A very simple word, but it still shows Ling Tian's powerful self-confidence.

"This Ling Tian is crazy, now like this, dare to mock Lin Feifan?"

"That is, he doesn't even have golden wings, is it possible that, he wants to Can his Fleshy body resist Lin Feifan hardly? He is too confident!"

"hehe, Ling Tian, ​​you have a kind, let me see, what qualifications do you have to clamor with me! "

Ling Tian didn't give too much time to think, the green sword in his hand burst out with buzzing sounds. Stomped heavily on the floor, and immediately the tip of the sword was picked, and under the infusion of the imaginary energy, a powerful azure ripple burst out.

Ripples are like ripples, quietly swaying and sweeping,

This feeling is indeed terrifying.

Today's Lin Feifan has the ability to counter the Primordial Spirit.

His battle strength, not just in name only, but also in reality!


Next moment, Lin Feifan's vitality is agitated, turning into a touch of azure light and violently plundering. With a trembling of his wrist, he pierced out one after another sharp and cold sword flower like lightning, piercing Ling Tian's heart, mouth, eyes, eyebrows and other vital points.

"Mountain and river stick!"

Ling Tian is coldly snorted, holding the prison flame stick with both hands, dancing like the wind. Take that number of sword glow.

Then it opened and closed, and while the prison fire stick was dancing, fiercely strikes on the one after another fierce sword flower.

Dang dang!

The sharp metal collision sound resounded in the Yuelong battle stage, and two figures ghost-like intertwined. Between the flashes, their respective shots were frantically, and every confrontation would bring an unusually violent aftermath.


in midair, the two figures collided again and again, the aftermath surged, and a figure was thrown off by fiercely amidst the loud noise.

After landing, a person's complexion was solemn, and he traced out hundreds of meters.

It is Ling Tian!

Seeing such a result, the expressions of everyone at Xiaoyao Academy became extremely solemn.

After Lin Feifan's Peak battle strength broke out, everyone could imagine his strength, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

But with more than ten tricks against each other, you have actually gained the upper hand?

The blow at the moment even hurt Ling Tian a bit, and directly blasted him back.

This is the first time Ling Tian has appeared in this state in the grand competition.

Could it be that Ling Tian is not working?

Some people think like this, and those who have suppressed Ling Tian's victory are even more sinking.

"Turn the sword into a prison!"

in midair, Lin Feifan was so powerful that he displayed a number of sword glow, and he condensed a cage-like sword in midair. shadow.


As soon as this cage appeared, the power of the imaginary form in Lin Feifan's body was poured into it in an instant. Let this cage be like the essence, moved towards Ling Tian, ​​fiercely suppressed it.

The moment the cage fell, all around the air seemed to become heavy and twisted, and all movement methods became extremely slow.

Turning the sword into a prison, constantly zooming in Ling Tian's pupils, making his figure difficult to move.

Dragon Sect grand competition, Treasure Item and pets are not allowed.

Otherwise, Ling Tian took out Ice Soul Clock, and the battle would have ended long ago.

Move a little bit, Ling Tian feels very difficult, but this is only to surprise Ling Tian, ​​he actually wants to use brute force to break open at any time, but, facing the sword skill, some Curious that's all.


Looking at the struggling opponent, Lin Feifan's mouth evoked a cruel smile.

"Mountain and river sticks, cracked sky!"

Ling Tian didn't dare to have any reservations, while the sticks buzzed, accompanied by a startled Heavenly Beast roar. In midair, a huge stick shadow suddenly fell, and with the force of thunder, it shook the sky swiftly and violently.

"This is?"

Lin Feifei's eyes flashed with surprise, Ling Tian's stick is really too strong.

Although the strength of Fleshly Body is cohesive and not huge, the power it contains seems to be able to shock the sky.

At the moment when the shadow of the stick came up, the sword that fell in midair was turned into a prison, and it was immediately divided into four pieces. After the two martial skills disappeared, cracks appeared on the floor of the tenacious Leaping Dragon Platform, and there was a continuous loud noise and roar.

Under one stick, it seems that Heaven and Earth are trembling!

"Damn it!"

Lin Feifan yelled, his hole cards repeatedly failed to work, which made him very embarrassed.

Moreover, Ling Tian is obviously in a weak position, but he just can't kill Ling Tian!

In the aftermath of the shock, Ling Tian, ​​who permeated the battle stage, flew into the air.

Go Dragon Boxing!

The dragon elephant immediately boiled, and rays of light like the scorching sun burst out on Ling Tian. this moment. Ling Tian fleshy body is like a dragon, and the whole body is shrouded by dazzling rays of light, one after another terrifying breath is emitted.

This kind of offensive is terrifying, and the shadow of the dragon that Ling Tian condenses on his arm has been several ten zhang long. But the rays of light are not stopped, and they are still devouring the Strength of Fleshly Body refining in a frenzy. Such a scene makes the outsiders astounded.

Ling Tian Strength of Fleshly Body, used so calmly, almost do as one pleases.

You must know that not everyone can control such astonishing powers. If one is not enough, there is a danger of explosion and death.

"receive my move!"

Ling Tian Shen Sheng coldly shouted, and moved the majestic power gathered by this Dragon Boxing towards the opponent heavily.

"courting death!"

Seeing that Ling Tian's Dragon Boxing was about to fall, Lin Feihua's eyes became cold, and there was not much left in his body. But at this moment, it suddenly burned.

At the moment of burning, Lin Feifan's face instantly paled, as if he had paid some price.

For a moment, on the long sword in his hand, the azure light suddenly boiled warmly and burned.

"Qingqiu cut!"

Wait until the azure light on the long sword burned to the most blazing time, 1 Flood Dragon illusory shadow, amidst the wailing sound, rushed out , Turned into a sword glow, general electric shot, moved towards Ling Tian cut it down!


Lin Feifan burst out, with a monstrous crazy killing intent.


Almost instantaneously, a loud sound that shook the sky and the earth rang out loudly on this ancient battle stage, and the whole earth shuddered at this moment.

This kind of situation is so shocking in people's hearts that I didn't expect it.

Such a terrifying confrontation will erupt in just the group stage. Even the battle between Qin Mingyue and Cui Zhan just now is not as terrifying as this time.


In the aftermath, Ling Tian's figure was shaken back by fiercely.

He was slightly embarrassed, look pale, and there was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. The glittering light on his body was somewhat shattered, and his whole body was riddled with scars, staring coldly at the other person's figure in the dust.

Under this sword, Ling Tian suffered some injuries to the fleshy body.

Although the body of the rock crystal is tyrannical, it is still somewhat reluctant to face a blow comparable to the Primordial Spirit Realm.

I have to say that Lin's extraordinary strength is indeed impressive.

"Damn it, it's not dead yet."

The aftermath dissipated, and Lin Feihua's figure gradually became clear. At this time, his face is deathly pale, as if his life has not been long. It looks exceptionally terrifying.

"However, since you are like this, how can you resist me? No matter how much you pay, I will kill you!"

Lin Feifan's pale face smiled grimly ,Moved towards Ling Tian fiercely’s culling of the past.

"Hehe, I don't want to continue. Give you a chance, but you are not useful."

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly has dazzling rays of light Treasure Item Immediately, through the rays of light, everyone suddenly discovered that Ling Tian's body, I don't know when, unexpectedly a pair of armor appeared, and its head was also covered by a hideous mask.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent roar, the wind and clouds rose together, and Heaven and Earth paled.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​a pair of extremely bright golden wings bloomed!

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