“That’s a fight!” Fairy Qinghe snorted and opened the battle with Mortal Realm’s permission. .

The limit of power allowed by Mortal Realm is 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, but with the advancement of techniques, the explosive power of each person is completely different! In the first two shots, she only used strength, but now she finally runs the fairy.

Under the pressure of Great Dao of World, all Immortal can send out almost the same power. It is actually the skill of immortality and combat.

She was born in Immortal Realm and trained by a certain force of Bright Realm. After becoming Immortal, she entered Mortal Realm and looked for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal. This is the case, the mastery of her mastery is not so powerful, because she does not need to fight with Immortal.

But what to say, after the fairy is after all is a fairy, countless rivers form a waterfall, rushing toward Zhou Heng. Among the rivers, there was a single horn beast, which was erected with a sharp single horn and slammed into Zhou Heng.

Hong long long, the sound is moving!

Zhou Heng gently sighed, this person ah, are not hitting the South Wall and not giving up! As soon as he pointed out, the golden light overflowed and reflected the sky.


All the rivers are back all the way, and countless single horn beasts have also crashed into the original Master, Fairy Qinghe.

Fairy Qinghe Since he is fully attacking, he has too much defensive ability at this time. Although he has made a defensive posture, can he still block the thousands of galloping rivers?


She was a bit of a mouthful of blood, and the pretty face instantly became pale and full of pitiful color, so that Zhong Yuetian and the others clearly knew that she could not be tempted by herself, nor even Zhou Heng’s opponent, but still want to stand. Come out for her.

Zhou Heng reached out and the box with the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal was taken into the spacecraft.

This trip to treasure, he is the biggest man!

Fairy Qinghe looked at it, but he did not dare to stop it.

The strength of the two sides is too big! Even she fully believed that Zhou Heng had beaten and succumbed to her with no difficulty, but the other party did not use all her strength at all, just for that’s all.

With such a difference in combat power, what qualification does she have to share a share with the other party?

“Let’s leave here, I want to take this tower away!” Zhou Heng said, no one else said anything, the right hand was wrapped around everyone to the tower.

What, can this tower be charged?

Sang Qingshan and the others are not qualified enough to know the grade of the fairy. Fairy Qinghe doesn’t know that this is actually a fairy. No way, she is just Moonbright King. How can she feel the Creation Emperor level? What?

In fact, even if she knows it doesn’t work, the area Moonbright King wants to collect the creation Emperor level of fairy? Even if this is a fairy house, it is not a treasure weapon for attacking the surname, but it is not something that Moonbright King can touch!

Even, she did not find that this treasure tower is actually the second Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, the second precious treasure!

But in front of Zhou Heng, what is the genre of the Creation Emperor level? He just stunned the treasure tower and then turned it around. The treasure tower began to shrink, and it instantly became a small one. The exquisite gold pagoda can be used as a earring.

This is amazing!

Sang Qingshan and the others are tongues. They all have space implements. Which spacecraft can change size?


Zhou Heng smiled, the space of this treasure tower was big enough to pack Mortal Realm with everyone involved, so the four fairy houses he bought from Heavenly Treasure Pavilion didn’t work.

“Brother Sang, this time let you go on an errand for nothing, this little thing will be given to you!” He took out a fairy house and threw it to Sang Qingshan and helped him to recognizing Master.

All Xianju have the ability to change the size, the largest is the original size, the smallest depends on the method of production, but generally it is similar to the size of the jewelry of small objects.

The reason why the treasure tower is spoiled is precisely because it has been maintained at the original size, it is no different from an ordinary house, and naturally loses the ability to “preserve”.

After Sang Qingshan mastered the cockroaches, he immediately played with interest.

The immortality of this kind of thing in Immortal Realm is also quite a level of treasure, Fairy Qinghe is naturally not qualified to own, and even have never seen it! She could not help but secretly sighed, if this time suddenly ran out of a Zhou Heng, the thirteen Sky Profound Spirit Crystal and the treasure tower should be hers!

The world is impermanent, and the fate is destined!

She turned and hurried away, and it didn’t make sense to keep it. .

Looking at her shadow disappeared, the young men like Zhong Yuetian were showing their expressions, but they didn’t catch up with the idea. After all, the level of the two sides was too much, and the female Immortal could not be seen. Forming Embryo Boundary’s Mortal Realm Warrior, the reverse is almost the same!

In this respect, the female surname seems to have an advantage, especially the beauty!

Zhai Jieyu and Xing Yewu All four women looked at Zhou Heng with fiery eyes. If something could happen with him, could they fly like a sparrow on the willow head and become a dazzling colorful phoenix?

They immediately surrounded Zhou Heng, and checked, Yan Yan Chun Chun, without any evasive use of soft and rich lovable body to rub Zhou Heng. As long as Zhou Heng is willing, he can now let these four outstanding beautyes dedicate himself to him.

