Sword Spirit

Chapter 931: The magical effect of the gods

Ye Hao has been taking time to pay attention to Lu Xuan's situation. If Lu Xuan can't resist it, then he can't just retreat temporarily. But after seeing Lu Xuan's sword, he couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect Lu Xuan to suddenly make a big splash. Shenwei, the power of a sword, turned out to be all the evil that surrounded him. Although there are two broken arm fires and a good fire, there is no threat to Lu Xuan.

Under the joy, the blood repair Luo has already attacked him again. Ye Hao has not been able to resist it. He was tortured by a boxing chest. He suddenly felt a suffocation, and the internal organs were already injured. He couldn’t help but spurt out a blood. Seeing that the blood Xiu Luo came back again, he wanted to kill him in one fell swoop. He hurriedly took a breath and pushed it back with a sword.

Although he succeeded in retreating from the blood, but Ye Hao knew that his current state could not be supported for too long, he shouted: "Xuandi, I am going to be unable to contain it."

Lu Xuan squinted at the place where Ye Hao was, and saw that Ye Hao had vomited blood, knowing that the situation was not good. Fortunately, he did not have the slightest hand to stop. The shot was a thunder blow, which directly destroyed most of the inflammatory devils. I can barely pull out my hand.

Immediately he shouted: "Take it over, I will deal with it!"

Ye Hao bite his teeth: "I can hold back a little longer, and you will hurry to get rid of the remaining flaming demon."

Ye Hao is a five-fold peak in the virtual world. Naturally, it is not so unbearable. It was just a distraction that was attacked by the blood of Xiu Luo, which led to injury. Now there are still a few of the remaining evils that have not been killed. Do not dare to trade, let Lu Xuan face the siege of blood repair and inflammation.

Lu Xuan is not nonsense at the moment, seeing the three surviving fires once again hit themselves, screaming: "Thousands of Thunder!"

As he said this, his right hand still held the sword, but on the left hand, there was a sudden flash of bamboo with a blue-violet glow. It was the three-foot-long Jin Leizhu.

Jin Leizhu waved, and a huge Thunder seal appeared out of thin air. His shot was a twenty-layer Thunder seal, facing the three-headed fire. The name of the Thunder is as good as its name, and it is strongly suppressed by the thunder.


Thunder prints violently attacked, and the three heads of the screaming screamed with a slap in the face. However, the three figures were blocked by the power of Thunder. At the same time, the Thunder was printed in a circle at an extremely fast speed, and was again superimposed by Lu Xuan. At the moment, it still reached twenty-one, and it swept again.


Thunder prints four consecutive shots, which is directly superimposed by Lu Xuan to the twenty-five layers, the power is more powerful, the three-headed demon has already consumed a lot of power in order to resist the previous attacks, nowadays The twenty-fifth layer of Thunder giant strikes. Finally, I can't hold it anymore. The three big bodies were directly shattered and turned into countless pieces of scattered stones.

See Lu Xuan's exhibition of Shenwei, three or two is to kill this group of annoying fires, Ye Hao is naturally overjoyed, he really did not read wrong, Lu Xuan's strong attack power, far from their own comparable, if let I am facing the twelve heads of the fire at the same time, I am afraid I will barely protect myself. Not to mention that Lu Xuan is so quick and confusing.

"Come, Xuan Di is careful!" Ye Hao reminded, and immediately turned into a residual image directly toward Lu Xuan rushed over, that blood Xiu Luo is not eager to pursue behind him, but the speed is not slow.

Looking at the blood of Xiu Luo, when Ye Hao passed by him, Lu Xuan flashed a stern color in his eyes, and the thunderprint superimposed on the 25th floor carried an unrivaled trend, swept across the blood And go.

Under the circumstance, the blood Xiu Luo directly stroked. The huge body was instantly shot by Lu Xuan, but this guy was really not comparable to the general inflammation. After the Thunder strike, the body swayed quickly and stabilized. .

Then he only heard it screaming, suddenly turned into a blood shadow, and the rapid rushing to Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan is not the first time to fight with it, dare not have the slightest scorn, and he was superimposed by a layer Thunder prints again.

This may also be aware of the powerful power of Thunder, this time it is no longer hard, in the face of Thunder India's attack is extremely light and turn in the air, want to avoid the Thunder.

Lu Xuan’s eyes flashed, and he would give the opportunity to repair the blood, just as the blood Xiluo was dodging, under his control, the Thunder giant seal exploded in the vicinity of the blood repair Luo! The power of the destructive Thunder suddenly exploded in undisturbed surroundings, and the blood repaired a scream of screams, the left shoulder was directly blown, and numerous small stones flew out.

However, this does not seem to be enough to repel it. Perhaps Lu Xuan has completely angered it. Just after a slight meal, it is not reluctant to attack Lu Xuan again, but the speed is faster than before.

At this time, a very fast figure from the middle of the road to kill out of thin air, a sharp sword directly stabbed in the body of the blood repair, it is Ye Hao!

