Sword Spirit

Chapter 921: Blue out of blue

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao was ashamed and annoyed, and was struggling. Lu Xuan was Shen Sheng: "If you want to go out, don't move, the big array is ever-changing, I can push the show to escape, but you can't hide."

Lu Xuan’s voice has an indescribable meaning. Ye Yan’s words can’t help but feel stiff, and he’s no longer struggling. He’s squatting in Lu Xuan’s arms, and Lu Xuan’s is really not about her, just constantly in the big array. Interspersed in the gap, using the powerful body and the large array of omissions to avoid the attack.

Looking at Lu Xuan like a butterfly, dexterously moved under the attack of the big array, every time he rushed to make a response before the big array had a movement, Ye Hao could not help but have a feeling of great peace of mind.

Although the defense of the big array is close, but Lu Xuan has already pushed everything out. In a short period of time, it has avoided hundreds of attacks in succession. Finally, everything is suddenly clear, when Lu Xuan finally stepped out of the big At the time of the battle, I found that I was no longer in the mountains, but at the foot of a mountain.

"Where is this?" Lu Xuan doubts.

Ye Hao looked up and said: "Of course it is the Five Elements Mountain."

“Is this going to the third mountain?” Lu Xuan said: “To go to the next mountain, shouldn’t you want to succeed in the mountains?”

"That is for the general practitioners, we have all passed through the large array of Ye Jianbai's ancestors, and naturally sent us to the third mountain." Ye Yili said of course.

"I have been through a big battle, you just brought me out." Lu Xuan expressed his opinion on what Ye Hao said.

Ye Hao suddenly said indignantly: "Small ghosts, don't put me down, when do you want to take advantage of it?"

Lu Xuan looked at Ye Hao in his arms, his hands suddenly and without a warning, and accompanied by Ye Hao, he screamed, and she fell to the ground.

"You!" Ye Hao climbed up in anger and pointed to Lu Xuandao: "Do you know how to write the words of pity and jade?"

"Isn't it just good to hold you, isn't this a pity? If you don't want to, then I naturally respect your choice and let go." Lu Xuan shook his head and said something. Then he walked up the Wuxing Mountain without going back.

There are five areas in Wuxing Mountain, which belong to five lines. Each area has a corresponding experience. But the most precious, naturally, is the five elements of energy.

And to pass the Five Elements Mountain, there are two ways, the first one is directly to the mountain. For the warriors who do not practice the five elements of practice, Wuxingshan does not help them much. It is not necessary to waste too much time here. Only by showing enough strength, they can go to the next mountain.

The second method is to perceive any five-line rule. After feeling the Five Elements Law. The help that Wuxing Mountain can bring is not great.

Lu Xuan also learned after listening to Ye Hao. Originally, he also hoped to increase the power of the gods in the Wuxing Mountain. Now, I am afraid it will not work. He possesses a group of five elements of treasures, such as Chaos, and he does not provide him with the power of the Five Elements. The strength of the five elements in the Five Elements Mountain is strong, but how can it compare with the treasures that Bingfeng left in the past? .

Stepping into the Wuxing Mountain, I felt the concentration of the force on the Friday and Friday. Lu Xuan shook his head in disappointment. Sure enough, as he expected.

Since the Wuxing Mountain did not play much role, Lu Xuan would not waste time. He had lost a lot of time in Tianjianshan and Wanshishan, and he had to hurry. He didn't want to spend too much time on this Jiuhua Mountain.

"The Five Elements Mountain is not very helpful to me. I will take a step first." Lu Xuan said Ye Hao.

Ye stunned him and said: "If you take advantage of it, you want to run? It's not that simple. I don't practice the Five Elements, so I will go with you."

"Whatever you want, how do you smash the mountain?" Lu Xuan did not care.

"There is a passage leading directly to the top of the mountain. Of course. There are many shackles that are good at the power of the Five Elements. You only need to overcome these shackles to get to the top of the mountain."

Ye Hao is obviously very familiar with Jiuhua Mountain. Under her guidance, the two went directly to a straight mountain road. Lu Xuan was able to detect that this mountain road had a strong array of fluctuations. Obviously this is the array of manipulation. Law, immediately, Lu Xuan is the first time to start Jiuhuashan, the two previous mountains, he is step by step to understand.


In the Jiuhua League, Zhao Ying stood in front of Zhao Bing's bed and sighed a little after a long while.

"The condition of Binger has not been alleviated. Although the power of Xuan Bing is used to temporarily freeze her vitality, there will be no danger to life in a short period of time, but in the long run, it will be gradually eroded by the yin and yang. ”

The leaves are standing behind Zhao Ying, and at this moment, the brows are wrinkled, and the yin and yang are not the only ones. The Jiuhua League is also a big business, and it’s not without the skills of the men. But no one can solve Zhao Binger’s viciousness.

And the many treasures he has come out can only maintain the vitality and strength of Zhao Binger, make up for the vitality and strength that she is eroded by the haze, but after all, it is only a temporary solution, not a long-term solution.

"I didn't expect Sikong to pay attention to the life of Sikong Tiancai. We just want to use his life to exchange the antipyretics of Binger's sister. They are not willing. It is really heart-wrenching." Chen Xiaohan bite his teeth.

