monster Beast.

This is a native animal, the body is like a cow, the legs are short and strong, and there is a single horn on the forehead, which is silver-gray. The flame of scarlet red is spit in the nostrils, which is very scary.

When seeing Zhou Heng, the Monster Beast didn’t hesitate at all. He immediately lowered his head, the single horn erected, and the four hooves flew, and they slammed toward Zhou Heng.

Teng Teng Teng, this Monster Beast has a full impact, and the body shape has rushed through it, raising the dust of the sky.

Everyone had been wronged in front of the giant eagle, and this native animal just gave them a gas! No matter the male or female, they all screamed and looked at the Monster Beast to kill the past.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A daoist silhouette flew up, but not everyone suddenly recovered the ability to fly, but was picked by this Monster Beast forcibly!

This Monster Beast is too powerful! (To be continued.)

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