Zhou Heng stopped the practice of Flaming Sword Art. He has mastered the essence of this style of Sword Art, enough to play the power of 40 times, but the limit of Sword Art should be around 45 times. .

The reason why this level is not achieved is not that Zhou Heng’s surname is not enough, but that there is a way to achieve this effect!

It is necessary to have several bursts of hair and force to increase the limit of 45 times power!

However, the 40 Times power boost is the 40 Stars cultivation technique, which is definitely the entire Crossing Yang Star! It is also a loss for Zhou Heng to have Black Sword. Otherwise, at the level of the refiner of this planet, if the weapon is to withstand the power increase of 40 times, it must be at least Skyriver Boundary!

With Zhou Heng’s current status and strength, is it not an idiot to dream of getting a Skyriver Boundary level?

“The stove, no more burning!”

Fire God’s Furnace replied with the flames, and this page of flame paper immediately restored its original appearance, as if it had not been burned at all. From this point of view, this piece of paper itself is a treasure!

Zhou Heng took another cultivation technique and began to study Free and Unfettered Step.

This is just the usual 7-Star cultivation technique. It’s hard to determine the order accurately as the attacking cultivation technique, but there is always a difference in speed between the same individual’s cultivation techniques.

The 7-Star cultivation technique is far from being able to increase the speed of Zhou Heng by 7 times, up to 3 times, but the body is not just a speed increase, and the mysterious position can also play a role in avoiding blows.

Can not grasp the position of the opponent, then you can only use a wide range of attacks on the surname of the trick. In this way, the power of the attack is dispersed, and the formidable power is naturally reduced – unless it has the power to crush the opponent.

From the beginning of the stumble, it quickly became smooth and smooth, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he is constantly changing his position in this limited space. Looking ahead, he seems to have countless others. .

“Little Fire, let’s leave!” Zhou Heng lightly smiled, Sword Art and his body are all mastered, and this time has only passed one day.

In one day, others may not be able to write down the cultivation technique of Free and Unfettered Step, because this is not a slogan, but an elevation similar to rune.

The light can’t be remembered at all, and there must be a certain understanding, and even more paradox is mastery!

——Only speaking of the surname, Huotian has personally admitted that it is not as good as Zhou Heng. It is obvious how enchanting he is in this respect!

“Monster!” Fire God’s Furnace is a sigh, and its predecessor is Solar Fine Gold, which is not only indestructible, but also resistant to high temperatures, but in terms of intelligence it is paralyzed and does not evolve complete intelligence. In the case of Wu surname, it is far worse.

This is also the place where it is most envious of Zhou Heng.

Little Fire jumped into the arms of Zhou Heng. The little guy was still very sticky, Zhou Heng. Whenever he had a chance, he would sprinkle it. At this time, he couldn’t see it as Divine Beast.

He walked out of the secret room.

“Hey, are you coming out so soon?” Seeing Zhou Heng coming out, the white-haired old man could not help but reveal the astonished color.

It’s only a day and a night, how come this kid is out? It’s totally out of place!

“It will be!” Zhou Heng returned the “Free and Unfettered Step” and the half-page residual paper.

“Will?” White hair old man naturally refuses to believe, how is this possible? That is, he is now going to practice an unfamiliar 7-Star cultivation technique. It doesn’t take more than two days to remember all the characters, but what about it?

This kid is going to brag!

Old man was originally unhappy with Zhou Heng. Now, when he hears his madness, he becomes annoying. After taking two cultivation techniques, he checked it again and re-wrapped it. Then Void pushed and put the two cultivation techniques into their original positions.

“Since you have to return in advance, it is your freedom, leave!” The old man is not waiting to see Zhou Heng.

“Yes!” Zhou Heng lightly smiled, Free and Unfettered Step Suddenly unfolded, hey, his figure fluttering, the speed is fast, but it is a kind of free and easy charm.


The white hair old man suddenly squirted out, his eyes were prominent, and he almost couldn’t come back!

He naturally recognizes that this is Free and Unfettered Step, which is what Zhou Heng took to practice yesterday!

Will! Really!

Not only is it just remembered, but it is already available!

genius? No, genius can’t describe it, this is a monster!


Outside the Hidden Scriptures Pavilion, Zhou Heng couldn’t help but show a smile. This is his counter-attack, quiet, but hearty!

Before he had to save the contribution value to exchange the cultivation technique, now the problem is solved, then the remaining 5,000 points in his hand naturally have to find a way to spend it, otherwise what is the use of this thing?

He went to the Precious Medicine Pavilion to redeem a copy of the Shooting Star Pill material, and the 5,000-point contribution was instantly spent.

Shooting Star Pill is 3-Star spirit medicine, the best augmentation of Star King’s medicine. Usually three can make Warrior grow a newly formed Star. However, Shooting Star Pill can only increase the accumulation of spiritual power, but it does not form a new Star.

