Sword of the Philosopher

Interview with the castle owner

We're going up the stairs to the palace, and we're finally going inside. Anyway, it's bright white on one side, and to be honest, it's so eye-catching.

"I'm not under the impression it's flashy, though."

Squirting my thoughts - and Nell reacted.

"It depends on the castle owner's taste. The angels here are not very flashy."

"Some of you like flashy?

"It's, well"

She clouds the words. That's an inclusive way of putting it... well, do you mean humans love golden pickles and some angels like that?

Looking sideways at the lined white columns we move on... somehow it's a sight that stretches the human spine we visited here. Sophia and Richard come here and keep their mouths shut. The presence of an angel and his opponent being the castle owner just made him nervous.

Again, a feeling like never before strikes my whole body. I don't know who the angel I'm about to meet is.

The door in the front approaches. White, unlike columns and walls, it's heavy and tightly closed. Then Nell pressed gently closer. That makes it incredibly easy to open the door.

"Come on, go ahead"

Invitation. We went through the door in silence - and then we saw the light.

To put it bluntly, it's between the thrones - but the wall that's supposed to be behind the throne is smashed through, and I can see the sunlight. Yet even the blue sky was visible, creating a scenery that was unintentionally overwhelming.

And the throne - next to the throne, which existed only slightly higher by the two staircases, the castle owner and the angel stood in hindsight. Is he a man in a white coat and out of his back?

"I've brought you"

Nell approaches him as he tells him. We followed it and approached the throne... we came to the front of the stairs and they turned around.

- At that moment, I opened my eyes and hardened.

"Hey, I've been waiting."

Combining a rigid atmosphere that doesn't suit an angel, samurai - gives us that impression.

Age is around thirty if you just say it by its appearance. Blonde hair appears in this space and the look is piercing. They just say you're an angel... it feels more like a knight. Are you used to wearing a coat? It does look good on you, but if you imagine armor, it sticks.

And that's why I solidified... because of the way it looked, because it was in my memory. This angel...

"My name is Devals-Burjant. This is how you have the castle because it worked so well in the war ahead."

- Quite humbly, etc., but Devals in front of me is one of the key characters in the third book, Angelic Arc. He was the protagonist's partner.

At the time, as an angel, I was still in a lower position, but as I fought with the protagonist, I grew big, and I would finally climb up by the time I could be the head of an angel - I was eventually interviewed to become longer, but I refused, and I continued my journey away from the heavenly realm, it was said... just after twenty years, is there a change? Apparently, he became the one with the castle in heaven.

"Are you a war experienced? What are you doing in heaven now?

Sophia asks. Then Devals laughed, "Ha-ha-ha,"

"Oh, I've had repeated interviews, and I'm finally going to sit in the chief's seat."

... Hey, all of a sudden I see the head of the heavens. In amazement, Devals speaks further.

"Oh, and this is the space created to invite guests. The other angels are trying not to come, so the secret conversation is perfect."

I'm surprised at two things: the character in the inner game being long, and the fact that I've suddenly met the long one. It's just that the extravagant personality hasn't changed anything from the game, and it seems the same when you grow up.

And the feast - it was a social game in my previous life, but maybe I was supposed to meet him after the event. Anyway, you're the head of heaven. Those who know the third one say, "You're the long one! It would have been a surprise."

So, I just can't predict seeing the chief, and Sophia and Richard round their eyes and stand up. On the other hand, I saw Nell. If you're going to meet the chief, explain the situation to me... and I'll take a look.

Besides, Nell smiled bitterly. Apparently the intent was read.

"The chief asked me to shut up..."

"I hope you're just a little surprised. Yeah, yeah, it's good for a reaction."

Devals speaking in a wussy way. He has a good personality.

"Well I can get to the point quickly...... this is how I came to heaven. I was wondering if I could take a look around a little bit."

"You mean tourism?

When I asked, Devals snorted.

"That's right. I'm excited to take a look around the castle and enjoy more views."

Speaking in a sneer, Devals... I don't know, I'm just recommending it, but I can see the atmosphere there that I can't even tell you if it's there.

It's like... when we start discussing it, we won't be able to see the view, so I can't even feel it...

"So, what do we do?

"... can I get down to business?

Devals seemed a little sorry for this request.

"If that's what you're saying, I can't help it. Shall we begin?"

"Even so, we don't know anything about the agenda."

"Let me explain that from now on. Please don't talk any harder. Normal is fine. Normal."

Something really hasn't changed with the personality I was watching in the game...... when this one reacted "ok," Devals started talking again.

"As for the fallen angels, there are three of them who are rambling, in which they are finally going to fight the villagers"


"As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to hear your candid thoughts. Was it Luon? We're getting reports that you fought directly with the Villagers, but how did it feel?

"... How well do you know me?

"Having joined hands with your princess and defeated the Demon King. That he defeated the Anverate's identity. And having troublesome problems."

"In contrast, the solution..."

"I can't say anything. Well, we'll look into it, too."

There's more than one group looking into me, including Gark. I feel like I can put this together in one... I don't know if it'll come together.

"So, what did you think?

"I have a problem, so I can't tell you what's confirmed. I just think that if we could do everything we can, there might have been a victory there."

"I see... can I interpret you as not stronger than the Demon King?

"Different types of intensity, and I can't say it all. And."

I glanced at Sophia,

"Her prowess...... that should be enough decision making"

"Hmm, I see. At this stage, the princess's swordsmanship is the most powerful."

"I don't mind that kind of interpretation"

"All right, all right"

When he says, he smiles at us. Wild, somewhere belligerent signs.

"You think there's a chance."

"I got away last time, but if you could block my exit, I would have done it"

"Yeah, yeah, that's enough if you figure it out"

"Um, isn't Villaiser not coming out on the ground for the moment?

Sophia asks. Well, that's all we fought so hard. The idea is supremely natural.

But Devals gives a peek of confidence.

"I have a plan for that."

"Measures, is it?

"It's my first ear, too."

Nell pinched his mouth. Devals prefaced, "Because I didn't tell you,"

"If you just want to do this, I have a few things to check. This time I called it includes verifying it"

"What's that?

In response to Sophia inquiring, Devals pointed up.

"If you're going to verify it. If you don't go outside... there's an exercise area over this castle, not the meadow. So let me do a little research."

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