Sword Spirit

Chapter 907: Killing and immortal

Lu Xuan was immersed in contemplation after listening to the words. He knew that Ye Wenyan did not make it clear. It was for himself. Enlightenment requires self-realization. If Ye Wenyan said it all, he would add obstacles to himself and make himself realize. The difficulty of getting these two kendos increases.

Looking back carefully at the stone swords that I just felt, and in combination with what Ye Wenyan said, Lu Xuan seems to have some insights. The first thing he feels is the fierce killing in the kendo, and Ye Xiu’s burning the temple The establishment of the Jiuhua League will definitely not escape a killing. Perhaps, Ye Xiu’s sentiment of this kendo is derived from this.

Just what is a kendo? Lu Xuan thought hard, no doubt, the rest of the kendo is more advanced, so deep that he did not notice it, if not prompted by Ye Wenyan, he did not even think of it.

Li Jiuhuashan, making Yejia inheritance and immortality... Lu Xuan suddenly shocked, although the sword's momentum is full of killing, swordsmanship is fierce, but he experienced three moments, no trace of twists and turns, ask Whose sword can be so stable and continuous?

I only care about the killing in the sword, but I forgot the sword itself!

Ye Xiuzhi started his home, destroyed the temple, and built the Jiuhua League. This is the first kind of kendo. That is killing the kendo! If the road encounters obstacles, it will kill it and kill a beautiful road!

Li Jiuhuashan, for the sake of Ye Jiawan Shiye, what is its purpose? That is to make the Ye family immortal, this is the immortal kendo! It’s a sword that is endless, like endless, it’s immortal!

Lu Xuan turned his attention to Ye Wenyan and slowly said: "This is killing the kendo and the immortal kendo!"

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Wenyan suddenly burst into laughter: "Good understanding! Yes, the two kendos left by Ye Xiu's ancestors are killing kendo and immortal kendo. You can detect the killing of kendo, it is not unusual. After all, the strong killing of the sword is very obvious, but you can also distinguish the immortal kendo from it, so that your understanding is indeed wonderful!"

Ye Wenyan smiled very happily with a beard. As an elder, the happiest thing is to see potential younger generations. But then he put away a smile and said: "You can realize that the two kendos left by Ye Xiu's ancestors are rare, but for so many years, I have a lot of Ye Jiazi's children can do this. Next, It depends on whether you can realize these two kendos. Once you can understand it, I think I am afraid that I will have another unspeakable talent."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "The younger generation must do their best."

After all, he did not care about Ye Wenyan's reaction. When he sat down on his knees, he converges and re-enters the stone sword world.

Ye Wenyan looked at Lu Xuan with interest and thought that Ye Jia could still have such a wizard. He can see it. Lu Xuan not only repairs the three methods, but also the three major methods have achieved good results. This is extremely rare in ancient times. What is even more rare is that Lu Xuan seems to have a very high level of martial arts. I don’t know. Can the kid understand the two kendos from the stone sword left by Ye Xiu.

At this moment, Lu Xuan has already been immersed in the continuous swordsmanship sent by Shi Jian, ignoring the endless stream. As if the endless immortal kendo, Lu Xuan all the energy is bet on this strong killing.

The killing of the kendo master kills, the attack is very strong, often the sword is out of the blood, the drinker receives the sword. At this moment, Lu Xuan felt a little embarrassed. He seemed to see the majestic appearance of Ye Xiu, holding a three-footed Qingfeng, killing all the people who dared to fight Ye’s idea, and led the Ye family to kill the Temple of Heaven and establish the Jiuhua School. It is also a strong integration of the major family forces, and the people who follow me are prosperous, and the people who are against me are dead. Wherever Qing Feng goes, the blood flows into a river.

kill! kill! kill!

The voice of the deaf-eyed voice continued to echo in Lu Xuan’s mind, and the meaning of blood-sucking was unstoppable from the heart of Lu Xuan’s heart. At the same time, Lu Xuan’s understanding of the ruins of the kendo turned out to be I’m also starting to move!

Long Tai, Xu Wenyang, Leng Qingqiu, Lin Zeyu... Sikong Tiancai, and so on, the face of a lot of hateful people emerged in front of Lu Xuan’s eyes. If the death of each other is once again remembered by Lu Xuan, he will kill and kill everything hateful. Man; he will destroy, destroy all forces that hinder him!

Under the impact of this strong killing and destruction, Lu Xuan's robes are windless and automatic, and they are flying and dancing, giving people a sense of madness. At this moment, Lu Xuan immediately felt the destruction of the kendo. The dark side of the darkness was actually spurred by the cultivation of Ye Xiu's murderous kendo. He was already at the edge of the enchantment, and the demons had already appeared. Once the demons broke out completely, it was almost finished.

"Well!" Ye Wenyan suddenly changed his face: "The power of destruction, he actually mastered this power? And it is not the complete force of destruction, who taught him? These dark forces of destruction It is tantamount to a demon seed, which may break out at any time. This is completely harmful!"

