Xiao Shantou holds Little Fire in one hand, and Zhou Heng in the other hand. The cute appearance of the powder carving jade does not know how many people have fallen. .

Only Zhou Heng is in my heart, this girl is a little demon with a cute skin, and I don’t know how many ancient spirits are hidden in my small head. Like his family’s Mu Tongtong is also such a entanglement, I thought it would be quiet to run out, I did not expect the world is big, there is such a small girl!

“Uncle, you are so powerful, you have entered the Star King Institute in a few days!” this girl said in an old-fashioned manner, like Zhou Heng’s elders.

“That is!” Zhou Heng said with a smile. In front of Jiāng Zishuang, he didn’t mind joking with the other side.

“The uncle will continue to work hard. After taking the first place in the Star King Institute for half a month, you can go to the Learning Institute Competition with Mother!” The little girl wrapped up Zhou Heng and bought a cotton candy, and he ate all his mouth. It’s a sugar thread, and it’s ambiguous.

“What Learning Institute Competition?” Zhou Heng is a bit strange. He is an out-and-out outsider. After entering the school, he is not retreating or running outside. The news is absolutely occluded.

“Every hundred years, all the universities go to the Great River Learning Institute to compete, um…” Jiāng Zishuang bit his finger and thought about it, “The game is divided into three levels: Star King, Star Sovereign and Star Emperor. Two wins in three wars, and the school that won the first place will be awarded a lot of delicious things!”

The little girl’s eyes are shining, and the nature of the food is full.


How can the reward of the school be food, it must be the mother of the little girl or the grandfather deliberately explained with her “treasure” that she can understand, or was supplemented by her brain.

Zhou Heng is also in the brain, this kind of competition is a certain affirmation for the status of each school, because this world is respected by powerhouse, super powerhouse is not afraid of siege, there is no enemy!

Therefore, the average strength is stronger than just cultivating a genius!

“Shantou, how many people can you have in each branch?”

“One, Star King Institute, Star Sovereign Institute, Star Emperor Institute one… Hey, how is one more?” The little girl flipped her hand index, but she had a habit, the index finger and the middle finger were moving together. Therefore, counting the number will become four, making the little girl’s face full of puzzles.

Zhou Heng has a heart, one in each hospital? Then no wonder that Ximen Dong is going to challenge him!

In addition to glory, the school will have a peripheral gambling game, and every victory is crucial! Therefore, the school will definitely send the most powerful people in each branch to play.

Zhou Heng broke a series of Star King’s records, and it is logical to represent the Star King Institute.

How can we replace Zhou Heng?

Simple, if you defeat him in public, is it good for the school to choose him as the representative of Star King? Can’t serve the crowd!

Zhou Heng nodded, knowing this, can really understand the provocation of Ximen Dong.

“** Going to go?” Zhou Heng looked forward to countless numbers, and the big land is not as big as a big girl.

After eating the marshmallows, Xiaotoutou began to eat the desserts from the spacecraft. The mouth that had just been wiped clean by Zhou Heng became a mess. She was nodded and said: “Mother is the Formation Mark Master. Invite to watch the sculptures there!”

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, maybe some people in the Great River Learning Institute are also fascinated by this pretty widow. If they pursue it well, he naturally wouldn’t mind, but if anyone wants to be savvy about Yang Yuhua, then he must be big. Make a fuss.

One big one and two people strolled around the half-day street, but the little girl was still unfinished, but she was brought back to the school by Zhou Heng. At this time, Yang Yuhua was looking for her everywhere, to see her face full of frost, estimated the size of the little girl* * Being blocked is inevitable.

After indicating to Yang Yuhua nodded, Zhou Heng returned to his courtyard, and the black cockroaches also went out. Fortunately, the wounds were forgotten, and they were stunned in front of Zhou Heng, showing off twenty-seven Stars.

From Star number, any Star King is qualified to despise Zhou Heng, and Blackbird knows that he has just formed three Stars before he will be in front of him.

“Zhou boy, how come you have three Stars, this Eminence has been twenty-seven, it’s your whole 9 times! When you become a Star Emperor and have a thousand Stars, this Eminence doesn’t have nine thousand Star, the world is invincible?” This scorpion is constantly posing in various poses to strengthen the tone of ridicule.

This shameless ** 驴!

Zhou Heng decisively did not take care of it, but studied Little Fire. What is the current strength of Divine Beast?

The natural beings of the heavens and the earth are different from human beings and different from Monster Beast. This is a special group. Some are born to be the world’s strongest, such as the Four Divine Beasts, and some are quite ordinary, such as Little Fire. Bright Immortal is definitely at the bottom of the Bright Realm.

But Divine Beast is strong on the bloodline, with a strong plastic space, as long as it does not fall, it can naturally reach a considerable height.

Little Fire is not the path of martial arts. Its within the body does not form Star, and it has a horrible physique. It is difficult to judge its specific realm. But from the power it shows, the combat power definitely exceeds the average 99 Stars Star King!

