The team immediately began to move forward. .

Zhou Heng has no intention of wasting time on his journey, and quietly letting his momentum out, so that they can pass without hindrance. He is 17 Dharma Bright Immortal himself, plus Violetflame Sky Dragon, even a little bit of a breath is enough to scare Monster Beast.

He didn’t even notice Fairy Qinghe’s action. In fact, it doesn’t matter if he knows it. He just cooperates with Sang Qingshan to let the other party out.

But Sang Qingshan can’t make Fairy Qinghe enamored, so there is no need for this big drama to be played. The reason why Zhou Heng has to continue is just that I don’t want Sang Qingshan to be hit hard by that’s all.

Before the danger was constant, and suddenly became calm and calm, everyone was not used to it. They were worried that there would be a fierce Monster Beast suddenly killing them and giving them a fatal blow.

The atmosphere is very depressed, no one speaks, it seems that Monster Beast will be brought out when you speak.

Two days later, they were only a few hundred miles away from the tower, and the details of the tower were clearly visible. The metal-like texture of the wood looked quite noble.

In front of everyone, it is a prairie of Pingchuan, the grass is only able to cover the instep, and there is no ambush in the Monster Beast.

It’s weird, where are the Monster Beasts running?

However, this tower may be the end of their trip. They have already arrived here. Is it necessary to return?

Everyone is slowing down. It is full of danger. Just like the Monster Beast of Forming Embryo Boundary, when it first entered, it is now the most important place. How can there be no blockage of Monster Beast?

Let them be careful, how to guard the whole god, completely without the monsters they imagined to kill.

They went all the way safely and without any hindrance, came to the tower.

This tower has only one entrance, it is a gray golden door, very metallic, can be knocked up like wood.

Zhong Yuetian and the others have stepped forward, just a push, hong long long, this door immediately opened, showing the mysterious World inside.

Inside the gate, it was empty, it was a huge space, it was really space, nothing, only a step leading to the 2nd Floor. But the 1st Layer tower has thousand zhang high, making it extremely spacious.

Since there is nothing here, everyone naturally follows the stairs to the 2nd Floor.

Zhou Heng was slightly surprised, because this is a spacecraft that can accommodate the spacecraft of living things, Xianju!

Such a huge Xianju is a valuable city in the Immortal Realm, and the material of this Xianju is extremely precious enough to withstand the bombardment of the Creation Emperor. It is a movable fortress.

However, this has not had much effect on Zhou Heng. He did not want to collect the meaning of this Xianju. He just wondered who the old Master of Xianju was and how he came to Mortal Realm.

The 2nd Layer is still empty, and the 3rd Layer is the same. It took more than half an hour to get to the 18th Layer, which is also the Final Layer.

This 1st Layer is no longer empty, but full of things. There are medicinal ingredients, sacred stones, materials, cultivation techniques, and a wide variety of things!

Everyone was startled first, then they were overjoyed and rushed out. They still don’t know what these things are, but instinctively realize that the harvest of this adventure will be incomparably rich!

“How could this be?”

“Do not!”

“I do not believe!”

When their fingers touched these things, they were crushed. The power of time has made these things all decay, and the stones have lost almost all of Spiritual Qi.

This touch also made all their joys vanish, as if they had been thrown into a cold water and cooled from the head to the feet!

How could this be! why!

Everyone is a wood, but the most lost, but also Fairy Qinghe.

She didn’t take this Cave Mansion seriously, but it was an unexpected surprise, as if a poor boy in the countryside had entered the Sovereign Palace! Although she is Immortal, but the collection here is enough to make the Creation Emperor tempted, she can be an exception?

Suddenly, as if it was a blue sky, these treasures are actually grayed out!

She wants to understand the value of these treasures more than Sang Qingshan and the others. Now she looks at these treasures and decays. She can be said to be cut by a knife and can’t describe it!

If it was originally empty, it would be a bad thing. Anyway, there is nothing to look forward to, but now the mood is so fierce that she wants to kill!

Zhou Heng walked all the way, stopped at the desk of a purple golden, with a letter on it, but it must have been spoiled, and it will be grayed out immediately. Therefore, he naturally wouldn’t touch it, just swept his eyes.

This is what the Master has left here, leaving some clues about the identity of this person.

This person is indeed a famous person with a reputation, but one of the seven Immortal Ancestor of Immortal Realm!

– Immortal Ancestor, the most powerful existence of Bright Immortal, has such a title.

