Fire God’s Furnace screamed for a while to unleash the surprise in his heart, which was quiet. .

Although Chaos Heavenly Scripture can talk as well, the two are quite different. Solar Fine Gold, the predecessor of Fire God’s Furnace, has experienced the ingenuity of the years after years of baptism. It can be said that it is not much different from human beings except metal.

Of course, its intelligence is still not enough, so it needs to constantly devour the fire to improve, and it is still in the type of “development.”

But Chaos Heavenly Scripture is different. It is just Artifact Spirit, the simple Artifact Spirit, which simply evaluates the danger, and after Recognizing Master, it has the highest purpose of acting with the Master’s will.

Therefore, Zhou Heng only needs the order for Chaos Heavenly Scripture, but when it comes to this stove, you must deal with the other person with the surname, and each time it is not intimidating, it is a lure.

“Smelly stove, if you sell it again, I will break you up, so that you are not only mentally disabled but also lacking!” Zhou Heng feared.

“This Eminence is so scared – afraid of you a ghost!” Fire God’s Furnace is full of anger. “Now the size of the witch is not there, and your ability also wants to threaten this Eminence? Zhou boy, you still have to think about how to give this Eminence gets some fire!”

“Hah, I don’t mind throwing you in this cold Qingqing universe, or throwing you into the pit after you go back, see how you are arrogant?” Zhou Heng sneered.

Fire God’s Furnace suddenly became a stale, it is indestructible, but it was cast into a pill furnace before it was strong. Although there is an inexplicable huge, it requires the user to work!

In fact, as far as it is concerned, it is a pill furnace, which is only a solid at best.

“hehe, Zhou boy, don’t laugh so scary, this Eminence is not kidding you!” It was awkward.

“Hahaha, I am also joking with you, why are you scared of cold sweats!”

“Just kidding, how can this Eminence flow cold sweat!”

“Okay, let’s say what happened to Raging Flame Hound?” Zhou Heng was a little impatient. The giant fire dog on the opposite side had a terrifying breath, at least 40 Dharma Bright Immortal. If it wakes up, it is in Immortal Realm. Basically invincible.

Moreover, realm does not represent combat power. This fire dog looks like Innate Earth. The power of flame is terrible. Maybe Star King can’t resist such a scorching flame after suppressing power.

“Cough cough, pay attention to etiquette when you ask the elders!” Fire God’s Furnace began to swear again.


Zhou Heng hit a fist on the stove, and the Five Elements rune broke out. The crackling sound seemed to stun the entire universe, a golden light, and even the flames of the sky could not be covered.

“Ah, it hurts this Eminence!” Fire God’s Furnace screamed, “Zhou boy, your strength has grown!”

Zhou Heng also licked his hands and licked his hands. This stove was really thick and thick. He didn’t leave any mark on his fist, but it turned his bones off.

What is the grade of the original Solar Fine Gold, the predecessor of this oven, is so hard.

“Say!” He was not mad.

“hehe, this account has been recorded by this Eminence. Later, when you are alchemy, your kid will be careful about this Eminence and spit it out!” Fire God’s Furnace was not willing and guilty.

“…you have to be able to spit out the water!”

“Are you discriminating against this Eminence?”

“Raging Flame Hound! You can’t say it!”

“Tell me, hey, why are you so awkward, are you afraid of awakening this Divine Beast?” After stopping for Fire God’s Furnace, he finally got to the point and said, “You should know that Bright Realm has the world of Four Divine Beasts! ”

“Know, Dongfang Azure Dragon, Western White Tiger, South Vermilion Bird, North Black Tortoise!”

“This Four Divine Beasts is the first creatures born in Bright Realm, so they have the strongest force in the world, also known as Ancestral Dragon, Ancestral Tiger, Ancestral Phoenix, Ancestral Tortoise, they have evolved their own The offspring, although very powerful, are incomparable to these four!” said Fire God’s Furnace.

Zhou Heng was shocked. According to this stove, Ming, Xian, and Fan are bound to be born, but because Bright Realm is the highest on World Law, Bright Realm is the most powerful creature.

It’s really unfair, because you can be born above a sentient being because you have a good baby!

“Four Divine Beasts is the birthplace of heaven and earth. They have the most natural strength of the heavens and the earth. After that, the heavens and the earth will still have natural creatures, but there is no way to compare with the four guys!”

Fire God’s Furnace sighed, full of sadness: “Just like this Eminence, it is also the divine object raised by Innate Earth. It can be used to refine the pill furnace without real molding! The bastard don’t let this Eminence hit, otherwise I must have burned him in a fire!”

Zhou Heng laughed heartily : “No wonder your IQ is not enough. It turned out to be a disabled child born prematurely!”

“…this Eminence is inherently inadequate, but nothing to do with the disability!”

“Well, let’s continue with Raging Flame Hound! You are a stove, and you are not mentally retarded. How can you always open the subject without mental retardation?”

