Conditions for you to open?

It is really a taste of a nouveau riche, but what conditions can he give to Zhou Heng?

Will Huotian find it? Take him to see Huotian?


Zhou Heng looked at each other coldly and said: “I don’t care about the competition for the admission card, but you actually shot a little girl, which makes me angry!”

“Im? Hahahaha, angry?” The Young Master Long suddenly laughed and looked at the left and right sides, letting his men laugh, but didn’t know what to laugh at. .

He slammed and slammed Zhou Heng, saying: “What qualifications do you have to be angry? Do you know who this Young Master is? Páng Family Eldest Young Master! As long as this Young Master, you will be hacked in the street. !”

This guy is the young master of the big family, or the boss of the rogue, the opening is all suffocating.

“Brother Zhou doesn’t need to be angry. The rise of Páng Family has only been for decades, and I can’t get rid of the filth and dirty!” Qi Yuan indifferently said.

“You are Qi Yuan!” The Young Master Long is naturally Páng Shaolong. He looked at towards Qi Yuan and suddenly sneered. “How about Qi Family, can’t the tiger’s butt feel? This Young Master touched, you can take this How about Young Master?”

“Páng Shaolong, you are causing trouble for yourself!” Qi Yuan’s tone is still very light, as if disdain to talk to the other party.

“Hahaha, my family is now climbing the De Dey Dean of the Great River Learning Institute. What is your Qi Family?” Páng Shaolong is full of arrogance and arrogance.


Qi Yuan said in her heart that there is really no mood and an idiot theory.

Páng Family is really nothing, but it has not risen for decades. The Great River Learning Institute has at least 100 Deputy Dean, and many De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De

Their Qi Family has a million years of inheritance, and the family Old Ancestor is the De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De

Although the Great Origin Learning Institute is a lower level than the Great River Learning Institute, Qi Family can’t be tied to the Great River Learning Institute’s Deputy Dean, but the other side wants to deal with the Qi Family and have to consider the consequences!

Besides, does Qi Family have no backstage at the Great River Learning Institute Deputy Dean level? Since all the “dogs” are fighting, the Master ran out and intervened, which is a bad rule!

Of course, Qi Yuan will never admit that the family is a dog. They have been inheritance for millions of years. How noble is the blood flowing in the body?

It doesn’t matter if you are a person at a time, sooner or later, one day will fly!

Qi Yuan said to Zhou Heng lightly smiled, “Brother Zhou, despite the shot, as long as I don’t kill people, everything is for me by Brother Zhou!”

Páng Shaolong’s attack was actually directed at Qi Yuan, but it was a coincidence that Zhou Heng was also rolled in. Anyway, Qi Yuan must stand up, otherwise he will not face Qi Family Eldest Young Master in the future.

Therefore, regardless of his willingness or disappointment, he must now support Zhou Heng.

“Hahaha, Qi Yuan, are you crazy?” Páng Shaolong’s face was disdainful. “Don’t forget, you have tasted a big defeat before! Now you have to be boss shamelessly?”

“It was because I was not with Brother Zhou!” Qi Yuan lightly smiled.

“Just with two of you?” Páng Shaolong laughed heartily, but found that only when he laughed alone, could not help but look at the left and right sides, other people will be willing, and quickly laughed.

“One of me is enough!” Zhou Heng said, he is now very angry and needs to vent.

“Enough your sister!” A burly man rushed out and waved his fist. Looked at Zhou Heng. He rushed over, the fists rushed, and the wind whistled. Three red dots appeared on his fist. .

Hey, when his fist hits Zhou Heng, the three red dots are popping up with a sharp edge, cold and sorrowful!

Seeing that Zhou Heng didn’t hide, everyone showed a sly expression.

Being stabbed by these three sharp edges, even if the burly man finally recovered some of his strength, it was enough to seriously smash Zhou Heng!

Not dead!


At this moment, Zhou Heng slammed out and slammed it on the face of the burly man. The huge force forcibly pulled the other side and slammed into the ground.

The power of this slap is really terrifying, directly burying the man’s face in the ground, leaving only the head and neck still exposed, and the life is dizzy.


How could this be?

Everyone is a big man. Just Zhou Heng’s slap in the face is very casual. Without any cleverness, how can I get their companions to be stunned?

Zhou Heng started as if nothing had happened, and forced Páng Shaolong to pass.

“Give me the help!” Páng Shaolong stared at the enrollment card worn by Zhou Heng. Although some people went out to “hunt”, but the rest of the people still accounted for the majority, they did not believe that so many people still take No more than Zhou Heng!

As long as he can plunder the scores of Zhou Heng and Qi Yuan, then in the remaining two days, he only needs to find a place to hide, and he is absolutely stable!

Teng, Teng, Teng!

