Sword Spirit

Chapter 871: Life and death

Stopping the power of the tree of life, Sikong Tianmu reveals a disdainful smile: "With your strength, you want to deal with me, it is a dream!"

"You can't play against him here, you must leave here first." The voice of the ice spirit was introduced into Lu Xuan's ear.

Although Lu Xuan really wants to kill Sikong Tiancai directly here, but reason tells him that he can't do this. In doing so, he will only bring everyone to the bottomless abyss. No one can escape Sikong Tiancai and others. The claws.

"Nan Gong brother, dragon elder." Lu Xuan suddenly voiced.

"What's the matter?" Long Boming turned and asked, he was very hurt, but the dead camel was bigger than Ma, and at the moment he still joined forces with Nangong Lie to resist the attack of a strong group of people, but also maintained a situation of equal division, the only The change between Lu Xuan and Sikong Tiancai.

Lu Xuan’s strength has indeed made Long Boming look impressive. His impression of Lu Xuan remained at the time of the original beast. At that time, Lu Xuan was able to humiliate Lin Zeyu under his protection, which surprised him. Unexpectedly, this short time passed, Lu Xuan was able to confront the Sikong Tiancai who mastered the wood treasures, and it was unbelievable that Nangong Lie and other strong people would argue with each other.

Lu Xuantou did not return to take a deep breath: "You have withdrawn from the crowd, in this forest, no one has gotten the sky."

Long Boming couldn’t help but smile. He thought that Lu Xuan had any good ideas. He didn’t know this, but Sikong’s, the illusion of the gods and the souls united, far better than them, and they would sit and watch them evacuate. .

"It’s useless. Under their containment, there is no chance of fleeing at all." Long Boming shook his head.

At this time Lu Xuan said a word that surprised him: "I will block them, you will take everyone away."

Long Boming squinted his eyes and said: "Just kidding, you can't stop them! You can't stop fighting."

Lu Xuan ignored the words of Long Boming, and quickly said: "I dragged them up at most. During the ten-day period, you have to open the distance between them. As long as you can escape the forest, Then we have hope, if we can't escape... everything is rested."

Long Boming also wants to say it again. However, Nangong Lie suddenly said: "Lu brother, can you really delay the time?"

Lu Xuan nodded hard, and now this is the only life, he must fight.

"Okay. I believe in you!" For Lu Xuan's words, Nangong Lie did not have any doubts. In his view, Lu Xuan is definitely not a targetless person.

Nan Gonglie agreed, and Long Boming gave a slight glimpse, and he was only able to agree with Lu Xuan. After all, if Lu Xuan really can hold them off. That is the only life.

Soon, the news of the evacuation was introduced into the ears of the nine forces, such as Jiuhuameng. Only when Lu Xuan ordered, Nangong Lie and other strong players would immediately open their opponents.

"Lu Xuan, you are crazy! You will die!" Chen Xiaohan said anxiously with Lu Xuan, she did not expect Lu Xuan to make such a decision, even if Lu Xuan really can drag Sikong Tiancai and others all, but How can he bear the counterattack of so many powerful people?

Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "Master, Xiaohan. Protecting the ice, the first step has been taken. I can't watch everyone dying here, even if there is only a chance, I have to fight."

"Lu Xuan, you... this responsibility should not be on your shoulders." Zhao Ying said with some distress. On the age, Lu Xuan is only in his early twenties, but he always bears this with him. Unrecognized responsibility.

"Master. There is no time, I Lu Xuan, will not die so easily, even if there is a life, I will live." Lu Xuan Shen Sheng: "If you do not personally hand blade, empty, even if it is dead I have no face to see each other."

Chen Xiaohan still wants to say something, but Lu Xuan has ordered: "When I next shot, ready to break out, Dragon Elder, Nangong brother, everything is pleased."

The people of Jiuhua League are ready. The people of Nangong House are ready. The people of Wansha Island are also ready. He is staring at Lu Xuan, and this kid has the ability to crack these dead games. ?

Lu Xuan still put aside all thoughts, for the master, for Xiaohan, for the ice, how to fight together!


