Was it probably this expression before?

Seeing that Niu Gang is going to be scared to death, all the Skyriver King screams very badly. They must be shocked by their cultivation, and the Star King, which has just been broken through, is so eclipsed that it is not shameful.

But seeing others shocked, this is actually very dark.

Niu Gang has no such feeling at all, he is only shocked!

Is this special to tease me? This is also 1 Star? Is this really a Star?

Starlight is flowing, it’s majestic!

Zhou Heng strode forward, the only 1 Star trembled overhead, flowing out of the soft starlight, but it gave a very strong pressure, such as the same ancient Emperor coming, everyone must bow down.

“Junior Brother Niu, come and fight!” He was indifferently said, and he did not look at each other.

In fact, he has a hundred Star power, is the real Star Sovereign, to beat a Star King is completely between the hands. I can’t underestimate the other side, but he and Niu Gang have already played against each other. They can easily defeat their opponents at the beginning, but now his power is far above the opponent, it is even easier.

“Hurricane!” Niu Gang realized that he was suppressed by Zhou Heng’s momentum and could not help but be ashamed.

Warrior can be defeated, but the heart can’t lose! Once you lose your heart, the road to the future may become completely bleak!

He took a deep breath and entered Star Boundary. He couldn’t run his own power perfectly, but 63 Stars for 1-Star, his suppression of Zhou Heng’s power is not sixty 3 times!

Nine is the number of poles, every time the number of breakthroughs will bring a huge change, this is absolutely crushing!

Hey, sixty-three stars lined around him and circulated the stars. After entering Star Boundary, Niu Gang can perfectly use his quasi-4-Star cultivation technique to instantly release nearly 4 times!

He wants to hit Zhou Heng!

“Come on!” He sighed, his body slammed out, hong long long, a Black Hole appeared in the sky, and a series of burning fires spurred out of Black Hole, facing Zhou Heng. And go.

Falling Magma !

Niu Gang used to be used once, but at that time he was only Bright Immortal, and its formidable power is impossible to talk to now!

Star Boundary is finally on the steps of the powerhouse, and it has just been able to play the formidable power of the Bright Realm cultivation technique.

Zhou Heng does not move or blink, his hands are behind his back, and there is a feeling of being forced.

“Bold!” Niu Gang is furious, what a contempt?

He must let Zhou Heng pay the price and let him know how stupid it is to look at himself!

When the meteorite flies, he is also in a hurry, the right fist is condensed, and he pulls his shoulders behind him. As soon as he is close, he can erupt a terrible blow!

It is impossible for Star King to strike another Star King with one blow – even if the other party is a parallel, but it is not difficult to hit a single blow. Under the eyes of a large group of big eyes, he could not kill people.

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, just at the moment of the attack, he extended his right hand, seemingly calm, but he was almost to the extreme, then backhanded, whispered: “Your Majesty!”

Like the will of heaven and earth, it resounds!


Niu Gang couldn’t control his body at all. He felt that a force that was unstoppable was suppressed. His figure was involuntarily hitting the ground. When his knees collided with the ground, he had a powerful anti-shock. The force made his leg bones all broken, and the four cut bones broke out of the flesh. The white bones and the red blood were quite bloody!

“Ah——!” At this time, Niu Gang felt the pain of the heart and suddenly screamed.

Zhou Heng took back the right hand. In fact, he could only give Niu Gang a life-threatening death by his imposing manner. However, there is no need to show his own cards at all, so it is difficult to raise his hand.

“Sure enough, it looks like 1 Star, but it has the power of a hundred Stars!”

“Can be Star Sovereign!”

“This time, our school has really had a bad guy. Isn’t this strength able to sweep everything Star King?”

“After half a year’s Learning Institute Competition, we will be able to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat and get rid of the weakest title!”

The public are all talking about it, although they are very powerful in their private struggles, but once they are involved in the honor of the school, they will unite together! Because their interests are tied to the school, the interests of the school are damaged, that is, their interests are damaged!

“Xuan’en, arrange Zhou Heng to Star King Institute, but give Star Sovereign treatment!” They are not interested in seeing Niu Gang at a glance, just a Star King just breaking through, what qualifications are they to pay attention to?

“Yes!” Guan Xuan’en nodded, turned to Zhou Heng. “With me, I need a little more to do!”

The public have left, they are noble, can not fall into this face, then recruit Zhou Heng at this time, and in the future there are more opportunities, no hurry! Guan Xuan’en also left with Zhou Heng, and there was only one person with broken legs, as if forgotten.

“Zhou – Heng -” Niu Gang gnashing teeth, the face is full of resentment.

I didn’t even have a move with Zhou Heng!

Not surprisingly, the other side actually has the power of Star Sovereign, knowing from the words of those big guys! To put it this way, he is just a joke. He thought that the public would like to value himself and let him teach Zhou Heng stopped. In fact, he is just a touchstone!