Because the formation of Star involves Star’s profound mystery, like the number of nine, the Star will have a huge repulsive force, hindering the formation of the new Star.

This is not what Shooting Star Pill can solve!

In fact, the entire Star Boundary is more precisely subdivided according to the number of nine, such as 9-Star, 18 Stars, 27 Stars, 900 Stars, 3,000 Stars. Every encounter is nine, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand is big. threshold.

Of course, from ancient times to today, no one has ever reached the limit of 10,000 Stars. The repulsive force formed by nine Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Stars is too powerful!

Back at the residence, he let Fire God’s Furnace open the alchemy and refine the Shooting Star Pill.

Bright Realm’s medicine pill is more difficult, and the Shooting Star Pill took more than 20 minutes to refine it. A total of 24 tablets were produced, and the number was quite high.

The black furnace was already on the side, and when the cover was uncovered, it instantly took away eight and ran fast! If it wasn’t for Zhou Heng who kept his eyes on it, the cockroach wouldn’t have taken eight shots, but fired Fire God’s Furnace.

Zhou Heng is looking forward to the future performance of Little Fire, so he has the remaining Shooting Star Pill split into two, which is equal to Little Fire.

Twenty-four Shooting Star Pills are just one person and eight, fair.

Hu! hu! hu!

Little Fire has no idea of ​​what medicine pill is. Seeing that Zhou Heng gave it something to eat, naturally eagerly a tongue, swallowed all the Shooting Star Pill, and then spit out the tongue to Zhou Heng. Still, I still have two more.

“Nothing!” Zhou Heng waved his hand quickly. “Go to digest medicinal power, or be careful to support you!”

He took a Shoting Star Pill and swallowed it.


Within the body suddenly sensational, medicinal power stimulated, formed a myriad of starlight, inexplicable.

His 1st Star is fully formed, so now is the second Star.

It was naturally easy at first, and the nine were the extremes. It was no difficulty to form the second Star. With sufficient spiritual power, the second Star quickly formed a small point, compared to the big one on the side. The stars are naturally outrageous, but the starlight that comes out is dazzling, not inferior.

Zhou Heng is concerned that the size of this second Star is as large as the first one, or a normal model.

Eight Shooting Star Pills are enough to prove!

The first Shoting Star Pill’s medicinal power was quickly exhausted, and Zhou Heng swallowed the second Shoting Star Pill without a hesitation, then the third, but the new Star still did not see signs of fullness of Perfection.

Is the second Star so big?

That kind of bigidable power is big, it is too difficult to form a million stars!

The fourth and fifth shots of Shooting Star Pill!

The second Star is!

While sighed in relief, Zhou Heng was a bit stunned.

1st Star is a special case. The normal size of his Star should be about 2 times of Star King. That is to say, under the same number of Stars, his power is 2 times of others!

– Of course, this does not calculate his first big star, but it is one hundred!

Requires 2 times to accumulate in the normal Star King, which makes Zhou Heng relaxed, but a little disappointing. If his star is as terrifying as the first one, can he and Skyriver when he reaches Star Emperor? What about King?

Of course, this is just a thought. It takes a hundred times to pay. This is not cost-effective in terms of time, because when he reaches the “super” Star Emperor, it may have jumped into Comet Boundary.

It takes too long time to change the invincibility of realm, which is too low!

After he refining the remaining three Shooting Star Pills, Dantian is no longer a solitary star, but a big one, a small three Star. This one small two stars are all rotating around the Big Star, and there is a rhythm that is unclear and unclear.

He is the fastest. At this time, Black Skull and Little Fire are still in refining medicinal power. Zhou Heng walked into the courtyard to refer to the sword and ran freely from Scarlet Flame Sword Art. A path of flames was born. Control yourself freely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, the courtyard door suddenly rang, and it was very heavy and urgent, as if it was going to be dead.

What quality!

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but frowned. He walked over and opened the door. He slammed and opened the door. There was also a medium-sized, but very strong young man at the door. It was unusual that his ears were full of hairs!

This is definitely not Human Clan, but the specific race is not known, unless the other party will activate the bloodline and become a corresponding animal!

“You are Zhou Heng?” The other side swept Zhou Heng. “I am very upset about you, give me a kneeling!”

It’s inexplicable. If you look bad, you have to kneel down. What logic is this?

Zhou Heng ignores it and closes it directly.


The young man held the palm of his hand on the door and prevented Zhou Heng from closing his door. He grinned and said: “Forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ximen Dong and I just entered the Star King Institute!”

What is your hole, shut my ass!

“Take your dog’s paws away, don’t block the way!” Zhou Heng impatiently. (To be continued.)

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