In fact, the current Immortal Realm is broken, the entire population has dropped sharply, and the power of top martial arts is not worse than before. For example, in the past, Dragon Emperor was chaotic with five Dragon Sovereign, and they had to sacrifice a large group of Creation Emperor to suppress them. It can be seen that the high-end Bright Immortal is rare!

Therefore, as long as 9 Dharma Bright Immortal is achieved, it can be called Immortal Ancestor. Of course, some powerhouses are relatively low-key, and the name of Immortal Ancestor is actually 9 Dharma Bright Immortal, which is also very likely.

All in all, this person was a big man of Immortal Realm, and he was accepted as a honorary disciple by Bright Realm. He wanted to collect Sky Profound Spirit Crystal before flying up Bright Realm.

This person collected more than 100,000 years and saw that he had entered 9 Dharma Bright Immortal, and the breakthrough was soaring, but the battle to destroy the surname broke out.

He was unfortunate, and he ate an attack aftermath, and fell into Mortal Realm, a space crevice directly from Immortal Realm, almost degenerate. But although he did not die, he was still injured and he could not return to Immortal Realm, let alone find his name Master for help.

This tower is the fairy house that he carried with him. He originally planned to get one person, the dog and the dog, and his clansman and his friends soared together. The result was all shocked when he was hit by that one.

He was unwilling and even puzzled. Why did Bright Realm break out of such a high-level battle, and even more so to Immortal Realm, and asked the sky three times at the end of the letter, even though it was so long, Zhou Heng seemed to be able to Sensing his resentment qi.

Born in that era, it is a misfortune!

Zhou Heng was secretly sighed. In the beginning of the war, the entire Immortal Realm collapsed. The surviving person or creature could be counted on one’s fingers, even if the tower master is Immortal Ancestor.

However, Sky Profound Spirit Crystal?

This guy has collected a lifetime of Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, and has never had a chance to hand it out, then… must be there!

Everything else may be grayed out under the eros of years, but it is impossible to be Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, and the stuff is not so strong!

He began to look for it. Soon, he stopped in front of a black-painted box with thirteen stones of different sizes. The biggest one was a fist, and the smallest one was bigger than the longan.

Sky Profound Spirit Crystal !

Unremarkable, thrown to the side of the road is completely different from ordinary stones.

If it is not indestructible, I don’t know how many Sky Profound Spirit Crystals will be wasted and no one will ever notice.

Zhou Heng quietly watching, this is not the first time he saw the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, but unfortunately, he has not been qualified to refining this real treasure, so that many forces of Bright Realm will send people down at any cost. Or develop “believers” in the two circles of Xian and Fan, and find them for them.

The rune on his forehead is gone, and it is useless to give him the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal.

However, he is only a step away from Star Boundary, and he will soon be able to use this kind of thing in Bright Realm. Natural things are not too much, and he can’t use them now.

Just then, a gust of incense came and Fairy Qinghe came to the side.

She couldn’t see Zhou Heng, so she kept a little attention on Zhou Heng. After she was overjoyed, she was sad, and she was up and down. She didn’t care about Zhou Heng for a while, but she quickly calmed down and I saw this box along the eyes of Zhou Heng and saw the “stone” inside.

She suddenly jumped in her heart!

As a “right agent” of Bright Realm in Mortal Realm, her mission is to find the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, which will always be remembered. Although the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal looks like it has no features, it can be placed here, which is a precious example!

And everything else has been eroded, but these stones have not changed. If this is not enough to remind her, then she is too stupid!

A full thirteen!

Heavens, Bright Realm only asked her to find three longan-sized Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, which would help her to fly Bright Realm and accept her as a compartment discipline! But now, there are a total of thirteen pieces here, and there are several pieces that have reached the size of a fist!

In just a few minutes, her mood has grown so big that she is almost in love!

She is developed!

Fairy Qinghe immediately raised his hand to the box and took the box into the spacecraft.


Only her hand stretched out, and the white jade wrist was held by a long, powerful hand. The skin was white and white, with inexplicable radiance. She doesn’t have to look to know that there is only one person close to her!

“Zhou Heng, what are you doing!” Zhongdestian immediately screamed in anger as he saw the Goddess in his heart grabbed his wrist.

“Quickly let go!”

“You bastard!”

In addition to Sang Qingshan, the other eight men angered at the same time, too ***, this guy dared to chase the Goddess in their hearts, absolutely can not forgive!

For a time, Zhou Heng became a common enemy of all men. (To be continued.)

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