No, even the touchstone is not considered, at best it is just a clown!

He hates!

He Niu Gang is the arrogance of Tauren Clan. From small to big, which one does not take him to heaven? It is now so indifferent!

It’s all because of Zhou Heng!

Niu Gang doesn’t dare to blame the university’s amnesty, and any one of them can make the entire Tauren destroy the family! He added all the hatred to Zhou Heng, and now he is not the opponent of Zhou Heng, then he can only rely on the masters of the family!

The other party will be so powerful, definitely because of the cultivation technique he has mastered, as long as he can get it, it can be so powerful!

He is now defeated, but he will definitely rise. When he enters the Great River Learning Institute and eventually becomes Skyriver Sovereign and even Skyriver Emperor, it is when he comes back to the people of the Great Origin Learning Institute to settle accounts!

Anyone can think of humiliating him Niu Gang!


Not to mention Niu Gang, Zhou Heng With Guan Xuan’en returning to the Main Palace, it is convenient to upgrade his identity token. In fact, the whole process is very short, but it takes five minutes.

Upon completion, Guan Xuan’en handed the identity token back to Zhou Heng, said with a smile : “Junior Brother Zhou, when are you free to sit with my Guan Family?”

“Always!” Zhou Heng also said with a smile.

The other party obviously wants to recruit himself, no matter whether he or she agrees, there is no need to offend people for no reason.

Guan Xuan’en nodded, the specific time depends on the meaning of the family, after consultation, decided to give Zhou Heng how much price code.

Zhou Heng asked Guan Xuan’en about the situation of the Star King Institute, and then he left, 1 Star was so shabby, how can he raise his Star number?

And he also wants to know that the Stars that are formed next are the same size as the first one, or the normal size.

If the former, it means that every time he forms 1 Star, he needs a hundred times of spiritual accumulation, which makes people feel awkward!

Star King is okay, only need to form 99 Star, but Star Sovereign, Star Emperor?

Star Boundary is a complete process, just artificially divided into three stages, that is to say, he will form nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Stars with such spiritual accumulation!

Let not let people live?

In addition, he has to get a new body and a new cultivation technique.

As he stepped into Star Boundary, the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step was completely lost, and he couldn’t fully utilize the enormous power of his with the body, so he needed to change a new body.

Second, the Five Elements Rune’s formidable power is not only greatly reduced, but also a Heavenly Scripture. You don’t have to use it as much as you can, so as not to “take the wind.”

After leaving the Ancient River Palace, Zhou Heng went to the Hidden Scriptures Pavilion, where he collected all the cultivation techniques of the school. The reason for placing this in the second stop is that he has to upgrade the level of the identity token before qualifying for a higher-order cultivation technique.

After he came to the Hidden Scriptures Pavilion, he was certified to the 3rd Floor after verifying the identity token.

– Hidden Scriptures Pavilion has 4th Floor, 1st Floor’s collection of cultivation techniques are 1-Star to 3-Star, 2nd Floor is 4-Star to 5-Star, 3rd Floor is 6-Star to 7-Star, and 4th Floor is 8th Floor. 9-Star, as for the 10-Star and XNUMX-Star cultivation techniques, must be available at the Great River Learning Institute.

The 7-Star cultivation technique is really unbearable when it comes to Bright Realm, but in the Great Origin Learning Institute, this level of cultivation technique is quite valuable. There are only six 70 cultivation techniques, of which 6-Star cultivation technique For the 42 department, the 7-Star cultivation technique is thirty-four.

In theory, the cultivation technique is the better the number of stars, because it can explode more powerful forces. In fact, the cultivation technique can’t just look at the level, but it’s not suitable for itself. If it is not suitable, the 7-Star cultivation technique can only play the formidable power of the 5-Star cultivation technique.

Zhou Heng swept, the 6-Star cultivation technique had a borrowing contribution of at least 5,000, and the 7-Star cultivation technique was soared to 10,000!

Just borrowed it, it’s so expensive!

Although he still has some contribution value in his hand, but even a thousand is not full, it is not qualified to exchange for any cultivation technique here.

Do you want to retreat to the next, get the 3-Star, 4-Star cultivation technique?

Zhou Heng shook his head. Since he is qualified to borrow the 7-Star cultivation technique directly, why bother?

The contribution value is not enough… to earn money!

He thought of Wall of Strength again, this time because he is actually Star Sovereign, he can break the record of speed, agility and so on!

How can someone who is so low-keyed is forced to be out of the limelight?

“Zhou boy, don’t you think you are owed?” Fire God’s Furnace shouted.

Zhou Heng naturally won’t compete with a stove. He thought of one thing and said, “I am already Star King. Can you use it as a treasurer?”

“No, no, you have to break into Skyriver King to run out of this Eminence’s formidable power!”

Fire God’s Furnace’s grade… is a bit high! (To be continued.)

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