A burst of fierce fire suddenly came out from Lu Xuan's body. The flaming flame seemed to point Lu Xuan to the whole person. The people were shocked to find that Lu Xuan's breath began to rise sharply.

"Don't be desperate?" Sikong Tiancai laughed and laughed. He liked the feeling of this cat catching a mouse. He liked the pleasure of being forced to do it by others, but he was still playing in the palm of his hand.

The whole body of Qinglong blood, once again burned up, the last time to deal with Buno, Lu Xuan once burned once, that time, he relied on the strength of the return to the Eight Horizons, hard to kill the five-star soul Emperor Buno And this time, he burns the blood again, but he has to use his own power to stop countless powerful people!

The powerful force can't be suppressed from Lu Xuan's body. A solid dragon scale quickly covers his body. Lu Xuan can almost hear the sound of his bones becoming bigger, the whole person seems to be Inflated for a lap, it looks even bigger and more burly.

When the power was saved to the extreme, Lu Xuan couldn't help but shoot, and the dusty sword slammed down, and a bright sword light seemed to cut through the sky.

"Meteor catches the moon!"

A very strong sword, without the slightest deviation of the Sikong Tiancai attack, feel the power of this sword, Sikong Tiancai could not help but slightly change, this sword, so strong! He felt that the sword seemed to ignore all obstacles and directly pierced himself.

However, he knew that this was an illusion, so he started to push the tree of life with full force, but this time it was not used for attack, but for defense, and the endless branches formed an impenetrable tree wall. The protection of Sikong Tianmu is strictly enforced.

At this moment, Nangong Lie, He Ridi and Long Boming, who have been taking gestures all the time, suddenly broke out!

This change is not expected by anyone. Sikong Tiancai was forced to defend by Lu Xuan and his sword. The left-handed man was directly smashed by the strength of the day, and the two powerful souls released the powerful soul. Resist the raging fire of Nangong Lie.

"Withdrawal!" Nangong Lie violently screamed, and a strong force immediately wrapped a group of people, and quickly fled toward the rear. At the time of evacuation, he did not forget to display two more burning marks and further delay the time.

The same is true of the other strong people. With the help of several strong people, the many warriors who have just scattered and scattered, all disappeared at this moment, and instantly opened a long distance, this is a life and death. Competing, if they escaped from the forest, then there is still a fight, if they can not escape, less Lu Xuan, they will die.

"Damn! Chasing!" Sikong Tiancai yelled angrily. Lu Xuan’s sword was too strong, forcing him to defend his defense, resulting in no extra energy to limit the escape.

You don't need Sikong Tianmu to order, the people of the illusion of the gods and the souls are all angry, and they are ready to chase them, but at this moment, a figure appeared in front of them.

"Lu Xuan? You have not escaped?" Sikong Tiancao sneered: "Do you still want to break by yourself?"

"Do not talk nonsense, kill him." Chur out of the channel, more delays, the probability that the group of people escaped is greater, just before the breakthrough to the too empty Lu Xuan, he is not in the eye.

"Let's go together!" Dong Ruyi flashed a bright brilliance in his eyes and shouted loudly. She finally caught the opportunity to kill Lu Xuan. This time, Lu Xuan was also difficult to fly.

Countless attacks, all of which came to Lu Xuan at this moment, felt the fluctuation of the terrorist power coming from the air, and the raccoon who was kneeling on Lu Xuan’s shoulder couldn’t help but start to tremble, which was too exciting!

Dong Ruyi looked at Lu Xuan's eyes full of excitement. In her opinion, Lu Xuan is already a dead person. In this round of attack, there is the power of the tree of life controlled by Sikong Tiancai. There is the magical destruction of the left-handedness, and the soul of the soul is shocked. No one can bear the land of this seal. Live this level of attack, even if it is Nangong Lie!

Lu Xuan finally mentioned the sword, and the sword that he just got is the source of confidence that he dared to stand here against so many strong people.

The sword has not come out and the momentum has arrived. (To be continued~^~)

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