At the time when Ye Jian’s sword stabbed into the blood of Xiu Luo, the blood repair Luo also slammed a hand in the light and lightning, and Ye Hao rushed to avoid it, but he was still slammed on the shoulder by the palm of his hand. Retreat, this is a wound injury, the chest of blood repair Luo was pierced by a long-lasting sword of Ye Hao, Ye Hao is also a pain in the shoulder, fearing that the bones are folded.

At one time, Ye Hao’s fangs licked his mouth, but he still underestimated the strength of this blood Xiu Luo. I don’t know if it was because of his own cooperation with Lu Xuan. The blood repairing Luo was more powerful than what he had faced before. Although it was hurt by injury, I changed my chest with a palm in my chest. If it is under normal circumstances, I naturally earn it myself, but unfortunately the key to blood repair is not in the chest, plus my own defense. It can't be compared at all, and I'm afraid it will be a little lost.

It’s just a good time for Ye Hao’s desperate blow. How can Lu Xuan miss it? Under the long shout, the wind and thunder will be pushed to the extreme, and the time and space laws will be fully exerted. At this moment, Lu Xuan is almost in one fell swoop. Crossing the long distance between the blood and the Shura, the sword appeared in front of Xue Xiu Luo without warning.

Under the sword, Lu Xuan violently said: "The next day!"

Two distinct breaths emanating from Lu Xuan's sword at the same time represent the destructive power of destruction and the enduring power of immortality.


A sword fell to the head of the blood, and the blood screamed, and raised his arms to resist. He only heard a bang, and the blood was repaired by a burst of solid lava.

However, it can withstand the power of this sword, but it can't stop the power of destruction in this sword. The power of destruction has not hindered into its arms without any hindrance, and it is destroyed from the inside. The power and horror of the power of destruction, its power is not brute force, and it is not so simple to resist.

Blood Xiu Luo seems to have noticed that the power of destruction is not good. At this moment, suddenly there is a raging flame, and in a flash, the power of destruction is extinguished. As a blood repair, in addition to power, In addition to the speed, there are still some other abilities, otherwise it will not become a tyrant on the Shura Mountain.

"I see you can block a few swords!" Lu Xuan sneered, and the dusty sword took a circle and then squatted again. It was still the same day. The only thing that was revealed was the power to destroy the kendo in the next day. Now, he To exert the power of this immortal kendo.

With the heavens and the earth, with the sun and the moon, the endless life, is immortal! The sun rises and falls every day, and there is no stopping. This is also immortal, and the next day is to infuse this law into it.

At this moment, the sword in Lu Xuan’s hand seems to have become the next day. When the sword rises from the sword, it is like a natural one. The blood repair is only a parry, and there is no power to fight back.

Although Ye Hao was injured in the left shoulder, there is no problem with the right hand holding the sword. Seeing that Lu Xuan has completely entangled the blood repairing Luo, immediately biting his teeth, Yuan Li is running wildly, and all the power is poured into the sword. Pulling high, stunned to the blood to repair the past, this sword directly refers to the top of the blood repair Luo, it is obvious that a sword runs through its head, which is the key point of the fire and blood.

Seeing that Ye Hao launched an attack, Lu Xuan did not relax. The dusty sword waved even more quickly. He did not give the blood a sigh of breath. The blood Xiu Luo did not know that Ye Hao’s sword could have his life. This life and death crisis, I saw it is a scream, a sudden burst of flaming flames, suddenly spread around, Lu Xuan did not want to retreat, but who knows this flame is very strange, his hand After being contaminated for a trace, it couldn’t be ruined anyway, as if it were sticking to the blood.

Under the ambiguity of the mind, Lu Xuan still dared to stay, his body shape retreats, and the water ripples are surging, wanting to destroy this silk flame, but it is in vain, then his mind is moving, the body water The pearl fell into the hand instantly, and a cool meaning came out. The flame that could never be extinguished was automatically extinguished under the action of the **** waterdrop.

Lu Xuan showed a hint of joy, this **** of water beads, it really is a wonderful use of infinity.

Although Lu Xuan retired in time, but Ye Hao was not so lucky, blood Xiu Luo controlled all the flames and smashed into the past, and for a moment, Ye Hao was a big fire.

"Ah!" The burning pain continued to come, and Ye Hao couldn't help but cry out. Lu Xuan gave a big voice: "Hey brother, by!"

After all, Lu Xuan directly threw the gods of water to Ye Hao. Ye Hao didn’t know what it was, but he wanted to come to Lu Xuan and wouldn’t harm himself. He immediately endured the pain and waved the gods, and the wonderful scene was It happened. With the start of God's water pearls, Ye Hao suddenly felt the burning pain, and then the inexhaustible flames were slowly autonomously extinguished.

At this moment, Ye Yi’s clothes were burned seven or eight, but they looked at the gods in their hands, and their confidence increased suddenly. Once again, they rushed to the blood to repair the road: "I will see how you burn me!" To be continued~^~)

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