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng has passed the stage of pure pursuit of beauty. The four beautiful women seem to be very eye-catching, but he has no idea of ​​”communicating” deeply. He has a big hand and he has rolled back everyone.

3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal coupled with the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step, how fast is his speed, and he returned to the starting point with just half an hour later.

I ignored the four women’s eyes full of fiery and anticipation. Zhou Heng and Sang Qingshan returned to Sang Family. After talking to the other party, he took out some cultivation resources and gave it to Sang Qingshan.

After going to Bright Realm, I have to go back to Immortal Realm and Mortal Realm. I don’t know how troublesome it will be, and I don’t know how many years later.

After two days, Zhou Heng turned Dragonriver Continent.

Everyone is ready to go to Immortal Realm.

Not until this day, everyone was full of expectations for Immortal Realm, but it was really a day when many people were not willing to give up. But such parting is only a lasting one. For Immortal Realm, everyone is full of yearnings.

Zhou Heng put everyone into the treasure tower and released his power without reservation. Great Dao of World immediately regarded him as a poison and pushed him out.

In the process, Zhou Heng saw the a path of golden in the heavens and the earth. Unfortunately, it was only a momentary thing. The next moment he was involved in the Void and began to shuttle between the two worlds.

It was nothing but a five-minute time, hey, he appeared in Immortal Realm.

All around Darkness, no stars, no moons, this is Immortal Realm.

Zhou Heng took out the already-prepared Flower Cloud Shuttle, determined the location of 49 Immortal Cities, and immediately started the space to move back.

Fortunately, this time he was lucky, only a short ten days from the 49 Immortal Cities, and soon returned to Northern 6th Snake City. He opened the treasure tower and let everyone step on the land of Immortal Realm, breathing the air of Immortal Realm.

“Good Spiritual Qi!”

“I want to breakthrough!”

“My bottleneck is loose!”

For a time, everyone shouted a surprise. Even if Immortal Realm has been blown up, the intensity of Spiritual Qi here is not comparable to that of Mortal Realm, and the more realm is, the more profitable it is, the more it can break through several levels.

Zhou Heng leads his parents to see Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, the highest person in the Zhou Family.

Temporarily settle down everyone, because maybe a few months, maybe a few years, they will fly again to Bright Realm, so there is no need to build a new home, build a new home for everyone, just take a huts.

Two days later, Zhou Heng asked Myriad Ancient Great Emperor to come over and let the five Dragon Sovereigns come together to discuss his previous thoughts, that is, to spare resources and let one of them break through Bright Immortal.

Myriad Ancient Great Emperor was the first to shake his head. He was a martial artist. He refused to break through 9 Dharma Bright Immortal. In his opinion, how to form thirty Divine Idols and then break through. Solidly.

The five Dragon Sovereigns don’t have such big ambitions, but they have a condition that they must first find the Dragon Emperor, which will be able to fly Bright Realm.

Of course, this Dragon Emperor is not the Dragon Emperor that was previously killed by Zhou Heng, but the “predecessor” Dragon Emperor.

Zhou Heng promised and decided that Golden Dragon Sovereigness is the breakthrough candidate because her realm is the highest of the five women, and naturally it is the fastest to complete the breakthrough.

Next, all the resources should be used on Golden Dragon Sovereigness, such as the blood of True Dragon he extracted from Dragon Emperor, and if he can find the holy medicine, it will be used on her.

As long as you can enter Bright Realm, this level of holy medicine in Bright Realm, even if it is not a cabbage, but the degree of preciousness does not know how many times to sharpen, the difficulty of obtaining is certainly not great.

Zhou Heng took out the body of Dragon Emperor and kissed him, cut off a few pieces of meat, and eliminated the violent fierceness of it. He cooked a pot of fresh soup and gave it to everyone.

Even so, the people of Zhou Family are somewhat unbearable, and each and everyone is eating and shining, so that Zhou Heng, Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, and the five Dragon Sovereign are busy and caring for everyone. .

At this time, it shows the horror of Feng Lianqing physique. She can kill a piece of dragon meat alone, and see people who are not envious. This dragon meat is not only delicious, but also contains horrible spiritual power. The effect is small. Holy medicine!

She was transformed by Huotian. The snack food and Helian Dong had no Dharma at all. I have to admit that she is the first food of Immortal Realm!

Zhou Heng handed the body of Dragon Emperor and the kiss to Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, and he watched the situation for everyone to eat, and he continued to embark on a journey with the five Dragon Sovereign to find the whereabouts of “True Dragon Emperor”. .

He has been in the lower bound for so many days, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has found Bone Melting Grass and sent him over to use the blood of those True Dragon. (To be continued.)

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