Ye has no trace: "The method of cultivating the offspring of Sikong is different from ours. Sikong is good at poisoning, so they cultivate the next generation and use the method of raising oysters. Since Sikong Tiancai has already fallen into our hands, it is for Sikong. He said that he is a loser, and the loser naturally does not have to live."

"Sikong Tiancai killed and depended on each other, and made Binger's sister still unconscious and dying, but he was not willing to take out the antidote. How to rescue the Binger sister is still a problem." Xia Chen sang out.

After learning that Zhao Binger was in a coma, Xia Chen’s coma was also awkward. At the beginning, Zhao Ying originally brought her and Zhao Binger and Chen Xiaohan into the seal, but near entering the seal. Xia Chenxi suddenly felt the opportunity of breakthrough, so Zhao Ying let her stay in the Jiuhua League breakthrough, it is because of this, Xia Chenxi escaped, if she also entered the seal land, I am afraid that the outcome is unpredictable.

"I don't know if there is any way for Xuan Ge, he will not look at the ice sister, this way." Chen Xiaohan could not help but think of Lu Xuan, in her heart. Lu Xuan is almost omnipotent.

"How is Xuan's current situation?" Zhao Ying asked for no trace of leaves, and then some blame: "You are so anxious to send Xuan children into Jiuhuashan, what our mother and son are not easy to recognize." I haven't had time to reunite and let you separate."

Was blamed by Zhao Ying, Ye Wujiu does not refute, but reluctantly said: "If today's situation on the mainland of the sword is turbulent, Sikong has completely control the temples of the Eight Senses. It is even more ambitious with the illusion of the gods, and we are ambitious. We have complaints with the Sikong family. There is a huge battle, and once Xuan’s identity is exposed, it will inevitably become an important goal for Sikong’s family. For him, nothing is more important than improving his strength.”

"How do you say that you are reasonable, if he has something unexpected, you will wait." Zhao Ying threatened.

No trace of the leaves, no matter the presence of juniors, Zhao Ying’s shoulders smiled and said: “You can rest assured that there is danger in Jiuhua Mountain, and he met two ancestors in Jiuhua Mountain. The child is extremely optimistic, but it is asserted that the talent is far better than me. Zeng Shuzu is determined to let Xuan Er become his descendant. His future achievements will inevitably be above me."

"Zeng Shuzu? But what was the name of the sword magic?" Zhao Ying asked quickly.

"of course!"

Affirmation of the leaf without a trace, Zhao Ying suddenly showed a hint of joy: "Be able to be seen by Zeng Shuzu, that is the opportunity of Xuan Er, if I remember well, then you told me that you want to learn sword with Zeng Shuzu But was he rejected?"

Seeing Zhao Ying’s own scandal, Ye Wuxu said a little shouted: “It’s just because I’m not suitable for learning the kendo of Zeng’s ancestors. It doesn’t mean that I can’t do it. But compared with Xuan’s, I’m really not. You don't know, Zeng Shuzu wanted Xuan Er to pass on his kendo. Who knows Xuan Er said that if Zeng Shuzu's kendo is not good enough, he can't learn, and now Zeng Shuzu is retreating, it is the words of Xuan Er. stimulate."

Listening to the leaves without saying that Lu Xuan is in the Jiuhua Mountain, Chen Xiaohan and Xia Chenxi could not help but reveal a slight smile. Although Lu Xuan has stayed in Jiuhua Mountain for a long time, they have been worried about it.

"Speaking of it, Xuan Ge has been in Jiuhuashan for half a year, and I don't know when it will come out." Chen Xiaohan said.

"I once told Xuan Er that he wants to cross the Seventh Mountain, from March to March, and then for three years. Although he has not been with Xuaner for a long time, he is young and able to do it on his own. To achieve such strength, it must be a down-to-earth person, and will never blindly pursue Lushan, but all the way to the past, in my opinion, at least one year." Ye Wuxue said.

Zhao Ying sighed aloud: "I am now worried that Xuan Er will come out and see that Binger is still unconscious and will make an irrational decision."

“How do you say this?” The leaves have no slight brows.

"He told me that if he couldn't get the drug to be used as an antidote, then he would have to take a trip to the temple and take back the antidote for Binger."

The leaves have no traces and a glimpse of the sleeves: "The hustle and bustle! The Eight Senses Temple is a five-pronged sect, and the foundation is strong. It is not much worse than our nine-China alliance. I will not allow him to go."

"Do you think he will listen to you? During this time, you didn't know much about Xuan Er's past deeds. He was a fearless person, or a disciple of Feng Jianzong, he dared to violate the rules." The knife murders, and in the Xuan Bingge, even the elders dare to kill, that is, knowing that Lin Zeyu is the younger brother of your son, and still killing it, what he dare not."

Ye has no traces of words, he asked himself to do things decisively, in the same year for Zhao Yinglian Si Kongxin killed, but compared to Lu Xuan is even more afraid of things, I was eager to have nine Huameng protection, and Lu Xuan There are no forces, and they dare to do this reckless thing.

However, Lu Xuan did this for his own woman. He said that he had inherited his own.

PS: A bit late, Chapter 2. (To be continued~^~)

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