Otherwise, it can’t easily break the record of Wall of Strength Star King!

Divine Beast is Divine Beast!

Zhou Heng licks the head of Little Fire. Divine Beast doesn’t have to worry about realm comprehension. The limit of growth is completely limited by the bloodline and should keep up with his footsteps. It is the black scorpion that really makes him startled, and now he can maintain almost the same speed as him.

This Heaven and Earth Fruit is at the level of Bright Realm. According to the growth rate of Black, this Heaven and Earth Fruit is even stronger than the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal!

If you have the opportunity, you have to do a few more… a few are not enough. His relatives and friends, many of them, have to talk about hundreds of Heaven and Earth Fruits, and Zhou Heng is not satisfied.

One night, Zhou Heng just got up and received a notice from the school. He asked him to go to Skycloud Mountain’s Turning Dragon Valley at noon, and he would compete in the Star King Institute’s outstanding students. People will receive a reward for the contribution value.

A reward with a contribution value!

Zhou Heng left the school with a slight trimming, and this is the activity of the school. If there is no contribution, he has to go. Isn’t it?

Skycloud Mountain is not far from the school, but the mountain range is very large, tens of thousands of miles, the central area is said to have Skyriver Boundary’s Monster Beast, even the top of the school is not easy to foot.

Fortunately, Turning Dragon Valley is just outside the Skycloud Mountain. Zhou Heng didn’t bring the black scorpion and Little Fire, and it was lightly loaded. After more than an hour, he came to the Turning Dragon Valley.

But his brow immediately wrinkled.

Here… empty, no silhouette!

Is he the first?

Will it be so smart?

Zhou Heng’s heart suddenly became alert, which may be a trap!

If this is the case, the other party should be very powerful in the school, otherwise it is impossible to ask the people in the school to send him fake news!

“Come on?” A plain voice sounded, and only a young man with a figure squatted out of a big stone. The appearance was similar to that of Ximen Dong, but the breath that was revealed was powerful.

Ximen Shan, the genius of the Star Emperor Institute, is known as the Great Origin Learning Institute 1st Powerhouse – of course, this first is naturally removed from the divisions of the university.

Is this the Ximen Dong’s reliance, let Ximen Shan kill himself first and win without fighting?

Zhou Heng sneered in his heart. Although he looks like Star King, his real strength is Star Sovereign. In the face of a Star Emperor, he can get away even if he can’t win.

However, if it is to escape, will Ximen Dong dare to fight with himself two days later?

Zhou Heng made a decision in his heart.

“Senior Brother Ximen Shan?” Zhou Heng said with a smile, it seems that he did not realize that Ximen Shan’s comers were not good.

“Exactly!” The other party did not hide, and nodded to admit it. “Junior Brother Zhou is really good, and I found that I was deceived here without actually showing a trace of horror!”

“Is the horror useful?” Zhou Heng asked.

“haha, useless, no use at all!” Ximen Shan laughed, he sat on a raised stone, “Junior Brother Zhou does not need to be nervous, I am not coming to kill you today!”

This sentence Zhou Heng only believes in half, what credit is there for a person who deceives first? But think about Zhou Heng’s current position in the school. It is estimated that Ximen Shan does not dare to do too much, because there are always clues to the black fingers behind him.

He is the first of the students in the school. He is trained by the university. There are one hand covering the heavens among the students, but Zhou Heng is not simple. He broke all the records of Star King in one breath!

From the growth of the surname, Zhou Heng is more worth looking forward to!

“The Senior Brother Ximen invited me here, what advice?” Zhou Heng asked.

Listening to Zhou Heng’s use of “please” rather than “cheat”, Ximen Shan couldn’t help but reveal a deep smile and said: “I want to ask Junior Brother Zhou to promise one thing – when I’m talking with She’s brother, I’m not careful. Lose to the younger brother!”

Come, really!

Zhou Heng grinned and said: “If I promise now, will Senior Brother Ximen believe me?”

Ximen Shan is a sigh, said: “I really want to believe in Junior Brother Zhou, but I have just met with Junior Brother Zhou today, naturally I can’t talk about trust. So, in order to ensure that Junior Brother Zhou will lose to the younger brother, I want to move my hands on the feet of Junior Brother Zhou! Rest assured, rest assured, just some internal injuries, so that Junior Brother Zhou can only play 10% of the day after tomorrow, and he will be cured after a year or so!”

“Senior Brother Ximen, is this really so rare for the school to play?” Zhou Heng shook his head, this guy really didn’t even want to face the younger brother.

“Of course it’s rare!” Ximen Shan grinned. “When I was Star King, I participated in the Learning Institute Competition on behalf of the Great Origin Learning Institute. Although the Great Origin Learning Institute 1st Round was eliminated, I was still under the Great River. At the invitation of the Learning Institute, you can enter this top school!”

“But I chose to refuse, Junior Brother Zhou know why?” (To be continued.)

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