In an instant, more than a dozen people were killed from behind Páng Shaolong, and their figure leaped. The weapons of the squadron, without weapons, directly slammed their legs and went to the siege of Zhou Heng.

“Afraid not afraid?” Zhou Heng bowed his head and asked Jiāng Zishuang.

“Tiantian is not afraid!” The little girl was not afraid at all, but instead opened her eyes with wide open eyes.

“Then you are optimistic!” Zhou Heng looked up and his eyes were shining.

Before Zhou Heng bowed his head and missed the best breakthrough, or the opportunity to attack, when he looked up again, more than ten attacks were hit, eight weapons slammed his head, and two palms Three fists slammed into his chest and three legs kicked toward his lower abdomen.

This guy is dead!

Of course, death is an exaggeration. It is impossible to dodge in such a close distance. At least ten attacks will be eaten! Bright Immortal’s vitality is tenacious. If you don’t use special weapons to hurt you, then you will be hurt by heavy injuries, not fatal.

If you don’t die, you don’t care. If you don’t have a disability, it doesn’t matter. The Qi Family can be flat. Isn’t the Páng Family out of balance?

Attacks are in order!


Zhou Heng’s gaze was slight, and the attack of more than ten people suddenly stopped, as if time had solidified, and their movements were instantly frozen, which was bizarre.

Come again, this is another trick!

Qi Yuan exclaimed in his heart that he was not the first to see it. Zhou Heng used to have flattened the entire nest before Ant Sovereign Nest.

Pa! pa! pa! pa!

Zhou Heng casually took out a palm, and every time he took a palm, he flew a person, and a row of teeth flew out, a path of blood splashing. His shot was very heavy. Under one palm, all the teeth were crushed and dropped, and the entire face was distorted!

If it is not possible to kill people here, with Zhou Heng’s current arrogance, it’s sure that one person will directly draw people away!

With the Five Elements rune he can do it!

After more than ten palms, all his people in his body were taken away by him. The ground was full of red blood, and one after another broken teeth, horrible to see.

The people here are not without bloody scenes. It is not a rare thing to kill people. You can watch Zhou Heng smashing the teeth of others with no expression, and somehow a chill arises from their hearts.

“Wow, uncle, you are amazing!” Jiāng Zishuang applauded, and the little girl was not afraid of this bloody picture.

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, did not speak, just stared at Páng Shaolong.

“Why are you doing it, give it to me! Give it to me!” Páng Shaolong was stared by Zhou Heng’s eyes, constantly retreating backwards and shouted. “Are you all waste?”

Under his prestige, everyone did not dare to go up, and more than a dozen people rushed toward Zhou Heng, but this time their expression will be more dignified.


When they rushed to Zhou Heng, they were the same as the previous ones, and they were frozen in shape, and they could not move with one finger.

Pa! pa! pa! pa!

Zhou Heng grabbed the palm of his hand and flew a person with a slap in the face. The blood and the broken teeth flew together. Everyone was drawn and must be directly fainted, and it seemed to be dead.

This time, not only Páng Shaolong is backing up, but other people are also going backwards.


“Give me the help of you! You waste me, eat my use of me, now you want to kill you, are you afraid?” Páng Shaolong grabbed one’s clothes and pushed the other out, and the person’s The butt kicked.

Páng Family’s men are helpless. If you leave Páng Shaolong to escape, you may lose your life after you go out!

Go ahead, at least Zhou Heng can’t kill!

The remaining dozens are loudly shouted, killing Zhou Heng, and Páng Shaolong is turning around and running. He is not willing to score, naturally he has to find a way to escape.


Only when he ran out of a dozen steps, he felt that there was a strong wind behind him. He was so quick that he couldn’t have any reaction at all. The powerful force had already slammed him into the ground.

At this time, he discovered that he was hit by a person, and that person had already passed out, and it was his men.

He turned his head in horror and saw that Zhou Heng was smiling at him not far away, which was very gentle, but in his opinion it was terrifying matchless. He quickly climbed up, only feeling sore, his chest was too stuffy to vomit.


When he just climbed up, he saw a black shadow coming towards himself. Páng Shaolong had no time to react, only to feel that his chest was heavy, and he was hit by the black shadow.

“Wow–” He spit a mouthful of blood, and his feet swayed back ten steps, and a face suddenly became very white.

The black shadow of the group was a man of his own, and after such a collision, he naturally fainted.

Páng Shaolong gritted his teeth and took out a red-gray ball from his arms. After pinching it, he smashed a group of gray shadows and wrapped him around.

This is the treasure that the family gave him, called “shadow mask”, enough to withstand the impact of Star King Rank! However, this is not a treasure, but a Forbidden Artifact belonging to a last name. It uses up the power, so this Forbidden Artifact can only be completely scrapped, and it is impossible to recharge it.

“Hahahaha, come on, come back, can you help me how?” Páng Shaolong laughed arrogantly. (To be continued.)

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