“This is clearly that you are pulling the topic yourself!”


“Hey, keep saying! By the way, this Eminence is finished. This Raging Flame Hound is the Divine Beast raised by Innate Earth, but now it owes a smoldering, the body has grown, but the wisdom is still improving!” Fire God’s Furnace tsk tsk sighs, “Zhou boy, you are lucky, you will have a powerful helper in this Divine Beast recognizing Master!”

“Does it still have a growing surname?” Zhou Heng was surprised.

“That is, of course, if it’s just the Bright Immortal level, it’s a ghost Divine Beast!” Fire God’s Furnace immediately yelled, and if it grows, it must have jumped and pointed at Zhou Heng’s nose. “Although it is better than Four Divine Beasts, it can be at least one level, um, or another level of Divine Beast!”

Zhou Heng sighed, said: “How many levels?”

Fire God’s Furnace glimpsed, but immediately a hard tone, said: “this Eminence belongs to the life of the Five Elements class, how to know how this flesh and blood is divided into strength! But how to say, adulthood after the Black Hole Boundary should be rushed No problem… Probably!”

“You really are not reliable!” Zhou Heng shook his head. “However, the creatures still divide that many kinds?”

“The creatures you know should be only flesh-and-blood creatures and plant creatures?” Fire God’s Furnace is proud to say, “In fact, the most expensive is our Five Elements, like this Eminence is a metal creature, and a water spirit, Fire and spirit, earth and soul, as long as the wisdom of the open, which one is not very powerful!”

“Right, plant creatures are actually the wood creatures of Five Elements! But the number of creatures is the most, but the strength is the weakest, so don’t put them alongside our other Five Elements!”

In fact, Zhou Heng has seen stone people before, but he has only seen two. As for the pure water people, the fire people have not seen it.

He looked at the huge fire dog that was still sleeping, saying: “How can I make it recognizing Master?”

“It just has a sense of ingenuity, it is silly and naive. You just need to fill in the knowledge of God and constantly instill a friendly thought into it. It will be close to you. When it reaches a certain critical point, it will recognize you as the main. !”Fire God’s Furnace Road.

“Why listen to what you say, I will feel that it is not reliable!”

“Hey, you must believe this Eminence, the old saying goes, the believer has a long life!”

“Okay, don’t blow it, let me try it!” Zhou Heng didn’t get too close, he was warned by Fire God’s Furnace, this Divine Beast has the sharpest nose, and if he relies too much, he will advance it. Wake up!

If that’s the case, this Divine Beast’s consciousness is only a chaotic slaughter, it is a catastrophe!

– This is the Divine Beast that Innate Earth raises, and the Five Elements rune may not be able to suppress it!

Zhou Heng released his own knowledge, but although there is no blazing fire, but the temperature is not inferior, and the source of all these high temperatures is on the Divine Beast.

Its flaming fur is constantly emitting horrible heat, no less than the outside world.

When Zhou Heng’s gods were released, they felt that their minds were burning, as if they were going to burn the whole body.

This temperature is too horrible!

“The stove, help me!” Zhou Heng grabbed Fire God’s Furnace and injected one of his Divine Idols into it, then slammed it and threw it at the Raging Flame Hound.

“Rely, Ah without this play – Ah – Ah –!” Fire God’s Furnace screamed, slamming and hitting Raging Flame Hound.

Zhou Heng is smart, seemingly powerful, but it is extremely light when hitting Raging Flame Hound. In the moment of contact with Raging Flame Hound, his Divine Idol immediately emerged and poured his knowledge into this Divine Beast.

——Fire God’s Furnace can protect his god without fear of flames.


A flame ignited and Zhou Heng’s fascination turned into a human form and strode forward. These flames are only the illusion of consciousness, not the real flame.

In fact, this is indeed a puppy, and its consciousness is quite fragile! Of course, this vulnerability is also relatively speaking. Compared to Zhou Heng, the sense of tempering is of course fragile, which is much more powerful than most Creation Emperor.

Its horrible temperature is the best defense, and the body within the body has become calm, so that Zhou Heng has been able to smoothly come to its knowledge of the sea.

Here, there is a puppy that is not too long to sleep, and looks exactly the same as the giant dog outside.

This is the awareness of Raging Flame Hound!

Zhou Heng walked over and sent a good fluctuation of the Fellow Daoist to the in the the body of the puppy.

The puppy is sleeping, but it can be seen that with the passing of Zhou Heng’s consciousness, its eyelids are shaking, and it is accepting Zhou Heng’s consciousness.

It is equivalent to just being born, not knowing good and evil, and most vulnerable to it.

Some creatures will see the first sight as a parent when they are born. Now the same is true for this little dog. Its “dog” is originally a blank, but now it is being written by Zhou Heng.

After a day and a night, the puppy formed by this consciousness suddenly opened his eyes! (To be continued.)

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