Ye Wenyan was angry at who taught Lu Xuan the power of dark destruction. He did not know that Lu Xuan’s power of destruction was stolen from Dong Ruyi.

Although Ye Wenyan was anxious, he couldn’t get it. Now Lu Xuan is immersed in the sentiment. The devil is free to express himself. If he is forced to interrupt Lu Xuan’s sentiment, I don’t need the demons to erupt. The rebellion suffered by Lu Xuan is enough to destroy his mind.

"I only hope that there is still the existence of love in this child's heart. The existence of killing is not killing for killing. In the past, the killing of Ye Xiu's ancestors was only for the Ye family. He did not kill people, and people would destroy the Ye family. After all, in the end, The killing of Ye Xiu's ancestors is a passionate killing, not a ruthless killing." Ye Wenyan glared at a heart.

At this time, Lu Xuan has been completely affected by the demons. In his world of demons, he can do whatever he wants. No one can block the power of his sword, killing, killing, destroying, destroying, killing everything he wants to kill. However, his destructive heart has not converge in the slightest. It seems that only infinite destruction can bring him pleasure.

But at this time, a pair of deputy faces came to his eyes.

"Your name is Lu Xuan? I remember you, my name is Lin Xinyi." This is what Lin Xinyi said when he and Lin Xinyi met for the first time.

"If you love me, then you must live well... I am in the Xuanbing Pavilion, waiting for you to protect me." This is in the cave of the Hengduan Mountains, Zhao Binger said before Lu Xuan.

"Lu Xuan, you are a big fool, who told you to come over... I thought I couldn't see you again in this life." This is Chen Xiaohan who was trapped in Xuanbing's secret environment and cried when he saw Lu Xuan.


Xia Chenxi, if they are dependent, Zhang Dongshuang, and... Su Ye, far away from Zhongzhou, appear one by one. The appearance of their laughter or crying made Lu Xuan’s soul, which was invaded by the meaning of destruction, slowly washed away and gradually became clear again.

Looking at Lu Xuan seems to have become calmer, the meaning of killing and destroying is gradually disappearing, Ye Wenyan could not help but reveal a hint of joy, Lu Xuan seems to have defeated the demons and regained control of himself!

It is very difficult to suppress the demons, but it is extremely difficult to break the demons. I don’t know how many warriors are in the hands of my own demons, because the demons are another self. It is easier to overcome others and overcome themselves.

In Lu Xuan's world of demons, he looked at the familiar face and slowly lowered the sword in his hand. At this moment, he murmured: "No, there are so many beautiful things in the world. I can't destroy, the power of destruction should be controlled by me! I am not controlled by the power of destruction!"

A loud bang exploded in Lu Xuan’s mind, and the world of the demons broke at this moment. At the same time, two extremely pure forces exploded from Lu Xuan’s body, which was the power of killing and destruction. force!

"Haha, wonderful and wonderful, the boy is blessed in disguise." Ye Wenyan smiled and smiled. Lu Xuan broke his heart with a bang. It was a sudden realization of the killing of the kendo, and the half-hanger that was previously felt destroyed the kendo. Obsessed. Now Lu Xuan’s destructive power is no longer the power of the darkness that inherited from Dong Ruyi, but the power of destruction that he himself controls.

Lu Xuan did not come out of Ye Xiu’s kendo world. It’s just that the fierce killing of today’s eyes is extremely docile in his eyes. If this killing intention would also regard Lu Xuan as an outsider, then Now this killing has already regarded Lu Xuan as his own kind, and will never attack Lu Xuan. This feeling is like a fish.

However, at this time, the sword is still inexhaustible. Although the killing of the kendo is realized by Lu Xuan, the immortal kendo still exists.

Let the sword continue to strike, Lu Xuan did not move, he saw the sun, the moon and the stars, saw the sea and the sangtian, saw the old and sick...

What is immortal? With the heavens and the earth, with the sun and the moon, the life is long, the soul is immortal, the shape is immortal and the **** is immortal!

Lu Xuan appeared a bright light in front of him, and then became brighter and brighter. Finally, when the light completely filled his vision, everything was calm, stone sword is still stone sword, Tianjianshan is still in front, but endless swords But it has disappeared, and he finally woke up.

He took a deep breath and involuntarily pulled out the dusty sword. The sword came out, and a dazzling light appeared. A small sun appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

"The next day!" Lu Xuan screamed and shouted, and the trees all around him turned into ashes. However, Jianguang did not change at all, as if it would never die. Until Lu Xuan took the sword, everything was flat.

"Good martial arts! The combination of immortal sword and this trick is really a very second." Ye Wenyan praised.

Lu Xuan suddenly turned back, he was immersed in the enlightenment and could not extricate himself. Even the existence of Ye Wenyan was forgotten. Just realized the immortal kendo, it was the emotion that could not help but make this type of the next day, the sun rises and falls, and disappears. The immortal kendo is integrated into this style, and it is natural. (To be continued~^~)

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